blob: ba1e2bde5484d61b3dfcdde4e79da28450d157e3 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "skeleton64.dtsi"
#include <dt-bindings/clock/qcom,gcc-sdm660.h>
#include <dt-bindings/clock/qcom,gpu-sdm660.h>
#include <dt-bindings/clock/qcom,mmcc-sdm660.h>
#include <dt-bindings/clock/qcom,rpmcc.h>
#include <dt-bindings/clock/qcom,audio-ext-clk.h>
#include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/arm-gic.h>
#include <dt-bindings/regulator/qcom,rpm-smd-regulator.h>
#include <dt-bindings/msm/msm-bus-ids.h>
#include <dt-bindings/clock/qcom,cpu-osm.h>
#include <dt-bindings/thermal/thermal.h>
#include <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>
#include <dt-bindings/input/input.h>
#define MHZ_TO_MBPS(mhz, w) ((mhz * 1000000 * w) / (1024 * 1024))
#define BW_OPP_ENTRY(mhz, w) opp-mhz {opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <MHZ_TO_MBPS(mhz, w)>;}
#define DDR_TYPE_LPDDR3 5
#define DDR_TYPE_LPDDR4X 7
/ {
model = "Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. SDM 660";
compatible = "qcom,sdm660";
qcom,msm-id = <317 0x0>;
interrupt-parent = <&wakegic>;
aliases {
serial0 = &uartblsp1dm1;
sdhc1 = &sdhc_1; /* SDC1 eMMC slot */
sdhc2 = &sdhc_2; /* SDC2 for SD card */
chosen {
stdout-path = "serial0";
bootargs = "rcupdate.rcu_expedited=1";
psci {
compatible = "arm,psci-1.0";
method = "smc";
cpus {
#address-cells = <2>;
#size-cells = <0>;
CPU0: cpu@0 {
device_type = "cpu";
compatible = "arm,armv8";
reg = <0x0 0x0>;
enable-method = "psci";
capacity-dmips-mhz = <1024>;
sched-energy-costs = <&CPU_COST_0>;
qcom,lmh-dcvs = <&lmh_dcvs0>;
efficiency = <1024>;
next-level-cache = <&L2_0>;
#cooling-cells = <2>;
L2_0: l2-cache {
compatible = "arm,arch-cache";
cache-level = <2>;
/* A53 L2 dump not supported */
qcom,dump-size = <0x0>;
L1_I_0: l1-icache {
compatible = "arm,arch-cache";
L1_D_0: l1-dcache {
compatible = "arm,arch-cache";
CPU1: cpu@1 {
device_type = "cpu";
compatible = "arm,armv8";
reg = <0x0 0x1>;
enable-method = "psci";
capacity-dmips-mhz = <1024>;
sched-energy-costs = <&CPU_COST_0>;
qcom,lmh-dcvs = <&lmh_dcvs0>;
#cooling-cells = <2>;
efficiency = <1024>;
next-level-cache = <&L2_0>;
L1_I_1: l1-icache {
compatible = "arm,arch-cache";
L1_D_1: l1-dcache {
compatible = "arm,arch-cache";
CPU2: cpu@2 {
device_type = "cpu";
compatible = "arm,armv8";
reg = <0x0 0x2>;
enable-method = "psci";
capacity-dmips-mhz = <1024>;
sched-energy-costs = <&CPU_COST_0>;
qcom,lmh-dcvs = <&lmh_dcvs0>;
efficiency = <1024>;
next-level-cache = <&L2_0>;
#cooling-cells = <2>;
L1_I_2: l1-icache {
compatible = "arm,arch-cache";
L1_D_2: l1-dcache {
compatible = "arm,arch-cache";
CPU3: cpu@3 {
device_type = "cpu";
compatible = "arm,armv8";
reg = <0x0 0x3>;
enable-method = "psci";
capacity-dmips-mhz = <1024>;
sched-energy-costs = <&CPU_COST_0>;
qcom,lmh-dcvs = <&lmh_dcvs0>;
efficiency = <1024>;
next-level-cache = <&L2_0>;
#cooling-cells = <2>;
L1_I_3: l1-icache {
compatible = "arm,arch-cache";
L1_D_3: l1-dcache {
compatible = "arm,arch-cache";
CPU4: cpu@100 {
device_type = "cpu";
compatible = "arm,armv8";
reg = <0x0 0x100>;
enable-method = "psci";
capacity-dmips-mhz = <1638>;
sched-energy-costs = <&CPU_COST_1>;
qcom,lmh-dcvs = <&lmh_dcvs1>;
efficiency = <1638>;
