blob: 27c73324dbb834b80ddbbbb683a8839a983b4b4c [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2013-2014, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
* only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
/memreserve/ 0x00000000 0x00001000;
/memreserve/ 0xac1c0000 0x00001000;
#include "skeleton64.dtsi"
/ {
model = "Qualcomm APQ 8084";
compatible = "qcom,apq8084";
qcom,msm-id = <178 0x10000>;
interrupt-parent = <&intc>;
aliases {
sdhc1 = &sdhc_1; /* SDC1 eMMC slot */
sdhc2 = &sdhc_2; /* SDC2 SD card slot */
spi0 = &spi_0;
soc: soc { };
memory {
#address-cells = <2>;
#size-cells = <2>;
qsecom_mem: qsecom_region@0 {
reg = <0 0 0 0x1100000>;
label = "qseecom_mem";
secure_mem: secure_region@0 {
reg = <0 0 0 0xfc00000>;
label = "secure_mem";
#include "msm-gdsc.dtsi"
#include "apq8084-ion.dtsi"
#include "apq8084-iommu.dtsi"
#include "apq8084-iommu-domains.dtsi"
#include "apq8084-smp2p.dtsi"
#include "apq8084-coresight.dtsi"
#include "apq8084-mdss.dtsi"
#include "apq8084-gpu.dtsi"
#include "apq8084-pm.dtsi"
#include "apq8084-bus.dtsi"
#include "apq8084-iommu-domains.dtsi"
#include "apq8084-pinctrl.dtsi"
#include "apq8084-camera.dtsi"
#include "apq8084-ipcrouter.dtsi"
#include "msm-rdbg.dtsi"
&soc {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;
ranges = <0 0 0 0xffffffff>;
intc: interrupt-controller@f9000000 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-qgic2";
#interrupt-cells = <3>;
reg = <0xF9000000 0x1000>,
<0xF9002000 0x1000>;
msmgpio: gpio@fd510000 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-gpio";
#gpio-cells = <2>;
#interrupt-cells = <2>;
reg = <0xfd510000 0x4000>;
ngpio = <147>;
interrupts = <0 208 0>;
qcom,direct-connect-irqs = <8>;
qcom,subsys-id = <3>;
timer {
compatible = "arm,armv7-timer";
interrupts = <1 2 0xf08>,
<1 3 0xf08>,
<1 4 0xf08>,
<1 1 0xf08>;
clock-frequency = <19200000>;
timer@f9020000 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;
compatible = "arm,armv7-timer-mem";
reg = <0xf9020000 0x1000>;
clock-frequency = <19200000>;
frame@f9021000 {
frame-number = <0>;
interrupts = <0 8 0x4>,
<0 7 0x4>;
reg = <0xf9021000 0x1000>,
<0xf9022000 0x1000>;
frame@f9023000 {
frame-number = <1>;
interrupts = <0 9 0x4>;
reg = <0xf9023000 0x1000>;
status = "disabled";
frame@f9024000 {
frame-number = <2>;
interrupts = <0 10 0x4>;
reg = <0xf9024000 0x1000>;
status = "disabled";
frame@f9025000 {
frame-number = <3>;
interrupts = <0 11 0x4>;
reg = <0xf9025000 0x1000>;
status = "disabled";
frame@f9026000 {
frame-number = <4>;
interrupts = <0 12 0x4>;
reg = <0xf9026000 0x1000>;
status = "disabled";
frame@f9027000 {
frame-number = <5>;
interrupts = <0 13 0x4>;
reg = <0xf9027000 0x1000>;
status = "disabled";
frame@f9028000 {
frame-number = <6>;
interrupts = <0 14 0x4>;
reg = <0xf9028000 0x1000>;
status = "disabled";
qcom,mpm2-sleep-counter@fc4a3000 {
compatible = "qcom,mpm2-sleep-counter";
reg = <0xfc4a3000 0x1000>;
clock-frequency = <32768>;
blsp1_uart1: serial@f991e000 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-lsuart-v14";
reg = <0xf991e000 0x1000>;
interrupts = <0 108 0>;
status = "disabled";
blsp2_uart1: serial@f995e000 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-lsuart-v14";
reg = <0xf995e000 0x1000>;
interrupts = <0 114 0>;
status = "disabled";
blsp2_uart0: uart@f995d000 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-hsuart-v14";
reg = <0xf995d000 0x1000>,
<0xf9944000 0x19000>;
reg-names = "core_mem", "bam_mem";
status = "disabled";
interrupt-names = "core_irq", "bam_irq", "wakeup_irq";
#address-cells = <0>;
interrupt-parent = <&blsp2_uart0>;
interrupts = <0 1 2>;
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-map-mask = <0xffffffff>;
interrupt-map = <0 &intc 0 113 0
1 &intc 0 239 0
2 &msmgpio 131 0>;
qcom,tx-gpio = <&msmgpio 130 0>;
qcom,rx-gpio = <&msmgpio 131 0>;
qcom,inject-rx-on-wakeup = <1>;
qcom,rx-char-to-inject = <0x18>;
qcom,wakeup_irq = <2>;
qcom,bam-tx-ep-pipe-index = <0>;
qcom,bam-rx-ep-pipe-index = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,name = "blsp2_uart0";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <2>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<84 512 0 0>,
<84 512 500 800>;
serial@f991f000 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-lsuart-v14";
reg = <0xf991f000 0x1000>;
interrupts = <0 109 0>;
status = "disabled";
uart6: uart@f9922000 { /* BLSP1 UART6 */
compatible = "qcom,msm-hsuart-v14";
reg = <0xf9922000 0x1000>,
<0xf9904000 0x19000>;
reg-names = "core_mem", "bam_mem";
interrupt-names = "core_irq", "bam_irq", "wakeup_irq";
#address-cells = <0>;
interrupt-parent = <&uart6>;
interrupts = <0 1 2>;
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-map-mask = <0xffffffff>;
interrupt-map = <0 &intc 0 112 0
1 &intc 0 238 0
2 &msmgpio 44 0>;
qcom,tx-gpio = <&msmgpio 43 0x00>;
qcom,rx-gpio = <&msmgpio 44 0x00>;
qcom,cts-gpio = <&msmgpio 45 0x00>;
qcom,rfr-gpio = <&msmgpio 46 0x00>;
qcom,bam-tx-ep-pipe-index = <10>;
qcom,bam-rx-ep-pipe-index = <11>;
qcom,msm-bus,name = "uart6";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <2>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<86 512 0 0>,
<86 512 500 800>;
status = "disabled";
blsp2_uart4: uart@f9961000 { /* BLSP2 UART4 */
compatible = "qcom,msm-hsuart-v14";
reg = <0xf9961000 0x1000>,
<0xf9944000 0x19000>;
reg-names = "core_mem", "bam_mem";
interrupt-names = "core_irq", "bam_irq", "wakeup_irq";
#address-cells = <0>;
interrupt-parent = <&blsp2_uart4>;
interrupts = <0 1 2>;
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-map-mask = <0xffffffff>;
interrupt-map = <0 &intc 0 117 0
1 &intc 0 239 0
2 &msmgpio 113 0>;
qcom,tx-gpio = <&msmgpio 112 0>;
qcom,rx-gpio = <&msmgpio 113 0>;
qcom,wakeup_irq = <2>;
qcom,bam-tx-ep-pipe-index = <8>;
qcom,bam-rx-ep-pipe-index = <9>;
qcom,msm-bus,name = "blsp2_uart4";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <2>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<84 512 0 0>,
<84 512 500 800>;
status = "disabled";
qcom,cache_erp {
compatible = "qcom,cache_erp";
interrupts = <1 9 0>, <0 2 0>;
interrupt-names = "l1_irq", "l2_irq";
qcom,msm-imem-phandle = <&imem_cache_erp>;
qcom,cache_dump {
compatible = "qcom,cache_dump";
qcom,l1-dump-size = <0x100000>;
qcom,l2-dump-size = <0x500000>;
rpm_bus: qcom,rpm-smd {
compatible = "qcom,rpm-smd";
rpm-channel-name = "rpm_requests";
rpm-channel-type = <15>; /* SMD_APPS_RPM */
qcom,msm-imem@fe805000 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-imem";
reg = <0xfe805000 0x1000>; /* Address and size of IMEM */
ranges = <0x0 0xfe805000 0x1000>;
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;
download_mode@0 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-imem-download_mode";
reg = <0x0 8>;
mem_dump_table@14 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-imem-mem_dump_table";
reg = <0x14 4>;
restart_reason@65c {
compatible = "qcom,msm-imem-restart_reason";
reg = <0x65c 4>;
imem_cache_erp: cache_erp@6a4 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-imem-cache_erp";
reg = <0x6a4 4>;
boot_stats@6b0 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-imem-boot_stats";
reg = <0x6b0 32>;
pil@94c {
compatible = "qcom,msm-imem-pil";
reg = <0x94c 200>;
emergency_download_mode@fe0 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-imem-emergency_download_mode";
reg = <0xfe0 12>;
qcom,msm-rtb {
compatible = "qcom,msm-rtb";
qcom,rtb-size = <0x100000>;
qcom,vpu@fde0b000 {
compatible = "qcom,vpu";
reg = <0xfde0b000 0x1000>,
<0x0f800000 0x200000>,
<0xfdee0000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "vpu_csr", "vpu_smem", "vpu_vbif";
interrupts = <0 24 0>, <0 26 0>;
interrupt-names = "vpu_wdog", "vpu_hfi";
qcom,clock-names = "vdp_bus_clk", "core_clk", "vdp_clk",
"iface_clk", "bus_clk", "sleep_clk", "cxo_clk",
"maple_bus_clk", "prng_clk";
qcom,bus-load-vector-tbl = <0 0 0>,
<4000000 4000000 4000000>,
<8000000 8000000 8000000>,
<16000000 16000000 16000000>,
<20000000 20000000 20000000>,
<24000000 24000000 24000000>,
<28000000 28000000 28000000>,
<33600000 33600000 33600000>,
<48000000 48000000 48000000>;
qcom,vbif-reg-presets = <0x00b0 0x10101010>,
<0x00b4 0x00001010>,
<0x00b8 0x00000000>,
<0x00c0 0x00000000>,
<0x00c4 0x10100000>,
<0x00c8 0x00101010>,
<0x0124 0x00000003>;
qcom,enabled-iommu-maps = "vpu_nonsecure", "vpu_secure";
vdd-supply = <&gdsc_vpu>;
qcom,dsp_sharedmem@fd80000 {
compatible = "qcom,sharedmem-uio";
reg = <0x0fd80000 0x00020000>;
reg-names = "rfsa_dsp";
qcom,mdm_sharedmem@fda0000 {
compatible = "qcom,sharedmem-uio";
reg = <0x0fda0000 0x00020000>;
reg-names = "rfsa_mdm";
sdcc1: qcom,sdcc@f9824000 {
cell-index = <1>; /* SDC1 eMMC slot */
compatible = "qcom,msm-sdcc";
reg = <0xf9824000 0x800>;
reg-names = "core_mem";
interrupts = <0 123 0>;
interrupt-names = "core_irq";
qcom,bus-width = <8>;
qcom,msm-bus,name = "sdcc1";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <8>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps = <78 512 0 0>, /* No vote */
<78 512 1600 3200>, /* 400 KB/s*/
<78 512 80000 160000>, /* 20 MB/s */
<78 512 100000 200000>, /* 25 MB/s */
<78 512 200000 400000>, /* 50 MB/s */
<78 512 400000 800000>, /* 100 MB/s */
<78 512 400000 800000>, /* 200 MB/s */
<78 512 2048000 4096000>; /* Max. bandwidth */
qcom,bus-bw-vectors-bps = <0 400000 20000000 25000000 50000000
100000000 200000000 4294967295>;
status = "disabled";
sdhc_1: sdhci@f9824900 {
compatible = "qcom,sdhci-msm";
reg = <0xf9824900 0x1a0>, <0xf9824000 0x800>;
reg-names = "hc_mem", "core_mem";
interrupts = <0 123 0>, <0 138 0>;
interrupt-names = "hc_irq", "pwr_irq";
qcom,bus-width = <8>;
qcom,cpu-dma-latency-us = <200>;
qcom,msm-bus,name = "sdhc1";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <9>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps = <78 512 0 0>, /* No vote */
<78 512 1600 3200>, /* 400 KB/s*/
<78 512 80000 160000>, /* 20 MB/s */
<78 512 100000 200000>, /* 25 MB/s */
<78 512 200000 400000>, /* 50 MB/s */
<78 512 400000 800000>, /* 100 MB/s */
<78 512 400000 800000>, /* 200 MB/s */
<78 512 400000 800000>, /* 400 MB/s */
<78 512 2048000 4096000>; /* Max. bandwidth */
qcom,bus-bw-vectors-bps = <0 400000 20000000 25000000 50000000
100000000 200000000 400000000
status = "disabled";
sdcc2: qcom,sdcc@f98a4000 {
cell-index = <2>; /* SDC2 SD card slot */
compatible = "qcom,msm-sdcc";
reg = <0xf98a4000 0x800>;
reg-names = "core_mem";
interrupts = <0 125 0>;
interrupt-names = "core_irq";
qcom,bus-width = <4>;
qcom,cpu-dma-latency-us = <200>;
qcom,msm-bus,name = "sdcc2";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <8>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps = <81 512 0 0>, /* No vote */
<81 512 1600 3200>, /* 400 KB/s*/
<81 512 80000 160000>, /* 20 MB/s */
<81 512 100000 200000>, /* 25 MB/s */
<81 512 200000 400000>, /* 50 MB/s */
<81 512 400000 800000>, /* 100 MB/s */
<81 512 800000 800000>, /* 200 MB/s */
<81 512 2048000 4096000>; /* Max. bandwidth */
qcom,bus-bw-vectors-bps = <0 400000 20000000 25000000 50000000
100000000 200000000 4294967295>;
status = "disabled";
sdhc_2: sdhci@f98a4900 {
compatible = "qcom,sdhci-msm";
reg = <0xf98a4900 0x11c>, <0xf98a4000 0x800>;
reg-names = "hc_mem", "core_mem";
interrupts = <0 125 0>, <0 221 0>;
interrupt-names = "hc_irq", "pwr_irq";
qcom,bus-width = <4>;
qcom,msm-bus,name = "sdhc2";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <8>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps = <81 512 0 0>, /* No vote */
<81 512 1600 3200>, /* 400 KB/s*/
<81 512 80000 160000>, /* 20 MB/s */
<81 512 100000 200000>, /* 25 MB/s */
<81 512 200000 400000>, /* 50 MB/s */
<81 512 400000 800000>, /* 100 MB/s */
<81 512 800000 800000>, /* 200 MB/s */
<81 512 2048000 4096000>; /* Max. bandwidth */
qcom,bus-bw-vectors-bps = <0 400000 20000000 25000000 50000000
100000000 200000000 4294967295>;
status = "disabled";
qcom,sps@f9980000 {
compatible = "qcom,msm_sps";
reg = <0xf9984000 0x15000>,
<0xf9999000 0xb000>;
interrupts = <0 94 0>;
pcie0: qcom,pcie@fc520000 {
compatible = "qcom,msm_pcie";
cell-index = <0>;
qcom,ctrl-amt = <2>;
reg = <0xfc520000 0x2000>,
<0xfc526000 0x1000>,
<0xff000000 0x1000>,
<0xff001000 0x1000>,
<0xff100000 0x1000>,
<0xff200000 0x100000>,
<0xff300000 0xd00000>;
reg-names = "parf", "phy", "dm_core", "elbi",
"conf", "io", "bars";
#address-cells = <0>;
interrupt-parent = <&pcie0>;
interrupts = <0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12>;
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-map-mask = <0xffffffff>;
interrupt-map = <0 &intc 0 243 0
1 &intc 0 244 0
2 &intc 0 245 0
3 &intc 0 247 0
4 &intc 0 248 0
5 &intc 0 249 0
6 &intc 0 250 0
7 &intc 0 251 0
8 &intc 0 252 0
9 &intc 0 253 0
10 &intc 0 254 0
11 &intc 0 255 0
12 &msmgpio 69 0x2>;
interrupt-names = "int_msi", "int_a", "int_b", "int_c", "int_d",
"int_pls_pme", "int_pme_legacy", "int_pls_err",
"int_aer_legacy", "int_pls_link_up",
"int_pls_link_down", "int_bridge_flush_n",
perst-gpio = <&msmgpio 70 0>;
wake-gpio = <&msmgpio 69 0>;
clkreq-gpio = <&msmgpio 68 0>;
gdsc-vdd-supply = <&gdsc_pcie_0>;
vreg-1.8-supply = <&pma8084_l12>;
vreg-0.9-supply = <&pma8084_l3>;
vreg-3.3-supply = <&wlan_vreg>;
qcom,n-fts = <0x50>;
qcom,ep-latency = <10>;
qcom,msi-gicm-addr = <0xf9040040>;
qcom,msi-gicm-base = <0x160>;
qcom,msm-bus,name = "pcie0";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <2>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<45 512 0 0>,
<45 512 500 800>;
pcie1: qcom,pcie@fc528000 {
compatible = "qcom,msm_pcie";
cell-index = <1>;
qcom,ctrl-amt = <2>;
reg = <0xfc528000 0x2000>,
<0xfc52e000 0x1000>,
<0xfb000000 0x1000>,
<0xfb001000 0x1000>,
<0xfb100000 0x1000>,
<0xfb200000 0x100000>,
<0xfb300000 0xd00000>;
reg-names = "parf", "phy", "dm_core", "elbi",
"conf", "io", "bars";
#address-cells = <0>;
interrupt-parent = <&pcie1>;
interrupts = <0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12>;
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-map-mask = <0xffffffff>;
interrupt-map = <0 &intc 0 271 0
1 &intc 0 272 0
2 &intc 0 273 0
3 &intc 0 274 0
4 &intc 0 275 0
5 &intc 0 276 0
6 &intc 0 277 0
7 &intc 0 278 0
8 &intc 0 279 0
9 &intc 0 280 0
10 &intc 0 281 0
11 &intc 0 282 0
12 &msmgpio 139 0x2>;
interrupt-names = "int_msi", "int_a", "int_b", "int_c", "int_d",
"int_pls_pme", "int_pme_legacy", "int_pls_err",
"int_aer_legacy", "int_pls_link_up",
"int_pls_link_down", "int_bridge_flush_n",
perst-gpio = <&msmgpio 140 0>;
wake-gpio = <&msmgpio 139 0>;
clkreq-gpio = <&msmgpio 141 0>;
gdsc-vdd-supply = <&gdsc_pcie_1>;
vreg-1.8-supply = <&pma8084_l12>;
vreg-0.9-supply = <&pma8084_l3>;
qcom,n-fts = <0x50>;
qcom,msi-gicm-addr = <0xF9041040>;
qcom,msi-gicm-base = <0x180>;
qcom,msm-bus,name = "pcie1";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <2>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<100 512 0 0>,
<100 512 500 800>;
mhi: qcom,mhi {
compatible = "qcom,msm_pcie";
spmi_bus: qcom,spmi@fc4c0000 {
cell-index = <0>;
compatible = "qcom,spmi-pmic-arb";
reg-names = "core", "intr", "cnfg";
reg = <0xfc4cf000 0x1000>,
<0Xfc4cb000 0x1000>,
<0Xfc4ca000 0x1000>;
/* 190,ee0_krait_hlos_spmi_periph_irq */
/* 187,channel_0_krait_hlos_trans_done_irq */
interrupts = <0 190 0>, <0 187 0>;
qcom,pmic-arb-ee = <0>;
qcom,pmic-arb-channel = <0>;
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
#interrupt-cells = <3>;
qcom,qcedev@fd440000 {
compatible = "qcom,qcedev";
reg = <0xfd440000 0x20000>,
<0xfd444000 0x1b000>;
reg-names = "crypto-base","crypto-bam-base";
interrupts = <0 236 0>;
qcom,bam-pipe-pair = <1>;
qcom,ce-hw-instance = <1>;
qcom,ce-device = <0>;
qcom,msm-bus,name = "qcedev-noc";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <2>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<56 512 0 0>,
<56 512 3936000 393600>;
qcom,qcrypto@fd440000 {
compatible = "qcom,qcrypto";
reg = <0xfd440000 0x20000>,
<0xfd444000 0x1b000>;
reg-names = "crypto-base","crypto-bam-base";
interrupts = <0 236 0>;
qcom,bam-pipe-pair = <2>;
qcom,ce-hw-instance = <1>;
qcom,ce-device = <0>;
qcom,msm-bus,name = "qcrypto-noc";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <2>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<56 512 0 0>,
<56 512 3936000 393600>;
qcom,qcrypto1@fd440000 {
status = "disabled";
compatible = "qcom,qcrypto";
reg = <0xfd440000 0x20000>,
<0xfd444000 0x1b000>;
reg-names = "crypto-base","crypto-bam-base";
interrupts = <0 236 0>;
qcom,bam-pipe-pair = <0>;
qcom,ce-hw-instance = <1>;
qcom,ce-device = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,name = "qcrypto-noc";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <2>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<56 512 0 0>,
<56 512 3936000 393600>;
wcd9xxx_intc: wcd9xxx-irq {
compatible = "qcom,wcd9xxx-irq";
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&msmgpio>;
interrupts = <104 0>;
interrupt-names = "cdc-int";
tspp: msm_tspp@f99d8000 {
compatible = "qcom,msm_tspp";
cell-index = <0>;
reg = <0xf99d8000 0x1000>, /* MSM_TSIF0_PHYS */
<0xf99d9000 0x1000>, /* MSM_TSIF1_PHYS */
<0xf99da000 0x1000>, /* MSM_TSPP_PHYS */
<0xf99c4000 0x14000>; /* MSM_TSPP_BAM_PHYS */
reg-names = "MSM_TSIF0_PHYS",
interrupts = <0 121 0>, /* TSIF_TSPP_IRQ */
<0 119 0>, /* TSIF0_IRQ */
<0 120 0>, /* TSIF1_IRQ */
<0 122 0>; /* TSIF_BAM_IRQ */
interrupt-names = "TSIF_TSPP_IRQ",
qcom,tsif-pclk = "iface_clk";
qcom,tsif-ref-clk = "ref_clk";
gpios = <&msmgpio 86 0>, /* TSIF0 CLK */
<&msmgpio 85 0>, /* TSIF0 EN */
<&msmgpio 84 0>, /* TSIF0 DATA */
<&msmgpio 83 0>, /* TSIF0 SYNC */
<&msmgpio 91 0>, /* TSIF1 CLK */
<&msmgpio 96 0>, /* TSIF1 EN */
<&msmgpio 97 0>, /* TSIF1 DATA */
<&msmgpio 95 0>; /* TSIF1 SYNC */
qcom,gpio-names = "tsif_clk",
qcom,gpios-func = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,name = "tsif";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <2>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<82 512 0 0>, /* No vote */
