blob: e08b26b91758b07f1f9e3f4ca969a571b229765e [file] [log] [blame]
What: /sys/devices/platform/<I2C controller address>/rainbow_enable
Date: October 2017
Contact: Xu Han <>
Write to this file to enable/disable rainbow sensor vd6281
0 - Enable
1 - Disable
What: /sys/devices/platform/<I2C controller address>/rainbow_write_byte
Date: October 2017
Contact: Xu Han <>
Write to this file to write a byte to rainbow sensor vd6281. The
1st byte is the address and 2nd byte is the data. A negative error
is returned in case of failure.
What: /sys/devices/platform/<I2C controller address>/rainbow_read_byte
Date: October 2017
Contact: Xu Han <>
Write to this file to read a byte to rainbow sensor vd6281. The
1st byte is the address to read. Read data is returned in case of
success. A negative error is returned in case of failure.