next-level-cache = <&L2_1>;
#cooling-cells = <2>;
L2_1: l2-cache {
compatible = "arm,arch-cache";
cache-level = <2>;
L1_I_100: l1-icache {
compatible = "arm,arch-cache";
L1_D_100: l1-dcache {
compatible = "arm,arch-cache";
CPU5: cpu@101 {
device_type = "cpu";
compatible = "arm,armv8";
reg = <0x0 0x101>;
enable-method = "psci";
capacity-dmips-mhz = <1638>;
sched-energy-costs = <&CPU_COST_1>;
qcom,lmh-dcvs = <&lmh_dcvs1>;
#cooling-cells = <2>;
efficiency = <1638>;
next-level-cache = <&L2_1>;
L1_I_101: l1-icache {
compatible = "arm,arch-cache";
L1_D_101: l1-dcache {
compatible = "arm,arch-cache";
CPU6: cpu@102 {
device_type = "cpu";
compatible = "arm,armv8";
reg = <0x0 0x102>;
enable-method = "psci";
capacity-dmips-mhz = <1638>;
sched-energy-costs = <&CPU_COST_1>;
qcom,lmh-dcvs = <&lmh_dcvs1>;
#cooling-cells = <2>;
efficiency = <1638>;
next-level-cache = <&L2_1>;
L1_I_102: l1-icache {
compatible = "arm,arch-cache";
L1_D_102: l1-dcache {
compatible = "arm,arch-cache";
CPU7: cpu@103 {
device_type = "cpu";
compatible = "arm,armv8";
reg = <0x0 0x103>;
enable-method = "psci";
capacity-dmips-mhz = <1638>;
sched-energy-costs = <&CPU_COST_1>;
qcom,lmh-dcvs = <&lmh_dcvs1>;
#cooling-cells = <2>;
efficiency = <1638>;
next-level-cache = <&L2_1>;
L1_I_103: l1-icache {
compatible = "arm,arch-cache";
L1_D_103: l1-dcache {
compatible = "arm,arch-cache";
cpu-map {
cluster0 {
core0 {
cpu = <&CPU0>;
core1 {
cpu = <&CPU1>;
core2 {
cpu = <&CPU2>;
core3 {
cpu = <&CPU3>;
cluster1 {
core0 {
cpu = <&CPU4>;
core1 {
cpu = <&CPU5>;
core2 {
cpu = <&CPU6>;
core3 {
cpu = <&CPU7>;
energy_costs: energy-costs {
compatible = "sched-energy";
CPU_COST_0: core-cost0 {
busy-cost-data = <
633600 41
902400 70
1113600 83
1401600 146
1536000 158
1747200 228
1843200 285
CPU_COST_1: core-cost1 {
busy-cost-data = <
1113600 307
1401600 485
1747200 857
1804800 883
1958400 1222
2150400 1592
2208000 1632
2457600 2080
clocks {
xo_board {
compatible = "fixed-clock";
#clock-cells = <0>;
clock-frequency = <19200000>;
clock-output-names = "xo_board";
sleep_clk {
compatible = "fixed-clock";
#clock-cells = <0>;
clock-frequency = <32764>;
clock-output-names = "sleep_clk";
soc: soc { };
vendor: vendor {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;
ranges = <0 0 0 0xffffffff>;
compatible = "simple-bus";
firmware: firmware {
android {
compatible = "android,firmware";
vbmeta {
compatible = "android,vbmeta";
parts = "vbmeta,boot,system,vendor,dtbo";
fstab {
compatible = "android,fstab";
vendor {
compatible = "android,vendor";
dev = "/dev/block/platform/soc/c0c4000.sdhci/by-name/vendor";
type = "ext4";
mnt_flags = "ro,barrier=1,discard";
fsmgr_flags = "wait,slotselect,avb";
status = "ok";
reserved-memory {
#address-cells = <2>;
#size-cells = <2>;
wlan_msa_guard: wlan_msa_guard@85600000 {
compatible = "removed-dma-pool";
reg = <0x0 0x85600000 0x0 0x100000>;
wlan_msa_mem: wlan_msa_mem@85700000 {
compatible = "removed-dma-pool";
reg = <0x0 0x85700000 0x0 0x100000>;
smem_mem: smem-mem@86000000 {
compatible = "removed-dma-pool";
reg = <0x0 0x86000000 0x0 0x200000>;
removed_regions: removed_regions@85800000 {
compatible = "removed-dma-pool";
reg = <0x0 0x85800000 0x0 0x800000>;
removed_regions1: removed_regions@86200000 {
