blob: 742f55cbd7932f8817bbef138d06e3197e431308 [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
* Copyright (c) 2015-2020, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
#ifndef _DSI_DISPLAY_H_
#define _DSI_DISPLAY_H_
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/bitops.h>
#include <linux/debugfs.h>
#include <linux/of_device.h>
#include <linux/firmware.h>
#include <drm/drmP.h>
#include <drm/drm_crtc.h>
#include "msm_drv.h"
#include "dsi_defs.h"
#include "dsi_ctrl.h"
#include "dsi_phy.h"
#include "dsi_panel.h"
* DSI Validate Mode modifiers
* @DSI_VALIDATE_FLAG_ALLOW_ADJUST: Allow mode validation to also do fixup
* enum dsi_display_selection_type - enumerates DSI display selection types
* @DSI_PRIMARY: primary DSI display selected from module parameter
* @DSI_SECONDARY: Secondary DSI display selected from module parameter
* @MAX_DSI_ACTIVE_DISPLAY: Maximum acive displays that can be selected
enum dsi_display_selection_type {
* enum dsi_display_type - enumerates DSI display types
* @DSI_DISPLAY_SINGLE: A panel connected on a single DSI interface.
* @DSI_DISPLAY_EXT_BRIDGE: A bridge is connected between panel and DSI host.
* It utilizes a single DSI interface.
* @DSI_DISPLAY_SPLIT: A panel that utilizes more than one DSI
* interfaces.
* @DSI_DISPLAY_SPLIT_EXT_BRIDGE: A bridge is present between panel and DSI
* host. It utilizes more than one DSI interface.
enum dsi_display_type {
* struct dsi_display_ctrl - dsi ctrl/phy information for the display
* @ctrl: Handle to the DSI controller device.
* @ctrl_of_node: pHandle to the DSI controller device.
* @dsi_ctrl_idx: DSI controller instance id.
* @power_state: Current power state of the DSI controller.
* @phy: Handle to the DSI PHY device.
* @phy_of_node: pHandle to the DSI PHY device.
* @phy_enabled: PHY power status.
struct dsi_display_ctrl {
/* controller info */
struct dsi_ctrl *ctrl;
struct device_node *ctrl_of_node;
u32 dsi_ctrl_idx;
enum dsi_power_state power_state;
/* phy info */
struct msm_dsi_phy *phy;
struct device_node *phy_of_node;
bool phy_enabled;
* struct dsi_display_boot_param - defines DSI boot display selection
* @name:Name of DSI display selected as a boot param.
* @boot_disp_en:bool to indicate dtsi availability of display node
* @is_primary:bool to indicate whether current display is primary display
* @length:length of DSI display.
* @cmdline_topology: Display topology shared from kernel command line.
struct dsi_display_boot_param {
char *boot_param;
bool boot_disp_en;
int length;
struct device_node *node;
int cmdline_topology;
void *disp;
* struct dsi_display_clk_info - dsi display clock source information
* @src_clks: Source clocks for DSI display.
* @mux_clks: Mux clocks used for DFPS.
* @shadow_clks: Used for D-phy clock switch.
* @shadow_cphy_clks: Used for C-phy clock switch.
struct dsi_display_clk_info {
struct dsi_clk_link_set src_clks;
struct dsi_clk_link_set mux_clks;
struct dsi_clk_link_set cphy_clks;
struct dsi_clk_link_set shadow_clks;
struct dsi_clk_link_set shadow_cphy_clks;
* struct dsi_display_ext_bridge - dsi display external bridge information
* @display: Pointer of DSI display.
* @node_of: Bridge node created from bridge driver.
* @bridge: Bridge created from bridge driver
* @orig_funcs: Bridge function from bridge driver (split mode only)
* @bridge_funcs: Overridden function from bridge driver (split mode only)
struct dsi_display_ext_bridge {
void *display;
struct device_node *node_of;
struct drm_bridge *bridge;
const struct drm_bridge_funcs *orig_funcs;
struct drm_bridge_funcs bridge_funcs;
* struct dsi_display - dsi display information
* @pdev: Pointer to platform device.
* @drm_dev: DRM device associated with the display.
* @drm_conn: Pointer to DRM connector associated with the display
* @ext_conn: Pointer to external connector attached to DSI connector
* @name: Name of the display.
* @display_type: Display type as defined in device tree.
* @list: List pointer.
* @is_active: Is display active.
* @is_cont_splash_enabled: Is continuous splash enabled
* @sw_te_using_wd: Is software te enabled
* @display_lock: Mutex for dsi_display interface.
* @disp_te_gpio: GPIO for panel TE interrupt.
