blob: 7cdb8bc18a00385589d98900064f2d5cd0592f23 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2012-2014, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
* only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#ifndef _IPA_I_H_
#define _IPA_I_H_
#include <linux/bitops.h>
#include <linux/cdev.h>
#include <linux/export.h>
#include <linux/idr.h>
#include <linux/list.h>
#include <linux/mutex.h>
#include <linux/skbuff.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/ipa.h>
#include <linux/msm-sps.h>
#include "ipa_hw_defs.h"
#include "ipa_ram_mmap.h"
#include "ipa_reg.h"
#define DRV_NAME "ipa"
#define IPA_COOKIE 0x57831603
#define MTU_BYTE 1500
#define IPA_NUM_PIPES 0x14
#define IPA_SYS_DESC_FIFO_SZ 0x800
#define IPADBG(fmt, args...) \
pr_debug(DRV_NAME " %s:%d " fmt, __func__, __LINE__, ## args)
#define IPAERR(fmt, args...) \
pr_err(DRV_NAME " %s:%d " fmt, __func__, __LINE__, ## args)
#define WLAN_AMPDU_TX_EP 15
#define WLAN_PROD_TX_EP 19
#define WLAN1_CONS_RX_EP 14
#define WLAN2_CONS_RX_EP 16
#define WLAN3_CONS_RX_EP 17
#define WLAN4_CONS_RX_EP 18
#define MAX_NUM_EXCP 8
#define IPA_STATS
#ifdef IPA_STATS
#define IPA_STATS_INC_CNT(val) do { \
++val; \
} while (0)
#define IPA_STATS_DEC_CNT(val) (--val)
#define IPA_STATS_EXCP_CNT(flags, base) do { \
int i; \
for (i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_EXCP; i++) \
if (flags & BIT(i)) \
++base[i]; \
if (flags == 0) \
++base[MAX_NUM_EXCP - 1]; \
} while (0)
#define IPA_STATS_INC_CNT(x) do { } while (0)
#define IPA_STATS_DEC_CNT(x)
#define IPA_STATS_EXCP_CNT(flags, base) do { } while (0)
#define IPA_TOS_EQ BIT(0)
#define IPA_OFFSET_MEQ32_0 BIT(2)
#define IPA_OFFSET_MEQ32_1 BIT(3)
#define IPA_IHL_OFFSET_EQ_16 BIT(6)
#define IPA_IHL_OFFSET_EQ_32 BIT(7)
#define IPA_IHL_OFFSET_MEQ32_0 BIT(8)
#define IPA_OFFSET_MEQ128_0 BIT(9)
#define IPA_OFFSET_MEQ128_1 BIT(10)
#define IPA_TC_EQ BIT(11)
#define IPA_FL_EQ BIT(12)
#define IPA_IHL_OFFSET_MEQ32_1 BIT(13)
#define IPA_IPV4_IS_FRAG BIT(15)
#define IPA_HDR_BIN0 0
#define IPA_HDR_BIN1 1
#define IPA_HDR_BIN2 2
#define IPA_HDR_BIN3 3
#define IPA_HDR_BIN4 4
#define IPA_HDR_BIN_MAX 5
* Due to ZLT issue with USB 3.0 core, IPA BAM threashold need to be set
* to max packet size + 1. After setting the threshold, USB core
* will not be notified on ZLTs
#define IPA_RX_POOL_CEIL 32
#define IPA_RX_SKB_SIZE 1792
#define IPA_A5_MUX_HDR_NAME "ipa_excp_hdr"
#define IPA_LAN_RX_HDR_NAME "ipa_lan_hdr"
#define IPA_SETFIELD(val, shift, mask) (((val) << (shift)) & (mask))
#define IPA_SETFIELD_IN_REG(reg, val, shift, mask) \
(reg |= ((val) << (shift)) & (mask))
#define IPA_HW_TABLE_ALIGNMENT(start_ofst) \
(((start_ofst) + 127) & ~127)
* struct ipa_mem_buffer - IPA memory buffer
* @base: base
* @phys_base: physical base address
* @size: size of memory buffer
struct ipa_mem_buffer {
void *base;
dma_addr_t phys_base;
u32 size;
* struct ipa_flt_entry - IPA filtering table entry
* @link: entry's link in global filtering enrties list
* @rule: filter rule
* @cookie: cookie used for validity check
* @tbl: filter table
* @rt_tbl: routing table
* @hw_len: entry's size
struct ipa_flt_entry {
struct list_head link;
struct ipa_flt_rule rule;
u32 cookie;
struct ipa_flt_tbl *tbl;
struct ipa_rt_tbl *rt_tbl;
u32 hw_len;
int id;
* struct ipa_rt_tbl - IPA routing table
* @link: table's link in global routing tables list
* @head_rt_rule_list: head of routing rules list
* @name: routing table name
* @idx: routing table index
* @rule_cnt: number of rules in routing table
* @ref_cnt: reference counter of raouting table
* @set: collection of routing tables
* @cookie: cookie used for validity check
* @in_sys: flag indicating if the table is located in system memory
* @sz: the size of the routing table
* @curr_mem: current routing tables block in sys memory
