blob: 67303eb3a1df88bec4ce5f911d556bec45d49c6e [file] [log] [blame]
* qpnp-clkdiv
clkdiv configures the clock frequency of a set of outputs on the PMIC.
These clocks are typically wired through alternate functions on
gpio pins.
Required properties :
- reg : The address and size of the peripheral. Size should be 0x1000, and the
address may vary.
- qcom,cxo-freq : The frequency of the cxo clock in Hz.
Optional properties :
- qcom,cxo-div : Integer to divide the CXO clock by when constructing the
output frequency. Please see the definitions in
include/linux/qpnp-clkdiv.h to choose the appropriate value.
- qcom,enable : 0 == disable clock output
1 == enable clock output.
Note: if an optional property is not specified, no device configuration will
occur at probe time.
Client required properties :
- <consumer name>-clk : A phandle to the corresponding divclk device. The
consumer name refers to the name that will be
passed to qpnp_clkdiv_get(), and allows for a
client specific name to be associated with each
Clkdiv device example :
pm8941_clkdiv1: clkdiv@5b00 {
reg = <0x5b00 0x1000>;
qcom,cxo-freq = <19200000>;
qcom,cxo-div = <1>;
qcom,enable = <1>;
Client device example :
client {
my-clk = &pm8941_clkdiv1;