<82 512 12288 24576>; /* Max. bandwidth, 2xTSIF, each max of 96Mbps */
slim_msm: slim@fe1af000 {
cell-index = <1>;
compatible = "qcom,slim-ngd";
reg = <0xfe1af000 0x35000>,
<0xfe184000 0x20000>;
reg-names = "slimbus_physical", "slimbus_bam_physical";
interrupts = <0 163 0>, <0 164 0>;
interrupt-names = "slimbus_irq", "slimbus_bam_irq";
qcom,apps-ch-pipes = <0x60000000>;
qcom,ea-pc = <0xb0>;
qcom,slim-mdm = "esoc0";
audio_slimslave {
compatible = "qcom,audio-slimslave";
elemental-addr = [ff ff ff ff 17 02];
taiko_codec {
compatible = "qcom,taiko-slim-pgd";
elemental-addr = [00 01 A0 00 17 02];
interrupt-parent = <&wcd9xxx_intc>;
interrupts = <0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28>;
qcom,cdc-reset-gpio = <&msmgpio 101 0>;
cdc-vdd-buck-supply = <&pma8084_s5>;
qcom,cdc-vdd-buck-voltage = <2150000 2150000>;
qcom,cdc-vdd-buck-current = <650000>;
cdc-vdd-tx-h-supply = <&pma8084_s4>;
qcom,cdc-vdd-tx-h-voltage = <1800000 1800000>;
qcom,cdc-vdd-tx-h-current = <25000>;
cdc-vdd-rx-h-supply = <&pma8084_s4>;
qcom,cdc-vdd-rx-h-voltage = <1800000 1800000>;
qcom,cdc-vdd-rx-h-current = <25000>;
cdc-vddpx-1-supply = <&pma8084_s4>;
qcom,cdc-vddpx-1-voltage = <1800000 1800000>;
qcom,cdc-vddpx-1-current = <10000>;
cdc-vdd-a-1p2v-supply = <&pma8084_l1>;
qcom,cdc-vdd-a-1p2v-voltage = <1225000 1225000>;
qcom,cdc-vdd-a-1p2v-current = <10000>;
cdc-vddcx-1-supply = <&pma8084_l1>;
qcom,cdc-vddcx-1-voltage = <1225000 1225000>;
qcom,cdc-vddcx-1-current = <10000>;
cdc-vddcx-2-supply = <&pma8084_l1>;
qcom,cdc-vddcx-2-voltage = <1225000 1225000>;
qcom,cdc-vddcx-2-current = <10000>;
qcom,cdc-static-supplies = "cdc-vdd-buck",
qcom,cdc-micbias-ldoh-v = <0x3>;
qcom,cdc-micbias-cfilt1-mv = <1800>;
qcom,cdc-micbias-cfilt2-mv = <2700>;
qcom,cdc-micbias-cfilt3-mv = <1800>;
qcom,cdc-micbias1-cfilt-sel = <0x0>;
qcom,cdc-micbias2-cfilt-sel = <0x1>;
qcom,cdc-micbias3-cfilt-sel = <0x2>;
qcom,cdc-micbias4-cfilt-sel = <0x2>;
qcom,cdc-mclk-clk-rate = <9600000>;
qcom,cdc-slim-ifd = "taiko-slim-ifd";
qcom,cdc-slim-ifd-elemental-addr = [00 00 A0 00 17 02];
qcom,cdc-dmic-sample-rate = <4800000>;
tomtom_codec {
compatible = "qcom,tomtom-slim-pgd";
elemental-addr = [00 01 30 01 17 02];
interrupt-parent = <&wcd9xxx_intc>;
interrupts = <0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31>;
qcom,cdc-reset-gpio = <&msmgpio 101 0>;
cdc-vdd-buck-supply = <&pma8084_s5>;
qcom,cdc-vdd-buck-voltage = <2150000 2150000>;
qcom,cdc-vdd-buck-current = <650000>;
cdc-vdd-tx-h-supply = <&pma8084_s4>;
qcom,cdc-vdd-tx-h-voltage = <1800000 1800000>;
qcom,cdc-vdd-tx-h-current = <25000>;
cdc-vdd-rx-h-supply = <&pma8084_s4>;
qcom,cdc-vdd-rx-h-voltage = <1800000 1800000>;
qcom,cdc-vdd-rx-h-current = <25000>;
cdc-vddpx-1-supply = <&pma8084_s4>;
qcom,cdc-vddpx-1-voltage = <1800000 1800000>;
qcom,cdc-vddpx-1-current = <10000>;
cdc-vdd-a-1p2v-supply = <&pma8084_l1>;
qcom,cdc-vdd-a-1p2v-voltage = <1225000 1225000>;
qcom,cdc-vdd-a-1p2v-current = <10000>;
cdc-vddcx-1-supply = <&pma8084_l1>;
qcom,cdc-vddcx-1-voltage = <1225000 1225000>;
qcom,cdc-vddcx-1-current = <10000>;
cdc-vddcx-2-supply = <&pma8084_l1>;
qcom,cdc-vddcx-2-voltage = <1225000 1225000>;
qcom,cdc-vddcx-2-current = <10000>;
qcom,cdc-static-supplies = "cdc-vdd-buck",
qcom,cdc-micbias-ldoh-v = <0x3>;
qcom,cdc-micbias-cfilt1-mv = <1800>;
qcom,cdc-micbias-cfilt2-mv = <2700>;
qcom,cdc-micbias-cfilt3-mv = <1800>;
qcom,cdc-micbias1-cfilt-sel = <0x0>;
qcom,cdc-micbias2-cfilt-sel = <0x1>;
qcom,cdc-micbias3-cfilt-sel = <0x2>;
qcom,cdc-micbias4-cfilt-sel = <0x2>;
qcom,cdc-mclk-clk-rate = <9600000>;
qcom,cdc-slim-ifd = "tomtom-slim-ifd";
qcom,cdc-slim-ifd-elemental-addr = [00 00 30 01 17 02];
qcom,cdc-dmic-sample-rate = <4800000>;
qcom,cdc-variant = "WCD9330";
i2c_0: i2c@f9925000 { /* BLSP1 QUP3 */
cell-index = <0>;
compatible = "qcom,i2c-qup";
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
reg-names = "qup_phys_addr";
reg = <0xf9925000 0x1000>;
interrupt-names = "qup_err_intr";
interrupts = <0 97 0>;
qcom,noise-rjct-scl = <1>;
qcom,noise-rjct-sda = <1>;
qcom,i2c-bus-freq = <400000>;
qcom,i2c-src-freq = <50000000>;
qcom,sda-gpio = <&msmgpio 10 0>;
qcom,scl-gpio = <&msmgpio 11 0>;
qcom,master-id = <86>;
i2c@f9926000 { /* BLSP-1 QUP-4 */
cell-index = <3>;
compatible = "qcom,i2c-qup";
reg = <0xf9926000 0x1000>;
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
reg-names = "qup_phys_addr";
interrupts = <0 98 0>;
qcom,noise-rjct-scl = <0>;
qcom,noise-rjct-sda = <0>;
interrupt-names = "qup_err_intr";
qcom,i2c-bus-freq = <400000>;
qcom,i2c-src-freq = <19200000>;
qcom,sda-gpio = <&msmgpio 29 0>;
qcom,scl-gpio = <&msmgpio 30 0>;
qcom,master-id = <86>;
i2c_2: i2c@f9927000 { /* BLSP1 QUP5 */
cell-index = <2>;
compatible = "qcom,i2c-qup";
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
reg-names = "qup_phys_addr";
reg = <0xf9927000 0x1000>;
interrupt-names = "qup_err_intr";
interrupts = <0 99 0>;
qcom,noise-rjct-scl = <0>;
qcom,noise-rjct-sda = <0>;
qcom,i2c-bus-freq = <100000>;
qcom,i2c-src-freq = <19200000>;
qcom,sda-gpio = <&msmgpio 41 0>;
qcom,scl-gpio = <&msmgpio 42 0>;
qcom,master-id = <86>;
i2c_1: i2c@f9966000 { /* BLSP2 QUP4 */
cell-index = <1>;
compatible = "qcom,i2c-qup";
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
reg-names = "qup_phys_addr";
reg = <0xf9966000 0x1000>;
interrupt-names = "qup_err_intr";
interrupts = <0 104 0>;
qcom,noise-rjct-scl = <0>;
qcom,noise-rjct-sda = <0>;
qcom,i2c-bus-freq = <400000>;
qcom,i2c-src-freq = <50000000>;
qcom,sda-gpio = <&msmgpio 61 0>;
qcom,scl-gpio = <&msmgpio 62 0>;
qcom,master-id = <84>;
qcom,clock-krait@f9016000 {
compatible = "qcom,clock-krait-8974";
reg = <0xf9016000 0x20>,
<0xf908a000 0x20>,
<0xf909a000 0x20>,
<0xf90aa000 0x20>,
<0xf90ba000 0x20>,
<0xfc4b80b0 0x08>,
<0xfc4b8458 0x04>,
<0xf9011000 0x50>;
reg-names = "hfpll_l2_clk", "hfpll0_clk",
"hfpll1_clk", "hfpll2_clk",
"hfpll3_clk", "efuse", "efuse_svs", "meas";
cpu0-supply = <&krait0_vreg>;
cpu1-supply = <&krait1_vreg>;
cpu2-supply = <&krait2_vreg>;
cpu3-supply = <&krait3_vreg>;
l2-dig-supply = <&pma8084_s2_corner_ao>;
hfpll-dig-supply = <&pma8084_s2_corner_ao>;
hfpll-analog-supply = <&pma8084_l12_ao>;
qcom,hfpll-config-val = <0x04D0405D>;
qcom,hfpll-user-vco-mask = <0x00100000>;
qcom,pvs-config-ver = <3>;
qcom,l2-fmax =
< 0 0 >,
< 576000000 4 /* SVS_SOC */ >,
< 1036800000 5 /* NORMAL */ >,
< 1728000000 7 /* SUPER_TURBO */ >;
qcom,svs-fmax = <883200000>;
/* 2.7GHz RC1 */
qcom,speed2-pvs0-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 810000 76 >,
< 345600000 820000 88 >,
< 422400000 830000 109 >,
< 499200000 840000 130 >,
< 576000000 850000 151 >,
< 652800000 860000 172 >,
< 729600000 870000 194 >,
< 806400000 880000 217 >,
< 883200000 890000 239 >,
< 960000000 890000 260 >,
< 1036800000 900000 282 >,
< 1113600000 910000 306 >,
< 1190400000 920000 330 >,
< 1267200000 930000 354 >,
< 1344000000 940000 378 >,
< 1420800000 950000 402 >,
< 1497600000 960000 428 >,
< 1574400000 970000 453 >,
< 1651200000 980000 479 >,
< 1728000000 990000 504 >,
< 1804800000 1000000 531 >,
< 1881600000 1010000 558 >,
< 1958400000 1020000 585 >,
< 2035200000 1030000 613 >,
< 2112000000 1045000 642 >,
< 2188800000 1060000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1075000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1090000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1105000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1120000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1135000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1150000 886 >;
qcom,speed2-pvs1-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 800000 76 >,
< 345600000 810000 88 >,
< 422400000 820000 109 >,
< 499200000 830000 130 >,
< 576000000 840000 151 >,
< 652800000 850000 172 >,
< 729600000 860000 194 >,
< 806400000 870000 217 >,
< 883200000 880000 239 >,
< 960000000 880000 260 >,
< 1036800000 890000 282 >,
< 1113600000 900000 306 >,
< 1190400000 910000 330 >,
< 1267200000 920000 354 >,
< 1344000000 930000 378 >,
< 1420800000 940000 402 >,
< 1497600000 950000 428 >,
< 1574400000 960000 453 >,
< 1651200000 970000 479 >,
< 1728000000 980000 504 >,
< 1804800000 990000 531 >,
< 1881600000 1000000 558 >,
< 1958400000 1010000 585 >,
< 2035200000 1020000 613 >,
< 2112000000 1035000 642 >,
< 2188800000 1050000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1065000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1080000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1095000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1110000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1125000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1140000 886 >;
qcom,speed2-pvs2-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 790000 76 >,
< 345600000 800000 88 >,
< 422400000 810000 109 >,
< 499200000 820000 130 >,
< 576000000 830000 151 >,
< 652800000 840000 172 >,
< 729600000 850000 194 >,
< 806400000 860000 217 >,
< 883200000 870000 239 >,
< 960000000 870000 260 >,
< 1036800000 880000 282 >,
< 1113600000 890000 306 >,
< 1190400000 900000 330 >,
< 1267200000 910000 354 >,
< 1344000000 920000 378 >,
< 1420800000 930000 402 >,
< 1497600000 940000 428 >,
< 1574400000 950000 453 >,
< 1651200000 960000 479 >,
< 1728000000 970000 504 >,
< 1804800000 980000 531 >,
< 1881600000 990000 558 >,
< 1958400000 1000000 585 >,
< 2035200000 1010000 613 >,
< 2112000000 1025000 642 >,
< 2188800000 1040000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1055000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1070000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1085000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1100000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1115000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1130000 886 >;
qcom,speed2-pvs3-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 780000 76 >,
< 345600000 790000 88 >,
< 422400000 800000 109 >,
< 499200000 810000 130 >,
< 576000000 820000 151 >,
< 652800000 830000 172 >,
< 729600000 840000 194 >,
< 806400000 850000 217 >,
< 883200000 860000 239 >,
< 960000000 860000 260 >,
< 1036800000 870000 282 >,
< 1113600000 880000 306 >,
< 1190400000 890000 330 >,
< 1267200000 900000 354 >,
< 1344000000 910000 378 >,
< 1420800000 920000 402 >,
< 1497600000 930000 428 >,
< 1574400000 940000 453 >,
< 1651200000 950000 479 >,
< 1728000000 960000 504 >,
< 1804800000 970000 531 >,
< 1881600000 980000 558 >,
< 1958400000 990000 585 >,
< 2035200000 1000000 613 >,
< 2112000000 1015000 642 >,
< 2188800000 1030000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1045000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1060000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1075000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1090000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1105000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1120000 886 >;
qcom,speed2-pvs4-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 770000 76 >,
< 345600000 780000 88 >,
< 422400000 790000 109 >,
< 499200000 800000 130 >,
< 576000000 810000 151 >,
< 652800000 820000 172 >,
< 729600000 830000 194 >,
< 806400000 840000 217 >,
< 883200000 850000 239 >,
< 960000000 850000 260 >,
< 1036800000 860000 282 >,
< 1113600000 870000 306 >,
< 1190400000 880000 330 >,
< 1267200000 890000 354 >,
< 1344000000 900000 378 >,
< 1420800000 910000 402 >,
< 1497600000 920000 428 >,
< 1574400000 930000 453 >,
< 1651200000 940000 479 >,
< 1728000000 950000 504 >,
< 1804800000 960000 531 >,
< 1881600000 970000 558 >,
< 1958400000 980000 585 >,
< 2035200000 990000 613 >,
< 2112000000 1005000 642 >,
< 2188800000 1020000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1035000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1050000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1065000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1080000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1095000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1110000 886 >;
qcom,speed2-pvs5-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 760000 76 >,
< 345600000 770000 88 >,
< 422400000 780000 109 >,
< 499200000 790000 130 >,
< 576000000 800000 151 >,
< 652800000 810000 172 >,
< 729600000 820000 194 >,
< 806400000 830000 217 >,
< 883200000 840000 239 >,
< 960000000 840000 260 >,
< 1036800000 850000 282 >,
< 1113600000 860000 306 >,
< 1190400000 870000 330 >,
< 1267200000 880000 354 >,
< 1344000000 890000 378 >,
< 1420800000 900000 402 >,
< 1497600000 910000 428 >,
< 1574400000 920000 453 >,
< 1651200000 930000 479 >,
< 1728000000 940000 504 >,
< 1804800000 950000 531 >,
< 1881600000 960000 558 >,
< 1958400000 970000 585 >,
< 2035200000 980000 613 >,
< 2112000000 995000 642 >,
< 2188800000 1010000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1025000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1040000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1055000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1070000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1085000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1100000 886 >;
qcom,speed2-pvs6-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 750000 76 >,
< 345600000 760000 88 >,
< 422400000 770000 109 >,
< 499200000 780000 130 >,
< 576000000 790000 151 >,
< 652800000 800000 172 >,
< 729600000 810000 194 >,
< 806400000 820000 217 >,
< 883200000 830000 239 >,
< 960000000 830000 260 >,
< 1036800000 840000 282 >,
< 1113600000 850000 306 >,
< 1190400000 860000 330 >,
< 1267200000 870000 354 >,
< 1344000000 880000 378 >,
< 1420800000 890000 402 >,
< 1497600000 900000 428 >,
< 1574400000 910000 453 >,
< 1651200000 920000 479 >,
< 1728000000 930000 504 >,
< 1804800000 940000 531 >,
< 1881600000 950000 558 >,
< 1958400000 960000 585 >,
< 2035200000 970000 613 >,
< 2112000000 985000 642 >,
< 2188800000 1000000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1015000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1030000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1045000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1060000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1075000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1090000 886 >;
qcom,speed2-pvs7-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 740000 76 >,
< 345600000 750000 88 >,
< 422400000 760000 109 >,
< 499200000 770000 130 >,
< 576000000 780000 151 >,
< 652800000 790000 172 >,
< 729600000 800000 194 >,
< 806400000 810000 217 >,
< 883200000 820000 239 >,
< 960000000 820000 260 >,
< 1036800000 830000 282 >,
< 1113600000 840000 306 >,
< 1190400000 850000 330 >,
< 1267200000 860000 354 >,
< 1344000000 870000 378 >,
< 1420800000 880000 402 >,
< 1497600000 890000 428 >,
< 1574400000 900000 453 >,
< 1651200000 910000 479 >,
< 1728000000 920000 504 >,
< 1804800000 930000 531 >,
< 1881600000 940000 558 >,
< 1958400000 950000 585 >,
< 2035200000 960000 613 >,
< 2112000000 975000 642 >,
< 2188800000 990000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1005000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1020000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1035000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1050000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1065000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1080000 886 >;
qcom,speed2-pvs8-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 730000 76 >,
< 345600000 740000 88 >,
< 422400000 750000 109 >,
< 499200000 760000 130 >,
< 576000000 770000 151 >,
< 652800000 780000 172 >,
< 729600000 790000 194 >,
< 806400000 800000 217 >,
< 883200000 810000 239 >,
< 960000000 810000 260 >,
< 1036800000 820000 282 >,
< 1113600000 830000 306 >,
< 1190400000 840000 330 >,
< 1267200000 850000 354 >,
< 1344000000 860000 378 >,
< 1420800000 870000 402 >,
< 1497600000 880000 428 >,
< 1574400000 890000 453 >,
< 1651200000 900000 479 >,
< 1728000000 910000 504 >,
< 1804800000 920000 531 >,
< 1881600000 930000 558 >,
< 1958400000 940000 585 >,
< 2035200000 950000 613 >,
< 2112000000 965000 642 >,
< 2188800000 980000 675 >,
< 2265600000 995000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1010000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1025000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1040000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1055000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1070000 886 >;
qcom,speed2-pvs9-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 720000 76 >,
< 345600000 730000 88 >,
< 422400000 740000 109 >,
< 499200000 750000 130 >,
< 576000000 760000 151 >,
< 652800000 770000 172 >,
< 729600000 780000 194 >,
< 806400000 790000 217 >,
< 883200000 800000 239 >,
< 960000000 800000 260 >,
< 1036800000 810000 282 >,
< 1113600000 820000 306 >,
< 1190400000 830000 330 >,
< 1267200000 840000 354 >,
< 1344000000 850000 378 >,
< 1420800000 860000 402 >,
< 1497600000 870000 428 >,
< 1574400000 880000 453 >,
< 1651200000 890000 479 >,
< 1728000000 900000 504 >,
< 1804800000 910000 531 >,
< 1881600000 920000 558 >,
< 1958400000 930000 585 >,
< 2035200000 940000 613 >,
< 2112000000 955000 642 >,
< 2188800000 970000 675 >,
< 2265600000 985000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1000000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1015000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1030000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1045000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1060000 886 >;
qcom,speed2-pvs10-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 710000 76 >,
< 345600000 720000 88 >,
< 422400000 730000 109 >,
< 499200000 740000 130 >,
< 576000000 750000 151 >,
< 652800000 760000 172 >,
< 729600000 770000 194 >,
< 806400000 780000 217 >,
< 883200000 790000 239 >,
< 960000000 790000 260 >,
< 1036800000 800000 282 >,
< 1113600000 810000 306 >,
< 1190400000 820000 330 >,
< 1267200000 830000 354 >,