* @prev_mem: previous routing table block in sys memory
struct ipa_rt_tbl {
struct list_head link;
struct list_head head_rt_rule_list;
u32 idx;
u32 rule_cnt;
u32 ref_cnt;
struct ipa_rt_tbl_set *set;
u32 cookie;
bool in_sys;
u32 sz;
struct ipa_mem_buffer curr_mem;
struct ipa_mem_buffer prev_mem;
int id;
* struct ipa_hdr_entry - IPA header table entry
* @link: entry's link in global header table entries list
* @hdr: the header
* @hdr_len: header length
* @name: name of header table entry
* @is_partial: flag indicating if header table entry is partial
* @offset_entry: entry's offset
* @cookie: cookie used for validity check
* @ref_cnt: reference counter of raouting table
struct ipa_hdr_entry {
struct list_head link;
u32 hdr_len;
u8 is_partial;
struct ipa_hdr_offset_entry *offset_entry;
u32 cookie;
u32 ref_cnt;
int id;
* struct ipa_hdr_offset_entry - IPA header offset entry
* @link: entry's link in global header offset entries list
* @offset: the offset
* @bin: bin
struct ipa_hdr_offset_entry {
struct list_head link;
u32 offset;
u32 bin;
* struct ipa_hdr_tbl - IPA header table
* @head_hdr_entry_list: header entries list
* @head_offset_list: header offset list
* @head_free_offset_list: header free offset list
* @hdr_cnt: number of headers
* @end: the last header index
struct ipa_hdr_tbl {
struct list_head head_hdr_entry_list;
struct list_head head_offset_list[IPA_HDR_BIN_MAX];
struct list_head head_free_offset_list[IPA_HDR_BIN_MAX];
u32 hdr_cnt;
u32 end;
* struct ipa_flt_tbl - IPA filter table
* @head_flt_rule_list: filter rules list
* @rule_cnt: number of filter rules
* @in_sys: flag indicating if filter table is located in system memory
* @sz: the size of the filter table
* @end: the last header index
* @curr_mem: current filter tables block in sys memory
* @prev_mem: previous filter table block in sys memory
struct ipa_flt_tbl {
struct list_head head_flt_rule_list;
u32 rule_cnt;
bool in_sys;
u32 sz;
struct ipa_mem_buffer curr_mem;
struct ipa_mem_buffer prev_mem;
bool sticky_rear;
* struct ipa_rt_entry - IPA routing table entry
* @link: entry's link in global routing table entries list
* @rule: routing rule
* @cookie: cookie used for validity check
* @tbl: routing table
* @hdr: header table
* @hw_len: the length of the table
struct ipa_rt_entry {
struct list_head link;
struct ipa_rt_rule rule;
u32 cookie;
struct ipa_rt_tbl *tbl;
struct ipa_hdr_entry *hdr;
u32 hw_len;
int id;
* struct ipa_rt_tbl_set - collection of routing tables
* @head_rt_tbl_list: collection of routing tables
* @tbl_cnt: number of routing tables
struct ipa_rt_tbl_set {
struct list_head head_rt_tbl_list;
u32 tbl_cnt;
* struct ipa_ep_cfg_status - status configuration in IPA end-point
* @status_en: Determines if end point supports Status Indications. SW should
* set this bit in order to enable Statuses. Output Pipe - send
* Status indications only if bit is set. Input Pipe - forward Status
* indication to STATUS_ENDP only if bit is set. Valid for Input
* and Output Pipes (IPA Consumer and Producer)
* @status_ep: Statuses generated for this endpoint will be forwarded to the
* specifed Status End Point. Status endpoint needs to be
* configured with STATUS_EN=1 Valid only for Input Pipes (IPA
* Consumer)
struct ipa_ep_cfg_status {
bool status_en;
u8 status_ep;
* struct ipa_ep_context - IPA end point context
* @valid: flag indicating id EP context is valid
* @client: EP client type
* @ep_hdl: EP's client SPS handle
* @cfg: EP cionfiguration
* @dst_pipe_index: destination pipe index
* @rt_tbl_idx: routing table index
* @connect: SPS connect
* @priv: user provided information which will forwarded once the user is
* notified for new data avail
* @client_notify: user provided CB for EP events notification, the event is
* data revived.
