blob: be883b9e7d209c3317c206a5c16db82506c1538a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Test arithmetic operations.
public class IntMath {
static void shiftTest1() {
final int[] mBytes = {
0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x88, 0x99, 0xaa, 0xbb
long l;
int i1, i2;
i1 = mBytes[0] | mBytes[1] << 8 | mBytes[2] << 16 | mBytes[3] << 24;
i2 = mBytes[4] | mBytes[5] << 8 | mBytes[6] << 16 | mBytes[7] << 24;
l = i1 | ((long)i2 << 32);
Main.assertTrue(i1 == 0x44332211);
Main.assertTrue(i2 == 0xbbaa9988);
Main.assertTrue(l == 0xbbaa998844332211L);
l = (long)mBytes[0]
| (long)mBytes[1] << 8
| (long)mBytes[2] << 16
| (long)mBytes[3] << 24
| (long)mBytes[4] << 32
| (long)mBytes[5] << 40
| (long)mBytes[6] << 48
| (long)mBytes[7] << 56;
Main.assertTrue(l == 0xbbaa998844332211L);
static void shiftTest2() {
long a = 0x11;
long b = 0x22;
long c = 0x33;
long d = 0x44;
long e = 0x55;
long f = 0x66;
long g = 0x77;
long h = 0x88;
long result = ((a << 56) | (b << 48) | (c << 40) | (d << 32) |
(e << 24) | (f << 16) | (g << 8) | h);
Main.assertTrue(result == 0x1122334455667788L);
static void unsignedShiftTest() {
byte b = -4;
short s = -4;
char c = 0xfffc;
int i = -4;
b >>>= 4;
s >>>= 4;
c >>>= 4;
i >>>= 4;
Main.assertTrue((int) b == -1);
Main.assertTrue((int) s == -1);
Main.assertTrue((int) c == 0x0fff);
Main.assertTrue(i == 268435455);
static void convTest() {
float f;
double d;
int i;
long l;
/* int --> long */
i = 7654;
l = (long) i;
Main.assertTrue(l == 7654L);
i = -7654;
l = (long) i;
Main.assertTrue(l == -7654L);
/* long --> int (with truncation) */
l = 5678956789L;
i = (int) l;
Main.assertTrue(i == 1383989493);
l = -5678956789L;
i = (int) l;
Main.assertTrue(i == -1383989493);
static void charSubTest() {
char char1 = 0x00e9;
char char2 = 0xffff;
int i;
/* chars are unsigned-expanded to ints before subtraction */
i = char1 - char2;
Main.assertTrue(i == 0xffff00ea);
* We pass in the arguments and return the results so the compiler
* doesn't do the math for us. (x=70000, y=-3)
static int[] intOperTest(int x, int y) {
int[] results = new int[10];
/* this seems to generate "op-int" instructions */
results[0] = x + y;
results[1] = x - y;
results[2] = x * y;
results[3] = x * x;
results[4] = x / y;
results[5] = x % -y;
results[6] = x & y;
results[7] = x | y;
results[8] = x ^ y;
/* this seems to generate "op-int/2addr" instructions */
results[9] = x + ((((((((x + y) - y) * y) / y) % y) & y) | y) ^ y);
return results;
static void intOperCheck(int[] results) {
/* check this edge case while we're here (div-int/2addr) */
int minInt = -2147483648;
int negOne = -results[5];
int plusOne = 1;
int result = (((minInt + plusOne) - plusOne) / negOne) / negOne;
Main.assertTrue(result == minInt);
Main.assertTrue(results[0] == 69997);
Main.assertTrue(results[1] == 70003);
Main.assertTrue(results[2] == -210000);
Main.assertTrue(results[3] == 605032704); // overflow / truncate
Main.assertTrue(results[4] == -23333);
Main.assertTrue(results[5] == 1);
Main.assertTrue(results[6] == 70000);
Main.assertTrue(results[7] == -3);
Main.assertTrue(results[8] == -70003);
Main.assertTrue(results[9] == 70000);
* More operations, this time with 16-bit constants. (x=77777)
static int[] lit16Test(int x) {
int[] results = new int[8];
/* try to generate op-int/lit16" instructions */
results[0] = x + 1000;
results[1] = 1000 - x;
results[2] = x * 1000;
results[3] = x / 1000;
results[4] = x % 1000;
results[5] = x & 1000;
results[6] = x | -1000;
results[7] = x ^ -1000;
return results;
static void lit16Check(int[] results) {
Main.assertTrue(results[0] == 78777);
Main.assertTrue(results[1] == -76777);
Main.assertTrue(results[2] == 77777000);