< 1344000000 840000 378 >,
< 1420800000 850000 402 >,
< 1497600000 860000 428 >,
< 1574400000 870000 453 >,
< 1651200000 880000 479 >,
< 1728000000 890000 504 >,
< 1804800000 900000 531 >,
< 1881600000 910000 558 >,
< 1958400000 920000 585 >,
< 2035200000 930000 613 >,
< 2112000000 945000 642 >,
< 2188800000 960000 675 >,
< 2265600000 975000 708 >,
< 2342400000 990000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1005000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1020000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1035000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1050000 886 >;
qcom,speed2-pvs11-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 700000 76 >,
< 345600000 710000 88 >,
< 422400000 720000 109 >,
< 499200000 730000 130 >,
< 576000000 740000 151 >,
< 652800000 750000 172 >,
< 729600000 760000 194 >,
< 806400000 770000 217 >,
< 883200000 780000 239 >,
< 960000000 780000 260 >,
< 1036800000 790000 282 >,
< 1113600000 800000 306 >,
< 1190400000 810000 330 >,
< 1267200000 820000 354 >,
< 1344000000 830000 378 >,
< 1420800000 840000 402 >,
< 1497600000 850000 428 >,
< 1574400000 860000 453 >,
< 1651200000 870000 479 >,
< 1728000000 880000 504 >,
< 1804800000 890000 531 >,
< 1881600000 900000 558 >,
< 1958400000 910000 585 >,
< 2035200000 920000 613 >,
< 2112000000 935000 642 >,
< 2188800000 950000 675 >,
< 2265600000 965000 708 >,
< 2342400000 980000 742 >,
< 2419200000 995000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1010000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1025000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1040000 886 >;
qcom,speed2-pvs12-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 690000 76 >,
< 345600000 700000 88 >,
< 422400000 710000 109 >,
< 499200000 720000 130 >,
< 576000000 730000 151 >,
< 652800000 740000 172 >,
< 729600000 750000 194 >,
< 806400000 760000 217 >,
< 883200000 770000 239 >,
< 960000000 770000 260 >,
< 1036800000 780000 282 >,
< 1113600000 790000 306 >,
< 1190400000 800000 330 >,
< 1267200000 810000 354 >,
< 1344000000 820000 378 >,
< 1420800000 830000 402 >,
< 1497600000 840000 428 >,
< 1574400000 850000 453 >,
< 1651200000 860000 479 >,
< 1728000000 870000 504 >,
< 1804800000 880000 531 >,
< 1881600000 890000 558 >,
< 1958400000 900000 585 >,
< 2035200000 910000 613 >,
< 2112000000 925000 642 >,
< 2188800000 940000 675 >,
< 2265600000 955000 708 >,
< 2342400000 970000 742 >,
< 2419200000 985000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1000000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1015000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1030000 886 >;
qcom,speed2-pvs13-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 680000 76 >,
< 345600000 690000 88 >,
< 422400000 700000 109 >,
< 499200000 710000 130 >,
< 576000000 720000 151 >,
< 652800000 730000 172 >,
< 729600000 740000 194 >,
< 806400000 750000 217 >,
< 883200000 760000 239 >,
< 960000000 760000 260 >,
< 1036800000 770000 282 >,
< 1113600000 780000 306 >,
< 1190400000 790000 330 >,
< 1267200000 800000 354 >,
< 1344000000 810000 378 >,
< 1420800000 820000 402 >,
< 1497600000 830000 428 >,
< 1574400000 840000 453 >,
< 1651200000 850000 479 >,
< 1728000000 860000 504 >,
< 1804800000 870000 531 >,
< 1881600000 880000 558 >,
< 1958400000 890000 585 >,
< 2035200000 900000 613 >,
< 2112000000 915000 642 >,
< 2188800000 930000 675 >,
< 2265600000 945000 708 >,
< 2342400000 960000 742 >,
< 2419200000 975000 777 >,
< 2496000000 990000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1005000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1020000 886 >;
qcom,speed2-pvs14-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 670000 76 >,
< 345600000 680000 88 >,
< 422400000 690000 109 >,
< 499200000 700000 130 >,
< 576000000 710000 151 >,
< 652800000 720000 172 >,
< 729600000 730000 194 >,
< 806400000 740000 217 >,
< 883200000 750000 239 >,
< 960000000 750000 260 >,
< 1036800000 760000 282 >,
< 1113600000 770000 306 >,
< 1190400000 780000 330 >,
< 1267200000 790000 354 >,
< 1344000000 800000 378 >,
< 1420800000 810000 402 >,
< 1497600000 820000 428 >,
< 1574400000 830000 453 >,
< 1651200000 840000 479 >,
< 1728000000 850000 504 >,
< 1804800000 860000 531 >,
< 1881600000 870000 558 >,
< 1958400000 880000 585 >,
< 2035200000 890000 613 >,
< 2112000000 905000 642 >,
< 2188800000 920000 675 >,
< 2265600000 935000 708 >,
< 2342400000 950000 742 >,
< 2419200000 965000 777 >,
< 2496000000 980000 813 >,
< 2572800000 995000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1010000 886 >;
qcom,speed2-pvs15-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 660000 76 >,
< 345600000 670000 88 >,
< 422400000 680000 109 >,
< 499200000 690000 130 >,
< 576000000 700000 151 >,
< 652800000 710000 172 >,
< 729600000 720000 194 >,
< 806400000 730000 217 >,
< 883200000 740000 239 >,
< 960000000 740000 260 >,
< 1036800000 750000 282 >,
< 1113600000 760000 306 >,
< 1190400000 770000 330 >,
< 1267200000 780000 354 >,
< 1344000000 790000 378 >,
< 1420800000 800000 402 >,
< 1497600000 810000 428 >,
< 1574400000 820000 453 >,
< 1651200000 830000 479 >,
< 1728000000 840000 504 >,
< 1804800000 850000 531 >,
< 1881600000 860000 558 >,
< 1958400000 870000 585 >,
< 2035200000 880000 613 >,
< 2112000000 895000 642 >,
< 2188800000 910000 675 >,
< 2265600000 925000 708 >,
< 2342400000 940000 742 >,
< 2419200000 955000 777 >,
< 2496000000 970000 813 >,
< 2572800000 985000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1000000 886 >;
/* 2.7GHz RC0 */
qcom,speed2-pvs0-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 800000 76 >,
< 345600000 800000 87 >,
< 422400000 800000 106 >,
< 499200000 805000 126 >,
< 576000000 815000 146 >,
< 652800000 825000 167 >,
< 729600000 835000 189 >,
< 806400000 845000 210 >,
< 883200000 855000 232 >,
< 960000000 865000 254 >,
< 1036800000 875000 277 >,
< 1113600000 885000 300 >,
< 1190400000 895000 323 >,
< 1267200000 905000 346 >,
< 1344000000 915000 371 >,
< 1420800000 925000 395 >,
< 1497600000 935000 419 >,
< 1574400000 945000 444 >,
< 1651200000 955000 469 >,
< 1728000000 970000 497 >,
< 1804800000 985000 525 >,
< 1881600000 1000000 554 >,
< 1958400000 1015000 583 >,
< 2035200000 1030000 613 >,
< 2112000000 1045000 642 >,
< 2188800000 1060000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1075000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1090000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1105000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1120000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1135000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1150000 886 >;
qcom,speed2-pvs1-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 800000 76 >,
< 345600000 800000 87 >,
< 422400000 800000 106 >,
< 499200000 800000 126 >,
< 576000000 805000 146 >,
< 652800000 815000 167 >,
< 729600000 825000 189 >,
< 806400000 835000 210 >,
< 883200000 845000 232 >,
< 960000000 855000 254 >,
< 1036800000 865000 277 >,
< 1113600000 875000 300 >,
< 1190400000 885000 323 >,
< 1267200000 895000 346 >,
< 1344000000 905000 371 >,
< 1420800000 915000 395 >,
< 1497600000 925000 419 >,
< 1574400000 935000 444 >,
< 1651200000 945000 469 >,
< 1728000000 960000 497 >,
< 1804800000 975000 525 >,
< 1881600000 990000 554 >,
< 1958400000 1005000 583 >,
< 2035200000 1020000 613 >,
< 2112000000 1035000 642 >,
< 2188800000 1050000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1065000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1080000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1095000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1110000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1125000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1140000 886 >;
qcom,speed2-pvs2-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 800000 76 >,
< 345600000 800000 87 >,
< 422400000 800000 106 >,
< 499200000 800000 126 >,
< 576000000 800000 146 >,
< 652800000 805000 167 >,
< 729600000 815000 189 >,
< 806400000 825000 210 >,
< 883200000 835000 232 >,
< 960000000 845000 254 >,
< 1036800000 855000 277 >,
< 1113600000 865000 300 >,
< 1190400000 875000 323 >,
< 1267200000 885000 346 >,
< 1344000000 895000 371 >,
< 1420800000 905000 395 >,
< 1497600000 915000 419 >,
< 1574400000 925000 444 >,
< 1651200000 935000 469 >,
< 1728000000 950000 497 >,
< 1804800000 965000 525 >,
< 1881600000 980000 554 >,
< 1958400000 995000 583 >,
< 2035200000 1010000 613 >,
< 2112000000 1025000 642 >,
< 2188800000 1040000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1055000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1070000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1085000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1100000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1115000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1130000 886 >;
qcom,speed2-pvs3-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 800000 76 >,
< 345600000 800000 87 >,
< 422400000 800000 106 >,
< 499200000 800000 126 >,
< 576000000 800000 146 >,
< 652800000 800000 167 >,
< 729600000 805000 189 >,
< 806400000 815000 210 >,
< 883200000 825000 232 >,
< 960000000 835000 254 >,
< 1036800000 845000 277 >,
< 1113600000 855000 300 >,
< 1190400000 865000 323 >,
< 1267200000 875000 346 >,
< 1344000000 885000 371 >,
< 1420800000 895000 395 >,
< 1497600000 905000 419 >,
< 1574400000 915000 444 >,
< 1651200000 925000 469 >,
< 1728000000 940000 497 >,
< 1804800000 955000 525 >,
< 1881600000 970000 554 >,
< 1958400000 985000 583 >,
< 2035200000 1000000 613 >,
< 2112000000 1015000 642 >,
< 2188800000 1030000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1045000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1060000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1075000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1090000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1105000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1120000 886 >;
qcom,speed2-pvs4-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 800000 76 >,
< 345600000 800000 87 >,
< 422400000 800000 106 >,
< 499200000 800000 126 >,
< 576000000 800000 146 >,
< 652800000 800000 167 >,
< 729600000 800000 189 >,
< 806400000 805000 210 >,
< 883200000 815000 232 >,
< 960000000 825000 254 >,
< 1036800000 835000 277 >,
< 1113600000 845000 300 >,
< 1190400000 855000 323 >,
< 1267200000 865000 346 >,
< 1344000000 875000 371 >,
< 1420800000 885000 395 >,
< 1497600000 895000 419 >,
< 1574400000 905000 444 >,
< 1651200000 915000 469 >,
< 1728000000 930000 497 >,
< 1804800000 945000 525 >,
< 1881600000 960000 554 >,
< 1958400000 975000 583 >,
< 2035200000 990000 613 >,
< 2112000000 1005000 642 >,
< 2188800000 1020000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1035000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1050000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1065000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1080000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1095000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1110000 886 >;
qcom,speed2-pvs5-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 800000 76 >,
< 345600000 800000 87 >,
< 422400000 800000 106 >,
< 499200000 800000 126 >,
< 576000000 800000 146 >,
< 652800000 800000 167 >,
< 729600000 800000 189 >,
< 806400000 800000 210 >,
< 883200000 805000 232 >,
< 960000000 815000 254 >,
< 1036800000 825000 277 >,
< 1113600000 835000 300 >,
< 1190400000 845000 323 >,
< 1267200000 855000 346 >,
< 1344000000 865000 371 >,
< 1420800000 875000 395 >,
< 1497600000 885000 419 >,
< 1574400000 895000 444 >,
< 1651200000 905000 469 >,
< 1728000000 920000 497 >,
< 1804800000 935000 525 >,
< 1881600000 950000 554 >,
< 1958400000 965000 583 >,
< 2035200000 980000 613 >,
< 2112000000 995000 642 >,
< 2188800000 1010000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1025000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1040000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1055000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1070000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1085000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1100000 886 >;
qcom,speed2-pvs6-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 126 >,
< 576000000 775000 146 >,
< 652800000 775000 167 >,
< 729600000 780000 189 >,
< 806400000 790000 210 >,
< 883200000 800000 232 >,
< 960000000 810000 254 >,
< 1036800000 820000 277 >,
< 1113600000 830000 300 >,
< 1190400000 840000 323 >,
< 1267200000 850000 346 >,
< 1344000000 860000 371 >,
< 1420800000 870000 395 >,
< 1497600000 880000 419 >,
< 1574400000 890000 444 >,
< 1651200000 900000 469 >,
< 1728000000 910000 497 >,
< 1804800000 925000 525 >,
< 1881600000 940000 554 >,
< 1958400000 955000 583 >,
< 2035200000 970000 613 >,
< 2112000000 985000 642 >,
< 2188800000 1000000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1015000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1030000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1045000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1060000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1075000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1090000 886 >;
qcom,speed2-pvs7-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 126 >,
< 576000000 775000 146 >,
< 652800000 775000 167 >,
< 729600000 775000 189 >,
< 806400000 785000 210 >,
< 883200000 795000 232 >,
< 960000000 805000 254 >,
< 1036800000 815000 277 >,
< 1113600000 825000 300 >,
< 1190400000 835000 323 >,
< 1267200000 845000 346 >,
< 1344000000 855000 371 >,
< 1420800000 865000 395 >,
< 1497600000 875000 419 >,
< 1574400000 885000 444 >,
< 1651200000 895000 469 >,
< 1728000000 905000 497 >,
< 1804800000 915000 525 >,
< 1881600000 930000 554 >,
< 1958400000 945000 583 >,
< 2035200000 960000 613 >,
< 2112000000 975000 642 >,
< 2188800000 990000 675 >,
< 2265600000 1005000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1020000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1035000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1050000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1065000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1080000 886 >;
qcom,speed2-pvs8-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 126 >,
< 576000000 775000 146 >,
< 652800000 775000 167 >,
< 729600000 775000 189 >,
< 806400000 775000 210 >,
< 883200000 785000 232 >,
< 960000000 795000 254 >,
< 1036800000 805000 277 >,
< 1113600000 815000 300 >,
< 1190400000 825000 323 >,
< 1267200000 835000 346 >,
< 1344000000 845000 371 >,
< 1420800000 855000 395 >,
< 1497600000 865000 419 >,
< 1574400000 875000 444 >,
< 1651200000 885000 469 >,
< 1728000000 895000 497 >,
< 1804800000 905000 525 >,
< 1881600000 920000 554 >,
< 1958400000 935000 583 >,
< 2035200000 950000 613 >,
< 2112000000 965000 642 >,
< 2188800000 980000 675 >,
< 2265600000 995000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1010000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1025000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1040000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1055000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1070000 886 >;
qcom,speed2-pvs9-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 126 >,
< 576000000 775000 146 >,
< 652800000 775000 167 >,
< 729600000 775000 189 >,
< 806400000 775000 210 >,
< 883200000 780000 232 >,
< 960000000 790000 254 >,
< 1036800000 800000 277 >,
< 1113600000 810000 300 >,
< 1190400000 820000 323 >,
< 1267200000 830000 346 >,
< 1344000000 840000 371 >,
< 1420800000 850000 395 >,
< 1497600000 860000 419 >,
< 1574400000 870000 444 >,
< 1651200000 880000 469 >,
< 1728000000 890000 497 >,
< 1804800000 900000 525 >,
< 1881600000 910000 554 >,
< 1958400000 925000 583 >,
< 2035200000 940000 613 >,
< 2112000000 955000 642 >,
< 2188800000 970000 675 >,
< 2265600000 985000 708 >,
< 2342400000 1000000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1015000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1030000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1045000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1060000 886 >;
qcom,speed2-pvs10-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 126 >,
< 576000000 775000 146 >,
< 652800000 775000 167 >,
< 729600000 775000 189 >,
< 806400000 775000 210 >,
< 883200000 775000 232 >,
< 960000000 785000 254 >,
< 1036800000 795000 277 >,
< 1113600000 805000 300 >,
< 1190400000 815000 323 >,
< 1267200000 825000 346 >,
< 1344000000 835000 371 >,
< 1420800000 845000 395 >,
< 1497600000 855000 419 >,
< 1574400000 865000 444 >,
< 1651200000 875000 469 >,
< 1728000000 885000 497 >,
< 1804800000 895000 525 >,
< 1881600000 905000 554 >,
< 1958400000 915000 583 >,
< 2035200000 930000 613 >,
< 2112000000 945000 642 >,
< 2188800000 960000 675 >,
< 2265600000 975000 708 >,
< 2342400000 990000 742 >,
< 2419200000 1005000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1020000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1035000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1050000 886 >;
qcom,speed2-pvs11-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 126 >,
< 576000000 775000 146 >,
< 652800000 775000 167 >,
< 729600000 775000 189 >,
< 806400000 775000 210 >,
< 883200000 775000 232 >,
< 960000000 780000 254 >,
< 1036800000 790000 277 >,
< 1113600000 800000 300 >,
< 1190400000 810000 323 >,
< 1267200000 820000 346 >,
< 1344000000 830000 371 >,
< 1420800000 840000 395 >,
< 1497600000 850000 419 >,
< 1574400000 860000 444 >,
< 1651200000 870000 469 >,
< 1728000000 880000 497 >,
< 1804800000 890000 525 >,
< 1881600000 900000 554 >,
< 1958400000 910000 583 >,
< 2035200000 920000 613 >,
< 2112000000 935000 642 >,
< 2188800000 950000 675 >,
< 2265600000 965000 708 >,
< 2342400000 980000 742 >,
