blob: c9db434c6ca26456162f07b2bed40b4172e27309 [file] [log] [blame]
# pylint: disable=g-bad-todo
import errno
import os
import posix
import re
from socket import * # pylint: disable=wildcard-import
import unittest
import net_test
HAVE_PROC_NET_ICMP6 = os.path.isfile("/proc/net/icmp6")
class Ping6Test(net_test.NetworkTest):
def setUp(self):
if net_test.HAVE_IPV6:
self.ifname = net_test.GetDefaultRouteInterface()
self.ifindex = net_test.GetInterfaceIndex(self.ifname)
self.lladdr = net_test.GetLinkAddress(self.ifname, True)
self.globaladdr = net_test.GetLinkAddress(self.ifname, False)
def assertValidPingResponse(self, s, data):
family =
# Check the data being sent is valid.
self.assertGreater(len(data), 7, "Not enough data for ping packet")
if family == AF_INET:
self.assertTrue(data.startswith("\x08\x00"), "Not an IPv4 echo request")
elif family == AF_INET6:
self.assertTrue(data.startswith("\x80\x00"), "Not an IPv4 echo request")
else:"Unknown socket address family %d" *
# Receive the reply.
rcvd, src = s.recvfrom(32768)
self.assertNotEqual(0, len(rcvd), "No data received")
# Check address, ICMP type, and ICMP code.
if family == AF_INET:
addr, unused_port = src
self.assertGreaterEqual(len(addr), len(""))
self.assertTrue(rcvd.startswith("\x00\x00"), "Not an IPv4 echo reply")
addr, unused_port, flowlabel, scope_id = src
self.assertGreaterEqual(len(addr), len("::"))
self.assertTrue(rcvd.startswith("\x81\x00"), "Not an IPv6 echo reply")
# Check that the flow label is zero and that the scope ID is sane.
self.assertEqual(flowlabel, 0)
self.assertLess(scope_id, 100)
# TODO: check the checksum. We can't do this easily now for ICMPv6 because
# we don't have the IP addresses so we can't construct the pseudoheader.
# Check the sequence number and the data.
self.assertEqual(len(data), len(rcvd))
self.assertEqual(data[6:].encode("hex"), rcvd[6:].encode("hex"))
def ReadProcNetSocket(self, protocol):
# Read file.
lines = open("/proc/net/%s" % protocol).readlines()
# Possibly check, and strip, header.
if protocol in ["icmp6", "raw6", "udp6"]:
self.assertEqual(net_test.IPV6_SEQ_DGRAM_HEADER, lines[0])
lines = lines[1:]
# Check contents.
if protocol.endswith("6"):
addrlen = 32
addrlen = 8
regexp = re.compile(r" *(\d+): " # bucket
"([0-9A-F]{%d}:[0-9A-F]{4}) " # srcaddr, port
"([0-9A-F]{%d}:[0-9A-F]{4}) " # dstaddr, port
"([0-9A-F][0-9A-F]) " # state
"([0-9A-F]{8}:[0-9A-F]{8}) " # mem
"([0-9A-F]{2}:[0-9A-F]{8}) " # ?
"([0-9A-F]{8}) +" # ?
"([0-9]+) +" # uid
"([0-9]+) +" # ?
"([0-9]+) +" # inode
"([0-9]+) +" # refcnt
"([0-9a-f]+) +" # sp
"([0-9]+) *$" # drops, icmp has spaces
% (addrlen, addrlen))
