blob: a2c890db72084fc649be8e236df49f62903712b1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "disassembler_arm.h"
#include "stringprintf.h"
#include <iostream>
namespace art {
namespace arm {
DisassemblerArm::DisassemblerArm() {
void DisassemblerArm::Dump(std::ostream& os, const uint8_t* begin, const uint8_t* end) {
if ((reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(begin) & 1) == 0) {
for (const uint8_t* cur = begin; cur < end; cur += 4) {
DumpArm(os, cur);
} else {
// remove thumb specifier bits
begin = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(begin) & ~1);
end = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(end) & ~1);
for (const uint8_t* cur = begin; cur < end;) {
cur += DumpThumb16(os, cur);
void DisassemblerArm::DumpReg(std::ostream& os, uint32_t reg) {
switch (reg) {
case 14: os << "LR"; break;
case 15: os << "PC"; break;
default: os << "r" << reg; break;
void DisassemblerArm::DumpRegList(std::ostream& os, uint32_t reg_list) {
if (reg_list == 0) {
os << "<no register list?>";
bool first = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if ((reg_list & (1 << i)) != 0) {
if (first) {
os << "{";
first = false;
} else {
os << ", ";
DumpReg(os, i);
os << "}";
static uint32_t ReadU16(const uint8_t* ptr) {
return ptr[0] | (ptr[1] << 8);
static uint32_t ReadU32(const uint8_t* ptr) {
return ptr[0] | (ptr[1] << 8) | (ptr[2] << 16) | (ptr[3] << 24);
void DisassemblerArm::DumpArm(std::ostream& os, const uint8_t* instr_ptr) {
os << StringPrintf("\t\t\t%p: %08x\n", instr_ptr, ReadU32(instr_ptr));
size_t DisassemblerArm::DumpThumb32(std::ostream& os, const uint8_t* instr_ptr) {
uint32_t instr = (ReadU16(instr_ptr) << 16) | ReadU16(instr_ptr + 2);
// |111|1 1|1000000|0000|1111110000000000|
// |5 3|2 1|0987654|3 0|5 0 5 0|
// |---|---|-------|----|----------------|
// |332|2 2|2222222|1111|1111110000000000|
// |1 9|8 7|6543210|9 6|5 0 5 0|
// |---|---|-------|----|----------------|
// |111|op1| op2 | | |
uint32_t op1 = (instr >> 27) & 3;
uint32_t op2 = (instr >> 20) & 0x7F;
os << StringPrintf("\t\t\t%p: ", instr_ptr);
switch (op1) {
case 0:
return DumpThumb16(os, instr_ptr);
case 1:
switch (op2) {
case 0x00: case 0x01: case 0x02: case 0x03: case 0x08: case 0x09: case 0x0A: case 0x0B:
case 0x10: case 0x11: case 0x12: case 0x13: case 0x18: case 0x19: case 0x1A: case 0x1B: {
// |111|11|10|00|0|00|0000|1111110000000000|
// |5 3|21|09|87|6|54|3 0|5 0 5 0|
// |---|--|--|--|-|--|----|----------------|
// |332|22|22|22|2|22|1111|1111110000000000|
// |1 9|87|65|43|2|10|9 6|5 0 5 0|
// |---|--|--|--|-|--|----|----------------|
// |111|01|00|op|0|WL| Rn | |
// |111|01| op2 | | |
// STM - 111 01 00-01-0-W0 nnnn rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