< 2419200000 995000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1010000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1025000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1040000 886 >;
qcom,speed2-pvs12-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 126 >,
< 576000000 775000 146 >,
< 652800000 775000 167 >,
< 729600000 775000 189 >,
< 806400000 775000 210 >,
< 883200000 775000 232 >,
< 960000000 775000 254 >,
< 1036800000 785000 277 >,
< 1113600000 795000 300 >,
< 1190400000 805000 323 >,
< 1267200000 815000 346 >,
< 1344000000 825000 371 >,
< 1420800000 835000 395 >,
< 1497600000 845000 419 >,
< 1574400000 855000 444 >,
< 1651200000 865000 469 >,
< 1728000000 875000 497 >,
< 1804800000 885000 525 >,
< 1881600000 895000 554 >,
< 1958400000 905000 583 >,
< 2035200000 915000 613 >,
< 2112000000 925000 642 >,
< 2188800000 940000 675 >,
< 2265600000 955000 708 >,
< 2342400000 970000 742 >,
< 2419200000 985000 777 >,
< 2496000000 1000000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1015000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1030000 886 >;
qcom,speed2-pvs13-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 126 >,
< 576000000 775000 146 >,
< 652800000 775000 167 >,
< 729600000 775000 189 >,
< 806400000 775000 210 >,
< 883200000 775000 232 >,
< 960000000 775000 254 >,
< 1036800000 780000 277 >,
< 1113600000 790000 300 >,
< 1190400000 800000 323 >,
< 1267200000 810000 346 >,
< 1344000000 820000 371 >,
< 1420800000 830000 395 >,
< 1497600000 840000 419 >,
< 1574400000 850000 444 >,
< 1651200000 860000 469 >,
< 1728000000 870000 497 >,
< 1804800000 880000 525 >,
< 1881600000 890000 554 >,
< 1958400000 900000 583 >,
< 2035200000 910000 613 >,
< 2112000000 920000 642 >,
< 2188800000 930000 675 >,
< 2265600000 945000 708 >,
< 2342400000 960000 742 >,
< 2419200000 975000 777 >,
< 2496000000 990000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1005000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1020000 886 >;
qcom,speed2-pvs14-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 750000 76 >,
< 345600000 750000 87 >,
< 422400000 750000 106 >,
< 499200000 750000 126 >,
< 576000000 750000 146 >,
< 652800000 750000 167 >,
< 729600000 750000 189 >,
< 806400000 750000 210 >,
< 883200000 755000 232 >,
< 960000000 765000 254 >,
< 1036800000 775000 277 >,
< 1113600000 785000 300 >,
< 1190400000 795000 323 >,
< 1267200000 805000 346 >,
< 1344000000 815000 371 >,
< 1420800000 825000 395 >,
< 1497600000 835000 419 >,
< 1574400000 845000 444 >,
< 1651200000 855000 469 >,
< 1728000000 865000 497 >,
< 1804800000 875000 525 >,
< 1881600000 885000 554 >,
< 1958400000 895000 583 >,
< 2035200000 905000 613 >,
< 2112000000 915000 642 >,
< 2188800000 925000 675 >,
< 2265600000 935000 708 >,
< 2342400000 950000 742 >,
< 2419200000 965000 777 >,
< 2496000000 980000 813 >,
< 2572800000 995000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1010000 886 >;
qcom,speed2-pvs15-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 750000 76 >,
< 345600000 750000 87 >,
< 422400000 750000 106 >,
< 499200000 750000 126 >,
< 576000000 750000 146 >,
< 652800000 750000 167 >,
< 729600000 750000 189 >,
< 806400000 750000 210 >,
< 883200000 750000 232 >,
< 960000000 760000 254 >,
< 1036800000 770000 277 >,
< 1113600000 780000 300 >,
< 1190400000 790000 323 >,
< 1267200000 800000 346 >,
< 1344000000 810000 371 >,
< 1420800000 820000 395 >,
< 1497600000 830000 419 >,
< 1574400000 840000 444 >,
< 1651200000 850000 469 >,
< 1728000000 860000 497 >,
< 1804800000 870000 525 >,
< 1881600000 880000 554 >,
< 1958400000 890000 583 >,
< 2035200000 900000 613 >,
< 2112000000 910000 642 >,
< 2188800000 920000 675 >,
< 2265600000 930000 708 >,
< 2342400000 940000 742 >,
< 2419200000 955000 777 >,
< 2496000000 970000 813 >,
< 2572800000 985000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1000000 886 >;
/* 2.5GHz RC1 */
qcom,speed1-pvs0-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 810000 76 >,
< 345600000 820000 88 >,
< 422400000 830000 109 >,
< 499200000 840000 130 >,
< 576000000 850000 151 >,
< 652800000 860000 172 >,
< 729600000 870000 194 >,
< 806400000 880000 217 >,
< 883200000 890000 239 >,
< 960000000 930000 268 >,
< 1036800000 940000 291 >,
< 1113600000 950000 315 >,
< 1190400000 960000 340 >,
< 1267200000 970000 365 >,
< 1344000000 980000 390 >,
< 1420800000 990000 415 >,
< 1497600000 1000000 441 >,
< 1574400000 1010000 467 >,
< 1651200000 1020000 494 >,
< 1728000000 1030000 520 >,
< 1804800000 1040000 547 >,
< 1881600000 1050000 574 >,
< 1958400000 1060000 603 >,
< 2035200000 1070000 632 >,
< 2112000000 1085000 665 >,
< 2188800000 1100000 699 >,
< 2265600000 1115000 733 >,
< 2342400000 1130000 768 >,
< 2419200000 1145000 804 >,
< 2457600000 1150000 820 >;
qcom,speed1-pvs1-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 800000 76 >,
< 345600000 810000 88 >,
< 422400000 820000 109 >,
< 499200000 830000 130 >,
< 576000000 840000 151 >,
< 652800000 850000 172 >,
< 729600000 860000 194 >,
< 806400000 870000 217 >,
< 883200000 880000 239 >,
< 960000000 920000 268 >,
< 1036800000 930000 291 >,
< 1113600000 940000 315 >,
< 1190400000 950000 340 >,
< 1267200000 960000 365 >,
< 1344000000 970000 390 >,
< 1420800000 980000 415 >,
< 1497600000 990000 441 >,
< 1574400000 1000000 467 >,
< 1651200000 1010000 494 >,
< 1728000000 1020000 520 >,
< 1804800000 1030000 547 >,
< 1881600000 1040000 574 >,
< 1958400000 1050000 603 >,
< 2035200000 1060000 632 >,
< 2112000000 1075000 665 >,
< 2188800000 1090000 699 >,
< 2265600000 1105000 733 >,
< 2342400000 1120000 768 >,
< 2419200000 1135000 804 >,
< 2457600000 1140000 820 >;
qcom,speed1-pvs2-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 790000 76 >,
< 345600000 800000 88 >,
< 422400000 810000 109 >,
< 499200000 820000 130 >,
< 576000000 830000 151 >,
< 652800000 840000 172 >,
< 729600000 850000 194 >,
< 806400000 860000 217 >,
< 883200000 870000 239 >,
< 960000000 910000 268 >,
< 1036800000 920000 291 >,
< 1113600000 930000 315 >,
< 1190400000 940000 340 >,
< 1267200000 950000 365 >,
< 1344000000 960000 390 >,
< 1420800000 970000 415 >,
< 1497600000 980000 441 >,
< 1574400000 990000 467 >,
< 1651200000 1000000 494 >,
< 1728000000 1010000 520 >,
< 1804800000 1020000 547 >,
< 1881600000 1030000 574 >,
< 1958400000 1040000 603 >,
< 2035200000 1050000 632 >,
< 2112000000 1065000 665 >,
< 2188800000 1080000 699 >,
< 2265600000 1095000 733 >,
< 2342400000 1110000 768 >,
< 2419200000 1125000 804 >,
< 2457600000 1130000 820 >;
qcom,speed1-pvs3-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 780000 76 >,
< 345600000 790000 88 >,
< 422400000 800000 109 >,
< 499200000 810000 130 >,
< 576000000 820000 151 >,
< 652800000 830000 172 >,
< 729600000 840000 194 >,
< 806400000 850000 217 >,
< 883200000 860000 239 >,
< 960000000 900000 268 >,
< 1036800000 910000 291 >,
< 1113600000 920000 315 >,
< 1190400000 930000 340 >,
< 1267200000 940000 365 >,
< 1344000000 950000 390 >,
< 1420800000 960000 415 >,
< 1497600000 970000 441 >,
< 1574400000 980000 467 >,
< 1651200000 990000 494 >,
< 1728000000 1000000 520 >,
< 1804800000 1010000 547 >,
< 1881600000 1020000 574 >,
< 1958400000 1030000 603 >,
< 2035200000 1040000 632 >,
< 2112000000 1055000 665 >,
< 2188800000 1070000 699 >,
< 2265600000 1085000 733 >,
< 2342400000 1100000 768 >,
< 2419200000 1115000 804 >,
< 2457600000 1120000 820 >;
qcom,speed1-pvs4-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 770000 76 >,
< 345600000 780000 88 >,
< 422400000 790000 109 >,
< 499200000 800000 130 >,
< 576000000 810000 151 >,
< 652800000 820000 172 >,
< 729600000 830000 194 >,
< 806400000 840000 217 >,
< 883200000 850000 239 >,
< 960000000 890000 268 >,
< 1036800000 900000 291 >,
< 1113600000 910000 315 >,
< 1190400000 920000 340 >,
< 1267200000 930000 365 >,
< 1344000000 940000 390 >,
< 1420800000 950000 415 >,
< 1497600000 960000 441 >,
< 1574400000 970000 467 >,
< 1651200000 980000 494 >,
< 1728000000 990000 520 >,
< 1804800000 1000000 547 >,
< 1881600000 1010000 574 >,
< 1958400000 1020000 603 >,
< 2035200000 1030000 632 >,
< 2112000000 1045000 665 >,
< 2188800000 1060000 699 >,
< 2265600000 1075000 733 >,
< 2342400000 1090000 768 >,
< 2419200000 1105000 804 >,
< 2457600000 1110000 820 >;
qcom,speed1-pvs5-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 760000 76 >,
< 345600000 770000 88 >,
< 422400000 780000 109 >,
< 499200000 790000 130 >,
< 576000000 800000 151 >,
< 652800000 810000 172 >,
< 729600000 820000 194 >,
< 806400000 830000 217 >,
< 883200000 840000 239 >,
< 960000000 880000 268 >,
< 1036800000 890000 291 >,
< 1113600000 900000 315 >,
< 1190400000 910000 340 >,
< 1267200000 920000 365 >,
< 1344000000 930000 390 >,
< 1420800000 940000 415 >,
< 1497600000 950000 441 >,
< 1574400000 960000 467 >,
< 1651200000 970000 494 >,
< 1728000000 980000 520 >,
< 1804800000 990000 547 >,
< 1881600000 1000000 574 >,
< 1958400000 1010000 603 >,
< 2035200000 1020000 632 >,
< 2112000000 1035000 665 >,
< 2188800000 1050000 699 >,
< 2265600000 1065000 733 >,
< 2342400000 1080000 768 >,
< 2419200000 1095000 804 >,
< 2457600000 1100000 820 >;
qcom,speed1-pvs6-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 750000 76 >,
< 345600000 760000 88 >,
< 422400000 770000 109 >,
< 499200000 780000 130 >,
< 576000000 790000 151 >,
< 652800000 800000 172 >,
< 729600000 810000 194 >,
< 806400000 820000 217 >,
< 883200000 830000 239 >,
< 960000000 870000 268 >,
< 1036800000 880000 291 >,
< 1113600000 890000 315 >,
< 1190400000 900000 340 >,
< 1267200000 910000 365 >,
< 1344000000 920000 390 >,
< 1420800000 930000 415 >,
< 1497600000 940000 441 >,
< 1574400000 950000 467 >,
< 1651200000 960000 494 >,
< 1728000000 970000 520 >,
< 1804800000 980000 547 >,
< 1881600000 990000 574 >,
< 1958400000 1000000 603 >,
< 2035200000 1010000 632 >,
< 2112000000 1025000 665 >,
< 2188800000 1040000 699 >,
< 2265600000 1055000 733 >,
< 2342400000 1070000 768 >,
< 2419200000 1085000 804 >,
< 2457600000 1090000 820 >;
qcom,speed1-pvs7-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 740000 76 >,
< 345600000 750000 88 >,
< 422400000 760000 109 >,
< 499200000 770000 130 >,
< 576000000 780000 151 >,
< 652800000 790000 172 >,
< 729600000 800000 194 >,
< 806400000 810000 217 >,
< 883200000 820000 239 >,
< 960000000 860000 268 >,
< 1036800000 870000 291 >,
< 1113600000 880000 315 >,
< 1190400000 890000 340 >,
< 1267200000 900000 365 >,
< 1344000000 910000 390 >,
< 1420800000 920000 415 >,
< 1497600000 930000 441 >,
< 1574400000 940000 467 >,
< 1651200000 950000 494 >,
< 1728000000 960000 520 >,
< 1804800000 970000 547 >,
< 1881600000 980000 574 >,
< 1958400000 990000 603 >,
< 2035200000 1000000 632 >,
< 2112000000 1015000 665 >,
< 2188800000 1030000 699 >,
< 2265600000 1045000 733 >,
< 2342400000 1060000 768 >,
< 2419200000 1075000 804 >,
< 2457600000 1080000 820 >;
qcom,speed1-pvs8-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 730000 76 >,
< 345600000 740000 88 >,
< 422400000 750000 109 >,
< 499200000 760000 130 >,
< 576000000 770000 151 >,
< 652800000 780000 172 >,
< 729600000 790000 194 >,
< 806400000 800000 217 >,
< 883200000 810000 239 >,
< 960000000 850000 268 >,
< 1036800000 860000 291 >,
< 1113600000 870000 315 >,
< 1190400000 880000 340 >,
< 1267200000 890000 365 >,
< 1344000000 900000 390 >,
< 1420800000 910000 415 >,
< 1497600000 920000 441 >,
< 1574400000 930000 467 >,
< 1651200000 940000 494 >,
< 1728000000 950000 520 >,
< 1804800000 960000 547 >,
< 1881600000 970000 574 >,
< 1958400000 980000 603 >,
< 2035200000 990000 632 >,
< 2112000000 1005000 665 >,
< 2188800000 1020000 699 >,
< 2265600000 1035000 733 >,
< 2342400000 1050000 768 >,
< 2419200000 1065000 804 >,
< 2457600000 1070000 820 >;
qcom,speed1-pvs9-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 720000 76 >,
< 345600000 730000 88 >,
< 422400000 740000 109 >,
< 499200000 750000 130 >,
< 576000000 760000 151 >,
< 652800000 770000 172 >,
< 729600000 780000 194 >,
< 806400000 790000 217 >,
< 883200000 800000 239 >,
< 960000000 840000 268 >,
< 1036800000 850000 291 >,
< 1113600000 860000 315 >,
< 1190400000 870000 340 >,
< 1267200000 880000 365 >,
< 1344000000 890000 390 >,
< 1420800000 900000 415 >,
< 1497600000 910000 441 >,
< 1574400000 920000 467 >,
< 1651200000 930000 494 >,
< 1728000000 940000 520 >,
< 1804800000 950000 547 >,
< 1881600000 960000 574 >,
< 1958400000 970000 603 >,
< 2035200000 980000 632 >,
< 2112000000 995000 665 >,
< 2188800000 1010000 699 >,
< 2265600000 1025000 733 >,
< 2342400000 1040000 768 >,
< 2419200000 1055000 804 >,
< 2457600000 1060000 820 >;
qcom,speed1-pvs10-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 710000 76 >,
< 345600000 720000 88 >,
< 422400000 730000 109 >,
< 499200000 740000 130 >,
< 576000000 750000 151 >,
< 652800000 760000 172 >,
< 729600000 770000 194 >,
< 806400000 780000 217 >,
< 883200000 790000 239 >,
< 960000000 830000 268 >,
< 1036800000 840000 291 >,
< 1113600000 850000 315 >,
< 1190400000 860000 340 >,
< 1267200000 870000 365 >,
< 1344000000 880000 390 >,
< 1420800000 890000 415 >,
< 1497600000 900000 441 >,
< 1574400000 910000 467 >,
< 1651200000 920000 494 >,
< 1728000000 930000 520 >,
< 1804800000 940000 547 >,
< 1881600000 950000 574 >,
< 1958400000 960000 603 >,
< 2035200000 970000 632 >,
< 2112000000 985000 665 >,
< 2188800000 1000000 699 >,
< 2265600000 1015000 733 >,
< 2342400000 1030000 768 >,
< 2419200000 1045000 804 >,
< 2457600000 1050000 820 >;
qcom,speed1-pvs11-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 700000 76 >,
< 345600000 710000 88 >,
< 422400000 720000 109 >,
< 499200000 730000 130 >,
< 576000000 740000 151 >,
< 652800000 750000 172 >,
< 729600000 760000 194 >,
< 806400000 770000 217 >,
< 883200000 780000 239 >,
< 960000000 820000 268 >,
< 1036800000 830000 291 >,
< 1113600000 840000 315 >,
< 1190400000 850000 340 >,
< 1267200000 860000 365 >,
< 1344000000 870000 390 >,
< 1420800000 880000 415 >,
< 1497600000 890000 441 >,
< 1574400000 900000 467 >,
< 1651200000 910000 494 >,
< 1728000000 920000 520 >,
< 1804800000 930000 547 >,
< 1881600000 940000 574 >,
< 1958400000 950000 603 >,
< 2035200000 960000 632 >,
< 2112000000 975000 665 >,
< 2188800000 990000 699 >,
< 2265600000 1005000 733 >,
< 2342400000 1020000 768 >,
< 2419200000 1035000 804 >,
< 2457600000 1040000 820 >;
qcom,speed1-pvs12-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 690000 76 >,
< 345600000 700000 88 >,
< 422400000 710000 109 >,
< 499200000 720000 130 >,
< 576000000 730000 151 >,
< 652800000 740000 172 >,
< 729600000 750000 194 >,
< 806400000 760000 217 >,
< 883200000 770000 239 >,
< 960000000 810000 268 >,
< 1036800000 820000 291 >,
< 1113600000 830000 315 >,
< 1190400000 840000 340 >,
< 1267200000 850000 365 >,
< 1344000000 860000 390 >,
< 1420800000 870000 415 >,
< 1497600000 880000 441 >,
< 1574400000 890000 467 >,
< 1651200000 900000 494 >,
< 1728000000 910000 520 >,
< 1804800000 920000 547 >,
< 1881600000 930000 574 >,
< 1958400000 940000 603 >,
< 2035200000 950000 632 >,
< 2112000000 965000 665 >,
< 2188800000 980000 699 >,
< 2265600000 995000 733 >,
< 2342400000 1010000 768 >,
< 2419200000 1025000 804 >,
< 2457600000 1030000 820 >;
qcom,speed1-pvs13-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 680000 76 >,
< 345600000 690000 88 >,
< 422400000 700000 109 >,
< 499200000 710000 130 >,
< 576000000 720000 151 >,
< 652800000 730000 172 >,
< 729600000 740000 194 >,
< 806400000 750000 217 >,
< 883200000 760000 239 >,
< 960000000 800000 268 >,
< 1036800000 810000 291 >,
< 1113600000 820000 315 >,
< 1190400000 830000 340 >,
< 1267200000 840000 365 >,
< 1344000000 850000 390 >,
< 1420800000 860000 415 >,
< 1497600000 870000 441 >,
< 1574400000 880000 467 >,
< 1651200000 890000 494 >,
< 1728000000 900000 520 >,
< 1804800000 910000 547 >,
< 1881600000 920000 574 >,
< 1958400000 930000 603 >,
< 2035200000 940000 632 >,
< 2112000000 955000 665 >,
< 2188800000 970000 699 >,
< 2265600000 985000 733 >,
< 2342400000 1000000 768 >,
< 2419200000 1015000 804 >,
< 2457600000 1020000 820 >;
qcom,speed1-pvs14-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 670000 76 >,
< 345600000 680000 88 >,
< 422400000 690000 109 >,
< 499200000 700000 130 >,
< 576000000 710000 151 >,
< 652800000 720000 172 >,
< 729600000 730000 194 >,
< 806400000 740000 217 >,
< 883200000 750000 239 >,
< 960000000 790000 268 >,
< 1036800000 800000 291 >,
< 1113600000 810000 315 >,
< 1190400000 820000 340 >,
< 1267200000 830000 365 >,
< 1344000000 840000 390 >,
< 1420800000 850000 415 >,
< 1497600000 860000 441 >,
< 1574400000 870000 467 >,
< 1651200000 880000 494 >,
< 1728000000 890000 520 >,
< 1804800000 900000 547 >,
< 1881600000 910000 574 >,
< 1958400000 920000 603 >,
< 2035200000 930000 632 >,
< 2112000000 945000 665 >,
< 2188800000 960000 699 >,
< 2265600000 975000 733 >,
< 2342400000 990000 768 >,
< 2419200000 1005000 804 >,
< 2457600000 1010000 820 >;
qcom,speed1-pvs15-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 660000 76 >,
< 345600000 670000 88 >,
< 422400000 680000 109 >,
< 499200000 690000 130 >,
< 576000000 700000 151 >,
< 652800000 710000 172 >,
< 729600000 720000 194 >,
< 806400000 730000 217 >,
< 883200000 740000 239 >,
< 960000000 780000 268 >,
< 1036800000 790000 291 >,
< 1113600000 800000 315 >,
< 1190400000 810000 340 >,
< 1267200000 820000 365 >,
< 1344000000 830000 390 >,
< 1420800000 840000 415 >,
< 1497600000 850000 441 >,
< 1574400000 860000 467 >,
< 1651200000 870000 494 >,
< 1728000000 880000 520 >,
< 1804800000 890000 547 >,
< 1881600000 900000 574 >,
< 1958400000 910000 603 >,
< 2035200000 920000 632 >,
< 2112000000 935000 665 >,
< 2188800000 950000 699 >,
< 2265600000 965000 733 >,
< 2342400000 980000 768 >,
< 2419200000 995000 804 >,
< 2457600000 1000000 820 >;
/* 2.5GHz RC0 */
qcom,speed1-pvs0-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 800000 76 >,