* @te_listeners: List of listeners registered for TE callbacks.
* @te_lock: Lock protecting te_listeners list.
* @ctrl_count: Number of DSI interfaces required by panel.
* @ctrl: Controller information for DSI display.
* @panel: Handle to DSI panel.
* @panel_node: pHandle to DSI panel actually in use.
* @ext_bridge: External bridge information for DSI display.
* @ext_bridge_cnt: Number of external bridges
* @modes: Array of probed DSI modes
* @type: DSI display type.
* @clk_master_idx: The master controller for controlling clocks. This is an
* index into the ctrl[MAX_DSI_CTRLS_PER_DISPLAY] array.
* @cmd_master_idx: The master controller for sending DSI commands to panel.
* @video_master_idx: The master controller for enabling video engine.
* @cached_clk_rate: The cached DSI clock rate set dynamically by sysfs.
* @clkrate_change_pending: Flag indicating the pending DSI clock re-enabling.
* @clock_info: Clock sourcing for DSI display.
* @config: DSI host configuration information.
* @lane_map: Lane mapping between DSI host and Panel.
* @cmdline_topology: Display topology shared from kernel command line.
* @cmdline_timing: Display timing shared from kernel command line.
* @is_tpg_enabled: TPG state.
* @poms_pending; Flag indicating the pending panel operating mode switch.
* @ulps_enabled: ulps state.
* @clamp_enabled: clamp state.
* @phy_idle_power_off: PHY power state.
* @host: DRM MIPI DSI Host.
* @bridge: Pointer to DRM bridge object.
* @cmd_engine_refcount: Reference count enforcing single instance of cmd eng
* @clk_mngr: DSI clock manager.
* @dsi_clk_handle: DSI clock handle.
* @mdp_clk_handle: MDP clock handle.
* @root: Debugfs root directory
* @misr_enable Frame MISR enable/disable
* @misr_frame_count Number of frames to accumulate the MISR value
* @esd_trigger field indicating ESD trigger through debugfs
* @te_source vsync source pin information
* @clk_gating_config Clocks for which clock gating needs to be enabled
* @queue_cmd_waits Indicates if wait for dma commands done has to be queued.
* @dma_cmd_workq: Pointer to the workqueue of DMA command transfer done
* wait sequence.
struct dsi_display {
struct platform_device *pdev;
struct drm_device *drm_dev;
struct drm_connector *drm_conn;
struct drm_connector *ext_conn;
const char *name;
const char *display_type;
struct list_head list;
bool is_cont_splash_enabled;
bool sw_te_using_wd;
struct mutex display_lock;
int disp_te_gpio;
struct list_head te_listeners;
spinlock_t te_lock;
u32 ctrl_count;
struct dsi_display_ctrl ctrl[MAX_DSI_CTRLS_PER_DISPLAY];
/* panel info */
struct dsi_panel *panel;
struct device_node *panel_node;
struct device_node *parser_node;
struct device *panel_info_dev;
/* external bridge */
struct dsi_display_ext_bridge ext_bridge[MAX_DSI_CTRLS_PER_DISPLAY];
u32 ext_bridge_cnt;
struct dsi_display_mode *modes;
enum dsi_display_type type;
u32 clk_master_idx;
u32 cmd_master_idx;
u32 video_master_idx;
/* dynamic DSI clock info*/
u32 cached_clk_rate;
atomic_t clkrate_change_pending;
struct dsi_display_clk_info clock_info;
struct dsi_host_config config;
struct dsi_lane_map lane_map;
int cmdline_topology;
int cmdline_timing;
bool is_tpg_enabled;
bool poms_pending;
bool ulps_enabled;
bool clamp_enabled;
bool phy_idle_power_off;
struct drm_gem_object *tx_cmd_buf;
u32 cmd_buffer_size;
u64 cmd_buffer_iova;
void *vaddr;
struct msm_gem_address_space *aspace;
struct mipi_dsi_host host;
struct dsi_bridge *bridge;
u32 cmd_engine_refcount;
void *clk_mngr;
void *dsi_clk_handle;
void *mdp_clk_handle;
/* DEBUG FS */
struct dentry *root;
bool misr_enable;
u32 misr_frame_count;
u32 esd_trigger;
/* multiple dsi error handlers */
struct workqueue_struct *err_workq;
struct work_struct fifo_underflow_work;
struct work_struct fifo_overflow_work;
struct work_struct lp_rx_timeout_work;
/* firmware panel data */
const struct firmware *fw;
void *parser;
struct dsi_display_boot_param *boot_disp;
u32 te_source;
u32 clk_gating_config;
bool queue_cmd_waits;
struct workqueue_struct *dma_cmd_workq;
* struct dsi_display_te_listener - data for TE listener
* @head: List node pointer.
