blob: edc7848bbaa90e9b78e7c0a91665eb534bccc340 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "nativebridge/native_bridge.h"
#define LOG_TAG "nativebridge"
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <log/log.h>
namespace android {
namespace {
void* GetLibHandle() {
static void* handle = dlopen("", RTLD_NOW);
LOG_FATAL_IF(handle == nullptr, "Failed to load %s", dlerror());
return handle;
template <typename FuncPtr>
FuncPtr GetFuncPtr(const char* function_name) {
auto f = reinterpret_cast<FuncPtr>(dlsym(GetLibHandle(), function_name));
LOG_FATAL_IF(f == nullptr, "Failed to get address of %s: %s", function_name, dlerror());
return f;
#define GET_FUNC_PTR(name) GetFuncPtr<decltype(&name)>(#name)
} // namespace
bool LoadNativeBridge(const char* native_bridge_library_filename,
const struct NativeBridgeRuntimeCallbacks* runtime_callbacks) {
static auto f = GET_FUNC_PTR(LoadNativeBridge);
return f(native_bridge_library_filename, runtime_callbacks);
bool NeedsNativeBridge(const char* instruction_set) {
static auto f = GET_FUNC_PTR(NeedsNativeBridge);
return f(instruction_set);
bool PreInitializeNativeBridge(const char* app_data_dir, const char* instruction_set) {
static auto f = GET_FUNC_PTR(PreInitializeNativeBridge);
return f(app_data_dir, instruction_set);
void PreZygoteForkNativeBridge() {
static auto f = GET_FUNC_PTR(PreZygoteForkNativeBridge);
return f();
bool InitializeNativeBridge(JNIEnv* env, const char* instruction_set) {
static auto f = GET_FUNC_PTR(InitializeNativeBridge);
return f(env, instruction_set);
void UnloadNativeBridge() {
static auto f = GET_FUNC_PTR(UnloadNativeBridge);
return f();
bool NativeBridgeAvailable() {
static auto f = GET_FUNC_PTR(NativeBridgeAvailable);
return f();
bool NativeBridgeInitialized() {
static auto f = GET_FUNC_PTR(NativeBridgeInitialized);
return f();
void* NativeBridgeLoadLibrary(const char* libpath, int flag) {
static auto f = GET_FUNC_PTR(NativeBridgeLoadLibrary);
return f(libpath, flag);
void* NativeBridgeGetTrampoline(void* handle, const char* name, const char* shorty, uint32_t len) {
static auto f = GET_FUNC_PTR(NativeBridgeGetTrampoline);
return f(handle, name, shorty, len);
bool NativeBridgeIsSupported(const char* libpath) {
static auto f = GET_FUNC_PTR(NativeBridgeIsSupported);
return f(libpath);
uint32_t NativeBridgeGetVersion() {
static auto f = GET_FUNC_PTR(NativeBridgeGetVersion);
return f();
NativeBridgeSignalHandlerFn NativeBridgeGetSignalHandler(int signal) {
static auto f = GET_FUNC_PTR(NativeBridgeGetSignalHandler);
return f(signal);
bool NativeBridgeError() {
static auto f = GET_FUNC_PTR(NativeBridgeError);
return f();
bool NativeBridgeNameAcceptable(const char* native_bridge_library_filename) {
static auto f = GET_FUNC_PTR(NativeBridgeNameAcceptable);
return f(native_bridge_library_filename);
int NativeBridgeUnloadLibrary(void* handle) {
static auto f = GET_FUNC_PTR(NativeBridgeUnloadLibrary);
return f(handle);
const char* NativeBridgeGetError() {
static auto f = GET_FUNC_PTR(NativeBridgeGetError);
return f();
bool NativeBridgeIsPathSupported(const char* path) {
static auto f = GET_FUNC_PTR(NativeBridgeIsPathSupported);
return f(path);
bool NativeBridgeInitAnonymousNamespace(const char* public_ns_sonames,
const char* anon_ns_library_path) {
static auto f = GET_FUNC_PTR(NativeBridgeInitAnonymousNamespace);
return f(public_ns_sonames, anon_ns_library_path);
struct native_bridge_namespace_t* NativeBridgeCreateNamespace(
const char* name, const char* ld_library_path, const char* default_library_path, uint64_t type,
const char* permitted_when_isolated_path, struct native_bridge_namespace_t* parent_ns) {
static auto f = GET_FUNC_PTR(NativeBridgeCreateNamespace);
return f(name, ld_library_path, default_library_path, type, permitted_when_isolated_path,
bool NativeBridgeLinkNamespaces(struct native_bridge_namespace_t* from,
struct native_bridge_namespace_t* to,
const char* shared_libs_sonames) {
static auto f = GET_FUNC_PTR(NativeBridgeLinkNamespaces);
return f(from, to, shared_libs_sonames);
void* NativeBridgeLoadLibraryExt(const char* libpath, int flag,
struct native_bridge_namespace_t* ns) {
static auto f = GET_FUNC_PTR(NativeBridgeLoadLibraryExt);
return f(libpath, flag, ns);
struct native_bridge_namespace_t* NativeBridgeGetVendorNamespace() {
static auto f = GET_FUNC_PTR(NativeBridgeGetVendorNamespace);
return f();
} // namespace android