* @desc_fifo_in_pipe_mem: flag indicating if descriptors FIFO uses pipe memory
* @data_fifo_in_pipe_mem: flag indicating if data FIFO uses pipe memory
* @desc_fifo_pipe_mem_ofst: descriptors FIFO pipe memory offset
* @data_fifo_pipe_mem_ofst: data FIFO pipe memory offset
* @desc_fifo_client_allocated: if descriptors FIFO was allocated by a client
* @data_fifo_client_allocated: if data FIFO was allocated by a client
* @suspended: valid for B2B pipes, whether IPA EP is suspended
* @skip_ep_cfg: boolean field that determines if EP should be configured
* by IPA driver
struct ipa_ep_context {
int valid;
enum ipa_client_type client;
struct sps_pipe *ep_hdl;
struct ipa_ep_cfg cfg;
struct ipa_ep_cfg_holb holb;
struct ipa_ep_cfg_status status;
u32 dst_pipe_index;
u32 rt_tbl_idx;
struct sps_connect connect;
void *priv;
void (*client_notify)(void *priv, enum ipa_dp_evt_type evt,
unsigned long data);
bool desc_fifo_in_pipe_mem;
bool data_fifo_in_pipe_mem;
u32 desc_fifo_pipe_mem_ofst;
u32 data_fifo_pipe_mem_ofst;
bool desc_fifo_client_allocated;
bool data_fifo_client_allocated;
bool suspended;
struct ipa_sys_context *sys;
u32 avail_fifo_desc;
u32 dflt_flt4_rule_hdl;
u32 dflt_flt6_rule_hdl;
bool skip_ep_cfg;
enum ipa_sys_pipe_policy {
* struct ipa_sys_context - IPA endpoint context for system to BAM pipes
* @head_desc_list: header descriptors list
* @len: the size of the above list
* @spinlock: protects the list and its size
* @event: used to request CALLBACK mode from SPS driver
* @ep: IPA EP context
* IPA context specific to the system-bam pipes a.k.a LAN IN/OUT and WAN
struct ipa_sys_context {
struct list_head head_desc_list;
u32 len;
spinlock_t spinlock;
struct sps_register_event event;
struct ipa_ep_context *ep;
atomic_t curr_polling_state;
struct delayed_work switch_to_intr_work;
enum ipa_sys_pipe_policy policy;
int (*pyld_hdlr)(struct sk_buff *skb, struct ipa_sys_context *sys);
struct sk_buff *(*get_skb)(unsigned int len, gfp_t flags);
void (*free_skb)(struct sk_buff *skb);
u32 rx_buff_sz;
u32 rx_pool_sz;
struct workqueue_struct *wq;
struct sk_buff *prev_skb;
unsigned int len_rem;
unsigned int len_pad;
unsigned int len_partial;
struct work_struct work;
void (*sps_callback)(struct sps_event_notify *notify);
enum sps_option sps_option;
struct delayed_work replenish_rx_work;
* enum ipa_desc_type - IPA decriptors type
* IPA decriptors type, IPA supports DD and ICD but no CD
enum ipa_desc_type {
* struct ipa_tx_pkt_wrapper - IPA Tx packet wrapper
* @type: specify if this packet is for the skb or immediate command
* @mem: memory buffer used by this Tx packet
* @work: work struct for current Tx packet
* @link: linked to the wrappers on that pipe
* @callback: IPA client provided callback
* @user1: cookie1 for above callback
* @user2: cookie2 for above callback
* @sys: corresponding IPA sys context
* @mult: valid only for first of a "multiple" transfer,
* holds info for the "sps_transfer" buffer
* @cnt: 1 for single transfers,
* >1 and <0xFFFF for first of a "multiple" tranfer,
* 0xFFFF for last desc, 0 for rest of "multiple' transfer
* @bounce: va of bounce buffer
* This struct can wrap both data packet and immediate command packet.