< 345600000 800000 87 >,
< 422400000 800000 106 >,
< 499200000 800000 125 >,
< 576000000 805000 145 >,
< 652800000 815000 166 >,
< 729600000 825000 187 >,
< 806400000 835000 208 >,
< 883200000 845000 230 >,
< 960000000 855000 252 >,
< 1036800000 865000 275 >,
< 1113600000 875000 298 >,
< 1190400000 885000 321 >,
< 1267200000 895000 344 >,
< 1344000000 905000 367 >,
< 1420800000 915000 392 >,
< 1497600000 925000 416 >,
< 1574400000 935000 441 >,
< 1651200000 945000 465 >,
< 1728000000 960000 493 >,
< 1804800000 975000 521 >,
< 1881600000 990000 549 >,
< 1958400000 1005000 579 >,
< 2035200000 1020000 608 >,
< 2112000000 1035000 638 >,
< 2188800000 1050000 667 >,
< 2265600000 1065000 700 >,
< 2342400000 1080000 734 >,
< 2419200000 1095000 769 >,
< 2457600000 1100000 785 >;
qcom,speed1-pvs1-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 800000 76 >,
< 345600000 800000 87 >,
< 422400000 800000 106 >,
< 499200000 800000 125 >,
< 576000000 800000 145 >,
< 652800000 805000 166 >,
< 729600000 815000 187 >,
< 806400000 825000 208 >,
< 883200000 835000 230 >,
< 960000000 845000 252 >,
< 1036800000 855000 275 >,
< 1113600000 865000 298 >,
< 1190400000 875000 321 >,
< 1267200000 885000 344 >,
< 1344000000 895000 367 >,
< 1420800000 905000 392 >,
< 1497600000 915000 416 >,
< 1574400000 925000 441 >,
< 1651200000 935000 465 >,
< 1728000000 950000 493 >,
< 1804800000 965000 521 >,
< 1881600000 980000 549 >,
< 1958400000 995000 579 >,
< 2035200000 1010000 608 >,
< 2112000000 1025000 638 >,
< 2188800000 1040000 667 >,
< 2265600000 1055000 700 >,
< 2342400000 1070000 734 >,
< 2419200000 1085000 769 >,
< 2457600000 1090000 785 >;
qcom,speed1-pvs2-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 800000 76 >,
< 345600000 800000 87 >,
< 422400000 800000 106 >,
< 499200000 800000 125 >,
< 576000000 800000 145 >,
< 652800000 800000 166 >,
< 729600000 805000 187 >,
< 806400000 815000 208 >,
< 883200000 825000 230 >,
< 960000000 835000 252 >,
< 1036800000 845000 275 >,
< 1113600000 855000 298 >,
< 1190400000 865000 321 >,
< 1267200000 875000 344 >,
< 1344000000 885000 367 >,
< 1420800000 895000 392 >,
< 1497600000 905000 416 >,
< 1574400000 915000 441 >,
< 1651200000 925000 465 >,
< 1728000000 940000 493 >,
< 1804800000 955000 521 >,
< 1881600000 970000 549 >,
< 1958400000 985000 579 >,
< 2035200000 1000000 608 >,
< 2112000000 1015000 638 >,
< 2188800000 1030000 667 >,
< 2265600000 1045000 700 >,
< 2342400000 1060000 734 >,
< 2419200000 1075000 769 >,
< 2457600000 1080000 785 >;
qcom,speed1-pvs3-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 800000 76 >,
< 345600000 800000 87 >,
< 422400000 800000 106 >,
< 499200000 800000 125 >,
< 576000000 800000 145 >,
< 652800000 800000 166 >,
< 729600000 800000 187 >,
< 806400000 805000 208 >,
< 883200000 815000 230 >,
< 960000000 825000 252 >,
< 1036800000 835000 275 >,
< 1113600000 845000 298 >,
< 1190400000 855000 321 >,
< 1267200000 865000 344 >,
< 1344000000 875000 367 >,
< 1420800000 885000 392 >,
< 1497600000 895000 416 >,
< 1574400000 905000 441 >,
< 1651200000 915000 465 >,
< 1728000000 930000 493 >,
< 1804800000 945000 521 >,
< 1881600000 960000 549 >,
< 1958400000 975000 579 >,
< 2035200000 990000 608 >,
< 2112000000 1005000 638 >,
< 2188800000 1020000 667 >,
< 2265600000 1035000 700 >,
< 2342400000 1050000 734 >,
< 2419200000 1065000 769 >,
< 2457600000 1070000 785 >;
qcom,speed1-pvs4-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 125 >,
< 576000000 775000 145 >,
< 652800000 775000 166 >,
< 729600000 785000 187 >,
< 806400000 795000 208 >,
< 883200000 805000 230 >,
< 960000000 815000 252 >,
< 1036800000 825000 275 >,
< 1113600000 835000 298 >,
< 1190400000 845000 321 >,
< 1267200000 855000 344 >,
< 1344000000 865000 367 >,
< 1420800000 875000 392 >,
< 1497600000 885000 416 >,
< 1574400000 895000 441 >,
< 1651200000 905000 465 >,
< 1728000000 920000 493 >,
< 1804800000 935000 521 >,
< 1881600000 950000 549 >,
< 1958400000 965000 579 >,
< 2035200000 980000 608 >,
< 2112000000 995000 638 >,
< 2188800000 1010000 667 >,
< 2265600000 1025000 700 >,
< 2342400000 1040000 734 >,
< 2419200000 1055000 769 >,
< 2457600000 1060000 785 >;
qcom,speed1-pvs5-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 125 >,
< 576000000 775000 145 >,
< 652800000 775000 166 >,
< 729600000 780000 187 >,
< 806400000 790000 208 >,
< 883200000 800000 230 >,
< 960000000 810000 252 >,
< 1036800000 820000 275 >,
< 1113600000 830000 298 >,
< 1190400000 840000 321 >,
< 1267200000 850000 344 >,
< 1344000000 860000 367 >,
< 1420800000 870000 392 >,
< 1497600000 880000 416 >,
< 1574400000 890000 441 >,
< 1651200000 900000 465 >,
< 1728000000 910000 493 >,
< 1804800000 925000 521 >,
< 1881600000 940000 549 >,
< 1958400000 955000 579 >,
< 2035200000 970000 608 >,
< 2112000000 985000 638 >,
< 2188800000 1000000 667 >,
< 2265600000 1015000 700 >,
< 2342400000 1030000 734 >,
< 2419200000 1045000 769 >,
< 2457600000 1050000 785 >;
qcom,speed1-pvs6-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 125 >,
< 576000000 775000 145 >,
< 652800000 775000 166 >,
< 729600000 775000 187 >,
< 806400000 785000 208 >,
< 883200000 795000 230 >,
< 960000000 805000 252 >,
< 1036800000 815000 275 >,
< 1113600000 825000 298 >,
< 1190400000 835000 321 >,
< 1267200000 845000 344 >,
< 1344000000 855000 367 >,
< 1420800000 865000 392 >,
< 1497600000 875000 416 >,
< 1574400000 885000 441 >,
< 1651200000 895000 465 >,
< 1728000000 905000 493 >,
< 1804800000 915000 521 >,
< 1881600000 930000 549 >,
< 1958400000 945000 579 >,
< 2035200000 960000 608 >,
< 2112000000 975000 638 >,
< 2188800000 990000 667 >,
< 2265600000 1005000 700 >,
< 2342400000 1020000 734 >,
< 2419200000 1035000 769 >,
< 2457600000 1040000 785 >;
qcom,speed1-pvs7-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 125 >,
< 576000000 775000 145 >,
< 652800000 775000 166 >,
< 729600000 775000 187 >,
< 806400000 775000 208 >,
< 883200000 785000 230 >,
< 960000000 795000 252 >,
< 1036800000 805000 275 >,
< 1113600000 815000 298 >,
< 1190400000 825000 321 >,
< 1267200000 835000 344 >,
< 1344000000 845000 367 >,
< 1420800000 855000 392 >,
< 1497600000 865000 416 >,
< 1574400000 875000 441 >,
< 1651200000 885000 465 >,
< 1728000000 895000 493 >,
< 1804800000 905000 521 >,
< 1881600000 920000 549 >,
< 1958400000 935000 579 >,
< 2035200000 950000 608 >,
< 2112000000 965000 638 >,
< 2188800000 980000 667 >,
< 2265600000 995000 700 >,
< 2342400000 1010000 734 >,
< 2419200000 1025000 769 >,
< 2457600000 1030000 785 >;
qcom,speed1-pvs8-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 125 >,
< 576000000 775000 145 >,
< 652800000 775000 166 >,
< 729600000 775000 187 >,
< 806400000 775000 208 >,
< 883200000 780000 230 >,
< 960000000 790000 252 >,
< 1036800000 800000 275 >,
< 1113600000 810000 298 >,
< 1190400000 820000 321 >,
< 1267200000 830000 344 >,
< 1344000000 840000 367 >,
< 1420800000 850000 392 >,
< 1497600000 860000 416 >,
< 1574400000 870000 441 >,
< 1651200000 880000 465 >,
< 1728000000 890000 493 >,
< 1804800000 900000 521 >,
< 1881600000 910000 549 >,
< 1958400000 925000 579 >,
< 2035200000 940000 608 >,
< 2112000000 955000 638 >,
< 2188800000 970000 667 >,
< 2265600000 985000 700 >,
< 2342400000 1000000 734 >,
< 2419200000 1015000 769 >,
< 2457600000 1020000 785 >;
qcom,speed1-pvs9-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 125 >,
< 576000000 775000 145 >,
< 652800000 775000 166 >,
< 729600000 775000 187 >,
< 806400000 775000 208 >,
< 883200000 775000 230 >,
< 960000000 785000 252 >,
< 1036800000 795000 275 >,
< 1113600000 805000 298 >,
< 1190400000 815000 321 >,
< 1267200000 825000 344 >,
< 1344000000 835000 367 >,
< 1420800000 845000 392 >,
< 1497600000 855000 416 >,
< 1574400000 865000 441 >,
< 1651200000 875000 465 >,
< 1728000000 885000 493 >,
< 1804800000 895000 521 >,
< 1881600000 905000 549 >,
< 1958400000 915000 579 >,
< 2035200000 930000 608 >,
< 2112000000 945000 638 >,
< 2188800000 960000 667 >,
< 2265600000 975000 700 >,
< 2342400000 990000 734 >,
< 2419200000 1005000 769 >,
< 2457600000 1010000 785 >;
qcom,speed1-pvs10-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 125 >,
< 576000000 775000 145 >,
< 652800000 775000 166 >,
< 729600000 775000 187 >,
< 806400000 775000 208 >,
< 883200000 775000 230 >,
< 960000000 780000 252 >,
< 1036800000 790000 275 >,
< 1113600000 800000 298 >,
< 1190400000 810000 321 >,
< 1267200000 820000 344 >,
< 1344000000 830000 367 >,
< 1420800000 840000 392 >,
< 1497600000 850000 416 >,
< 1574400000 860000 441 >,
< 1651200000 870000 465 >,
< 1728000000 880000 493 >,
< 1804800000 890000 521 >,
< 1881600000 900000 549 >,
< 1958400000 910000 579 >,
< 2035200000 920000 608 >,
< 2112000000 935000 638 >,
< 2188800000 950000 667 >,
< 2265600000 965000 700 >,
< 2342400000 980000 734 >,
< 2419200000 995000 769 >,
< 2457600000 1000000 785 >;
qcom,speed1-pvs11-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 125 >,
< 576000000 775000 145 >,
< 652800000 775000 166 >,
< 729600000 775000 187 >,
< 806400000 775000 208 >,
< 883200000 775000 230 >,
< 960000000 775000 252 >,
< 1036800000 785000 275 >,
< 1113600000 795000 298 >,
< 1190400000 805000 321 >,
< 1267200000 815000 344 >,
< 1344000000 825000 367 >,
< 1420800000 835000 392 >,
< 1497600000 845000 416 >,
< 1574400000 855000 441 >,
< 1651200000 865000 465 >,
< 1728000000 875000 493 >,
< 1804800000 885000 521 >,
< 1881600000 895000 549 >,
< 1958400000 905000 579 >,
< 2035200000 915000 608 >,
< 2112000000 925000 638 >,
< 2188800000 940000 667 >,
< 2265600000 955000 700 >,
< 2342400000 970000 734 >,
< 2419200000 985000 769 >,
< 2457600000 990000 785 >;
qcom,speed1-pvs12-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 750000 76 >,
< 345600000 750000 87 >,
< 422400000 750000 106 >,
< 499200000 750000 125 >,
< 576000000 750000 145 >,
< 652800000 750000 166 >,
< 729600000 750000 187 >,
< 806400000 750000 208 >,
< 883200000 760000 230 >,
< 960000000 770000 252 >,
< 1036800000 780000 275 >,
< 1113600000 790000 298 >,
< 1190400000 800000 321 >,
< 1267200000 810000 344 >,
< 1344000000 820000 367 >,
< 1420800000 830000 392 >,
< 1497600000 840000 416 >,
< 1574400000 850000 441 >,
< 1651200000 860000 465 >,
< 1728000000 870000 493 >,
< 1804800000 880000 521 >,
< 1881600000 890000 549 >,
< 1958400000 900000 579 >,
< 2035200000 910000 608 >,
< 2112000000 920000 638 >,
< 2188800000 930000 667 >,
< 2265600000 945000 700 >,
< 2342400000 960000 734 >,
< 2419200000 975000 769 >,
< 2457600000 980000 785 >;
qcom,speed1-pvs13-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 750000 76 >,
< 345600000 750000 87 >,
< 422400000 750000 106 >,
< 499200000 750000 125 >,
< 576000000 750000 145 >,
< 652800000 750000 166 >,
< 729600000 750000 187 >,
< 806400000 750000 208 >,
< 883200000 755000 230 >,
< 960000000 765000 252 >,
< 1036800000 775000 275 >,
< 1113600000 785000 298 >,
< 1190400000 795000 321 >,
< 1267200000 805000 344 >,
< 1344000000 815000 367 >,
< 1420800000 825000 392 >,
< 1497600000 835000 416 >,
< 1574400000 845000 441 >,
< 1651200000 855000 465 >,
< 1728000000 865000 493 >,
< 1804800000 875000 521 >,
< 1881600000 885000 549 >,
< 1958400000 895000 579 >,
< 2035200000 905000 608 >,
< 2112000000 915000 638 >,
< 2188800000 925000 667 >,
< 2265600000 935000 700 >,
< 2342400000 950000 734 >,
< 2419200000 965000 769 >,
< 2457600000 970000 785 >;
qcom,speed1-pvs14-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 750000 76 >,
< 345600000 750000 87 >,
< 422400000 750000 106 >,
< 499200000 750000 125 >,
< 576000000 750000 145 >,
< 652800000 750000 166 >,
< 729600000 750000 187 >,
< 806400000 750000 208 >,
< 883200000 750000 230 >,
< 960000000 760000 252 >,
< 1036800000 770000 275 >,
< 1113600000 780000 298 >,
< 1190400000 790000 321 >,
< 1267200000 800000 344 >,
< 1344000000 810000 367 >,
< 1420800000 820000 392 >,
< 1497600000 830000 416 >,
< 1574400000 840000 441 >,
< 1651200000 850000 465 >,
< 1728000000 860000 493 >,
< 1804800000 870000 521 >,
< 1881600000 880000 549 >,
< 1958400000 890000 579 >,
< 2035200000 900000 608 >,
< 2112000000 910000 638 >,
< 2188800000 920000 667 >,
< 2265600000 930000 700 >,
< 2342400000 940000 734 >,
< 2419200000 955000 769 >,
< 2457600000 960000 785 >;
qcom,speed1-pvs15-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 750000 76 >,
< 345600000 750000 87 >,
< 422400000 750000 106 >,
< 499200000 750000 125 >,
< 576000000 750000 145 >,
< 652800000 750000 166 >,
< 729600000 750000 187 >,
< 806400000 750000 208 >,
< 883200000 750000 230 >,
< 960000000 755000 252 >,
< 1036800000 765000 275 >,
< 1113600000 775000 298 >,
< 1190400000 785000 321 >,
< 1267200000 795000 344 >,
< 1344000000 805000 367 >,
< 1420800000 815000 392 >,
< 1497600000 825000 416 >,
< 1574400000 835000 441 >,
< 1651200000 845000 465 >,
< 1728000000 855000 493 >,
< 1804800000 865000 521 >,
< 1881600000 875000 549 >,
< 1958400000 885000 579 >,
< 2035200000 895000 608 >,
< 2112000000 905000 638 >,
< 2188800000 915000 667 >,
< 2265600000 925000 700 >,
< 2342400000 935000 734 >,
< 2419200000 945000 769 >,
< 2457600000 950000 785 >;
/* 2.3GHz RC1 */
qcom,speed0-pvs0-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 810000 76 >,
< 345600000 820000 88 >,
< 422400000 830000 109 >,
< 499200000 840000 130 >,
< 576000000 850000 151 >,
< 652800000 860000 172 >,
< 729600000 870000 194 >,
< 806400000 880000 217 >,
< 883200000 890000 239 >,
< 960000000 915000 265 >,
< 1036800000 925000 288 >,
< 1113600000 935000 312 >,
< 1190400000 945000 336 >,
< 1267200000 955000 360 >,
< 1344000000 965000 385 >,
< 1420800000 975000 410 >,
< 1497600000 985000 436 >,
< 1574400000 995000 461 >,
< 1651200000 1005000 488 >,
< 1728000000 1015000 515 >,
< 1804800000 1025000 541 >,
< 1881600000 1035000 568 >,
< 1958400000 1045000 595 >,
< 2035200000 1055000 624 >,
< 2112000000 1070000 657 >,
< 2188800000 1085000 691 >,
< 2265600000 1100000 725 >;
qcom,speed0-pvs1-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 800000 76 >,
< 345600000 810000 88 >,
< 422400000 820000 109 >,
< 499200000 830000 130 >,
< 576000000 840000 151 >,
< 652800000 850000 172 >,
< 729600000 860000 194 >,
< 806400000 870000 217 >,
< 883200000 880000 239 >,
< 960000000 905000 265 >,
< 1036800000 915000 288 >,
< 1113600000 925000 312 >,
< 1190400000 935000 336 >,
< 1267200000 945000 360 >,
< 1344000000 955000 385 >,
< 1420800000 965000 410 >,
< 1497600000 975000 436 >,
< 1574400000 985000 461 >,
< 1651200000 995000 488 >,
< 1728000000 1005000 515 >,
< 1804800000 1015000 541 >,
< 1881600000 1025000 568 >,
< 1958400000 1035000 595 >,
< 2035200000 1045000 624 >,
< 2112000000 1060000 657 >,
< 2188800000 1075000 691 >,
< 2265600000 1090000 725 >;
qcom,speed0-pvs2-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 790000 76 >,
< 345600000 800000 88 >,
< 422400000 810000 109 >,
< 499200000 820000 130 >,
< 576000000 830000 151 >,
< 652800000 840000 172 >,
< 729600000 850000 194 >,
< 806400000 860000 217 >,
< 883200000 870000 239 >,
< 960000000 895000 265 >,
< 1036800000 905000 288 >,
< 1113600000 915000 312 >,
< 1190400000 925000 336 >,
< 1267200000 935000 360 >,
< 1344000000 945000 385 >,
< 1420800000 955000 410 >,
< 1497600000 965000 436 >,
< 1574400000 975000 461 >,
< 1651200000 985000 488 >,
< 1728000000 995000 515 >,
< 1804800000 1005000 541 >,
< 1881600000 1015000 568 >,
< 1958400000 1025000 595 >,
< 2035200000 1035000 624 >,
< 2112000000 1050000 657 >,
< 2188800000 1065000 691 >,
< 2265600000 1080000 725 >;
qcom,speed0-pvs3-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 780000 76 >,
< 345600000 790000 88 >,
< 422400000 800000 109 >,
< 499200000 810000 130 >,
< 576000000 820000 151 >,
< 652800000 830000 172 >,
< 729600000 840000 194 >,
< 806400000 850000 217 >,
< 883200000 860000 239 >,
< 960000000 885000 265 >,
< 1036800000 895000 288 >,
< 1113600000 905000 312 >,
< 1190400000 915000 336 >,
< 1267200000 925000 360 >,
< 1344000000 935000 385 >,
< 1420800000 945000 410 >,
< 1497600000 955000 436 >,
< 1574400000 965000 461 >,
< 1651200000 975000 488 >,
< 1728000000 985000 515 >,
< 1804800000 995000 541 >,
< 1881600000 1005000 568 >,
< 1958400000 1015000 595 >,
< 2035200000 1025000 624 >,
< 2112000000 1040000 657 >,
< 2188800000 1055000 691 >,
< 2265600000 1070000 725 >;
qcom,speed0-pvs4-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 770000 76 >,
< 345600000 780000 88 >,
< 422400000 790000 109 >,
< 499200000 800000 130 >,
< 576000000 810000 151 >,
< 652800000 820000 172 >,
< 729600000 830000 194 >,
< 806400000 840000 217 >,
< 883200000 850000 239 >,
< 960000000 875000 265 >,
< 1036800000 885000 288 >,
< 1113600000 895000 312 >,
< 1190400000 905000 336 >,
< 1267200000 915000 360 >,
< 1344000000 925000 385 >,
< 1420800000 935000 410 >,
< 1497600000 945000 436 >,
< 1574400000 955000 461 >,
< 1651200000 965000 488 >,
< 1728000000 975000 515 >,
< 1804800000 985000 541 >,
< 1881600000 995000 568 >,
< 1958400000 1005000 595 >,
< 2035200000 1015000 624 >,
< 2112000000 1030000 657 >,
< 2188800000 1045000 691 >,
< 2265600000 1060000 725 >;
qcom,speed0-pvs5-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 760000 76 >,
< 345600000 770000 88 >,
< 422400000 780000 109 >,
< 499200000 790000 130 >,
< 576000000 800000 151 >,
< 652800000 810000 172 >,
< 729600000 820000 194 >,
< 806400000 830000 217 >,
< 883200000 840000 239 >,
< 960000000 865000 265 >,
< 1036800000 875000 288 >,
< 1113600000 885000 312 >,
< 1190400000 895000 336 >,
< 1267200000 905000 360 >,
< 1344000000 915000 385 >,
< 1420800000 925000 410 >,
< 1497600000 935000 436 >,
< 1574400000 945000 461 >,
< 1651200000 955000 488 >,
< 1728000000 965000 515 >,
< 1804800000 975000 541 >,
< 1881600000 985000 568 >,
< 1958400000 995000 595 >,
< 2035200000 1005000 624 >,
< 2112000000 1020000 657 >,
< 2188800000 1035000 691 >,
< 2265600000 1050000 725 >;
qcom,speed0-pvs6-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 750000 76 >,
< 345600000 760000 88 >,