Main.assertTrue(results[3] == 77);
Main.assertTrue(results[4] == 777);
Main.assertTrue(results[5] == 960);
Main.assertTrue(results[6] == -39);
Main.assertTrue(results[7] == -76855);
* More operations, this time with 8-bit constants. (x=-55555)
static int[] lit8Test(int x) {
int[] results = new int[8];
/* try to generate op-int/lit8" instructions */
results[0] = x + 10;
results[1] = 10 - x;
results[2] = x * 10;
results[3] = x / 10;
results[4] = x % 10;
results[5] = x & 10;
results[6] = x | -10;
results[7] = x ^ -10;
return results;
static void lit8Check(int[] results) {
//for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++)
// System.out.println(" " + i + ": " + results[i]);
/* check this edge case while we're here (div-int/lit8) */
int minInt = -2147483648;
int result = minInt / -1;
Main.assertTrue(result == minInt);
Main.assertTrue(results[0] == -55545);
Main.assertTrue(results[1] == 55565);
Main.assertTrue(results[2] == -555550);
Main.assertTrue(results[3] == -5555);
Main.assertTrue(results[4] == -5);
Main.assertTrue(results[5] == 8);
Main.assertTrue(results[6] == -1);
Main.assertTrue(results[7] == 55563);
* Shift some data. (value=0xff00aa01, dist=8)
static int[] intShiftTest(int value, int dist) {
int results[] = new int[4];
results[0] = value << dist;
results[1] = value >> dist;
results[2] = value >>> dist;
results[3] = (((value << dist) >> dist) >>> dist) << dist;
return results;
static void intShiftCheck(int[] results) {
Main.assertTrue(results[0] == 0x00aa0100);
Main.assertTrue(results[1] == 0xffff00aa);
Main.assertTrue(results[2] == 0x00ff00aa);
Main.assertTrue(results[3] == 0xaa00);
* We pass in the arguments and return the results so the compiler
* doesn't do the math for us. (x=70000000000, y=-3)
static long[] longOperTest(long x, long y) {
long[] results = new long[10];
/* this seems to generate "op-long" instructions */
results[0] = x + y;
results[1] = x - y;
results[2] = x * y;
results[3] = x * x;
results[4] = x / y;
results[5] = x % -y;
results[6] = x & y;
results[7] = x | y;
results[8] = x ^ y;
/* this seems to generate "op-long/2addr" instructions */
results[9] = x + ((((((((x + y) - y) * y) / y) % y) & y) | y) ^ y);
return results;
static void longOperCheck(long[] results) {
/* check this edge case while we're here (div-long/2addr) */
long minLong = -9223372036854775808L;
long negOne = -results[5];
long plusOne = 1;
long result = (((minLong + plusOne) - plusOne) / negOne) / negOne;
Main.assertTrue(result == minLong);
Main.assertTrue(results[0] == 69999999997L);
Main.assertTrue(results[1] == 70000000003L);
Main.assertTrue(results[2] == -210000000000L);
Main.assertTrue(results[3] == -6833923606740729856L); // overflow
Main.assertTrue(results[4] == -23333333333L);
Main.assertTrue(results[5] == 1);
Main.assertTrue(results[6] == 70000000000L);
Main.assertTrue(results[7] == -3);
Main.assertTrue(results[8] == -70000000003L);
Main.assertTrue(results[9] == 70000000000L);
Main.assertTrue(results.length == 10);
* Shift some data. (value=0xd5aa96deff00aa01, dist=8)
static long[] longShiftTest(long value, int dist) {
long results[] = new long[4];
results[0] = value << dist;
results[1] = value >> dist;
results[2] = value >>> dist;
results[3] = (((value << dist) >> dist) >>> dist) << dist;
return results;
static long longShiftCheck(long[] results) {
Main.assertTrue(results[0] == 0x96deff00aa010000L);
Main.assertTrue(results[1] == 0xffffd5aa96deff00L);
Main.assertTrue(results[2] == 0x0000d5aa96deff00L);
Main.assertTrue(results[3] == 0xffff96deff000000L);
Main.assertTrue(results.length == 4);
return results[0]; // test return-long
* Try to cause some unary operations.