compatible = "removed-dma-pool";
reg = <0x0 0x86200000 0x0 0x2d00000>;
modem_fw_mem: modem_fw_region@8ac00000 {
compatible = "removed-dma-pool";
reg = <0x0 0x8ac00000 0x0 0x7e00000>;
adsp_fw_mem: adsp_fw_region@92a00000 {
compatible = "removed-dma-pool";
reg = <0x0 0x92a00000 0x0 0x1e00000>;
pil_mba_mem: pil_mba_region@94800000 {
compatible = "removed-dma-pool";
reg = <0x0 0x94800000 0x0 0x200000>;
cdsp_fw_mem: cdsp_fw_region@94a00000 {
compatible = "removed-dma-pool";
reg = <0x0 0x94a00000 0x0 0x600000>;
dump_mem: mem_dump_region {
compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
alloc-ranges = <0x0 0x00000000 0x0 0xffffffff>;
alignment = <0x0 0x400000>;
size = <0x0 0x140000>;
venus_fw_mem: venus_fw_region {
compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
alloc-ranges = <0x0 0x80000000 0x0 0x20000000>;
alignment = <0x0 0x400000>;
size = <0x0 0x800000>;
adsp_mem: adsp_region {
compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
alloc-ranges = <0x0 0x00000000 0x0 0xffffffff>;
alignment = <0x0 0x400000>;
size = <0x0 0x800000>;
qseecom_mem: qseecom_region {
compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
alloc-ranges = <0x0 0x00000000 0x0 0xffffffff>;
alignment = <0x0 0x400000>;
size = <0x0 0x1400000>;
secure_display_memory: secure_region {
compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
alloc-ranges = <0x0 0x00000000 0x0 0xffffffff>;
alignment = <0x0 0x400000>;
size = <0x0 0x5c00000>;
/* global autoconfigured region for contiguous allocations */
linux,cma {
compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
alloc-ranges = <0 0x00000000 0 0xffffffff>;
alignment = <0 0x400000>;
size = <0 0x2c00000>;
cont_splash_mem: splash_region@9d400000 {
reg = <0x0 0x9d400000 0x0 0x2300000>;
label = "cont_splash_mem";
dfps_data_mem: dfps_data_mem@0x9f700000 {
reg = <0x0 0x9f700000 0x0 0x00100000>;
label = "dfps_data_mem";
bluetooth: bt_wcn3990 {
compatible = "qca,wcn3990";
qca,bt-vdd-core-supply = <&pm660_l9>;
qca,bt-vdd-pa-supply = <&pm660_l6>;
qca,bt-vdd-ldo-supply = <&pm660_l19>;
qca,bt-chip-pwd-supply = <&pm660l_bob_pin1>;
clocks = <&clock_rpmcc RPM_SMD_RF_CLK1_PIN>;
clock-names = "rf_clk1";
qca,bt-vdd-core-voltage-level = <1800000 1900000>;
qca,bt-vdd-pa-voltage-level = <1304000 1370000>;
qca,bt-vdd-ldo-voltage-level = <3312000 3400000>;
qca,bt-chip-pwd-voltage-level = <3600000 3600000>;
qca,bt-vdd-core-current-level = <1>; /* LPM/PFM */
qca,bt-vdd-pa-current-level = <1>; /* LPM/PFM */
qca,bt-vdd-ldo-current-level = <1>; /* LPM/PFM */
#include "sdm660-coresight.dtsi"
&soc {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;
ranges = <0 0 0 0xffffffff>;
compatible = "simple-bus";
intc: interrupt-controller@17a00000 {
compatible = "arm,gic-v3";
reg = <0x17a00000 0x10000>, /* GICD */
<0x17b00000 0x100000>; /* GICR * 8 */
#interrupt-cells = <3>;
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&intc>;
#redistributor-regions = <1>;
redistributor-stride = <0x0 0x20000>;
interrupts = <1 9 4>;
timer {
compatible = "arm,armv8-timer";
interrupts = <1 1 0xf08>,
<1 2 0xf08>,
<1 3 0xf08>,
<1 0 0xf08>;
clock-frequency = <19200000>;
dma_blsp1: qcom,sps-dma@0xc144000{ /* BLSP1 */
#dma-cells = <4>;
