blob: 9b69037a179a47213885488da5273aac1e252aa3 [file] [log] [blame]
The RBCPR(Rapid Bridge Core Power Reduction) is module on RPM that controls
the voltage level on the chip based on feedback received through various
sensors on the chip that allow compensation of the chip process variation,
temperature etc.
RPM maintains RBCPR (Rapid Bridge Core Power Reduction) related stats in
data memory. This module allows users to read those stats.
The required properties for rpm-stats are:
- compatible: "qcom,rpmrbcpr-stats"
- reg: Pointer to the start of the RPM Data Memory. The size of the memory
is inclusive of the entire RPM data memory.
- qcom,start_offset: The offset at which the RBCPR stats are maintained. The
driver module reads this parameter to get another offset
that contain the rbcpr stats.
qcom,rpm-rbcpr-stats@fc000000 {
compatible = "qcom,rpmrbcpr-stats";
reg = <0xfc000000 0x1a0000>;
qcom,start-offset = <0x190010>;