// LDM - 111 01 00-01-0-W1 nnnn rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
// PUSH- 111 01 00-01-0-10 1101 0M0rrrrrrrrrrrrr
// POP - 111 01 00-01-0-11 1101 PM0rrrrrrrrrrrrr
uint32_t op = (instr >> 23) & 3;
uint32_t W = (instr >> 21) & 1;
uint32_t L = (instr >> 20) & 1;
uint32_t Rn = (instr >> 16) & 0xF;
uint32_t reg_list = instr & 0xFFFF;
if (op == 1 || op == 2) {
if (op == 1) {
if (L == 0) {
os << "STM ";
DumpReg(os, Rn);
if (W == 0) {
os << ", ";
} else {
os << "!, ";
} else {
if (Rn != 13) {
os << "LDM ";
DumpReg(os, Rn);
if (W == 0) {
os << ", ";
} else {
os << "!, ";
} else {
os << "POP ";
} else {
if (L == 0) {
if (Rn != 13) {
os << "STMDB ";
DumpReg(os, Rn);
if (W == 0) {
os << ", ";
} else {
os << "!, ";
} else {
os << "PUSH ";
} else {
os << "LDMDB ";
DumpReg(os, Rn);
if (W == 0) {
os << ", ";
} else {
os << "!, ";
DumpRegList(os, reg_list);
os << " // ";
case 3:
switch (op2) {
case 0x00: case 0x02: case 0x04: case 0x06: // 000xxx0
case 0x08: case 0x0A: case 0x0C: case 0x0E: {
// Store single data item
uint32_t op3 = (instr >> 21) & 7;
//uint32_t op4 = (instr >> 6) & 0x3F;
switch (op3) {
case 0x2: case 0x6: {
// Load word
// |111|11|100|000|0|0000|1111|110000|000000|
// |5 3|21|098|765|4|3 0|5 2|10 6|5 0|
// |---|--|---|---|-|----|----|------|------|
// |332|22|222|222|2|1111|1111|110000|000000|
// |1 9|87|654|321|0|9 6|5 2|10 6|5 0|
// |---|--|---|---|-|----|----|------|------|
// |111|11|000|op3|0| | | op4 | |
// STR.W Rt, [Rn, #imm12] - 111 11 000 110 0 nnnn tttt iiiiiiiiiiii
// STR Rt, [Rn, #imm8] - 111 11 000 010 0 nnnn tttt 1PUWiiiiiiii
uint32_t Rn = (instr >> 16) & 0xF;
uint32_t Rt = (instr >> 12) & 0xF;
if (op3 == 6) {
uint32_t imm12 = instr & 0xFFF;
os << "STR.W ";
DumpReg(os, Rt);
os << ", [";
DumpReg(os, Rn);
os << ", #" << imm12 << "] // ";
case 0x05: case 0x0D: case 0x15: case 0x1D: { // 00xx101
// Load word
// |111|11|10|0 0|00|0|0000|1111|110000|000000|
// |5 3|21|09|8 7|65|4|3 0|5 2|10 6|5 0|
// |---|--|--|---|--|-|----|----|------|------|
// |332|22|22|2 2|22|2|1111|1111|110000|000000|
// |1 9|87|65|4 3|21|0|9 6|5 2|10 6|5 0|
// |---|--|--|---|--|-|----|----|------|------|
// |111|11|00|op3|10|1| Rn | Rt | op4 | |
// |111|11| op2 | | | imm12 |
uint32_t op3 = (instr >> 23) & 3;
uint32_t op4 = (instr >> 6) & 0x3F;
uint32_t Rn = (instr >> 16) & 0xF;
uint32_t Rt = (instr >> 12) & 0xF;
if (op3 == 1 || Rn == 15) {
// LDR.W Rt, [Rn, #imm12] - 111 11 00 00 101 nnnn tttt iiiiiiiiiiii
// LDR.W Rt, [PC, #imm12] - 111 11 00 0x 101 1111 tttt iiiiiiiiiiii
uint32_t imm12 = instr & 0xFFF;
os << "LDR.W ";
DumpReg(os, Rt);
os << ", [";
DumpReg(os, Rn);
os << ", #" << imm12 << "] // ";
} else if (op4 == 0) {
// LDR.W Rt, [Rn, Rm{, LSL #imm2}] - 111 11 00 00 101 nnnn tttt 000000iimmmm