compatible = "qcom,sps-dma";
reg = <0xc144000 0x1F000>;
interrupts = <0 238 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
qcom,summing-threshold = <0x10>;
dma_blsp2: qcom,sps-dma@0xc184000{ /* BLSP2 */
#dma-cells = <4>;
compatible = "qcom,sps-dma";
reg = <0xc184000 0x1F000>;
interrupts = <0 239 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
qcom,summing-threshold = <0x10>;
restart@10ac000 {
compatible = "qcom,pshold";
reg = <0x10ac000 0x4>,
<0x1fd3000 0x4>;
reg-names = "pshold-base", "tcsr-boot-misc-detect";
spmi_bus: qcom,spmi@800f000 {
compatible = "qcom,spmi-pmic-arb";
reg = <0x800f000 0x1000>,
<0x8400000 0x1000000>,
<0x9400000 0x1000000>,
<0xa400000 0x220000>,
<0x800a000 0x3000>;
reg-names = "core", "chnls", "obsrvr", "intr", "cnfg";
interrupt-names = "periph_irq";
interrupts = <GIC_SPI 326 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
qcom,ee = <0>;
qcom,channel = <0>;
qcom,reserved-chan = <511>;
#address-cells = <2>;
#size-cells = <0>;
#interrupt-cells = <4>;
cell-index = <0>;
status = "ok";
mem_dump {
compatible = "qcom,mem-dump";
memory-region = <&dump_mem>;
c_scandump {
qcom,dump-size = <0x40000>;
qcom,dump-id = <0xeb>;
c0_context {
qcom,dump-size = <0x800>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x0>;
c100_context {
qcom,dump-size = <0x800>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x1>;
c200_context {
qcom,dump-size = <0x800>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x2>;
c300_context {
qcom,dump-size = <0x800>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x3>;
c400_context {
qcom,dump-size = <0x800>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x4>;
c500_context {
qcom,dump-size = <0x800>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x5>;
c600_context {
qcom,dump-size = <0x800>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x6>;
c700_context {
qcom,dump-size = <0x800>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x7>;
l1_i_cache0 {
qcom,dump-size = <0x9040>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x60>;
l1_i_cache1 {
qcom,dump-size = <0x9040>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x61>;
l1_i_cache2 {
qcom,dump-size = <0x9040>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x62>;
l1_i_cache3 {
qcom,dump-size = <0x9040>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x63>;
l1_i_cache100 {
qcom,dump-size = <0x12000>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x64>;
l1_i_cache101 {
qcom,dump-size = <0x12000>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x65>;
l1_i_cache102 {
qcom,dump-size = <0x12000>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x66>;
l1_i_cache103 {
qcom,dump-size = <0x12000>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x67>;
l1_d_cache0 {
qcom,dump-size = <0x9040>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x80>;
l1_d_cache1 {
qcom,dump-size = <0x9040>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x81>;
l1_d_cache2 {
qcom,dump-size = <0x9040>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x82>;
l1_d_cache3 {
qcom,dump-size = <0x9040>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x83>;
l1_d_cache100 {
qcom,dump-size = <0x12000>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x84>;