struct ipa_tx_pkt_wrapper {
enum ipa_desc_type type;
struct ipa_mem_buffer mem;
struct work_struct work;
struct list_head link;
void (*callback)(void *user1, int user2);
void *user1;
int user2;
struct ipa_sys_context *sys;
struct ipa_mem_buffer mult;
u32 cnt;
void *bounce;
* struct ipa_desc - IPA descriptor
* @type: skb or immediate command or plain old data
* @pyld: points to skb
* or kmalloc'ed immediate command parameters/plain old data
* @len: length of the pyld
* @opcode: for immediate commands
* @callback: IPA client provided completion callback
* @user1: cookie1 for above callback
* @user2: cookie2 for above callback
* @xfer_done: completion object for sync completion
struct ipa_desc {
enum ipa_desc_type type;
void *pyld;
u16 len;
u16 opcode;
void (*callback)(void *user1, int user2);
void *user1;
int user2;
struct completion xfer_done;
* struct ipa_rx_pkt_wrapper - IPA Rx packet wrapper
* @skb: skb
* @dma_address: DMA address of this Rx packet
* @link: linked to the Rx packets on that pipe
* @len: how many bytes are copied into skb's flat buffer
struct ipa_rx_pkt_wrapper {
struct list_head link;
struct ipa_rx_data data;
u32 len;
struct work_struct work;
struct ipa_sys_context *sys;
* struct ipa_nat_mem - IPA NAT memory description
* @class: pointer to the struct class
* @dev: the dev_t of the device
* @cdev: cdev of the device
* @dev_num: device number
* @vaddr: virtual address
* @dma_handle: DMA handle
* @size: NAT memory size
* @is_mapped: flag indicating if NAT memory is mapped
* @is_sys_mem: flag indicating if NAT memory is sys memory
* @is_dev_init: flag indicating if NAT device is initialized
* @lock: NAT memory mutex
* @nat_base_address: nat table virutal address
* @ipv4_rules_addr: base nat table address
* @ipv4_expansion_rules_addr: expansion table address
* @index_table_addr: index table address
* @index_table_expansion_addr: index expansion table address
* @size_base_tables: base table size
* @size_expansion_tables: expansion table size
* @public_ip_addr: ip address of nat table
struct ipa_nat_mem {
struct class *class;
struct device *dev;
struct cdev cdev;
dev_t dev_num;
void *vaddr;
dma_addr_t dma_handle;
size_t size;
bool is_mapped;
bool is_sys_mem;
bool is_dev_init;
struct mutex lock;
void *nat_base_address;
char *ipv4_rules_addr;
char *ipv4_expansion_rules_addr;
char *index_table_addr;
char *index_table_expansion_addr;
u32 size_base_tables;
u32 size_expansion_tables;
u32 public_ip_addr;
* enum ipa_hw_type - IPA hardware version type
* @IPA_HW_None: IPA hardware version not defined
* @IPA_HW_v1_0: IPA hardware version 1.0, corresponding to ELAN 1.0
* @IPA_HW_v1_1: IPA hardware version 1.1, corresponding to ELAN 2.0
* @IPA_HW_v2_0: IPA hardware version 2.0
enum ipa_hw_type {
IPA_HW_None = 0,
IPA_HW_v1_0 = 1,
IPA_HW_v1_1 = 2,
IPA_HW_v2_0 = 3
* enum ipa_hw_mode - IPA hardware mode
* @IPA_HW_Normal: Regular IPA hardware
* @IPA_HW_Virtual: IPA hardware supporting virtual memory allocation
* @IPA_HW_PCIE: IPA hardware supporting memory allocation over PCIE Bridge
enum ipa_hw_mode {
enum ipa_config_this_ep {
struct ipa_stats {
u32 tx_sw_pkts;
u32 tx_hw_pkts;
u32 rx_pkts;
u32 rx_excp_pkts[MAX_NUM_EXCP];
u32 rx_repl_repost;
u32 tx_pkts_compl;
u32 rx_q_len;
u32 msg_w[IPA_EVENT_MAX_NUM];