< 422400000 770000 109 >,
< 499200000 780000 130 >,
< 576000000 790000 151 >,
< 652800000 800000 172 >,
< 729600000 810000 194 >,
< 806400000 820000 217 >,
< 883200000 830000 239 >,
< 960000000 855000 265 >,
< 1036800000 865000 288 >,
< 1113600000 875000 312 >,
< 1190400000 885000 336 >,
< 1267200000 895000 360 >,
< 1344000000 905000 385 >,
< 1420800000 915000 410 >,
< 1497600000 925000 436 >,
< 1574400000 935000 461 >,
< 1651200000 945000 488 >,
< 1728000000 955000 515 >,
< 1804800000 965000 541 >,
< 1881600000 975000 568 >,
< 1958400000 985000 595 >,
< 2035200000 995000 624 >,
< 2112000000 1010000 657 >,
< 2188800000 1025000 691 >,
< 2265600000 1040000 725 >;
qcom,speed0-pvs7-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 740000 76 >,
< 345600000 750000 88 >,
< 422400000 760000 109 >,
< 499200000 770000 130 >,
< 576000000 780000 151 >,
< 652800000 790000 172 >,
< 729600000 800000 194 >,
< 806400000 810000 217 >,
< 883200000 820000 239 >,
< 960000000 845000 265 >,
< 1036800000 855000 288 >,
< 1113600000 865000 312 >,
< 1190400000 875000 336 >,
< 1267200000 885000 360 >,
< 1344000000 895000 385 >,
< 1420800000 905000 410 >,
< 1497600000 915000 436 >,
< 1574400000 925000 461 >,
< 1651200000 935000 488 >,
< 1728000000 945000 515 >,
< 1804800000 955000 541 >,
< 1881600000 965000 568 >,
< 1958400000 975000 595 >,
< 2035200000 985000 624 >,
< 2112000000 1000000 657 >,
< 2188800000 1015000 691 >,
< 2265600000 1030000 725 >;
qcom,speed0-pvs8-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 730000 76 >,
< 345600000 740000 88 >,
< 422400000 750000 109 >,
< 499200000 760000 130 >,
< 576000000 770000 151 >,
< 652800000 780000 172 >,
< 729600000 790000 194 >,
< 806400000 800000 217 >,
< 883200000 810000 239 >,
< 960000000 835000 265 >,
< 1036800000 845000 288 >,
< 1113600000 855000 312 >,
< 1190400000 865000 336 >,
< 1267200000 875000 360 >,
< 1344000000 885000 385 >,
< 1420800000 895000 410 >,
< 1497600000 905000 436 >,
< 1574400000 915000 461 >,
< 1651200000 925000 488 >,
< 1728000000 935000 515 >,
< 1804800000 945000 541 >,
< 1881600000 955000 568 >,
< 1958400000 965000 595 >,
< 2035200000 975000 624 >,
< 2112000000 990000 657 >,
< 2188800000 1005000 691 >,
< 2265600000 1020000 725 >;
qcom,speed0-pvs9-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 720000 76 >,
< 345600000 730000 88 >,
< 422400000 740000 109 >,
< 499200000 750000 130 >,
< 576000000 760000 151 >,
< 652800000 770000 172 >,
< 729600000 780000 194 >,
< 806400000 790000 217 >,
< 883200000 800000 239 >,
< 960000000 825000 265 >,
< 1036800000 835000 288 >,
< 1113600000 845000 312 >,
< 1190400000 855000 336 >,
< 1267200000 865000 360 >,
< 1344000000 875000 385 >,
< 1420800000 885000 410 >,
< 1497600000 895000 436 >,
< 1574400000 905000 461 >,
< 1651200000 915000 488 >,
< 1728000000 925000 515 >,
< 1804800000 935000 541 >,
< 1881600000 945000 568 >,
< 1958400000 955000 595 >,
< 2035200000 965000 624 >,
< 2112000000 980000 657 >,
< 2188800000 995000 691 >,
< 2265600000 1010000 725 >;
qcom,speed0-pvs10-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 710000 76 >,
< 345600000 720000 88 >,
< 422400000 730000 109 >,
< 499200000 740000 130 >,
< 576000000 750000 151 >,
< 652800000 760000 172 >,
< 729600000 770000 194 >,
< 806400000 780000 217 >,
< 883200000 790000 239 >,
< 960000000 815000 265 >,
< 1036800000 825000 288 >,
< 1113600000 835000 312 >,
< 1190400000 845000 336 >,
< 1267200000 855000 360 >,
< 1344000000 865000 385 >,
< 1420800000 875000 410 >,
< 1497600000 885000 436 >,
< 1574400000 895000 461 >,
< 1651200000 905000 488 >,
< 1728000000 915000 515 >,
< 1804800000 925000 541 >,
< 1881600000 935000 568 >,
< 1958400000 945000 595 >,
< 2035200000 955000 624 >,
< 2112000000 970000 657 >,
< 2188800000 985000 691 >,
< 2265600000 1000000 725 >;
qcom,speed0-pvs11-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 700000 76 >,
< 345600000 710000 88 >,
< 422400000 720000 109 >,
< 499200000 730000 130 >,
< 576000000 740000 151 >,
< 652800000 750000 172 >,
< 729600000 760000 194 >,
< 806400000 770000 217 >,
< 883200000 780000 239 >,
< 960000000 805000 265 >,
< 1036800000 815000 288 >,
< 1113600000 825000 312 >,
< 1190400000 835000 336 >,
< 1267200000 845000 360 >,
< 1344000000 855000 385 >,
< 1420800000 865000 410 >,
< 1497600000 875000 436 >,
< 1574400000 885000 461 >,
< 1651200000 895000 488 >,
< 1728000000 905000 515 >,
< 1804800000 915000 541 >,
< 1881600000 925000 568 >,
< 1958400000 935000 595 >,
< 2035200000 945000 624 >,
< 2112000000 960000 657 >,
< 2188800000 975000 691 >,
< 2265600000 990000 725 >;
qcom,speed0-pvs12-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 690000 76 >,
< 345600000 700000 88 >,
< 422400000 710000 109 >,
< 499200000 720000 130 >,
< 576000000 730000 151 >,
< 652800000 740000 172 >,
< 729600000 750000 194 >,
< 806400000 760000 217 >,
< 883200000 770000 239 >,
< 960000000 795000 265 >,
< 1036800000 805000 288 >,
< 1113600000 815000 312 >,
< 1190400000 825000 336 >,
< 1267200000 835000 360 >,
< 1344000000 845000 385 >,
< 1420800000 855000 410 >,
< 1497600000 865000 436 >,
< 1574400000 875000 461 >,
< 1651200000 885000 488 >,
< 1728000000 895000 515 >,
< 1804800000 905000 541 >,
< 1881600000 915000 568 >,
< 1958400000 925000 595 >,
< 2035200000 935000 624 >,
< 2112000000 950000 657 >,
< 2188800000 965000 691 >,
< 2265600000 980000 725 >;
qcom,speed0-pvs13-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 680000 76 >,
< 345600000 690000 88 >,
< 422400000 700000 109 >,
< 499200000 710000 130 >,
< 576000000 720000 151 >,
< 652800000 730000 172 >,
< 729600000 740000 194 >,
< 806400000 750000 217 >,
< 883200000 760000 239 >,
< 960000000 785000 265 >,
< 1036800000 795000 288 >,
< 1113600000 805000 312 >,
< 1190400000 815000 336 >,
< 1267200000 825000 360 >,
< 1344000000 835000 385 >,
< 1420800000 845000 410 >,
< 1497600000 855000 436 >,
< 1574400000 865000 461 >,
< 1651200000 875000 488 >,
< 1728000000 885000 515 >,
< 1804800000 895000 541 >,
< 1881600000 905000 568 >,
< 1958400000 915000 595 >,
< 2035200000 925000 624 >,
< 2112000000 940000 657 >,
< 2188800000 955000 691 >,
< 2265600000 970000 725 >;
qcom,speed0-pvs14-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 670000 76 >,
< 345600000 680000 88 >,
< 422400000 690000 109 >,
< 499200000 700000 130 >,
< 576000000 710000 151 >,
< 652800000 720000 172 >,
< 729600000 730000 194 >,
< 806400000 740000 217 >,
< 883200000 750000 239 >,
< 960000000 775000 265 >,
< 1036800000 785000 288 >,
< 1113600000 795000 312 >,
< 1190400000 805000 336 >,
< 1267200000 815000 360 >,
< 1344000000 825000 385 >,
< 1420800000 835000 410 >,
< 1497600000 845000 436 >,
< 1574400000 855000 461 >,
< 1651200000 865000 488 >,
< 1728000000 875000 515 >,
< 1804800000 885000 541 >,
< 1881600000 895000 568 >,
< 1958400000 905000 595 >,
< 2035200000 915000 624 >,
< 2112000000 930000 657 >,
< 2188800000 945000 691 >,
< 2265600000 960000 725 >;
qcom,speed0-pvs15-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 660000 76 >,
< 345600000 670000 88 >,
< 422400000 680000 109 >,
< 499200000 690000 130 >,
< 576000000 700000 151 >,
< 652800000 710000 172 >,
< 729600000 720000 194 >,
< 806400000 730000 217 >,
< 883200000 740000 239 >,
< 960000000 765000 265 >,
< 1036800000 775000 288 >,
< 1113600000 785000 312 >,
< 1190400000 795000 336 >,
< 1267200000 805000 360 >,
< 1344000000 815000 385 >,
< 1420800000 825000 410 >,
< 1497600000 835000 436 >,
< 1574400000 845000 461 >,
< 1651200000 855000 488 >,
< 1728000000 865000 515 >,
< 1804800000 875000 541 >,
< 1881600000 885000 568 >,
< 1958400000 895000 595 >,
< 2035200000 905000 624 >,
< 2112000000 920000 657 >,
< 2188800000 935000 691 >,
< 2265600000 950000 725 >;
/* 2.3GHz RC0 */
qcom,speed0-pvs0-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 800000 76 >,
< 345600000 800000 87 >,
< 422400000 800000 106 >,
< 499200000 810000 126 >,
< 576000000 820000 147 >,
< 652800000 830000 168 >,
< 729600000 840000 189 >,
< 806400000 850000 211 >,
< 883200000 860000 233 >,
< 960000000 870000 256 >,
< 1036800000 880000 278 >,
< 1113600000 890000 301 >,
< 1190400000 900000 324 >,
< 1267200000 910000 348 >,
< 1344000000 920000 372 >,
< 1420800000 935000 398 >,
< 1497600000 950000 424 >,
< 1574400000 965000 451 >,
< 1651200000 980000 479 >,
< 1728000000 995000 506 >,
< 1804800000 1010000 535 >,
< 1881600000 1025000 564 >,
< 1958400000 1040000 593 >,
< 2035200000 1055000 626 >,
< 2112000000 1070000 658 >,
< 2188800000 1085000 692 >,
< 2265600000 1100000 726 >;
qcom,speed0-pvs1-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 800000 76 >,
< 345600000 800000 87 >,
< 422400000 800000 106 >,
< 499200000 800000 126 >,
< 576000000 810000 147 >,
< 652800000 820000 168 >,
< 729600000 830000 189 >,
< 806400000 840000 211 >,
< 883200000 850000 233 >,
< 960000000 860000 256 >,
< 1036800000 870000 278 >,
< 1113600000 880000 301 >,
< 1190400000 890000 324 >,
< 1267200000 900000 348 >,
< 1344000000 910000 372 >,
< 1420800000 925000 398 >,
< 1497600000 940000 424 >,
< 1574400000 955000 451 >,
< 1651200000 970000 479 >,
< 1728000000 985000 506 >,
< 1804800000 1000000 535 >,
< 1881600000 1015000 564 >,
< 1958400000 1030000 593 >,
< 2035200000 1045000 626 >,
< 2112000000 1060000 658 >,
< 2188800000 1075000 692 >,
< 2265600000 1090000 726 >;
qcom,speed0-pvs2-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 800000 76 >,
< 345600000 800000 87 >,
< 422400000 800000 106 >,
< 499200000 800000 126 >,
< 576000000 800000 147 >,
< 652800000 810000 168 >,
< 729600000 820000 189 >,
< 806400000 830000 211 >,
< 883200000 840000 233 >,
< 960000000 850000 256 >,
< 1036800000 860000 278 >,
< 1113600000 870000 301 >,
< 1190400000 880000 324 >,
< 1267200000 890000 348 >,
< 1344000000 900000 372 >,
< 1420800000 915000 398 >,
< 1497600000 930000 424 >,
< 1574400000 945000 451 >,
< 1651200000 960000 479 >,
< 1728000000 975000 506 >,
< 1804800000 990000 535 >,
< 1881600000 1005000 564 >,
< 1958400000 1020000 593 >,
< 2035200000 1035000 626 >,
< 2112000000 1050000 658 >,
< 2188800000 1065000 692 >,
< 2265600000 1080000 726 >;
qcom,speed0-pvs3-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 800000 76 >,
< 345600000 800000 87 >,
< 422400000 800000 106 >,
< 499200000 800000 126 >,
< 576000000 800000 147 >,
< 652800000 800000 168 >,
< 729600000 810000 189 >,
< 806400000 820000 211 >,
< 883200000 830000 233 >,
< 960000000 840000 256 >,
< 1036800000 850000 278 >,
< 1113600000 860000 301 >,
< 1190400000 870000 324 >,
< 1267200000 880000 348 >,
< 1344000000 890000 372 >,
< 1420800000 905000 398 >,
< 1497600000 920000 424 >,
< 1574400000 935000 451 >,
< 1651200000 950000 479 >,
< 1728000000 965000 506 >,
< 1804800000 980000 535 >,
< 1881600000 995000 564 >,
< 1958400000 1010000 593 >,
< 2035200000 1025000 626 >,
< 2112000000 1040000 658 >,
< 2188800000 1055000 692 >,
< 2265600000 1070000 726 >;
qcom,speed0-pvs4-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 126 >,
< 576000000 785000 147 >,
< 652800000 795000 168 >,
< 729600000 805000 189 >,
< 806400000 815000 211 >,
< 883200000 825000 233 >,
< 960000000 835000 256 >,
< 1036800000 845000 278 >,
< 1113600000 855000 301 >,
< 1190400000 865000 324 >,
< 1267200000 875000 348 >,
< 1344000000 885000 372 >,
< 1420800000 895000 398 >,
< 1497600000 910000 424 >,
< 1574400000 925000 451 >,
< 1651200000 940000 479 >,
< 1728000000 955000 506 >,
< 1804800000 970000 535 >,
< 1881600000 985000 564 >,
< 1958400000 1000000 593 >,
< 2035200000 1015000 626 >,
< 2112000000 1030000 658 >,
< 2188800000 1045000 692 >,
< 2265600000 1060000 726 >;
qcom,speed0-pvs5-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 126 >,
< 576000000 780000 147 >,
< 652800000 790000 168 >,
< 729600000 800000 189 >,
< 806400000 810000 211 >,
< 883200000 820000 233 >,
< 960000000 830000 256 >,
< 1036800000 840000 278 >,
< 1113600000 850000 301 >,
< 1190400000 860000 324 >,
< 1267200000 870000 348 >,
< 1344000000 880000 372 >,
< 1420800000 890000 398 >,
< 1497600000 900000 424 >,
< 1574400000 915000 451 >,
< 1651200000 930000 479 >,
< 1728000000 945000 506 >,
< 1804800000 960000 535 >,
< 1881600000 975000 564 >,
< 1958400000 990000 593 >,
< 2035200000 1005000 626 >,
< 2112000000 1020000 658 >,
< 2188800000 1035000 692 >,
< 2265600000 1050000 726 >;
qcom,speed0-pvs6-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 126 >,
< 576000000 775000 147 >,
< 652800000 780000 168 >,
< 729600000 790000 189 >,
< 806400000 800000 211 >,
< 883200000 810000 233 >,
< 960000000 820000 256 >,
< 1036800000 830000 278 >,
< 1113600000 840000 301 >,
< 1190400000 850000 324 >,
< 1267200000 860000 348 >,
< 1344000000 870000 372 >,
< 1420800000 880000 398 >,
< 1497600000 890000 424 >,
< 1574400000 905000 451 >,
< 1651200000 920000 479 >,
< 1728000000 935000 506 >,
< 1804800000 950000 535 >,
< 1881600000 965000 564 >,
< 1958400000 980000 593 >,
< 2035200000 995000 626 >,
< 2112000000 1010000 658 >,
< 2188800000 1025000 692 >,
< 2265600000 1040000 726 >;
qcom,speed0-pvs7-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 126 >,
< 576000000 775000 147 >,
< 652800000 775000 168 >,
< 729600000 785000 189 >,
< 806400000 795000 211 >,
< 883200000 805000 233 >,
< 960000000 815000 256 >,
< 1036800000 825000 278 >,
< 1113600000 835000 301 >,
< 1190400000 845000 324 >,
< 1267200000 855000 348 >,
< 1344000000 865000 372 >,
< 1420800000 875000 398 >,
< 1497600000 885000 424 >,
< 1574400000 895000 451 >,
< 1651200000 910000 479 >,
< 1728000000 925000 506 >,
< 1804800000 940000 535 >,
< 1881600000 955000 564 >,
< 1958400000 970000 593 >,
< 2035200000 985000 626 >,
< 2112000000 1000000 658 >,
< 2188800000 1015000 692 >,
< 2265600000 1030000 726 >;
qcom,speed0-pvs8-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 126 >,
< 576000000 775000 147 >,
< 652800000 775000 168 >,
< 729600000 780000 189 >,
< 806400000 790000 211 >,
< 883200000 800000 233 >,
< 960000000 810000 256 >,
< 1036800000 820000 278 >,
< 1113600000 830000 301 >,
< 1190400000 840000 324 >,
< 1267200000 850000 348 >,
< 1344000000 860000 372 >,
< 1420800000 870000 398 >,
< 1497600000 880000 424 >,
< 1574400000 890000 451 >,
< 1651200000 900000 479 >,
< 1728000000 915000 506 >,
< 1804800000 930000 535 >,
< 1881600000 945000 564 >,
< 1958400000 960000 593 >,
< 2035200000 975000 626 >,
< 2112000000 990000 658 >,
< 2188800000 1005000 692 >,
< 2265600000 1020000 726 >;
qcom,speed0-pvs9-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 126 >,
< 576000000 775000 147 >,
< 652800000 775000 168 >,
< 729600000 775000 189 >,
< 806400000 785000 211 >,
< 883200000 795000 233 >,
< 960000000 805000 256 >,
< 1036800000 815000 278 >,
< 1113600000 825000 301 >,
< 1190400000 835000 324 >,
< 1267200000 845000 348 >,
< 1344000000 855000 372 >,
< 1420800000 865000 398 >,
< 1497600000 875000 424 >,
< 1574400000 885000 451 >,
< 1651200000 895000 479 >,
< 1728000000 905000 506 >,
< 1804800000 920000 535 >,
< 1881600000 935000 564 >,
< 1958400000 950000 593 >,
< 2035200000 965000 626 >,
< 2112000000 980000 658 >,
< 2188800000 995000 692 >,
< 2265600000 1010000 726 >;
qcom,speed0-pvs10-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 126 >,
< 576000000 775000 147 >,
< 652800000 775000 168 >,
< 729600000 775000 189 >,
< 806400000 780000 211 >,
< 883200000 790000 233 >,
< 960000000 800000 256 >,
< 1036800000 810000 278 >,
< 1113600000 820000 301 >,
< 1190400000 830000 324 >,
< 1267200000 840000 348 >,
< 1344000000 850000 372 >,
< 1420800000 860000 398 >,
< 1497600000 870000 424 >,
< 1574400000 880000 451 >,
< 1651200000 890000 479 >,
< 1728000000 900000 506 >,
< 1804800000 910000 535 >,
< 1881600000 925000 564 >,
< 1958400000 940000 593 >,
< 2035200000 955000 626 >,
< 2112000000 970000 658 >,
< 2188800000 985000 692 >,
< 2265600000 1000000 726 >;
qcom,speed0-pvs11-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 775000 76 >,
< 345600000 775000 87 >,
< 422400000 775000 106 >,
< 499200000 775000 126 >,
< 576000000 775000 147 >,
< 652800000 775000 168 >,
< 729600000 775000 189 >,
< 806400000 775000 211 >,
< 883200000 785000 233 >,
< 960000000 795000 256 >,
< 1036800000 805000 278 >,
< 1113600000 815000 301 >,
< 1190400000 825000 324 >,
< 1267200000 835000 348 >,
< 1344000000 845000 372 >,
< 1420800000 855000 398 >,
< 1497600000 865000 424 >,
< 1574400000 875000 451 >,
< 1651200000 885000 479 >,
< 1728000000 895000 506 >,
< 1804800000 905000 535 >,
< 1881600000 915000 564 >,
< 1958400000 930000 593 >,
< 2035200000 945000 626 >,
< 2112000000 960000 658 >,
< 2188800000 975000 692 >,
< 2265600000 990000 726 >;
qcom,speed0-pvs12-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 750000 76 >,
< 345600000 750000 87 >,
< 422400000 750000 106 >,
< 499200000 750000 126 >,
< 576000000 750000 147 >,
< 652800000 750000 168 >,
< 729600000 760000 189 >,
< 806400000 770000 211 >,
< 883200000 780000 233 >,
< 960000000 790000 256 >,
< 1036800000 800000 278 >,
< 1113600000 810000 301 >,
< 1190400000 820000 324 >,
< 1267200000 830000 348 >,
< 1344000000 840000 372 >,
< 1420800000 850000 398 >,
< 1497600000 860000 424 >,
< 1574400000 870000 451 >,
< 1651200000 880000 479 >,
< 1728000000 890000 506 >,
< 1804800000 900000 535 >,
< 1881600000 910000 564 >,
< 1958400000 920000 593 >,
< 2035200000 935000 626 >,
< 2112000000 950000 658 >,
< 2188800000 965000 692 >,
< 2265600000 980000 726 >;
qcom,speed0-pvs13-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 750000 76 >,
< 345600000 750000 87 >,
< 422400000 750000 106 >,
< 499200000 750000 126 >,
< 576000000 750000 147 >,
< 652800000 750000 168 >,
< 729600000 755000 189 >,
< 806400000 765000 211 >,
< 883200000 775000 233 >,
< 960000000 785000 256 >,
< 1036800000 795000 278 >,
< 1113600000 805000 301 >,
< 1190400000 815000 324 >,
< 1267200000 825000 348 >,
< 1344000000 835000 372 >,
< 1420800000 845000 398 >,
< 1497600000 855000 424 >,
< 1574400000 865000 451 >,
< 1651200000 875000 479 >,
< 1728000000 885000 506 >,
< 1804800000 895000 535 >,
