blob: a58af7db4d0d9ad347e05987ce266a6e427d2501 [file] [log] [blame]
QTI Radio Frequency IC (RFIC)
This is a kernel platform driver which enables the RF interfaces supported by
QTI. This driver uses SSBI driver to access the low level registers. This has
support for Pulse Density Modulation(PDM) and General purpose RF Control(GRFC)s.
It is also possible to access GRFC without going through SSBI. There are 2
sections listed below, one using ssbi parent driver and the other direct access.
1. Driver access to get/set GRFC registers using ssbi driver.
Required properties:
-compatible: parent should be "qcom,ssbi"
-reg: physical base address and length of the register set
-reg-names: RFIC device is a child node of ssbi and uses the base address of
the parent driver. RFIC uses a large set of registers, hence base address is
defined here.
-qcom,controller-type: controller type could be "geni-ssbi-arbiter" or
-compatible: child should be "qcom,rfic"
Example for rfic driver using SSBI as a parent:
ssbi1: qcom,ssbi@f9b18000 {
compatible = "qcom,ssbi";
reg = <0xf9b18000 0x4000>;
reg-names = "ssbi1_base";
qcom,controller-type = "geni-ssbi-arbiter";
rfic@1 {
compatible = "qcom,rfic";
2. Driver access to set/get GRFC registers without going thru SSBI. The following
driver entry is independent and does not use ssbi driver.
Required properties:
-compatible: should be "qcom,rfic"
-reg: specifies the base address of the GRFC registers.
vdd-switch-supply: regulator used to control RF switches.
vdd-wtr-supply: regulator used to control WTR.
vdd-ftr1-supply: regulator used to control FTR1.
vdd-ftr2-supply: regulator used to control FTR2.
vdd-1v8-supply: regulator used to control 1.8V to all RFICs.
vdd-1v3-supply: regulator used to control 1.3V to all RFICs
qcom,rfic@fd4a4090 {
compatible = "qcom,rfic";
reg = <0xfd4a4090 0x40>;
vdd-switch-supply = <&pma8084_l18>;
vdd-wtr-supply = <&pma8084_l19>;
vdd-ftr1-supply = <&pma8084_l23>;
vdd-ftr2-supply = <&pma8084_l25>;
vdd-1v8-supply = <&pma8084_l26>;
vdd-1v3-supply = <&pma8084_l11>;
qcom,pdm@f9b10000 {
compatible = "qcom,rfic";
reg = <0xf9b10000 0x8000>;