* @handler: TE callback function, called in atomic context.
* @data: Private data that is not modified by add/remove API
struct dsi_display_te_listener {
struct list_head head;
void (*handler)(struct dsi_display_te_listener *);
void *data;
* dsi_display_add_te_listener - adds a new listener for TE events
* @display: Handle to display
* @tl: TE listener struct
* Adds a new TE listener and enables TE irq if there are no other listeners.
* Upon TE interrupt, the handler passed in will be called back in atomic
* context.
* Note: caller is responsible for lifetime of @tl which should be available
* until dsi_display_remove_te_listener() is called.
* Returns: 0 on success, otherwise errno on failure
int dsi_display_add_te_listener(struct dsi_display *display,
struct dsi_display_te_listener *tl);
* dsi_display_add_te_listener - removes listener for TE events
* @display: Handle to display
* @tl: TE listener struct
* Removes TE listener and disables TE irq if there are no other listeners.
* Returns: 0 on success, otherwise errno on failure
int dsi_display_remove_te_listener(struct dsi_display *display,
struct dsi_display_te_listener *tl);
int dsi_display_dev_probe(struct platform_device *pdev);
int dsi_display_dev_remove(struct platform_device *pdev);
* dsi_display_get_num_of_displays() - returns number of display devices
* supported.
* Return: number of displays.
int dsi_display_get_num_of_displays(void);
* dsi_display_get_active_displays - returns pointers for active display devices
* @display_array: Pointer to display array to be filled
* @max_display_count: Size of display_array
* @Returns: Number of display entries filled
int dsi_display_get_active_displays(void **display_array,
u32 max_display_count);
* dsi_display_get_display_by_name()- finds display by name
* @name: name of the display.
* Return: handle to the display or error code.
struct dsi_display *dsi_display_get_display_by_name(const char *name);
* dsi_display_set_active_state() - sets the state of the display
* @display: Handle to display.
* @is_active: state
void dsi_display_set_active_state(struct dsi_display *display, bool is_active);
* dsi_display_drm_bridge_init() - initializes DRM bridge object for DSI
* @display: Handle to the display.
* @encoder: Pointer to the encoder object which is connected to the
* display.
* Return: error code.
int dsi_display_drm_bridge_init(struct dsi_display *display,
struct drm_encoder *enc);
* dsi_display_drm_bridge_deinit() - destroys DRM bridge for the display
* @display: Handle to the display.
* Return: error code.
int dsi_display_drm_bridge_deinit(struct dsi_display *display);
* dsi_display_drm_ext_bridge_init() - initializes DRM bridge for ext bridge
* @display: Handle to the display.
* @enc: Pointer to the encoder object which is connected to the
* display.
* @connector: Pointer to the connector object which is connected to
* the display.
* Return: error code.
int dsi_display_drm_ext_bridge_init(struct dsi_display *display,
struct drm_encoder *enc, struct drm_connector *connector);
* dsi_display_get_info() - returns the display properties
* @connector: Pointer to drm connector structure
* @info: Pointer to the structure where info is stored.
* @disp: Handle to the display.
* Return: error code.
int dsi_display_get_info(struct drm_connector *connector,
struct msm_display_info *info, void *disp);
* dsi_display_get_mode_count() - get number of modes supported by the display
* @display: Handle to display.
* @count: Number of modes supported
* Return: error code.
int dsi_display_get_mode_count(struct dsi_display *display, u32 *count);
* dsi_display_get_modes() - get modes supported by display
* @display: Handle to display.
* @modes; Output param, list of DSI modes. Number of modes matches
* count got from display->panel->num_display_modes;
* Return: error code.
int dsi_display_get_modes(struct dsi_display *display,
struct dsi_display_mode **modes);
* dsi_display_put_mode() - free up mode created for the display
* @display: Handle to display.
* @mode: Display mode to be freed up
* Return: error code.
void dsi_display_put_mode(struct dsi_display *display,
struct dsi_display_mode *mode);
* dsi_display_get_default_lms() - retrieve max number of lms used
* for dsi display by traversing through all topologies
* @display: Handle to display.
* @num_lm: Number of LMs used
* Return: error code.
int dsi_display_get_default_lms(void *dsi_display, u32 *num_lm);
* dsi_display_find_mode() - retrieve cached DSI mode given relevant params
* @display: Handle to display.
* @cmp: Mode to use as comparison to find original
* @out_mode: Output parameter, pointer to retrieved mode
* Return: error code.
int dsi_display_find_mode(struct dsi_display *display,
const struct dsi_display_mode *cmp,
struct dsi_display_mode **out_mode);
* dsi_display_validate_mode() - validates if mode is supported by display
* @display: Handle to display.