# Return a list of lists with only source / dest addresses for now.
out = []
for line in lines:
(_, src, dst, state, mem,
_, _, uid, _, _, refcnt, _, drops) = regexp.match(line).groups()
out.append([src, dst, state, mem, uid, refcnt, drops])
return out
def CheckSockStatFile(self, name, srcaddr, srcport, dstaddr, dstport, state,
txmem=0, rxmem=0):
expected = ["%s:%04X" % (net_test.FormatSockStatAddress(srcaddr), srcport),
"%s:%04X" % (net_test.FormatSockStatAddress(dstaddr), dstport),
"%02X" % state,
"%08X:%08X" % (txmem, rxmem),
str(os.getuid()), "2", "0"]
actual = self.ReadProcNetSocket(name)[-1]
self.assertListEqual(expected, actual)
def testIPv4SendWithNoConnection(self):
s = net_test.IPv4PingSocket()
self.assertRaisesErrno(errno.EDESTADDRREQ, s.send, net_test.IPV4_PING)
@unittest.skipUnless(net_test.HAVE_IPV6, "skipping: no IPv6")
def testIPv6SendWithNoConnection(self):
s = net_test.IPv6PingSocket()
self.assertRaisesErrno(errno.EDESTADDRREQ, s.send, net_test.IPV6_PING)
def testIPv4LoopbackPingWithConnect(self):
s = net_test.IPv4PingSocket()
s.connect(("", 55))
data = net_test.IPV4_PING + "foobarbaz"
self.assertValidPingResponse(s, data)
@unittest.skipUnless(net_test.HAVE_IPV6, "skipping: no IPv6")
def testIPv6LoopbackPingWithConnect(self):
s = net_test.IPv6PingSocket()
s.connect(("::1", 55))
self.assertValidPingResponse(s, net_test.IPV6_PING)
def testIPv4PingUsingSendto(self):
s = net_test.IPv4PingSocket()
written = s.sendto(net_test.IPV4_PING, (net_test.IPV4_ADDR, 55))
self.assertEquals(len(net_test.IPV4_PING), written)
self.assertValidPingResponse(s, net_test.IPV4_PING)
@unittest.skipUnless(net_test.HAVE_IPV6, "skipping: no IPv6")
def testIPv6PingUsingSendto(self):
s = net_test.IPv6PingSocket()
written = s.sendto(net_test.IPV6_PING, (net_test.IPV6_ADDR, 55))
self.assertEquals(len(net_test.IPV6_PING), written)
self.assertValidPingResponse(s, net_test.IPV6_PING)
def testIPv4NoCrash(self):
# Python 2.x does not provide either read() or recvmsg.
s = net_test.IPv4PingSocket()
written = s.sendto(net_test.IPV4_PING, ("", 55))
self.assertEquals(len(net_test.IPV4_PING), written)
fd = s.fileno()
reply =, 4096)
self.assertEquals(written, len(reply))
def testIPv6NoCrash(self):
# Python 2.x does not provide either read() or recvmsg.
s = net_test.IPv6PingSocket()
written = s.sendto(net_test.IPV6_PING, ("::1", 55))
self.assertEquals(len(net_test.IPV6_PING), written)
fd = s.fileno()
reply =, 4096)
self.assertEquals(written, len(reply))
def testIPv4Bind(self):
# Bind to unspecified address.
s = net_test.IPv4PingSocket()
s.bind(("", 544))
self.assertEquals(("", 544), s.getsockname())
# Bind to loopback.
s = net_test.IPv4PingSocket()
s.bind(("", 99))
self.assertEquals(("", 99), s.getsockname())
# Binding twice is not allowed.
self.assertRaisesErrno(errno.EINVAL, s.bind, ("", 22))
# But binding two different sockets to the same ID is allowed.
s2 = net_test.IPv4PingSocket()
s2.bind(("", 99))
self.assertEquals(("", 99), s2.getsockname())
s3 = net_test.IPv4PingSocket()
s3.bind(("", 99))
self.assertEquals(("", 99), s3.getsockname())
# If two sockets bind to the same port, the first one to call read() gets
# the response.
s4 = net_test.IPv4PingSocket()
s5 = net_test.IPv4PingSocket()
s4.bind(("", 167))
s5.bind(("", 167))
s4.sendto(net_test.IPV4_PING, (net_test.IPV4_ADDR, 44))
self.assertValidPingResponse(s5, net_test.IPV4_PING)
net_test.SetSocketTimeout(s4, 100)
self.assertRaisesErrno(errno.EAGAIN, s4.recv, 32768)
# If SO_REUSEADDR is turned off, then we get EADDRINUSE.
s6 = net_test.IPv4PingSocket()
s4.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 0)
self.assertRaisesErrno(errno.EADDRINUSE, s6.bind, ("", 167))
# Can't bind after sendto.
s = net_test.IPv4PingSocket()
s.sendto(net_test.IPV4_PING, (net_test.IPV4_ADDR, 9132))
self.assertRaisesErrno(errno.EINVAL, s.bind, ("", 5429))
@unittest.skipUnless(net_test.HAVE_IPV6, "skipping: no IPv6")
def testIPv6Bind(self):