u32 msg_r[IPA_EVENT_MAX_NUM];
u32 a2_power_on_reqs_in;
u32 a2_power_on_reqs_out;
u32 a2_power_off_reqs_in;
u32 a2_power_off_reqs_out;
u32 a2_power_modem_acks;
u32 a2_power_apps_acks;
u32 stat_compl;
u32 aggr_close;
u32 wan_aggr_close;
struct ipa_wlan_stats {
u32 rx_pkts_rcvd;
u32 rx_pkts_status_rcvd;
u32 rx_hd_processed;
u32 rx_hd_reply;
u32 rx_hd_rcvd;
u32 rx_pkt_leak;
u32 rx_dp_fail;
u32 tx_buf_cnt;
u32 tx_pkts_freed;
u32 tx_pkts_rcvd;
struct ipa_controller;
* struct ipa_context - IPA context
* @class: pointer to the struct class
* @dev_num: device number
* @dev: the dev_t of the device
* @cdev: cdev of the device
* @bam_handle: IPA driver's BAM handle
* @ep: list of all end points
* @flt_tbl: list of all IPA filter tables
* @mode: IPA operating mode
* @mmio: iomem
* @ipa_wrapper_base: IPA wrapper base address
* @glob_flt_tbl: global filter table
* @hdr_tbl: IPA header table
* @rt_tbl_set: list of routing tables each of which is a list of rules
* @reap_rt_tbl_set: list of sys mem routing tables waiting to be reaped
* @flt_rule_cache: filter rule cache
* @rt_rule_cache: routing rule cache
* @hdr_cache: header cache
* @hdr_offset_cache: header offset cache
* @rt_tbl_cache: routing table cache
* @tx_pkt_wrapper_cache: Tx packets cache
* @rx_pkt_wrapper_cache: Rx packets cache
* @rt_idx_bitmap: routing table index bitmap
* @lock: this does NOT protect the linked lists within ipa_sys_context
* @smem_sz: shared memory size available for SW use starting
* from non-restricted bytes
* @smem_restricted_bytes: the bytes that SW should not use in the shared mem
* @nat_mem: NAT memory
* @excp_hdr_hdl: exception header handle
* @dflt_v4_rt_rule_hdl: default v4 routing rule handle
* @dflt_v6_rt_rule_hdl: default v6 routing rule handle
* @aggregation_type: aggregation type used on USB client endpoint
* @aggregation_byte_limit: aggregation byte limit used on USB client endpoint
* @aggregation_time_limit: aggregation time limit used on USB client endpoint
* @hdr_tbl_lcl: where hdr tbl resides 1-local, 0-system
* @hdr_mem: header memory
* @ip4_rt_tbl_lcl: where ip4 rt tables reside 1-local; 0-system
* @ip6_rt_tbl_lcl: where ip6 rt tables reside 1-local; 0-system
* @ip4_flt_tbl_lcl: where ip4 flt tables reside 1-local; 0-system
* @ip6_flt_tbl_lcl: where ip6 flt tables reside 1-local; 0-system
* @empty_rt_tbl_mem: empty routing tables memory
* @pipe_mem_pool: pipe memory pool
* @dma_pool: special purpose DMA pool
* @ipa_hw_type: type of IPA HW type (e.g. IPA 1.0, IPA 1.1 etc')
* @ipa_hw_mode: mode of IPA HW mode (e.g. Normal, Virtual or over PCIe)
* @use_ipa_bamdma_a2_bridge: used for indirect communication
* between IPA and A2 PER
* @use_ipa_teth_bridge: use tethering bridge driver
* @use_a2_service: the A2 service shall be used for A2 MUXing capability
* @ipa_bus_hdl: msm driver handle for the data path bus
* @ctrl: holds the core specific operations based on
* core version (vtable like)
* IPA context - holds all relevant info about IPA driver and its state
struct ipa_context {
struct class *class;
dev_t dev_num;
struct device *dev;
struct cdev cdev;
unsigned long bam_handle;
struct ipa_ep_context ep[IPA_NUM_PIPES];
struct ipa_flt_tbl flt_tbl[IPA_NUM_PIPES][IPA_IP_MAX];
void __iomem *mmio;