l1_d_cache101 {
qcom,dump-size = <0x12000>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x85>;
l1_d_cache102 {
qcom,dump-size = <0x12000>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x86>;
l1_d_cache103 {
qcom,dump-size = <0x12000>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x87>;
l1_tlb_dump0 {
qcom,dump-size = <0x2800>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x20>;
l1_tlb_dump1 {
qcom,dump-size = <0x2800>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x21>;
l1_tlb_dump2 {
qcom,dump-size = <0x2800>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x22>;
l1_tlb_dump3 {
qcom,dump-size = <0x2800>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x23>;
l1_tlb_dump100 {
qcom,dump-size = <0x4800>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x24>;
l1_tlb_dump101 {
qcom,dump-size = <0x4800>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x25>;
l1_tlb_dump102 {
qcom,dump-size = <0x4800>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x26>;
l1_tlb_dump103 {
qcom,dump-size = <0x4800>;
qcom,dump-id = <0x27>;
wdog: qcom,wdt@17817000 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-watchdog";
reg = <0x17817000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "wdt-base";
interrupts = <0 3 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>,
qcom,bark-time = <11000>;
qcom,pet-time = <10000>;
qcom,sps {
compatible = "qcom,msm-sps-4k";
wakegic: wake-gic {
compatible = "qcom,mpm-gic-sdm660", "qcom,mpm-gic";
interrupts-extended = <&wakegic GIC_SPI 171
reg = <0x7781b8 0x1000>, /* MSM_RPM_MPM_BASE 4K */
<0x17911008 0x4>; /* MSM_APCS_GCC_BASE 4K */
reg-names = "vmpm", "ipc";
qcom,num-mpm-irqs = <96>;
interrupt-parent = <&intc>;
#interrupt-cells = <3>;
wakegpio: wake-gpio {
compatible = "qcom,mpm-gpio";
interrupt-parent = <&intc>;
#interrupt-cells = <2>;
qcom,memshare {
compatible = "qcom,memshare";
qcom,client_1 {
compatible = "qcom,memshare-peripheral";
qcom,peripheral-size = <0x200000>;
qcom,client-id = <0>;
label = "modem";
qcom,client_2 {
compatible = "qcom,memshare-peripheral";
qcom,peripheral-size = <0x300000>;
qcom,client-id = <2>;
label = "modem";
mem_client_3_size: qcom,client_3 {
compatible = "qcom,memshare-peripheral";
qcom,peripheral-size = <0x0>;
qcom,client-id = <1>;
label = "modem";
tsens: tsens@10ad000 {
compatible = "qcom,sdm660-tsens";
reg = <0x10ad000 0x8>,
<0x10ae000 0x1ff>;
reg-names = "tsens_srot_physical",
interrupts = <0 184 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
interrupt-names = "tsens-upper-lower", "tsens-critical";
#thermal-sensor-cells = <1>;
qcom,client-id = <0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13>;
qcom,sensor-id = <0 10 11 4 5 6 7 8 13 2 3 12 9 1>;
qcom,sensors = <14>;
qcom,slope = <3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200
3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200>;
thermal_zones: thermal-zones { };
uartblsp1dm1: serial@0c170000 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-uartdm-v1.4", "qcom,msm-uartdm";
reg = <0xc170000 0x1000>;
interrupts = <0 108 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
status = "disabled";
clocks = <&clock_gcc GCC_BLSP1_UART2_APPS_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_BLSP1_AHB_CLK>;