uint32_t imm2 = (instr >> 4) & 0xF;
uint32_t Rm = instr & 0xF;
os << "LDR.W ";
DumpReg(os, Rt);
os << ", [";
DumpReg(os, Rn);
os << ", ";
DumpReg(os, Rm);
if (imm2 != 0) {
os << ", LSL #" << imm2;
os << "] // ";
} else {
// LDRT Rt, [Rn, #imm8] - 111 11 00 00 101 nnnn tttt 1110iiiiiiii
uint32_t imm8 = instr & 0xFF;
os << "LDRT ";
DumpReg(os, Rt);
os << ", [";
DumpReg(os, Rn);
os << ", #" << imm8 << "] // ";
os << StringPrintf("%08x\n", instr);
return 4;
size_t DisassemblerArm::DumpThumb16(std::ostream& os, const uint8_t* instr_ptr) {
uint16_t instr = ReadU16(instr_ptr);
bool is_32bit = ((instr & 0xF000) == 0xF000) || ((instr & 0xF800) == 0xE800);
if (is_32bit) {
return DumpThumb32(os, instr_ptr);
} else {
os << StringPrintf("\t\t\t%p: ", instr_ptr);
uint16_t opcode1 = instr >> 10;
if (opcode1 < 0x10) {
// shift (immediate), add, subtract, move, and compare
uint16_t opcode2 = instr >> 9;
switch (opcode2) {
case 0x0: case 0x1: case 0x2: case 0x3: case 0x4: case 0x5: case 0x6: case 0x7:
case 0x8: case 0x9: case 0xA: case 0xB: {
// Logical shift left - 00 000xx xxxxxxxxx
// Logical shift right - 00 001xx xxxxxxxxx
// Arithmetic shift right - 00 010xx xxxxxxxxx
uint16_t imm5 = (instr >> 6) & 0x1F;
uint16_t Rm = (instr >> 3) & 7;
uint16_t Rd = instr & 7;
if (opcode2 <= 3) {
os << "LSLS ";
} else if (opcode2 <= 7) {
os << "LSRS ";
} else {
os << "ASRS ";
DumpReg(os, Rd);
os << ", ";
DumpReg(os, Rm);
os << ", #" << imm5 << " // ";
case 0xC: case 0xD: case 0xE: case 0xF: {
// Add register - 00 01100 mmm nnn ddd
// Sub register - 00 01101 mmm nnn ddd
// Add 3-bit immediate - 00 01110 iii nnn ddd
// Sub 3-bit immediate - 00 01111 iii nnn ddd
uint16_t imm3_or_Rm = (instr >> 6) & 7;
uint16_t Rn = (instr >> 3) & 7;
uint16_t Rd = instr & 7;
if ((opcode2 & 2) != 0 && imm3_or_Rm == 0) {
os << "MOV ";
} else {
if ((opcode2 & 1) == 0) {
os << "ADDS ";
} else {
os << "SUBS ";
DumpReg(os, Rd);
os << ", ";
DumpReg(os, Rn);
if ((opcode2 & 2) == 0) {
os << ", ";
DumpReg(os, imm3_or_Rm);
} else if (imm3_or_Rm != 0) {
os << ", #" << imm3_or_Rm;
os << " // ";
case 0x10: case 0x11: case 0x12: case 0x13:
case 0x14: case 0x15: case 0x16: case 0x17:
case 0x18: case 0x19: case 0x1A: case 0x1B:
case 0x1C: case 0x1D: case 0x1E: case 0x1F: {
// MOVS Rd, #imm8 - 00100 ddd iiiiiiii
// CMP Rn, #imm8 - 00101 nnn iiiiiiii
// ADDS Rn, #imm8 - 00110 nnn iiiiiiii
// SUBS Rn, #imm8 - 00111 nnn iiiiiiii
uint16_t Rn = (instr >> 8) & 7;
uint16_t imm8 = instr & 0xFF;
switch (opcode2 >> 2) {
case 4: os << "MOVS "; break;
case 5: os << "CMP "; break;
case 6: os << "ADDS "; break;
case 7: os << "SUBS "; break;
DumpReg(os, Rn);
os << ", #" << imm8 << " // ";
} else if (opcode1 == 0x11) {