u32 ipa_wrapper_base;
struct ipa_flt_tbl glob_flt_tbl[IPA_IP_MAX];
struct ipa_hdr_tbl hdr_tbl;
struct ipa_rt_tbl_set rt_tbl_set[IPA_IP_MAX];
struct ipa_rt_tbl_set reap_rt_tbl_set[IPA_IP_MAX];
struct kmem_cache *flt_rule_cache;
struct kmem_cache *rt_rule_cache;
struct kmem_cache *hdr_cache;
struct kmem_cache *hdr_offset_cache;
struct kmem_cache *rt_tbl_cache;
struct kmem_cache *tx_pkt_wrapper_cache;
struct kmem_cache *rx_pkt_wrapper_cache;
unsigned long rt_idx_bitmap[IPA_IP_MAX];
struct mutex lock;
u16 smem_sz;
u16 smem_restricted_bytes;
u16 smem_reqd_sz;
struct ipa_nat_mem nat_mem;
u32 excp_hdr_hdl;
u32 dflt_v4_rt_rule_hdl;
u32 dflt_v6_rt_rule_hdl;
uint aggregation_type;
uint aggregation_byte_limit;
uint aggregation_time_limit;
bool hdr_tbl_lcl;
struct ipa_mem_buffer hdr_mem;
bool ip4_rt_tbl_lcl;
bool ip6_rt_tbl_lcl;
bool ip4_flt_tbl_lcl;
bool ip6_flt_tbl_lcl;
struct ipa_mem_buffer empty_rt_tbl_mem;
struct gen_pool *pipe_mem_pool;
struct dma_pool *dma_pool;
struct mutex ipa_active_clients_lock;
int ipa_active_clients;
u32 clnt_hdl_cmd;
u32 clnt_hdl_data_in;
u32 clnt_hdl_data_out;
u8 a5_pipe_index;
struct list_head intf_list;
struct list_head msg_list;
struct list_head pull_msg_list;
struct mutex msg_lock;
wait_queue_head_t msg_waitq;
enum ipa_hw_type ipa_hw_type;
enum ipa_hw_mode ipa_hw_mode;
bool use_ipa_bamdma_a2_bridge;
bool use_ipa_teth_bridge;
bool use_a2_service;
/* featurize if memory footprint becomes a concern */
struct ipa_stats stats;
void *smem_pipe_mem;
u32 ipa_bus_hdl;
struct ipa_controller *ctrl;
struct idr ipa_idr;
struct device *pdev;
spinlock_t idr_lock;
/* wlan related member */
spinlock_t wlan_spinlock;
spinlock_t ipa_tx_mul_spinlock;
u32 wlan_comm_cnt;
struct list_head wlan_comm_desc_list;
struct ipa_wlan_stats wstats;
* struct ipa_route - IPA route
* @route_dis: route disable
* @route_def_pipe: route default pipe
* @route_def_hdr_table: route default header table
* @route_def_hdr_ofst: route default header offset table
* @route_frag_def_pipe: Default pipe to route fragmented exception
* packets and frag new rule statues, if source pipe does not have
* a notification status pipe defined.
struct ipa_route {
u32 route_dis;
u32 route_def_pipe;
u32 route_def_hdr_table;
u32 route_def_hdr_ofst;
u8 route_frag_def_pipe;
* enum ipa_pipe_mem_type - IPA pipe memory type
* @IPA_SPS_PIPE_MEM: Default, SPS dedicated pipe memory
* @IPA_PRIVATE_MEM: IPA's private memory
* @IPA_SYSTEM_MEM: System RAM, requires allocation
enum ipa_pipe_mem_type {
* enum a2_mux_pipe_direction - IPA-A2 pipe direction
enum a2_mux_pipe_direction {
A2_TO_IPA = 0,
IPA_TO_A2 = 1
* struct a2_mux_pipe_connection - A2 MUX pipe connection
* @src_phy_addr: source physical address
* @src_pipe_index: source pipe index
* @dst_phy_addr: destination physical address
* @dst_pipe_index: destination pipe index
* @mem_type: pipe memory type
* @data_fifo_base_offset: data FIFO base offset
* @data_fifo_size: data FIFO size
* @desc_fifo_base_offset: descriptors FIFO base offset
* @desc_fifo_size: descriptors FIFO size
struct a2_mux_pipe_connection {
int src_phy_addr;
int src_pipe_index;
int dst_phy_addr;
int dst_pipe_index;
enum ipa_pipe_mem_type mem_type;
int data_fifo_base_offset;
int data_fifo_size;
int desc_fifo_base_offset;