* @mode: Mode to be validated.
* @flags: Modifier flags.
* Return: 0 if supported or error code.
int dsi_display_validate_mode(struct dsi_display *display,
struct dsi_display_mode *mode,
u32 flags);
* dsi_display_validate_mode_change() - validates mode if variable refresh case
* or dynamic clk change case
* @display: Handle to display.
* @mode: Mode to be validated..
* Return: 0 if error code.
int dsi_display_validate_mode_change(struct dsi_display *display,
struct dsi_display_mode *cur_dsi_mode,
struct dsi_display_mode *mode);
* dsi_display_set_mode() - Set mode on the display.
* @display: Handle to display.
* @mode: mode to be set.
* @flags: Modifier flags.
* Return: error code.
int dsi_display_set_mode(struct dsi_display *display,
struct dsi_display_mode *mode,
u32 flags);
* dsi_display_prepare() - prepare display
* @display: Handle to display.
* Prepare will perform power up sequences for the host and panel hardware.
* Power and clock resources might be turned on (depending on the panel mode).
* The video engine is not enabled.
* Return: error code.
int dsi_display_prepare(struct dsi_display *display);
* dsi_display_splash_res_cleanup() - cleanup for continuous splash
* @display: Pointer to dsi display
* Returns: Zero on success
int dsi_display_splash_res_cleanup(struct dsi_display *display);
* dsi_display_config_ctrl_for_cont_splash()- Enable engine modes for DSI
* controller during continuous splash
* @display: Handle to DSI display
* Return: returns error code
int dsi_display_config_ctrl_for_cont_splash(struct dsi_display *display);
* dsi_display_enable() - enable display
* @display: Handle to display.
* Enable will turn on the host engine and the panel. At the end of the enable
* function, Host and panel hardware are ready to accept pixel data from
* upstream.
* Return: error code.
int dsi_display_enable(struct dsi_display *display);
* dsi_display_post_enable() - perform post enable operations.
* @display: Handle to display.
* Some panels might require some commands to be sent after pixel data
* transmission has started. Such commands are sent as part of the post_enable
* function.
* Return: error code.
int dsi_display_post_enable(struct dsi_display *display);
* dsi_display_pre_disable() - perform pre disable operations.
* @display: Handle to display.
* If a panel requires commands to be sent before pixel data transmission is
* stopped, those can be sent as part of pre_disable.
* Return: error code.
int dsi_display_pre_disable(struct dsi_display *display);
* dsi_display_disable() - disable panel and host hardware.
* @display: Handle to display.
* Disable host and panel hardware and pixel data transmission can not continue.
* Return: error code.
int dsi_display_disable(struct dsi_display *display);
* dsi_pre_clkoff_cb() - Callback before clock is turned off
* @priv: private data pointer.
* @clk_type: clock which is being turned on.
* @l_type: specifies if the clock is HS or LP type. Valid only for link clocks.
* @new_state: next state for the clock.
* @return: error code.
int dsi_pre_clkoff_cb(void *priv, enum dsi_clk_type clk_type,
enum dsi_lclk_type l_type,
enum dsi_clk_state new_state);
* dsi_display_update_pps() - update PPS buffer.
* @pps_cmd: PPS buffer.
* @display: Handle to display.
* Copies new PPS buffer into display structure.
* Return: error code.
int dsi_display_update_pps(char *pps_cmd, void *display);
* dsi_post_clkoff_cb() - Callback after clock is turned off
* @priv: private data pointer.
* @clk_type: clock which is being turned on.
* @l_type: specifies if the clock is HS or LP type. Valid only for link clocks.
* @curr_state: current state for the clock.
* @return: error code.
int dsi_post_clkoff_cb(void *priv, enum dsi_clk_type clk_type,
enum dsi_lclk_type l_type,
enum dsi_clk_state curr_state);
* dsi_post_clkon_cb() - Callback after clock is turned on
* @priv: private data pointer.
* @clk_type: clock which is being turned on.
* @l_type: specifies if the clock is HS or LP type. Valid only for link clocks.
* @curr_state: current state for the clock.
* @return: error code.
int dsi_post_clkon_cb(void *priv, enum dsi_clk_type clk_type,
enum dsi_lclk_type l_type,
enum dsi_clk_state curr_state);
* dsi_pre_clkon_cb() - Callback before clock is turned on
* @priv: private data pointer.
* @clk_type: clock which is being turned on.
* @l_type: specifies if the clock is HS or LP type. Valid only for link clocks.