// Special data instructions and branch and exchange
uint16_t opcode2 = (instr >> 6) & 0x0F;
switch (opcode2) {
case 0x0: case 0x1: case 0x2: case 0x3: {
// Add low registers - 010001 0000 xxxxxx
// Add high registers - 010001 0001/001x xxxxxx
uint16_t DN = (instr >> 7) & 1;
uint16_t Rm = (instr >> 3) & 0xF;
uint16_t Rdn = instr & 7;
uint16_t DN_Rdn = (DN << 3) | Rdn;
os << "ADD ";
DumpReg(os, DN_Rdn);
os << ", ";
DumpReg(os, Rm);
os << " // ";
case 0x8: case 0x9: case 0xA: case 0xB: {
// Move low registers - 010001 1000 xxxxxx
// Move high registers - 010001 1001/101x xxxxxx
uint16_t DN = (instr >> 7) & 1;
uint16_t Rm = (instr >> 3) & 0xF;
uint16_t Rdn = instr & 7;
uint16_t DN_Rdn = (DN << 3) | Rdn;
os << "MOV ";
DumpReg(os, DN_Rdn);
os << ", ";
DumpReg(os, Rm);
os << " // ";
case 0x5: case 0x6: case 0x7: {
// Compare high registers - 010001 0101/011x xxxxxx
uint16_t N = (instr >> 7) & 1;
uint16_t Rm = (instr >> 3) & 0xF;
uint16_t Rn = instr & 7;
uint16_t N_Rn = (N << 3) | Rn;
os << "CMP ";
DumpReg(os, N_Rn);
os << ", ";
DumpReg(os, Rm);
os << " // ";
case 0xC: case 0xD: case 0xE: case 0xF: {
// Branch and exchange - 010001 110x xxxxxx
// Branch with link and exchange - 010001 111x xxxxxx
uint16_t Rm = instr >> 3 & 0xF;
if ((opcode2 & 0x2) == 0) {
os << "BX ";
} else {
os << "BLX ";
DumpReg(os, Rm);
os << " // ";
} else if ((instr & 0xF000) == 0xB000) {
// Miscellaneous 16-bit instructions
uint16_t opcode2 = (instr >> 5) & 0x7F;
switch (opcode2) {
case 0x00: case 0x01: case 0x02: case 0x03: case 0x04: case 0x05: case 0x06: case 0x07: {
// Add immediate to SP - 1011 00000 ii iiiii
// Subtract immediate from SP - 1011 00001 ii iiiii
int imm7 = instr & 0x7F;
if ((opcode2 & 4) == 0) {
os << "ADD SP, SP, #";
} else {
os << "SUB SP, SP, #";
os << (imm7 << 2) << " // ";
} else if (((instr & 0xF000) == 0x5000) || ((instr & 0xE000) == 0x6000) ||
((instr & 0xE000) == 0x8000)) {
// Load/store single data item
uint16_t opA = instr >> 12;
//uint16_t opB = (instr >> 9) & 7;
switch (opA) {
case 0x6: {
// STR Rt, Rn, #imm - 01100 iiiii nnn ttt
// LDR Rt, Rn, #imm - 01101 iiiii nnn ttt
uint16_t imm5 = (instr >> 6) & 0x1F;
uint16_t Rn = (instr >> 3) & 7;
uint16_t Rt = instr & 7;
if ((instr & 0x800) == 0) {
os << "STR ";
} else {
os << "LDR ";
DumpReg(os, Rt);
os << ", [";
DumpReg(os, Rn);
os << ", #" << (imm5 << 2) << "] // ";
case 0x9: {
// STR Rt, [SP, #imm] - 01100 ttt iiiiiiii
// LDR Rt, [SP, #imm] - 01101 ttt iiiiiiii
uint16_t imm8 = instr & 0xFF;
uint16_t Rt = (instr >> 8) & 7;
if ((instr & 0x800) == 0) {
os << "STR ";
} else {
os << "LDR ";
DumpReg(os, Rt);
os << ", [SP, #" << (imm8 << 2) << "] // ";
os << StringPrintf("%04x\n", instr);
return 2;
} // namespace arm
} // namespace art