blob: 4519a7f1341eb68c7c8dfea25c6a7677d34cc17c [file] [log] [blame]
The qcom,pmic-id entry specifies the PMIC chips used on a given MSM platform.
It is expected that the bootloader will use this information at boot-up to
decide which device tree to use when given multiple device trees, some of which
may not be compatible with the actual hardware. It is the bootloader's
responsibility to pass the correct device tree to the kernel.
The cell layout of the qcom,pmic-id property is as follows:
qcom,pmic-id = <pmic1 pmic2 pmic3 pmic4> [, <pmic1 pmic2 pmic3 pmic4> ...];
where a given "pmic#" cell is a 32-bit integer which is defined as follows:
bits 31-24 = unused
bits 23-16 = PMIC major version
bits 15-8 = PMIC minor version
bits 7-0 = PMIC model number
The PMIC values in each tuple must be listed in ascending order of their global
SPMI slave id for a given board. Note that any missing entries need to be
denoted by 0x0 to complete a given tuple. The ordering of tuples within the
property is arbitrary.
qcom,pmic-id = <0x10009 0x1000A 0x1000C 0x0>;
qcom,pmic-id = <0x10009 0x1000C 0x0 0x0>;
qcom,pmic-id = <0x10009 0x1000A 0x0 0x0>,
<0x20109 0x1000A 0x0 0x0>;