clock-names = "core", "iface";
qcom,qbt1000 {
compatible = "qcom,qbt1000";
clock-names = "core", "iface";
clocks = <&clock_gcc GCC_BLSP1_QUP3_SPI_APPS_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_BLSP1_AHB_CLK>;
clock-frequency = <15000000>;
qcom,ipc-gpio = <&tlmm 72 0>;
qcom,finger-detect-gpio = <&pm660_gpios 11 0>;
cx_ipeak_lm: cx_ipeak@1fe5040 {
compatible = "qcom,cx-ipeak-v1";
reg = <0x1fe5040 0x28>;
uartblsp2dm1: serial@0c1b0000 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-uartdm-v1.4", "qcom,msm-uartdm";
reg = <0xc1b0000 0x1000>;
interrupts = <0 114 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
status = "disabled";
clocks = <&clock_gcc GCC_BLSP2_UART2_APPS_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_BLSP2_AHB_CLK>;
clock-names = "core", "iface";
slim_aud: slim@151c0000 {
cell-index = <1>;
compatible = "qcom,slim-ngd";
reg = <0x151c0000 0x2c000>,
<0x15184000 0x2a000>;
reg-names = "slimbus_physical", "slimbus_bam_physical";
interrupts = <0 163 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
interrupt-names = "slimbus_irq", "slimbus_bam_irq";
qcom,apps-ch-pipes = <0x7e0000>;
qcom,ea-pc = <0x260>;
iommus = <&anoc2_smmu 0x188b 0x0>,
<&anoc2_smmu 0x188c 0x0>,
<&anoc2_smmu 0x1892 0x0>,
<&anoc2_smmu 0x1893 0x0>,
<&anoc2_smmu 0x1894 0x0>;
qcom,iommu-dma-addr-pool = <0x40000000 0xC0000000>;
qcom,iommu-dma = "bypass";
status = "disabled";
slim_qca: slim@15240000 {
cell-index = <3>;
compatible = "qcom,slim-ngd";
reg = <0x15240000 0x2c000>,
<0x15204000 0x20000>;
reg-names = "slimbus_physical", "slimbus_bam_physical";
interrupts = <0 291 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
interrupt-names = "slimbus_irq", "slimbus_bam_irq";
qcom,apps-ch-pipes = <0x1800>;
/* Slimbus Slave DT for WCN3990 */
btfmslim_codec: wcn3990 {
compatible = "qcom,btfmslim_slave";
elemental-addr = [00 01 20 02 17 02];
qcom,btfm-slim-ifd = "btfmslim_slave_ifd";
qcom,btfm-slim-ifd-elemental-addr = [00 00 20 02 17 02];
timer@17920000 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;
compatible = "arm,armv7-timer-mem";
reg = <0x17920000 0x1000>;
clock-frequency = <19200000>;
frame@17921000 {
frame-number = <0>;
interrupts = <0 8 0x4>,
<0 7 0x4>;
reg = <0x17921000 0x1000>,
<0x17922000 0x1000>;
frame@17923000 {
frame-number = <1>;
interrupts = <0 9 0x4>;
reg = <0x17923000 0x1000>;
status = "disabled";
frame@17924000 {
frame-number = <2>;
interrupts = <0 10 0x4>;
reg = <0x17924000 0x1000>;
status = "disabled";
frame@17925000 {
frame-number = <3>;
interrupts = <0 11 0x4>;
reg = <0x17925000 0x1000>;
status = "disabled";
frame@17926000 {
frame-number = <4>;
interrupts = <0 12 0x4>;
reg = <0x17926000 0x1000>;
status = "disabled";
frame@17927000 {
frame-number = <5>;
interrupts = <0 13 0x4>;
reg = <0x17927000 0x1000>;
status = "disabled";
frame@17928000 {
frame-number = <6>;
interrupts = <0 14 0x4>;
reg = <0x17928000 0x1000>;
status = "disabled";
arm64-cpu-erp {
compatible = "arm,arm64-cpu-erp";
interrupts = <0 43 4>,
<0 44 4>,
<0 41 4>,
<0 42 4>;
interrupt-names = "pri-dbe-irq",
poll-delay-ms = <5000>;
clock_rpmcc: qcom,rpmcc {
compatible = "qcom,rpmcc-sdm660", "qcom,rpmcc";
#clock-cells = <1>;