* @new_state: next state for the clock.
* @return: error code.
int dsi_pre_clkon_cb(void *priv, enum dsi_clk_type clk_type,
enum dsi_lclk_type l_type,
enum dsi_clk_state new_state);
* dsi_display_unprepare() - power off display hardware.
* @display: Handle to display.
* Host and panel hardware is turned off. Panel will be in reset state at the
* end of the function.
* Return: error code.
int dsi_display_unprepare(struct dsi_display *display);
int dsi_display_set_tpg_state(struct dsi_display *display, bool enable);
int dsi_display_clock_gate(struct dsi_display *display, bool enable);
int dsi_dispaly_static_frame(struct dsi_display *display, bool enable);
* dsi_display_get_drm_panel() - get drm_panel from display.
* @display: Handle to display.
* Get drm_panel which was inclued in dsi_display's dsi_panel.
* Return: drm_panel/NULL.
struct drm_panel *dsi_display_get_drm_panel(struct dsi_display *display);
* dsi_display_enable_event() - enable interrupt based connector event
* @connector: Pointer to drm connector structure
* @display: Handle to display.
* @event_idx: Event index.
* @event_info: Event callback definition.
* @enable: Whether to enable/disable the event interrupt.
void dsi_display_enable_event(struct drm_connector *connector,
struct dsi_display *display,
uint32_t event_idx, struct dsi_event_cb_info *event_info,
bool enable);
* dsi_display_set_backlight() - set backlight
* @connector: Pointer to drm connector structure
* @display: Handle to display.
* @bl_lvl: Backlight level.
* @event_info: Event callback definition.
* @enable: Whether to enable/disable the event interrupt.
int dsi_display_set_backlight(struct drm_connector *connector,
void *display, u32 bl_lvl);
* dsi_display_check_status() - check if panel is dead or alive
* @connector: Pointer to drm connector structure
* @display: Handle to display.
* @te_check_override: Whether check for TE from panel or default check
int dsi_display_check_status(struct drm_connector *connector, void *display,
bool te_check_override);
* dsi_display_cmd_transfer() - transfer command to the panel
* @connector: Pointer to drm connector structure
* @display: Handle to display.
* @cmd_buf: Command buffer
* @cmd_buf_len: Command buffer length in bytes
int dsi_display_cmd_transfer(struct drm_connector *connector,
void *display, const char *cmd_buffer,
u32 cmd_buf_len);
* dsi_display_soft_reset() - perform a soft reset on DSI controller
* @display: Handle to display
* The video, command and controller engines will be disabled before the
* reset is triggered. After, the engines will be re-enabled to the same state
* as before the reset.
* If the reset is done while MDP timing engine is turned on, the video
* engine should be re-enabled only during the vertical blanking time.
* Return: error code
int dsi_display_soft_reset(void *display);
* dsi_display_set_power - update power/dpms setting
* @connector: Pointer to drm connector structure
* @power_mode: One of the following,
* @display: Pointer to private display structure
* Returns: Zero on success
int dsi_display_set_power(struct drm_connector *connector,
int power_mode, void *display);
* dsi_display_pre_kickoff - program kickoff-time features
* @connector: Pointer to drm connector structure
* @display: Pointer to private display structure
* @params: Parameters for kickoff-time programming
* Returns: Zero on success
int dsi_display_pre_kickoff(struct drm_connector *connector,
struct dsi_display *display,
struct msm_display_kickoff_params *params);
* dsi_display_pre_commit - program pre commit features
* @display: Pointer to private display structure
* @params: Parameters for pre commit time programming
* Returns: Zero on success
int dsi_display_pre_commit(void *display,
struct msm_display_conn_params *params);
* dsi_display_get_dst_format() - get dst_format from DSI display
* @connector: Pointer to drm connector structure
* @display: Handle to display
* Return: enum dsi_pixel_format type
enum dsi_pixel_format dsi_display_get_dst_format(
struct drm_connector *connector,
void *display);
* dsi_display_cont_splash_config() - initialize splash resources
* @display: Handle to display
* Return: Zero on Success
int dsi_display_cont_splash_config(void *display);
* dsi_display_get_panel_vfp - get panel vsync
* @display: Pointer to private display structure
* @h_active: width
* @v_active: height
* Returns: v_front_porch on success error code on failure
int dsi_display_get_panel_vfp(void *display,
int h_active, int v_active);
* dsi_display_set_idle_hint - gives hint to display whether display is idle
* @display: Pointer to private display handle
* @is_idle: true if display is idle, false otherwise
void dsi_display_set_idle_hint(void *display, bool is_idle);
#endif /* _DSI_DISPLAY_H_ */