blob: 4504ef9869d2466b24f9257c4d39847528750eda [file] [log] [blame]
Documentation on how to use debugfs/sysfs entries for airbush:
1. State Manager (/sys/kernel/debug/airbrush/airbrush_sm)
The entry of utmost importance is the read-write file:
Reading: Exports the information about the current state of the overall
Writing: On writing another chip state, it changes the overall chip-
-state to that state.
Other than that, there are directories for each block (IPU, TPU, DRAM, MIF,
FSYS, AON) each of which contains the following READ-ONLY entries which exports
information about the respective block:
current block-state-id
name of the curent state
name of the current substate.
current status of the voltage_rail
current logic voltage
current clock tree gating status
current clock_frequency.
(This value is only superficial, for actual value maintained by software
see Clock Section below)
current number of powered_cores (Applicable in case of IPU only)
current number of computing_cores (Applicable in case of IPU only)
current number of powered_tiles (Applicable in case of TPU only)
current data_rate (Applicable in case of DRAM and FSYS)
2. Clocks (/sys/kernel/debug/clk/)
After the first write to /sys/kernel/debug/airbrush/airbrush_sm/chip_state,
various clocks will be registered.
Once registered we can see various debugfs entries inside /sys/kernel/debug/clk/
"clk_summary" is one such read-only debugfs entry provided by CCF
Reading it exports vaious information about clock tree in a tabular
Each clock creates it's own subdirectory by the name of the clock and inside it
one can find many debugfs entries exporting properties of the clock.
Reading: exports the frequency of the clock
Writing: changes the rate of the clock to the given frequency
(for PLL clocks or divider clocks)
Reading: exports the name of the parent clock
Writing: changes the clock parent
Reading: exports the enable_count of the clock.
Writing: Enables/Disables the clock depending on the value written.
Reading: exports the prepare_count of the clock.
Writing: Prepares/Unprepares the clock depending on the value written.
Reading: exports the value of flags
Writing: Invalid
"clk_notifier_count", "clk_phase", "clk_accuracy" are not used in case of
3. DDR
Debugfs entry for DDR control is /sys/kernel/debug/airbrush/ab_ddr_ctrl
Reading: Invalid
Writing: 0 to trigger ddr_init()
1 to trigger ddr_suspend()
3 to trigger ddr_resume()