clock_gcc: clock-controller@100000 {
compatible = "qcom,gcc-sdm660", "syscon";
reg = <0x100000 0x94000>;
vdd_dig-supply = <&pm660l_s3_level>;
vdd_dig_ao-supply = <&pm660l_s3_level_ao>;
#clock-cells = <1>;
#reset-cells = <1>;
clock_mmss: clock-controller@c8c0000 {
compatible = "qcom,mmcc-sdm660", "syscon";
reg = <0xc8c0000 0x40000>;
vdd_mx_mmss-supply = <&pm660l_s5_level>;
vdd_dig_mmss-supply = <&pm660l_s3_level>;
vdda-supply = <&pm660_l10>;
#clock-cells = <1>;
#reset-cells = <1>;
clock_gpu: clock-controller@5065000 {
compatible = "qcom,gpu-sdm660", "syscon";
reg = <0x5065000 0x10000>;
#clock-cells = <1>;
#reset-cells = <1>;
clock_gfx: gfx@5065000 {
compatible = "qcom,gpucc-sdm660", "syscon";
reg = <0x5065000 0x10000>;
vdd_dig_gfx-supply = <&pm660l_s3_level>;
vdd_mx_gfx-supply = <&pm660l_s5_level>;
vdd_gfx-supply = <&gfx_vreg_corner>;
qcom,gpucc_gfx3d_clk-opp-handle = <&msm_gpu>;
qcom,gfxfreq-corner =
< 0 0>,
< 160000000 1>, /* MinSVS */
< 266000000 2>, /* LowSVS */
< 370000000 3>, /* SVS */
< 465000000 4>, /* SVS_L1 */
< 588000000 5>, /* NOM */
< 647000000 6>, /* NOM_L1 */
< 700000000 7>, /* TURBO */
< 750000000 7>; /* TURBO */
#clock-cells = <1>;
#reset-cells = <1>;
cpu_debug: syscon@1791101c {
compatible = "syscon";
reg = <0x1791101c 0x4>;
gpu_debug: syscon@05065120 {
compatible = "syscon";
reg = <0x05065120 0x4>;
mmss_debug: syscon@c8c0900 {
compatible = "syscon";
reg = <0xc8c0900 0x4>;
clock_debug: qcom,cc-debug@62000 {
compatible = "qcom,sdm660-debugcc";
qcom,gcc = <&clock_gcc>;
qcom,cpu = <&cpu_debug>;
qcom,mmss = <&clock_mmss>;
qcom,gpu = <&clock_gfx>;
clock-names = "xo_clk_src";
clocks = <&clock_rpmcc RPM_SMD_XO_CLK_SRC>;
#clock-cells = <1>;
generic_bw_opp_table: generic-bw-opp-table {
compatible = "operating-points-v2";
BW_OPP_ENTRY( 100, 4); /* 381 MB/s */
BW_OPP_ENTRY( 150, 4); /* 572 MB/s */
BW_OPP_ENTRY( 200, 4); /* 762 MB/s */
BW_OPP_ENTRY( 300, 4); /* 1144 MB/s */
BW_OPP_ENTRY( 412, 4); /* 1571 MB/s */
BW_OPP_ENTRY( 547, 4); /* 2086 MB/s */
BW_OPP_ENTRY( 681, 4); /* 2597 MB/s */
BW_OPP_ENTRY( 768, 4); /* 2929 MB/s */
BW_OPP_ENTRY(1017, 4); /* 3879 MB/s */
BW_OPP_ENTRY(1296, 4); /* 4943 MB/s */
BW_OPP_ENTRY(1353, 4); /* 5163 MB/s */
BW_OPP_ENTRY(1555, 4); /* 5931 MB/s */
BW_OPP_ENTRY(1804, 4); /* 6881 MB/s */
cpu_cpu_ddr_bw: qcom,cpu-cpu-ddr-bw {
compatible = "qcom,devbw";
governor = "performance";
qcom,src-dst-ports =
operating-points-v2 = <&generic_bw_opp_table>;
cpu_cpu_ddr_bwmon: qcom,cpu-cpu-ddr-bwmon@01008000 {
compatible = "qcom,bimc-bwmon4";
reg = <0x01008000 0x300>, <0x01001000 0x200>;
reg-names = "base", "global_base";
interrupts = <GIC_SPI 183 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
qcom,mport = <0>;
qcom,hw-timer-hz = <19200000>;
qcom,target-dev = <&cpu_cpu_ddr_bw>;
qcom,count-unit = <0x10000>;
cpu0_cpu_ddr_latfloor: qcom,cpu0-cpu-ddr-latfloor {
compatible = "qcom,devbw";
governor = "powersave";
qcom,src-dst-ports =
operating-points-v2 = <&generic_bw_opp_table>;
cpu4_cpu_ddr_latfloor: qcom,cpu4-cpu-ddr-latfloor {
compatible = "qcom,devbw";
governor = "powersave";
qcom,src-dst-ports =
operating-points-v2 = <&generic_bw_opp_table>;
cpu0_cpu_ddr_lat: qcom,cpu0-cpu-ddr-lat {
compatible = "qcom,devbw";
governor = "powersave";
