blob: 33d0ebff5297614d15407023fdd8356be2dfe3f0 [file] [log] [blame]
Ensigma UCCP330 - Broadcast demodulator
Ensigma UCCP330 is a multistandard broadcast demodulator.
For information on the Ensigma UCCP330 driver, please refer to the
Ensigma UCCP330 driver.
documentation: Documentation/arm/msm/ensigma_uccp330.txt.
The devicetree representation of the Ensigma UCCP330 block should be:
Required properties:
- compatible: "qcom,msm-demod"
- reg: physical memory base addresses and sizes for the following:
Ensigma UCCP330, TOP BCSS
- reg-names: names of the memory regions:
msm-demod, top-bcss
- vdd-supply
GDSC - gdsc_bcss
demod: msm-demod@fc600000 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-demod";
reg = <0xfc600000 0xd0008>,<0xfc747000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "msm-demod", "top-bcss";
vdd-supply = <&gdsc_bcss>;