# Bind to unspecified address.
s = net_test.IPv6PingSocket()
s.bind(("::", 769))
self.assertEquals(("::", 769, 0, 0), s.getsockname())
# Bind to loopback.
s = net_test.IPv6PingSocket()
s.bind(("::1", 99))
self.assertEquals(("::1", 99, 0, 0), s.getsockname())
# Binding twice is not allowed.
self.assertRaisesErrno(errno.EINVAL, s.bind, ("::1", 22))
# But binding two different sockets to the same ID is allowed.
s2 = net_test.IPv6PingSocket()
s2.bind(("::1", 99))
self.assertEquals(("::1", 99, 0, 0), s2.getsockname())
s3 = net_test.IPv6PingSocket()
s3.bind(("::1", 99))
self.assertEquals(("::1", 99, 0, 0), s3.getsockname())
# Binding both IPv4 and IPv6 to the same socket works.
s4 = net_test.IPv4PingSocket()
s6 = net_test.IPv6PingSocket()
s4.bind(("", 444))
s6.bind(("::", 666, 0, 0))
# Can't bind after sendto.
s = net_test.IPv6PingSocket()
s.sendto(net_test.IPV6_PING, (net_test.IPV6_ADDR, 9132))
self.assertRaisesErrno(errno.EINVAL, s.bind, ("::", 5429))
def testIPv4InvalidBind(self):
s = net_test.IPv4PingSocket()
s.bind, ("", 1026))
s.bind, ("", 651))
# Binding to an address we don't have only works with IP_TRANSPARENT.
s.bind, (net_test.IPV4_ADDR, 651))
s.setsockopt(SOL_IP, net_test.IP_TRANSPARENT, 1)
s.bind((net_test.IPV4_ADDR, 651))
except IOError, e:
if e.errno == errno.EACCES:
pass # We're not root. let it go for now.
@unittest.skipUnless(net_test.HAVE_IPV6, "skipping: no IPv6")
def testIPv6InvalidBind(self):
s = net_test.IPv6PingSocket()
s.bind, ("ff02::2", 1026))
# Binding to an address we don't have only works with IPV6_TRANSPARENT.
s.bind, (net_test.IPV6_ADDR, 651))
s.setsockopt(net_test.SOL_IPV6, net_test.IPV6_TRANSPARENT, 1)
s.bind((net_test.IPV6_ADDR, 651))
except IOError, e:
if e.errno == errno.EACCES:
pass # We're not root. let it go for now.
@unittest.skipUnless(net_test.HAVE_IPV6, "skipping: no IPv6")
def testIPv6ScopedBind(self):
# Can't bind to a link-local address without a scope ID.
s = net_test.IPv6PingSocket()
s.bind, (self.lladdr, 1026, 0, 0))
# Binding to a link-local address with a scope ID works, and the scope ID is
# returned by a subsequent getsockname. Interestingly, Python's getsockname
# returns "fe80:1%foo", even though it does not understand it.
expected = self.lladdr + "%" + self.ifname
s.bind((self.lladdr, 4646, 0, self.ifindex))
self.assertEquals((expected, 4646, 0, self.ifindex), s.getsockname())
# Of course, for the above to work the address actually has to be configured
# on the machine.
s.bind, ("fe80::f00", 1026, 0, 1))
# Scope IDs on non-link-local addresses are silently ignored.
s = net_test.IPv6PingSocket()
s.bind(("::1", 1234, 0, 1))
self.assertEquals(("::1", 1234, 0, 0), s.getsockname())
@unittest.skipUnless(net_test.HAVE_IPV6, "skipping: no IPv6")
def testBindAffectsIdentifier(self):
s = net_test.IPv6PingSocket()
s.bind((self.globaladdr, 0xf976))
s.sendto(net_test.IPV6_PING, (net_test.IPV6_ADDR, 55))
self.assertEquals("\xf9\x76", s.recv(32768)[4:6])
s = net_test.IPv6PingSocket()
s.bind((self.globaladdr, 0xace))
s.sendto(net_test.IPV6_PING, (net_test.IPV6_ADDR, 55))
self.assertEquals("\x0a\xce", s.recv(32768)[4:6])
@unittest.skipUnless(net_test.HAVE_IPV6, "skipping: no IPv6")
def testLinkLocalAddress(self):
s = net_test.IPv6PingSocket()
# Sending to a link-local address with no scope fails with EINVAL.
s.sendto, net_test.IPV6_PING, ("fe80::1", 55))
# Sending to link-local address with a scope succeeds. Note that Python
# doesn't understand the "fe80::1%lo" format, even though it returns it.
s.sendto(net_test.IPV6_PING, ("fe80::1", 55, 0, self.ifindex))
