blob: 02396745dd5ea332a3e18e4200727d4211b597ef [file] [log] [blame]
* RPM Master Stats
RPM maintains each master data in RPM message RAM at a specific
offset. It tells about the individual masters information at
any given time like "number of active cores in sub system",
"number of shutdowns" and "wakeup reason for SS" etc. These stats
can be show to the user using the debugfs interface of the kernel.
To achieve this device tree node has been added and it will hold
the address of the RPM RAM from where master stats are read.
Added version number to distinguish the type of data structure
being read from the RAM for different targets.
The required properties for rpm-master-stats are:
- compatible: "qcom,rpm-master-stats".
- reg: The address on the RPM RAM from where stats are read.
- qcom,masters: Each master name.
- qcom,master-offset: Offset required to access each master stats area.
- qcom,master-stats-version: Version number.
qcom,rpm-stats@fc428150 {
compatible = "qcom,rpm-stats";
reg = <0xfc428150 0x1000>;
qcom,masters = "APSS", "MPSS", "LPSS", "PRONTO";
qcom,master-offset = <2560>;
qcom,master-stats-version = <2>;