static int unopTest(int x) {
x = -x;
x ^= 0xffffffff;
return x;
static void unopCheck(int result) {
Main.assertTrue(result == 37);
static class Shorty {
public short mShort;
public char mChar;
public byte mByte;
* Truncate an int.
static Shorty truncateTest(int x) {
Shorty shorts = new Shorty();
shorts.mShort = (short) x;
shorts.mChar = (char) x;
shorts.mByte = (byte) x;
return shorts;
static void truncateCheck(Shorty shorts) {
Main.assertTrue(shorts.mShort == -5597); // 0xea23
Main.assertTrue(shorts.mChar == 59939); // 0xea23
Main.assertTrue(shorts.mByte == 35); // 0x23
* Verify that we get a divide-by-zero exception.
static void divideByZero(int z) {
try {
int x = 100 / z;
} catch (ArithmeticException ae) {
try {
int x = 100 % z;
} catch (ArithmeticException ae) {
try {
long x = 100L / z;
} catch (ArithmeticException ae) {
try {
long x = 100L % z;
} catch (ArithmeticException ae) {
* Check an edge condition: dividing the most-negative integer by -1
* returns the most-negative integer, and doesn't cause an exception.
* Pass in -1, -1L.
static void bigDivideOverflow(int idiv, long ldiv) {
int mostNegInt = (int) 0x80000000;
long mostNegLong = (long) 0x8000000000000000L;
int intDivResult = mostNegInt / idiv;
int intModResult = mostNegInt % idiv;
long longDivResult = mostNegLong / ldiv;
long longModResult = mostNegLong % ldiv;
Main.assertTrue(intDivResult == mostNegInt);
Main.assertTrue(intModResult == 0);
Main.assertTrue(longDivResult == mostNegLong);
Main.assertTrue(longModResult == 0);
* Check "const" instructions. We use negative values to ensure that
* sign-extension is happening.
static void checkConsts(byte small, short medium, int large, long huge) {
Main.assertTrue(small == 1); // const/4
Main.assertTrue(medium == -256); // const/16
Main.assertTrue(medium == -256L); // const-wide/16
Main.assertTrue(large == -88888); // const
Main.assertTrue(large == -88888L); // const-wide/32
Main.assertTrue(huge == 0x9922334455667788L); // const-wide
* Test some java.lang.Math functions.
* The method arguments are positive values.
static void jlmTests(int ii, long ll) {
Main.assertTrue(Math.abs(ii) == ii);
Main.assertTrue(Math.abs(-ii) == ii);
Main.assertTrue(Math.min(ii, -5) == -5);
Main.assertTrue(Math.max(ii, -5) == ii);
Main.assertTrue(Math.abs(ll) == ll);
Main.assertTrue(Math.abs(-ll) == ll);
Main.assertTrue(Math.min(ll, -5L) == -5L);
Main.assertTrue(Math.max(ll, -5L) == ll);
public static void run() {
int[] intResults;
long[] longResults;
intResults = intOperTest(70000, -3);
longResults = longOperTest(70000000000L, -3L);
intResults = lit16Test(77777);
intResults = lit8Test(-55555);
intResults = intShiftTest(0xff00aa01, 8);
longResults = longShiftTest(0xd5aa96deff00aa01L, 16);
long longRet = longShiftCheck(longResults);
Main.assertTrue(longRet == 0x96deff00aa010000L);
Shorty shorts = truncateTest(-16717277); // 0xff00ea23
bigDivideOverflow(-1, -1L);
checkConsts((byte) 1, (short) -256, -88888, 0x9922334455667788L);
jlmTests(12345, 0x1122334455667788L);