# No exceptions? Good.
@unittest.skipUnless(net_test.HAVE_IPV6, "skipping: no IPv6")
def testMappedAddressFails(self):
s = net_test.IPv6PingSocket()
s.sendto(net_test.IPV6_PING, (net_test.IPV6_ADDR, 55))
self.assertValidPingResponse(s, net_test.IPV6_PING)
s.sendto(net_test.IPV6_PING, ("2001:4860:4860::8844", 55))
self.assertValidPingResponse(s, net_test.IPV6_PING)
self.assertRaisesErrno(errno.EINVAL, s.sendto, net_test.IPV6_PING,
("::ffff:", 55))
@unittest.skipUnless(net_test.HAVE_IPV6, "skipping: no IPv6")
def testFlowLabel(self):
s = net_test.IPv6PingSocket()
s.sendto(net_test.IPV6_PING, (net_test.IPV6_ADDR, 93, 0xdead, 0))
self.assertValidPingResponse(s, net_test.IPV6_PING) # Checks flow label==0.
s.setsockopt(net_test.SOL_IPV6, net_test.IPV6_FLOWINFO_SEND, 1)
self.assertEqual(1, s.getsockopt(net_test.SOL_IPV6,
s.sendto(net_test.IPV6_PING, (net_test.IPV6_ADDR, 93, 0xdead, 0))
_, src = s.recvfrom(32768)
_, _, flowlabel, _ = src
self.assertEqual(0, flowlabel & 0xfffff)
def testIPv4Error(self):
s = net_test.IPv4PingSocket()
s.setsockopt(SOL_IP, IP_TTL, 2)
s.setsockopt(SOL_IP, net_test.IP_RECVERR, 1)
s.sendto(net_test.IPV4_PING, (net_test.IPV4_ADDR, 55))
# We can't check the actual error because Python 2.7 doesn't implement
# recvmsg, but we can at least check that the socket returns an error.
self.assertRaisesErrno(errno.EHOSTUNREACH, s.recv, 32768) # No response.
@unittest.skipUnless(net_test.HAVE_IPV6, "skipping: no IPv6")
def testIPv6Error(self):
s = net_test.IPv6PingSocket()
s.setsockopt(net_test.SOL_IPV6, IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS, 2)
s.setsockopt(net_test.SOL_IPV6, net_test.IPV6_RECVERR, 1)
s.sendto(net_test.IPV6_PING, (net_test.IPV6_ADDR, 55))
# We can't check the actual error because Python 2.7 doesn't implement
# recvmsg, but we can at least check that the socket returns an error.
self.assertRaisesErrno(errno.EHOSTUNREACH, s.recv, 32768) # No response.
@unittest.skipUnless(net_test.HAVE_IPV6, "skipping: no IPv6")
def testIPv6MulticastPing(self):
s = net_test.IPv6PingSocket()