< 1881600000 905000 564 >,
< 1958400000 915000 593 >,
< 2035200000 925000 626 >,
< 2112000000 940000 658 >,
< 2188800000 955000 692 >,
< 2265600000 970000 726 >;
qcom,speed0-pvs14-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 750000 76 >,
< 345600000 750000 87 >,
< 422400000 750000 106 >,
< 499200000 750000 126 >,
< 576000000 750000 147 >,
< 652800000 750000 168 >,
< 729600000 750000 189 >,
< 806400000 760000 211 >,
< 883200000 770000 233 >,
< 960000000 780000 256 >,
< 1036800000 790000 278 >,
< 1113600000 800000 301 >,
< 1190400000 810000 324 >,
< 1267200000 820000 348 >,
< 1344000000 830000 372 >,
< 1420800000 840000 398 >,
< 1497600000 850000 424 >,
< 1574400000 860000 451 >,
< 1651200000 870000 479 >,
< 1728000000 880000 506 >,
< 1804800000 890000 535 >,
< 1881600000 900000 564 >,
< 1958400000 910000 593 >,
< 2035200000 920000 626 >,
< 2112000000 930000 658 >,
< 2188800000 945000 692 >,
< 2265600000 960000 726 >;
qcom,speed0-pvs15-bin-v0 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 750000 76 >,
< 345600000 750000 87 >,
< 422400000 750000 106 >,
< 499200000 750000 126 >,
< 576000000 750000 147 >,
< 652800000 750000 168 >,
< 729600000 750000 189 >,
< 806400000 755000 211 >,
< 883200000 765000 233 >,
< 960000000 775000 256 >,
< 1036800000 785000 278 >,
< 1113600000 795000 301 >,
< 1190400000 805000 324 >,
< 1267200000 815000 348 >,
< 1344000000 825000 372 >,
< 1420800000 835000 398 >,
< 1497600000 845000 424 >,
< 1574400000 855000 451 >,
< 1651200000 865000 479 >,
< 1728000000 875000 506 >,
< 1804800000 885000 535 >,
< 1881600000 895000 564 >,
< 1958400000 905000 593 >,
< 2035200000 915000 626 >,
< 2112000000 925000 658 >,
< 2188800000 935000 692 >,
< 2265600000 950000 726 >;
qcom,cpubw {
compatible = "qcom,cpubw";
qcom,cpu-mem-ports = <1 512>;
qcom,bw-tbl =
< 762 /* 50 MHz */ >,
< 1144 /* 75 MHz */ >,
< 1525 /* 100 MHz */ >,
< 2288 /* 150 MHz */ >,
< 3051 /* 200 MHz */ >,
< 3952 /* 259 MHz */ >,
< 4684 /* 307 MHz */ >,
< 5996 /* 393 MHz */ >,
< 7019 /* 460 MHz */ >,
< 8056 /* 528 MHz */ >,
< 10101 /* 662 MHz */ >,
< 12145 /* 796 MHz */ >,
< 16250 /* 1065 MHz */ >;
qcom,kraitbw-l2pm {
compatible = "qcom,kraitbw-l2pm";
interrupts = <0 1 1>;
qcom,bytes-per-beat = <16>;
qcom,msm-cpufreq@0 {
reg = <0 4>;
compatible = "qcom,msm-cpufreq";
qcom,cpufreq-table =
< 300000 300000 1144 >,
< 422400 422400 2288 >,
< 652800 499200 3051 >,
< 729600 576000 5996 >,
< 883200 576000 5996 >,
< 960000 960000 8056 >,
< 1036800 1036800 8056 >,
< 1190400 1036800 8056 >,
< 1267200 1036800 10101 >,
< 1497600 1036800 10101 >,
< 1574400 1574400 12145 >,
< 1728000 1651200 12145 >,
< 1958400 1728000 16250 >,
< 2265600 1728000 16250 >,
< 2457600 1728000 16250 >,
< 2496000 1728000 16250 >,
< 2572800 1728000 16250 >,
< 2649600 1728000 16250 >;
usb_otg: usb@f9a55000 {
status = "disabled";
compatible = "qcom,hsusb-otg";
reg = <0xf9a55000 0x400>;
interrupts = <0 134 0 0 140 0>;
interrupt-names = "core_irq", "async_irq";
HSUSB_VDDCX-supply = <&pma8084_s1>;
HSUSB_1p8-supply = <&pma8084_l6>;
HSUSB_3p3-supply = <&pma8084_l24>;
qcom,vdd-voltage-level = <0 900000 1050000>;
qcom,hsusb-otg-phy-type = <2>;
qcom,hsusb-otg-mode = <1>;
qcom,hsusb-otg-otg-control = <3>;
qcom,hsusb-otg-default-mode = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,name = "usb2";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <2>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<87 512 0 0>,
<87 512 60000 960000>;
qcom,usbbam@f9304000 {
compatible = "qcom,usb-bam-msm";
reg = <0xf9304000 0x5000>,
<0xf92f880c 0x4>;
reg-names = "ssusb", "qscratch_ram1_reg";
interrupts = <0 132 0>;
interrupt-names = "ssusb";
qcom,usb-bam-num-pipes = <16>;
qcom,usb-bam-fifo-baseaddr = <0xf9200000>;
qcom,pipe0 {
label = "ssusb-qdss-in-0";
qcom,usb-bam-mem-type = <1>;
qcom,bam-type = <0>;
qcom,dir = <1>;
qcom,pipe-num = <0>;
qcom,peer-bam = <1>;
qcom,src-bam-physical-address = <0xfc37C000>;
qcom,src-bam-pipe-index = <0>;
qcom,dst-bam-physical-address = <0xf9304000>;
qcom,dst-bam-pipe-index = <2>;
qcom,data-fifo-offset = <0xf0000>;
qcom,data-fifo-size = <0x1800>;
qcom,descriptor-fifo-offset = <0xf4000>;
qcom,descriptor-fifo-size = <0x1400>;
spi_0: spi_epm: spi@f9923000 { /* BLSP1 QUP1 */
compatible = "qcom,spi-qup-v2";
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
reg-names = "spi_physical", "spi_bam_physical";
reg = <0xf9923000 0x1000>,
<0xf9904000 0xf000>;
interrupt-names = "spi_irq", "spi_bam_irq";
interrupts = <0 95 0>, <0 238 0>;
spi-max-frequency = <19200000>;
qcom,gpio-mosi = <&msmgpio 0 0>;
qcom,gpio-miso = <&msmgpio 1 0>;
qcom,gpio-clk = <&msmgpio 3 0>;
qcom,gpio-cs0 = <&msmgpio 2 0>;
qcom,gpio-cs1 = <&msmgpio 116 0>;
qcom,gpio-cs3 = <&msmgpio 117 0>;
qcom,infinite-mode = <0>;
qcom,bam-consumer-pipe-index = <12>;
qcom,bam-producer-pipe-index = <13>;
qcom,master-id = <86>;
usb3: ssusb@f9200000 {
compatible = "qcom,dwc-usb3-msm";
reg = <0xf9200000 0xfc000>,
<0xfd4ab000 0x4>;
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&usb3>;
interrupts = <0 1>;
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-map-mask = <0x0 0xffffffff>;
interrupt-map = <0x0 0 &intc 0 133 0
0x0 1 &spmi_bus 0x0 0x0 0x9 0x0>;
interrupt-names = "hs_phy_irq", "pmic_id_irq";
USB3_GDSC-supply = <&gdsc_usb30>;
qcom,dwc-usb3-msm-tx-fifo-size = <29696>;
qcom,dwc-usb3-msm-qdss-tx-fifo-size = <8192>;
qcom,misc-ref = <&pma8084_misc>;
qcom,restore-sec-cfg-for-scm-dev-id = <9>;
qcom,usb-dbm = <&dbm0_1p4>;
qcom,msm-bus,name = "usb3";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <2>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<61 512 0 0>,
<61 512 240000 1920000>;
dwc3@f9200000 {
compatible = "synopsys,dwc3";
reg = <0xf9200000 0xfc000>;
interrupt-parent = <&intc>;
interrupts = <0 131 0>, <0 179 0>;
interrupt-names = "irq", "otg_irq";
usb-phy = <&hsphy0>, <&ssphy0>;
usb3_sec: ssusb@f9400000 {
compatible = "qcom,dwc-usb3-msm";
reg = <0xf9400000 0xfc000>;
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&intc>;
interrupts = <0 261 4>;
interrupt-names = "hs_phy_irq";
USB3_GDSC-supply = <&gdsc_usb30_sec>;
qcom,restore-sec-cfg-for-scm-dev-id = <10>;
status = "disabled";
qcom,msm-bus,name = "usb3_sec";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <2>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<61 512 0 0>,
<61 512 240000 1920000>;
dwc3@f9400000 {
compatible = "synopsys,dwc3";
reg = <0xf9400000 0xfc000>;
interrupt-parent = <&intc>;
interrupts = <0 258 4>, <0 262 4>;
interrupt-names = "irq", "otg_irq";
usb-phy = <&hsphy1>, <&ssphy0>;
android_usb@fe8050c8 {
compatible = "qcom,android-usb";
reg = <0xfe8050c8 0xc8>;
qcom,android-usb-swfi-latency = <1>;
hsphy0: hsphy@f92f8800 {
compatible = "qcom,usb-hsphy";
reg = <0xf92f8800 0x3ff>,
<0xfd4ab204 0x4>;
qcom,hsphy-init = <0x00D191A4>;
vdd-supply = <&pma8084_s1>;
vdda18-supply = <&pma8084_l6>;
vdda33-supply = <&pma8084_l24>;
qcom,vdd-voltage-level = <0 900000 1050000>;
ssphy0: ssphy@f92f8800 {
compatible = "qcom,usb-ssphy";
reg = <0xf92f8800 0x3ff>;
vdd-supply = <&pma8084_s1>;
vdda18-supply = <&pma8084_l6>;
qcom,vdd-voltage-level = <0 900000 1050000>;
dbm0_1p4: dbm@f92f8000 {
compatible = "qcom,usb-dbm-1p4";
reg = <0xf92f8000 0x1000>;
hsphy1: hsphy@f94f8800 {
compatible = "qcom,usb-hsphy";
reg = <0xf94f8800 0x3ff>;
qcom,hsphy-init = <0x00D191A4>;
vdd-supply = <&pma8084_s1>;
vdda18-supply = <&pma8084_l6>;
vdda33-supply = <&pma8084_l24>;
qcom,vdd-voltage-level = <0 900000 1050000>;
qcom,num-ports = <3>;
qcom,primary-phy = <&hsphy0>;
status = "disabled";
tsens: tsens@fc4a8000 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-tsens";
reg = <0xfc4a8000 0x2000>,
<0xfc4bc000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tsens_physical", "tsens_eeprom_physical";
interrupts = <0 184 0>;
qcom,sensors = <11>;
qcom,slope = <3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200
3200 3200>;
xhci_hsic_host: qcom,xhci-msm-hsic@0xf9c00000 {
compatible = "qcom,xhci-msm-hsic";
reg = <0xf9c00000 0xfc000>;
#address-cells = <0>;
interrupt-parent = <&xhci_hsic_host>;
interrupts = <0 1 2>;
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-map-mask = <0xffffffff>;
interrupt-map = <0 &intc 0 32 0
1 &intc 0 29 0
2 &msmgpio 107 0x4>;
interrupt-names = "core_irq", "pwr_event_irq", "wakeup_irq";
hsic-vdd-dig-supply = <&pma8084_s2_corner>;
hsic-gdsc-supply = <&gdsc_usb_hsic>;
hsic,strobe-gpio = <&msmgpio 134 0x00>;
hsic,data-gpio = <&msmgpio 135 0x00>;
qcom,host-ready-gpio = <&msmgpio 106 0x00>;
qcom,vdd-voltage-level = <1 4 7>; /* none svs turbo */
qcom,msm-bus,name = "hsic";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <2>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<85 512 0 0>,
<85 512 40000 400000>;
status = "disabled";
qcom,ocmem@fdd00000 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-ocmem";
reg = <0xfdd00000 0x2000>,
<0xfdd02000 0x2000>,
<0xfe070000 0x400>,
<0xfec00000 0x200000>;
reg-names = "ocmem_ctrl_physical", "dm_ctrl_physical", "br_ctrl_physical", "ocmem_physical";
interrupts = <0 76 0 0 77 0>;
interrupt-names = "ocmem_irq", "dm_irq";
qcom,ocmem-num-regions = <0x4>;
qcom,ocmem-num-macros = <0x20>;
qcom,resource-type = <0x706d636f>;
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;
ranges = <0x0 0xfec00000 0x200000>;
partition@0 {
reg = <0x0 0x180000>;
qcom,ocmem-part-name = "graphics";
qcom,ocmem-part-min = <0x80000>;
partition@80000 {
reg = <0x180000 0x80000>;
qcom,ocmem-part-name = "lp_audio";
qcom,ocmem-part-min = <0x80000>;
partition@100000 {
reg = <0x180000 0x80000>;
qcom,ocmem-part-name = "video";
qcom,ocmem-part-min = <0x55000>;
memory_hole: qcom,msm-mem-hole {
compatible = "qcom,msm-mem-hole";
qcom,memblock-remove = <0x0d400000 0x02a00000>; /* Address and Size of Hole */
qcom,ipc-spinlock@fd484000 {
compatible = "qcom,ipc-spinlock-sfpb";
reg = <0xfd484000 0x400>;
qcom,num-locks = <8>;
qcom,smem@fa00000 {
compatible = "qcom,smem";
reg = <0xfa00000 0x200000>,
<0xf9011000 0x1000>,
<0xfc428000 0x4000>;
reg-names = "smem", "irq-reg-base", "aux-mem1";
qcom,smd-adsp {
compatible = "qcom,smd";
qcom,smd-edge = <1>;
qcom,smd-irq-offset = <0x8>;
qcom,smd-irq-bitmask = <0x100>;
qcom,pil-string = "adsp";
interrupts = <0 156 1>;
qcom,smsm-adsp {
compatible = "qcom,smsm";
qcom,smsm-edge = <1>;
qcom,smsm-irq-offset = <0x8>;
qcom,smsm-irq-bitmask = <0x200>;
interrupts = <0 157 1>;
qcom,smd-rpm {
compatible = "qcom,smd";
qcom,smd-edge = <15>;
qcom,smd-irq-offset = <0x8>;
qcom,smd-irq-bitmask = <0x1>;
interrupts = <0 168 1>;
qcom,venus@fdce0000 {
compatible = "qcom,pil-tz-generic";
reg = <0xfdce0000 0x4000>;
vdd-supply = <&gdsc_venus>;
proxy-reg-names = "vdd";
clock-names = "core_clk", "iface_clk",
"bus_clk", "mem_clk";
proxy-clock-names = "core_clk", "iface_clk",
"bus_clk", "mem_clk";
qcom,msm-bus,name = "pil-venus";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <2>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<63 512 0 0>,
<63 512 0 304000>;
qcom,pas-id = <9>;
qcom,proxy-timeout-ms = <2000>;
qcom,firmware-name = "venus";
pil_lpass: qcom,lpass@fe200000 {
compatible = "qcom,pil-tz-generic";
reg = <0xfe200000 0x00100>;
interrupts = <0 162 1>;
vdd_cx-supply = <&pma8084_s2_corner>;
proxy-reg-names = "vdd_cx";
vdd_cx-uV-uA = <7 100000>;
clock-names = "bus_clk", "xo";
active-clock-names = "bus_clk";
proxy-clock-names = "xo";
qcom,pas-id = <1>;
qcom,proxy-timeout-ms = <10000>;
qcom,smem-id = <423>;
qcom,firmware-name = "adsp";
/* GPIO inputs from lpass */
qcom,gpio-err-fatal = <&smp2pgpio_ssr_smp2p_2_in 0 0>;
qcom,gpio-proxy-unvote = <&smp2pgpio_ssr_smp2p_2_in 2 0>;
qcom,gpio-err-ready = <&smp2pgpio_ssr_smp2p_2_in 1 0>;
qcom,gpio-stop-ack = <&smp2pgpio_ssr_smp2p_2_in 3 0>;
/* GPIO output to lpass */
qcom,gpio-force-stop = <&smp2pgpio_ssr_smp2p_2_out 0 0>;
ufsphy1: ufsphy@0xfc597000 {
compatible = "qcom,ufsphy";
reg = <0xfc597000 0x87c>;
vdda-phy-supply = <&pma8084_l3>;
vdda-pll-supply = <&pma8084_l12>;
vdda-phy-max-microamp = <50000>;
vdda-pll-max-microamp = <1000>;
status = "disabled";
ufs1: ufshc@0xfc594000 {
compatible = "qcom,ufshc";
reg = <0xfc594000 0x800>;
interrupts = <0 28 0>;
ufs-phy = <&ufsphy1>;
vcc-supply = <&pma8084_l19>;
vccq-supply = <&pma8084_l4>;
vccq2-supply = <&pma8084_s4>;
vcc-max-microamp = <460000>;
vccq-max-microamp = <450000>;
vccq2-max-microamp = <145000>;
clock-names = "core_clk_src", "core_clk", "bus_clk", "iface_clk",
freq-table-hz = <100000000 200000000>, <0 0>, <0 0>,
<0 0>, <0 0>;
qcom,msm-bus,name = "ufs1";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <22>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <2>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<95 512 0 0>, <1 650 0 0>, /* No vote */
<95 512 922 0>, <1 650 1000 0>, /* PWM G1 */
<95 512 1844 0>, <1 650 1000 0>, /* PWM G2 */
<95 512 3688 0>, <1 650 1000 0>, /* PWM G3 */
<95 512 7376 0>, <1 650 1000 0>, /* PWM G4 */
<95 512 1844 0>, <1 650 1000 0>, /* PWM G1 L2 */
<95 512 3688 0>, <1 650 1000 0>, /* PWM G2 L2 */
<95 512 7376 0>, <1 650 1000 0>, /* PWM G3 L2 */
<95 512 14752 0>, <1 650 1000 0>, /* PWM G4 L2 */
<95 512 127796 0>, <1 650 1000 0>, /* HS G1 RA */
<95 512 255591 0>, <1 650 1000 0>, /* HS G2 RA */
<95 512 511181 0>, <1 650 1000 0>, /* HS G3 RA */
<95 512 255591 0>, <1 650 1000 0>, /* HS G1 RA L2 */
<95 512 511181 0>, <1 650 1000 0>, /* HS G2 RA L2 */
<95 512 1022362 0>, <1 650 1000 0>, /* HS G3 RA L2 */
<95 512 149422 0>, <1 650 1000 0>, /* HS G1 RB */
<95 512 298189 0>, <1 650 1000 0>, /* HS G2 RB */
<95 512 596378 0>, <1 650 1000 0>, /* HS G3 RB */
<95 512 298189 0>, <1 650 1000 0>, /* HS G1 RB L2 */
<95 512 596378 0>, <1 650 1000 0>, /* HS G2 RB L2 */
<95 512 1192756 0>, <1 650 1000 0>, /* HS G3 RB L2 */
<95 512 4096000 0>, <1 650 1000 0>; /* Max. bandwidth */
qcom,bus-vector-names = "MIN",
"PWM_G1_L1", "PWM_G2_L1", "PWM_G3_L1", "PWM_G4_L1",
"PWM_G1_L2", "PWM_G2_L2", "PWM_G3_L2", "PWM_G4_L2",
"HS_RA_G1_L1", "HS_RA_G2_L1", "HS_RA_G3_L1",
"HS_RA_G1_L2", "HS_RA_G2_L2", "HS_RA_G3_L2",
"HS_RB_G1_L1", "HS_RB_G2_L1", "HS_RB_G3_L1",
"HS_RB_G1_L2", "HS_RB_G2_L2", "HS_RB_G3_L2",
status = "disabled";
sataphy0: sataphy@0xfc581000 {
compatible = "qcom,sataphy";
reg = <0xfc581000 0x400>, <0xfd4ab20c 0x4>;
reg-names = "phy_mem", "phy_sel";
#phy-cells = <0>;
vdda-phy-supply = <&pma8084_l3>;
vdda-pll-supply = <&pma8084_l12>;
vdda-phy-max-microamp = <50000>;
vdda-pll-max-microamp = <1000>;
status = "disabled";
sata0: sata@0xfc580000 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-ahci";
reg = <0xfc580000 0x400>;
interrupts = <0 31 0>;
phys = <&sataphy0>;
phy-names = "sata-6g";
clock-names = "core_clk", "iface_clk", "pmalive_clk",
"rxoob_clk", "asic0_clk", "rbc0_clk";
max-clock-frequency-hz = <0 0 100000000
100000000 300000000 300000000>;
status = "disabled";
qcom,wdt@f9017000 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-watchdog";
reg = <0xf9017000 0x1000>;
interrupts = <0 3 0>, <0 4 0>;
qcom,bark-time = <11000>;
qcom,pet-time = <10000>;
qcom,tz-log@fe805720 {
compatible = "qcom,tz-log";
reg = <0xfe805720 0x1000>;
compatible = "qcom,msm-rng";
reg = <0xf9bff000 0x200>;
qseecom: qcom,qseecom@d600000 {
compatible = "qcom,qseecom";
reg = <0xd600000 0x500000>;
reg-names = "secapp-region";
qcom,disk-encrypt-pipe-pair = <2>;
qcom,hlos-ce-hw-instance = <1>;
qcom,qsee-ce-hw-instance = <0>;
qcom,msm-bus,name = "qseecom-noc";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <4>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<55 512 0 0>,
<55 512 0 0>,
<55 512 120000 1200000>,
<55 512 393600 3936000>;
jtag_fuse: jtagfuse@fc4be024 {
compatible = "qcom,jtag-fuse";
reg = <0xfc4be024 0x8>;
reg-names = "fuse-base";
qcom,bcl {
compatible = "qcom,bcl";
qcom,ibat-vadc = <&pma8084_vadc>;
qcom,ibat-threshold-adc_tm = <&pma8084_adc_tm>;
qcom,ibat-monitor {
high-threshold-uamp = <3000000>;
low-threshold-uamp = <1000000>;
mitigation-freq-khz = <1958400>;
ibat-channel = <0x15>;
adc-interval-usec = <3900>;
uv-to-ua-numerator = <2>;
uv-to-ua-denominator = <1>;
vph-channel = <0x07>;
vph-high-threshold-uv = <3750000>;
vph-low-threshold-uv = <3500000>;
thermal-handle = <&msm_thermal_freq>;
qcom,msm-mct {
compatible = "qcom,max-current-throttling";
qcom,mct-wr-weight = <0x14221120>;
qcom,mct-vxwr-weight = <0xf8436430>;
qcom,mct-vlswr-weight = <0xa5846330>;
qcom,mct-vaw-energy = <0x1>;
qcom,mct-ulim = <0x007f>;
qcom,mct-dcnt = <0x0c>;
krait0-mct-supply = <&krait0_adj_reg>;
krait1-mct-supply = <&krait1_adj_reg>;
krait2-mct-supply = <&krait2_adj_reg>;
krait3-mct-supply = <&krait3_adj_reg>;
qcom,mct-regulators = "krait0-mct", "krait1-mct",
"krait2-mct", "krait3-mct";
qcom,msm-thermal {
compatible = "qcom,msm-thermal";
qcom,sensor-id = <5>;
qcom,poll-ms = <250>;
qcom,limit-temp = <60>;
qcom,temp-hysteresis = <10>;
qcom,therm-reset-temp = <115>;
qcom,freq-step = <2>;
qcom,freq-control-mask = <0xf>;
qcom,core-limit-temp = <80>;
qcom,core-temp-hysteresis = <10>;
qcom,core-control-mask = <0xe>;
qcom,hotplug-temp = <110>;
qcom,hotplug-temp-hysteresis = <20>;
qcom,cpu-sensors = "tsens_tz_sensor5", "tsens_tz_sensor6",
"tsens_tz_sensor7", "tsens_tz_sensor8";
qcom,freq-mitigation-temp = <110>;
qcom,freq-mitigation-temp-hysteresis = <20>;
qcom,freq-mitigation-value = <960000>;
qcom,freq-mitigation-control-mask = <0x01>;
qcom,rpm-phase-resource-type = "misc";
qcom,rpm-phase-resource-id = <0>;
qcom,cx-phase-resource-key = "tmpc";
qcom,cx-phase-hot-crit-temp = <85>;
qcom,cx-phase-hot-crit-temp-hyst = <15>;
qcom,gfx-phase-warm-temp = <60>;
qcom,gfx-phase-warm-temp-hyst = <10>;
qcom,gfx-phase-hot-crit-temp = <85>;
qcom,gfx-phase-hot-crit-temp-hyst = <15>;
qcom,gfx-sensor-id = <4>;
qcom,gfx-phase-resource-key = "tmpg";
qcom,vdd-restriction-temp = <5>;
qcom,vdd-restriction-temp-hysteresis = <10>;
vdd-dig-supply = <&pma8084_s2_floor_corner>;
vdd-gfx-supply = <&pma8084_s6_floor_corner>;
qcom,vdd-rstr-reg = "vdd-dig";
qcom,levels = <5 7 7>; /* Nominal, Super Turbo, Super Turbo */
qcom,min-level = <1>; /* No Request */
