blob: bedfed5e5ccd82c4ff93d3aec5780f1b904c41c8 [file] [log] [blame]
* LPM Workarounds
The required properties are:
- compatible: "qcom,lpm-workarounds"
The optional properties are:
- qcom,lpm-wa-cx-turbo-unvote: Indicates the workaround to unvote CX turbo
vote when system is coming out of rpm assisted power collaspe.
lpm-cx-supply is required if this is present.
- lpm-cx-supply: will hold handle for CX regulator supply which is used
to unvote.
qcom,lpm-workarounds {
compatible = "qcom,lpm-workarounds";
lpm-cx-supply = <&pm8916_s2_corner>;