# Send a multicast ping and check we get at least one duplicate.
s.sendto(net_test.IPV6_PING, ("ff02::1", 55, 0, self.ifindex))
self.assertValidPingResponse(s, net_test.IPV6_PING)
self.assertValidPingResponse(s, net_test.IPV6_PING)
def testIPv4LargePacket(self):
s = net_test.IPv4PingSocket()
data = net_test.IPV4_PING + 20000 * "a"
s.sendto(data, ("", 987))
self.assertValidPingResponse(s, data)
@unittest.skipUnless(net_test.HAVE_IPV6, "skipping: no IPv6")
def testIPv6LargePacket(self):
s = net_test.IPv6PingSocket()
s.bind(("::", 0xace))
data = net_test.IPV6_PING + "\x01" + 19994 * "\x00" + "aaaaa"
s.sendto(data, ("::1", 953))
@unittest.skipUnless(net_test.HAVE_IPV6, "skipping: no IPv6")
@unittest.skipUnless(HAVE_PROC_NET_ICMP6, "skipping: no /proc/net/icmp6")
def testIcmpSocketsNotInIcmp6(self):
numrows = len(self.ReadProcNetSocket("icmp"))
numrows6 = len(self.ReadProcNetSocket("icmp6"))
s = net_test.Socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_ICMP)
s.bind(("", 0xace))
s.connect(("", 0xbeef))
self.assertEquals(numrows + 1, len(self.ReadProcNetSocket("icmp")))
self.assertEquals(numrows6, len(self.ReadProcNetSocket("icmp6")))
@unittest.skipUnless(net_test.HAVE_IPV6, "skipping: no IPv6")
@unittest.skipUnless(HAVE_PROC_NET_ICMP6, "skipping: no /proc/net/icmp6")
def testIcmp6SocketsNotInIcmp(self):
numrows = len(self.ReadProcNetSocket("icmp"))
numrows6 = len(self.ReadProcNetSocket("icmp6"))
s = net_test.IPv6PingSocket()
s.bind(("::1", 0xace))
s.connect(("::1", 0xbeef))
self.assertEquals(numrows, len(self.ReadProcNetSocket("icmp")))
self.assertEquals(numrows6 + 1, len(self.ReadProcNetSocket("icmp6")))
def testProcNetIcmp(self):
s = net_test.Socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_ICMP)
s.bind(("", 0xace))
s.connect(("", 0xbeef))
self.CheckSockStatFile("icmp", "", 0xace, "", 0xbeef, 1)
@unittest.skipUnless(net_test.HAVE_IPV6, "skipping: no IPv6")
@unittest.skipUnless(HAVE_PROC_NET_ICMP6, "skipping: no /proc/net/icmp6")
def testProcNetIcmp6(self):
numrows6 = len(self.ReadProcNetSocket("icmp6"))
s = net_test.IPv6PingSocket()
s.bind(("::1", 0xace))
s.connect(("::1", 0xbeef))
self.CheckSockStatFile("icmp6", "::1", 0xace, "::1", 0xbeef, 1)
# Check the row goes away when the socket is closed.
self.assertEquals(numrows6, len(self.ReadProcNetSocket("icmp6")))
# Try send, bind and connect to check the addresses and the state.
s = net_test.IPv6PingSocket()
self.assertEqual(0, len(self.ReadProcNetSocket("icmp6")))
s.sendto(net_test.IPV6_PING, (net_test.IPV6_ADDR, 12345))
self.assertEqual(1, len(self.ReadProcNetSocket("icmp6")))
# Can't bind after sendto, apparently.
s = net_test.IPv6PingSocket()
self.assertEqual(0, len(self.ReadProcNetSocket("icmp6")))
s.bind((self.lladdr, 0xd00d, 0, self.ifindex))
self.CheckSockStatFile("icmp6", self.lladdr, 0xd00d, "::", 0, 7)
# Check receive bytes.
s.connect(("ff02::1", 0xdead))
self.CheckSockStatFile("icmp6", self.lladdr, 0xd00d, "ff02::1", 0xdead, 1)
self.CheckSockStatFile("icmp6", self.lladdr, 0xd00d, "ff02::1", 0xdead, 1,
txmem=0, rxmem=0x880)
self.assertValidPingResponse(s, net_test.IPV6_PING)
self.CheckSockStatFile("icmp6", self.lladdr, 0xd00d, "ff02::1", 0xdead, 1,
txmem=0, rxmem=0)
@unittest.skipUnless(net_test.HAVE_IPV6, "skipping: no IPv6")
def testProcNetUdp6(self):
s = net_test.Socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)
s.bind(("::1", 0xace))
s.connect(("::1", 0xbeef))
self.CheckSockStatFile("udp6", "::1", 0xace, "::1", 0xbeef, 1)
@unittest.skipUnless(net_test.HAVE_IPV6, "skipping: no IPv6")
def testProcNetRaw6(self):
s = net_test.Socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW)
s.bind(("::1", 0xace))
s.connect(("::1", 0xbeef))
self.CheckSockStatFile("raw6", "::1", 0xff, "::1", 0, 1)
if __name__ == "__main__":