qcom,vdd-rstr-reg = "vdd-gfx";
qcom,levels = <5 7 7>; /* Nominal, Super Turbo, Super Turbo */
qcom,min-level = <1>; /* No Request */
msm_thermal_freq: qcom,vdd-apps-rstr{
qcom,vdd-rstr-reg = "vdd-apps";
qcom,levels = <1958400 2150400 2150400>;
msm_vidc: qcom,vidc@fdc00000 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-vidc";
reg = <0xfdc00000 0xff000>;
interrupts = <0 44 0>;
qcom,hfi = "venus";
qcom,ocmem-size = <524288>; /* 512 * 1024*/
qcom,max-hw-load = <1281600>; /* Full 4k @ 30 + 1080p @ 30 */
venus-supply = <&gdsc_venus>;
venus-core0-supply = <&gdsc_venus_core0>;
venus-core1-supply = <&gdsc_venus_core1>;
qcom,clock-names= "core_clk", "core0_clk", "core1_clk", "iface_clk", "bus_clk", "mem_clk";
qcom,clock-configs = <0x3 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0>;
qcom,load-freq-tbl = <979200 465000000>,
<783360 465000000>,
<489600 266670000>,
<244800 133330000>;
qcom,reg-presets = <0x800B0 0x00101001>,
<0x800B0 0x00101001>,
<0x800B4 0x00101010>,
<0x800B8 0x10100010>,
<0x800BC 0x00001010>,
<0x800C0 0x1000100f>,
<0x800C4 0x10000000>,
<0x800C8 0x10001000>,
<0x800CC 0x00001000>,
<0x80070 0x00013FFF>,
<0x80074 0x000000A4>,
<0x800A8 0x00003FFF>,
<0xe0020 0x5555556>,
<0xe0024 0x5555556>,
<0x80124 0x3>;
qcom,buffer-type-tz-usage-table = <0x241 0x1>,
<0x106 0x2>,
<0x480 0x3>;
qcom,vidc-iommu-domains {
qcom,domain-ns {
qcom,vidc-domain-phandle = <&venus_domain_ns>;
qcom,vidc-partition-buffer-types = <0x7ff>,
qcom,domain-sec-bs {
qcom,vidc-domain-phandle = <&venus_domain_sec_bitstream>;
qcom,vidc-partition-buffer-types = <0x241>;
qcom,domain-sec-px {
qcom,vidc-domain-phandle = <&venus_domain_sec_pixel>;
qcom,vidc-partition-buffer-types = <0x106>;
qcom,domain-sec-np {
qcom,vidc-domain-phandle = <&venus_domain_sec_non_pixel>;
qcom,vidc-partition-buffer-types = <0x480>;
qcom,msm-bus-clients {
qcom,msm-bus-client@0 {
qcom,msm-bus,name = "venc-ddr";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <8>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<63 512 0 0>,
<63 512 120000 302000>,
<63 512 364000 302000>,
<63 512 804000 302000>,
<63 512 1608000 604000>,
<63 512 2576000 967000>,
<63 512 4680000 1404000>,
<63 512 4988000 1496000>;
qcom,bus-configs = <0x1000414>;
qcom,msm-bus-client@1 {
qcom,msm-bus,name = "vdec-core0-ddr";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <8>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<63 512 0 0>,
<63 512 208000 303000>,
<63 512 536000 303000>,
<63 512 1012000 303000>,
<63 512 2024000 606000>,
<63 512 3240000 970000>,
<63 512 4048000 1212000>,
<63 512 4264000 1279000>;
qcom,bus-configs = <0xc000000>;
qcom,msm-bus-client@2 {
qcom,msm-bus,name = "vdec-core1-ddr";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <8>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<63 512 0 0>,
<63 512 208000 303000>,
<63 512 536000 303000>,
<63 512 1012000 303000>,
<63 512 2024000 606000>,
<63 512 3240000 970000>,
<63 512 4048000 1212000>,
<63 512 4264000 1279000>;
qcom,bus-configs = <0x30fcfff>;
qcom,msm-bus-client@3 {
qcom,msm-bus,name = "venc-ocmem";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <8>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<68 604 0 0>,
<68 604 138000 1034000>,
<68 604 414000 1034000>,
<68 604 940000 1034000>,
<68 604 1880000 2068000>,
<68 604 3008000 3309000>,
<68 604 3760000 4136000>,
<68 604 4468000 2457000>;
qcom,bus-configs = <0x1000414>;
qcom,msm-bus-client@4 {
qcom,msm-bus,name = "vdec-core0-ocmem";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <8>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<68 604 0 0>,
<68 604 176000 519000>,
<68 604 456000 519000>,
<68 604 864000 519000>,
<68 604 1728000 1038000>,
<68 604 2766000 1661000>,
<68 604 3456000 2076000>,
<68 604 3662000 2198000>;
qcom,bus-configs = <0xc000000>;
qcom,msm-bus-client@5 {
qcom,msm-bus,name = "vdec-core1-ocmem";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <8>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<68 604 0 0>,
<68 604 176000 519000>,
<68 604 456000 519000>,
<68 604 864000 519000>,
<68 604 1728000 3640000>,
<68 604 2766000 3640000>,
<68 604 3456000 3640000>,
<68 604 3662000 3640000>;
qcom,bus-configs = <0x30fcfff>;
qcom,wfd {
compatible = "qcom,msm-wfd";
qcom,msm-ssc-sensors {
compatible = "qcom,msm-ssc-sensors";
sound {
compatible = "qcom,apq8084-audio-taiko";
qcom,model = "apq8084-taiko-snd-card";
qcom,audio-routing =
"LDO_H", "MCLK",
"AMIC1", "MIC BIAS1 Internal1",
"MIC BIAS1 Internal1", "Handset Mic",
"AMIC2", "MIC BIAS2 External",
"MIC BIAS2 External", "Headset Mic",
"AMIC3", "MIC BIAS2 External",
"MIC BIAS2 External", "ANCRight Headset Mic",
"AMIC4", "MIC BIAS2 External",
"MIC BIAS2 External", "ANCLeft Headset Mic",
"DMIC1", "MIC BIAS3 External",
"MIC BIAS3 External", "Digital Mic1",
"DMIC2", "MIC BIAS4 External",
"MIC BIAS4 External", "Digital Mic2",
"DMIC3", "MIC BIAS1 External",
"MIC BIAS1 External", "Digital Mic3",
"DMIC4", "MIC BIAS1 External",
"MIC BIAS1 External", "Digital Mic4",
"DMIC5", "MIC BIAS3 External",
"MIC BIAS3 External", "Digital Mic5",
"DMIC6", "MIC BIAS3 External",
"MIC BIAS3 External", "Digital Mic6";
qcom,codec-mclk-clk-freq = <9600000>;
qcom,prim-auxpcm-gpio-clk = <&msmgpio 87 0>;
qcom,prim-auxpcm-gpio-sync = <&msmgpio 88 0>;
qcom,prim-auxpcm-gpio-din = <&msmgpio 89 0>;
qcom,prim-auxpcm-gpio-dout = <&msmgpio 90 0>;
qcom,prim-auxpcm-gpio-set = "prim-gpio-tert";
qcom,sec-auxpcm-gpio-clk = <&msmgpio 82 0>;
qcom,sec-auxpcm-gpio-sync = <&msmgpio 83 0>;
qcom,sec-auxpcm-gpio-din = <&msmgpio 84 0>;
qcom,sec-auxpcm-gpio-dout = <&msmgpio 85 0>;
sound-9330 {
compatible = "qcom,apq8084-audio-tomtom";
qcom,model = "apq8084-tomtom-snd-card";
qcom,audio-routing =
"LDO_H", "MCLK",
"AMIC1", "MIC BIAS1 Internal1",
"MIC BIAS1 Internal1", "Handset Mic",
"AMIC2", "MIC BIAS2 External",
"MIC BIAS2 External", "Headset Mic",
"AMIC3", "MIC BIAS2 External",
"MIC BIAS2 External", "ANCRight Headset Mic",
"AMIC4", "MIC BIAS2 External",
"MIC BIAS2 External", "ANCLeft Headset Mic",
"DMIC1", "MIC BIAS3 External",
"MIC BIAS3 External", "Digital Mic1",
"DMIC2", "MIC BIAS4 External",
"MIC BIAS4 External", "Digital Mic2",
"DMIC3", "MIC BIAS1 External",
"MIC BIAS1 External", "Digital Mic3",
"DMIC4", "MIC BIAS1 External",
"MIC BIAS1 External", "Digital Mic4",
"DMIC5", "MIC BIAS3 External",
"MIC BIAS3 External", "Digital Mic5",
"DMIC6", "MIC BIAS3 External",
"MIC BIAS3 External", "Digital Mic6";
qcom,codec-mclk-clk-freq = <9600000>;
qcom,prim-auxpcm-gpio-clk = <&msmgpio 87 0>;
qcom,prim-auxpcm-gpio-sync = <&msmgpio 88 0>;
qcom,prim-auxpcm-gpio-din = <&msmgpio 89 0>;
qcom,prim-auxpcm-gpio-dout = <&msmgpio 90 0>;
qcom,prim-auxpcm-gpio-set = "prim-gpio-tert";
qcom,sec-auxpcm-gpio-clk = <&msmgpio 82 0>;
qcom,sec-auxpcm-gpio-sync = <&msmgpio 83 0>;
qcom,sec-auxpcm-gpio-din = <&msmgpio 84 0>;
qcom,sec-auxpcm-gpio-dout = <&msmgpio 85 0>;
qcom,msm-adsp-loader {
compatible = "qcom,adsp-loader";
qcom,adsp-state = <0>;
qcom,msm-audio-ion {
compatible = "qcom,msm-audio-ion";
qcom,msm-pcm {
compatible = "qcom,msm-pcm-dsp";
qcom,msm-pcm-dsp-id = <0>;
qcom,msm-pcm-low-latency {
compatible = "qcom,msm-pcm-dsp";
qcom,msm-pcm-dsp-id = <1>;
qcom,latency-level = "regular";
qcom,msm-pcm-routing {
compatible = "qcom,msm-pcm-routing";
qcom,msm-pcm-lpa {
compatible = "qcom,msm-pcm-lpa";
qcom,msm-compr-dsp {
compatible = "qcom,msm-compr-dsp";
qcom,msm-compress-dsp {
compatible = "qcom,msm-compress-dsp";
qcom,msm-voip-dsp {
compatible = "qcom,msm-voip-dsp";
qcom,msm-pcm-voice {
compatible = "qcom,msm-pcm-voice";
qcom,msm-stub-codec {
compatible = "qcom,msm-stub-codec";
qcom,msm-dai-fe {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-fe";
qcom,msm-pcm-afe {
compatible = "qcom,msm-pcm-afe";
qcom,msm-dai-q6-hdmi {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-q6-hdmi";
qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev-id = <8>;
qcom,msm-lsm-client {
compatible = "qcom,msm-lsm-client";
qcom,msm-pcm-loopback {
compatible = "qcom,msm-pcm-loopback";
qcom,msm-cpe-lsm {
compatible = "qcom,msm-cpe-lsm";
qcom,msm-dai-stub {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-stub";
qcom,msm-dai-stub-rx {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-stub-dev";
qcom,msm-dai-stub-dev-id = <0>;
qcom,msm-dai-stub-tx {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-stub-dev";
qcom,msm-dai-stub-dev-id = <1>;
qcom,msm-dai-stub-1-tx {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-stub-dev";
qcom,msm-dai-stub-dev-id = <3>;
qcom,msm-dai-q6 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-q6";
qcom,msm-dai-q6-sb-0-rx {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev";
qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev-id = <16384>;
qcom,msm-dai-q6-sb-0-tx {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev";
qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev-id = <16385>;
qcom,msm-dai-q6-sb-1-rx {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev";
qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev-id = <16386>;
qcom,msm-dai-q6-sb-1-tx {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev";
qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev-id = <16387>;
qcom,msm-dai-q6-sb-2-rx {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev";
qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev-id = <16388>;
qcom,msm-dai-q6-sb-2-tx {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev";
qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev-id = <16389>;
qcom,msm-dai-q6-sb-3-rx {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev";
qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev-id = <16390>;
qcom,msm-dai-q6-sb-3-tx {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev";
qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev-id = <16391>;
qcom,msm-dai-q6-sb-4-rx {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev";
qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev-id = <16392>;
qcom,msm-dai-q6-sb-4-tx {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev";
qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev-id = <16393>;
qcom,msm-dai-q6-sb-5-tx {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev";
qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev-id = <16395>;
qcom,msm-dai-q6-sb-6-rx {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev";
qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev-id = <16396>;
qcom,msm-dai-q6-sb-6-tx {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev";
qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev-id = <16397>;
qcom,msm-dai-q6-bt-sco-rx {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev";
qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev-id = <12288>;
qcom,msm-dai-q6-bt-sco-tx {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev";
qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev-id = <12289>;
qcom,msm-dai-q6-int-fm-rx {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev";
qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev-id = <12292>;
qcom,msm-dai-q6-int-fm-tx {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev";
qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev-id = <12293>;
qcom,msm-dai-q6-be-afe-pcm-rx {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev";
qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev-id = <224>;
qcom,msm-dai-q6-be-afe-pcm-tx {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev";
qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev-id = <225>;
qcom,msm-dai-q6-afe-proxy-rx {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev";
qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev-id = <241>;
qcom,msm-dai-q6-afe-proxy-tx {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev";
qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev-id = <240>;
qcom,msm-dai-q6-incall-record-rx {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev";
qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev-id = <32771>;
qcom,msm-dai-q6-incall-record-tx {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev";
qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev-id = <32772>;
qcom,msm-dai-q6-incall-music-rx {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev";
qcom,msm-dai-q6-dev-id = <32773>;
qcom,msm-pri-auxpcm {
compatible = "qcom,msm-auxpcm-dev";
qcom,msm-cpudai-auxpcm-mode = <0>, <0>;
qcom,msm-cpudai-auxpcm-sync = <1>, <1>;
qcom,msm-cpudai-auxpcm-frame = <5>, <4>;
qcom,msm-cpudai-auxpcm-quant = <2>, <2>;
qcom,msm-cpudai-auxpcm-slot = <1>, <1>;
qcom,msm-cpudai-auxpcm-data = <0>, <0>;
qcom,msm-cpudai-auxpcm-pcm-clk-rate = <2048000>, <2048000>;
qcom,msm-auxpcm-interface = "primary";
qcom,msm-sec-auxpcm {
compatible = "qcom,msm-auxpcm-dev";
qcom,msm-cpudai-auxpcm-mode = <0>, <0>;
qcom,msm-cpudai-auxpcm-sync = <1>, <1>;
qcom,msm-cpudai-auxpcm-frame = <5>, <4>;
qcom,msm-cpudai-auxpcm-quant = <2>, <2>;
qcom,msm-cpudai-auxpcm-slot = <1>, <1>;
qcom,msm-cpudai-auxpcm-data = <0>, <0>;
qcom,msm-cpudai-auxpcm-pcm-clk-rate = <2048000>, <2048000>;
qcom,msm-auxpcm-interface = "secondary";
qcom,msm-dai-mi2s {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-mi2s";
qcom,msm-dai-q6-mi2s-quat {
compatible = "qcom,msm-dai-q6-mi2s";
qcom,msm-dai-q6-mi2s-dev-id = <3>;
qcom,msm-mi2s-rx-lines = <1>;
qcom,msm-mi2s-tx-lines = <2>;
qcom,msm-pcm-hostless {
compatible = "qcom,msm-pcm-hostless";
qcom,msm-ocmem-audio {
compatible = "qcom,msm-ocmem-audio";
qcom,msm-bus,name = "audio-ocmem";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <2>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<11 604 0 0>,
<11 604 32506 32506>;
compatible = "qcom,pil-tz-generic";
reg = <0xfde0b000 0x80>;
vdd-proxy-supply = <&gdsc_vpu>;
vdd-supply = <&gdsc_vpu>;
proxy-reg-names = "vdd-proxy";
active-reg-names = "vdd";
clock-names = "core_clk", "iface_clk", "bus_clk",
"vdp_clk", "vdp_bus_clk", "cxo_clk",
"sleep_clk", "maple_bus_clk";
proxy-clock-names = "core_clk", "iface_clk", "bus_clk",
"vdp_clk", "vdp_bus_clk", "cxo_clk",
"sleep_clk", "maple_bus_clk";
qcom,pas-id = <10>;
qcom,proxy-timeout-ms = <10000>;
qcom,firmware-name = "vpu";
cpu-pmu {
compatible = "qcom,krait-pmu";
interrupts = <1 7 0xf00>;
l2-pmu {
compatible = "qcom,l2-pmu";
interrupts = <0 1 0>;
cnss: qcom,cnss@0d400000 {
compatible = "qcom,cnss";
reg = <0x0d400000 0x200000>;
reg-names = "ramdump";
wlan-en-gpio = <&msmgpio 82 0>;
vdd-wlan-supply = <&wlan_vreg>;
qcom,msm-bus,name = "msm-cnss";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <4>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<45 512 0 0>, /* No vote */
<45 512 6250 200000>, /* 50 Mbps */
<45 512 25000 200000>, /* 200 Mbps */
<45 512 100000 200000>; /* 800 Mbps */
qcom,avtimer {
compatible = "qcom,avtimer";
reg = <0xFE0C900C 0x4>,
<0xFE0C9010 0x4>;
reg-names = "avtimer_lsb_addr", "avtimer_msb_addr";
&gdsc_venus {
status = "ok";
&gdsc_venus_core0 {
status = "ok";
&gdsc_venus_core1 {
status = "ok";
&gdsc_vpu {
clock-names = "core_clk", "maple_clk";
status = "ok";
&gdsc_mdss {
clock-names = "core_clk", "lut_clk";
status = "ok";
&gdsc_jpeg {
status = "ok";
&gdsc_vfe {
clock-names = "core0_clk", "core1_clk", "cpp_clk";
status = "ok";
&gdsc_oxili_gx {
clock-names = "core_clk";
status = "ok";
parent-supply = <&pma8084_s6_corner>;
&gdsc_oxili_cx {
status = "ok";
&gdsc_usb_hsic {
status = "ok";
status = "ok";
status = "ok";
status = "ok";
parent-supply = <&gdsc_usb30>;
status = "ok";
#include "msm-pma8084-rpm-regulator.dtsi"
#include "msm-pma8084.dtsi"
#include "apq8084-regulator.dtsi"
&pma8084_vadc {
chan@73 {
label = "apq_therm";
reg = <0x73>;
qcom,decimation = <0>;
qcom,pre-div-channel-scaling = <0>;
qcom,calibration-type = "ratiometric";
qcom,scale-function = <2>;
qcom,hw-settle-time = <2>;
qcom,fast-avg-setup = <0>;
chan@77 {
label = "quiet_therm";
reg = <0x77>;
qcom,decimation = <0>;
qcom,pre-div-channel-scaling = <0>;
qcom,calibration-type = "ratiometric";
qcom,scale-function = <2>;
qcom,hw-settle-time = <2>;
qcom,fast-avg-setup = <0>;
chan@15 {
label = "mpp6_div1";
reg = <0x15>;
qcom,decimation = <0>;
qcom,pre-div-channel-scaling = <0>;
qcom,calibration-type = "absolute";
qcom,scale-function = <0>;
qcom,hw-settle-time = <0>;
qcom,fast-avg-setup = <0>;
chan@7 {
label = "vph_pwr";
reg = <7>;
qcom,decimation = <0>;
qcom,pre-div-channel-scaling = <1>;
qcom,calibration-type = "absolute";
qcom,scale-function = <0>;
qcom,hw-settle-time = <0>;
qcom,fast-avg-setup = <0>;
&pma8084_adc_tm {
chan@8 {
label = "die_temp";
reg = <8>;
qcom,decimation = <0>;
qcom,pre-div-channel-scaling = <0>;
qcom,calibration-type = "absolute";
qcom,scale-function = <3>;
qcom,hw-settle-time = <0>;
qcom,fast-avg-setup = <3>;
qcom,btm-channel-number = <0x48>;
chan@73 {
label = "apq_therm";
reg = <0x73>;
qcom,decimation = <0>;
qcom,pre-div-channel-scaling = <0>;
qcom,calibration-type = "ratiometric";
qcom,scale-function = <2>;
qcom,hw-settle-time = <2>;
qcom,fast-avg-setup = <3>;
qcom,btm-channel-number = <0x68>;
chan@77 {
label = "quiet_therm";
reg = <0x77>;
qcom,decimation = <0>;
qcom,pre-div-channel-scaling = <0>;
qcom,calibration-type = "ratiometric";
qcom,scale-function = <2>;
qcom,hw-settle-time = <2>;
qcom,fast-avg-setup = <3>;
qcom,btm-channel-number = <0x70>;
chan@15 {
label = "mpp6_div1";
reg = <0x15>;
qcom,decimation = <0>;
qcom,pre-div-channel-scaling = <0>;
qcom,calibration-type = "absolute";
qcom,scale-function = <0>;
qcom,hw-settle-time = <0>;
qcom,fast-avg-setup = <0>;
qcom,meas-interval-timer-idx = <0>;
qcom,btm-channel-number = <0x78>;
chan@7 {
label = "vph_pwr";
reg = <0x07>;
qcom,decimation = <0>;
qcom,pre-div-channel-scaling = <1>;
qcom,calibration-type = "absolute";
qcom,scale-function = <0>;
qcom,hw-settle-time = <0>;
qcom,fast-avg-setup = <0>;
qcom,btm-channel-number = <0x80>;
&krait_regulator_pmic {
status = "ok";
qcom,ctl@2900 {
status = "ok";
qcom,ps@2a00 {
status = "ok";
qcom,freq@2b00 {
status = "ok";