int desc_fifo_size;
struct ipa_plat_drv_res {
bool use_ipa_bamdma_a2_bridge;
bool use_ipa_teth_bridge;
bool use_a2_service;
u32 ipa_mem_base;
u32 ipa_mem_size;
u32 bam_mem_base;
u32 bam_mem_size;
u32 a2_bam_mem_base;
u32 a2_bam_mem_size;
u32 ipa_irq;
u32 bam_irq;
u32 a2_bam_irq;
u32 ipa_pipe_mem_start_ofst;
u32 ipa_pipe_mem_size;
enum ipa_hw_type ipa_hw_type;
enum ipa_hw_mode ipa_hw_mode;
struct a2_mux_pipe_connection a2_to_ipa_pipe;
struct a2_mux_pipe_connection ipa_to_a2_pipe;
u32 ee;
struct ipa_controller {
u32 ipa_clk_rate;
void (*ipa_sram_read_settings)(void);
void (*ipa_cfg_ep_hdr)(u32 pipe_number,
const struct ipa_ep_cfg_hdr *ipa_ep_hdr_cfg);
int (*ipa_cfg_ep_hdr_ext)(u32 pipe_number,
const struct ipa_ep_cfg_hdr_ext *ipa_ep_hdr_ext_cfg);
void (*ipa_cfg_ep_aggr)(u32 pipe_number,
const struct ipa_ep_cfg_aggr *ipa_ep_agrr_cfg);
int (*ipa_cfg_ep_deaggr)(u32 pipe_index,
const struct ipa_ep_cfg_deaggr *ep_deaggr);
void (*ipa_cfg_ep_nat)(u32 pipe_number,
const struct ipa_ep_cfg_nat *ipa_ep_nat_cfg);
void (*ipa_cfg_ep_mode)(u32 pipe_number, u32 dst_pipe_number,
const struct ipa_ep_cfg_mode *ep_mode);
void (*ipa_cfg_ep_route)(u32 pipe_index, u32 rt_tbl_index);
void (*ipa_cfg_ep_holb)(u32 pipe_index,
const struct ipa_ep_cfg_holb *ep_holb);
void (*ipa_cfg_route)(struct ipa_route *route);
int (*ipa_read_gen_reg)(char *buff, int max_len);
int (*ipa_read_ep_reg)(char *buff, int max_len, int pipe);
void (*ipa_write_dbg_cnt)(int option);
int (*ipa_read_dbg_cnt)(char *buf, int max_len);
void (*ipa_cfg_ep_status)(u32 clnt_hdl,
const struct ipa_ep_cfg_status *ep_status);
int (*ipa_commit_flt)(enum ipa_ip_type ip);
int (*ipa_commit_rt)(enum ipa_ip_type ip);
int (*ipa_commit_hdr)(void);
void (*ipa_cfg_ep_cfg)(u32 clnt_hdl,
const struct ipa_ep_cfg_cfg *cfg);
void (*ipa_cfg_ep_metadata_mask)(u32 clnt_hdl,
const struct ipa_ep_cfg_metadata_mask *metadata_mask);
void (*ipa_enable_clks)(void);
void (*ipa_disable_clks)(void);
struct msm_bus_scale_pdata *msm_bus_data_ptr;
void (*ipa_cfg_ep_metadata)(u32 pipe_number,
const struct ipa_ep_cfg_metadata *);
extern struct ipa_context *ipa_ctx;
int ipa_get_a2_mux_pipe_info(enum a2_mux_pipe_direction pipe_dir,
struct a2_mux_pipe_connection *pipe_connect);
int ipa_get_a2_mux_bam_info(u32 *a2_bam_mem_base, u32 *a2_bam_mem_size,
u32 *a2_bam_irq);
int ipa_send_one(struct ipa_sys_context *sys, struct ipa_desc *desc,
bool in_atomic);
int ipa_send(struct ipa_sys_context *sys, u32 num_desc, struct ipa_desc *desc,
bool in_atomic);
int ipa_get_ep_mapping(enum ipa_client_type client);
int ipa_get_client_mapping(int pipe_idx);
int ipa_generate_hw_rule(enum ipa_ip_type ip,
const struct ipa_rule_attrib *attrib,
u8 **buf,
u16 *en_rule);
u8 *ipa_write_32(u32 w, u8 *dest);
u8 *ipa_write_16(u16 hw, u8 *dest);
u8 *ipa_write_8(u8 b, u8 *dest);
u8 *ipa_pad_to_32(u8 *dest);
int ipa_init_hw(void);
struct ipa_rt_tbl *__ipa_find_rt_tbl(enum ipa_ip_type ip, const char *name);
int ipa_set_single_ndp_per_mbim(bool);
int ipa_set_hw_timer_fix_for_mbim_aggr(bool);
void ipa_debugfs_init(void);
void ipa_debugfs_remove(void);
void ipa_dump_buff_internal(void *base, dma_addr_t phy_base, u32 size);
#ifdef IPA_DEBUG
#define IPA_DUMP_BUFF(base, phy_base, size) \
ipa_dump_buff_internal(base, phy_base, size)
