blob: 028f4641ddaaa2639d59e31cd26add5fbb044f0d [file] [log] [blame]
Demod Wrapper - HW block in broadcast subsystem
The Demod wrapper block contains HW units that
are responsible for navigating and filtering an analog TV or
digital TV signal to integrated demodulators.
The driver supports the operation of those units and provides
a way to set and configure a desired signal path.
documentation: Documentation/arm/msm/demod_wrapper.txt.
The devicetree representation of the MSM_DEMOD_WRAPPER block should be:
Required properties:
- compatible: "qcom,msm-demod-wrapper"
- reg: physical memory base addresses and sizes for demod_wrapper.
- vdd-supply: power regulator (GDSC) supplying power to the broadcast subsystem.
- adc-supply: power regulator supplying power to adcs in the demod wrapper block.
Example :
dw: msm-demod-wrapper@fc600000 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-demod-wrapper";
reg = <0xfc600000 0xdd000>;
vdd-supply = <&gdsc_bcss>;
adc-supply = <&pma8084_l27>;