#define IPA_DUMP_BUFF(base, phy_base, size)
int ipa_controller_static_bind(struct ipa_controller *controller,
enum ipa_hw_type ipa_hw_type);
int ipa_cfg_route(struct ipa_route *route);
int ipa_send_cmd(u16 num_desc, struct ipa_desc *descr);
int ipa_cfg_filter(u32 disable);
int ipa_pipe_mem_init(u32 start_ofst, u32 size);
int ipa_pipe_mem_alloc(u32 *ofst, u32 size);
int ipa_pipe_mem_free(u32 ofst, u32 size);
int ipa_straddle_boundary(u32 start, u32 end, u32 boundary);
struct ipa_context *ipa_get_ctx(void);
void ipa_enable_clks(void);
void ipa_disable_clks(void);
void ipa_inc_client_enable_clks(void);
void ipa_dec_client_disable_clks(void);
int ipa_interrupts_init(u32 ipa_irq, u32 ee, struct device *ipa_dev);
int __ipa_del_rt_rule(u32 rule_hdl);
int __ipa_del_hdr(u32 hdr_hdl);
int __ipa_release_hdr(u32 hdr_hdl);
int _ipa_read_gen_reg_v1_0(char *buff, int max_len);
int _ipa_read_gen_reg_v1_1(char *buff, int max_len);
int _ipa_read_gen_reg_v2_0(char *buff, int max_len);
int _ipa_read_ep_reg_v1_0(char *buf, int max_len, int pipe);
int _ipa_read_ep_reg_v1_1(char *buf, int max_len, int pipe);
int _ipa_read_ep_reg_v2_0(char *buf, int max_len, int pipe);
void _ipa_write_dbg_cnt_v1(int option);
void _ipa_write_dbg_cnt_v2_0(int option);
int _ipa_read_dbg_cnt_v1(char *buf, int max_len);
int _ipa_read_dbg_cnt_v2_0(char *buf, int max_len);
void _ipa_enable_clks_v1(void);
void _ipa_enable_clks_v2_0(void);
void _ipa_disable_clks_v1(void);
void _ipa_disable_clks_v2_0(void);
static inline u32 ipa_read_reg(void *base, u32 offset)
return ioread32(base + offset);
static inline u32 ipa_read_reg_field(void *base, u32 offset,
u32 mask, u32 shift)
return (ipa_read_reg(base, offset) & mask) >> shift;
static inline void ipa_write_reg(void *base, u32 offset, u32 val)
iowrite32(val, base + offset);
int ipa_bridge_init(void);
void ipa_bridge_cleanup(void);
ssize_t ipa_read(struct file *filp, char __user *buf, size_t count,
loff_t *f_pos);
int ipa_pull_msg(struct ipa_msg_meta *meta, char *buff, size_t count);
int ipa_query_intf(struct ipa_ioc_query_intf *lookup);
int ipa_query_intf_tx_props(struct ipa_ioc_query_intf_tx_props *tx);
int ipa_query_intf_rx_props(struct ipa_ioc_query_intf_rx_props *rx);
int ipa_query_intf_ext_props(struct ipa_ioc_query_intf_ext_props *ext);
int a2_mux_init(void);
int a2_mux_exit(void);
void wwan_cleanup(void);
int teth_bridge_driver_init(void);
void ipa_lan_rx_cb(void *priv, enum ipa_dp_evt_type evt, unsigned long data);
int __ipa_commit_flt_v1(enum ipa_ip_type ip);
int __ipa_commit_flt_v2(enum ipa_ip_type ip);
int __ipa_commit_rt_v1(enum ipa_ip_type ip);
int __ipa_commit_rt_v2(enum ipa_ip_type ip);
int __ipa_commit_hdr_v1(void);
int __ipa_commit_hdr_v2(void);
int ipa_generate_flt_eq(enum ipa_ip_type ip,
const struct ipa_rule_attrib *attrib,
struct ipa_ipfltri_rule_eq *eq_attrib);
void ipa_skb_recycle(struct sk_buff *skb);
void ipa_install_dflt_flt_rules(u32 ipa_ep_idx);
void ipa_delete_dflt_flt_rules(u32 ipa_ep_idx);
int ipa_enable_data_path(u32 clnt_hdl);
int ipa_disable_data_path(u32 clnt_hdl);
int ipa_id_alloc(void *ptr);
void *ipa_id_find(u32 id);
void ipa_id_remove(u32 id);
int ipa_cfg_ep_status(u32 clnt_hdl, const struct ipa_ep_cfg_status *ipa_ep_cfg);
#endif /* _IPA_I_H_ */