qcom,src-dst-ports =
operating-points-v2 = <&generic_bw_opp_table>;
cpu4_cpu_ddr_lat: qcom,cpu4-cpu-ddr-lat {
compatible = "qcom,devbw";
governor = "powersave";
qcom,src-dst-ports =
operating-points-v2 = <&generic_bw_opp_table>;
cpu0_memlat_cpugrp: qcom,cpu0-cpugrp {
compatible = "qcom,arm-memlat-cpugrp";
qcom,cpulist = <&CPU0 &CPU1 &CPU2 &CPU3>;
cpu0_cpu_ddr_latmon: qcom,cpu0-cpu-ddr-latmon {
compatible = "qcom,arm-memlat-mon";
qcom,cpulist = <&CPU0 &CPU1 &CPU2 &CPU3>;
qcom,target-dev = <&cpu0_cpu_ddr_lat>;
qcom,cachemiss-ev = <0x17>;
qcom,core-dev-table =
< 902400 MHZ_TO_MBPS(200, 4) >,
< 1401600 MHZ_TO_MBPS(547, 4) >,
< 1881600 MHZ_TO_MBPS(1017, 4) >;
cpu0_computemon: qcom,cpu0-computemon {
compatible = "qcom,arm-compute-mon";
qcom,cpulist = <&CPU0 &CPU1 &CPU2 &CPU3>;
qcom,target-dev = <&cpu0_cpu_ddr_latfloor>;
qcom,core-dev-table =
< 633600 MHZ_TO_MBPS(200, 4) >,
< 1401600 MHZ_TO_MBPS(412, 4) >,
< 1881600 MHZ_TO_MBPS(768, 4) >;
cpu4_memlat_cpugrp: qcom,cpu4-cpugrp {
compatible = "qcom,arm-memlat-cpugrp";
qcom,cpulist = <&CPU4 &CPU5 &CPU6 &CPU7>;
cpu4_cpu_ddr_latmon: qcom,cpu4-cpu-ddr-latmon {
compatible = "qcom,arm-memlat-mon";
qcom,cpulist = <&CPU4 &CPU5 &CPU6 &CPU7>;
qcom,target-dev = <&cpu4_cpu_ddr_lat>;
qcom,cachemiss-ev = <0x17>;
qcom,core-dev-table =
< 1113600 MHZ_TO_MBPS(200, 4) >,
< 1401600 MHZ_TO_MBPS(1017, 4) >,
< 2150400 MHZ_TO_MBPS(1555, 4) >,
< 2457600 MHZ_TO_MBPS(1804, 4) >;
cpu4_computemon: qcom,cpu4-computemon {
compatible = "qcom,arm-compute-mon";
qcom,cpulist = <&CPU4 &CPU5 &CPU6 &CPU7>;
qcom,target-dev = <&cpu4_cpu_ddr_latfloor>;
qcom,core-dev-table =
< 1113600 MHZ_TO_MBPS(200, 4) >,
< 1401600 MHZ_TO_MBPS(547, 4) >,
< 1747200 MHZ_TO_MBPS(768, 4) >,
< 2150400 MHZ_TO_MBPS(1017, 4) >,
< 2457600 MHZ_TO_MBPS(1804, 4) >;
clock_cpu: qcom,clk-cpu-660@179c0000 {
compatible = "qcom,clk-cpu-osm";
reg = <0x179c0000 0x4000>, <0x17916000 0x1000>,
<0x17816000 0x1000>, <0x179d1000 0x1000>,
<0x00784130 0x8>, <0x00784130 0x8>;
reg-names = "osm", "pwrcl_pll", "perfcl_pll",
"apcs_common", "pwrcl_efuse",
vdd-pwrcl-supply = <&apc0_pwrcl_vreg>;
vdd-perfcl-supply = <&apc1_perfcl_vreg>;
interrupts = <GIC_SPI 35 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>,
interrupt-names = "pwrcl-irq", "perfcl-irq";
qcom,pwrcl-speedbin0-v0 =
< 300000000 0x0004000f 0x01200020 0x1 1 >,
< 633600000 0x05040021 0x03200020 0x1 2 >,
< 902400000 0x0404002f 0x04260026 0x1 3 >,
< 1113600000 0x0404003a 0x052e002e 0x2 4 >,
< 1401600000 0x04040049 0x073a003a 0x2 5 >,
< 1536000000 0x04040050 0x08400040 0x2 6 >,
< 1747200000 0x0404005b 0x09480048 0x2 7 >,
< 1843200000 0x04040060 0x094c004c 0x3 8 >;
qcom,pwrcl-speedbin1-v0 =
< 300000000 0x0004000f 0x01200020 0x1 1 >,
< 633600000 0x05040021 0x03200020 0x1 2 >,
< 902400000 0x0404002f 0x04260026 0x1 3 >,
< 1113600000 0x0404003a 0x052e002e 0x2 4 >,
< 1401600000 0x04040049 0x073a003a 0x2 5 >,
< 1536000000 0x04040050 0x08400040 0x2 6 >,
< 1747200000 0x0404005b 0x09480048 0x2 7 >,
< 1843200000 0x04040060 0x094c004c 0x3 8 >;
qcom,pwrcl-speedbin3-v0 =
< 300000000 0x0004000f 0x01200020 0x1 1 >,
< 633600000 0x05040021 0x03200020 0x1 2 >,
< 902400000 0x0404002f 0x04260026 0x1 3 >,
< 1113600000 0x0404003a 0x052e002e 0x2 4 >,
< 1401600000 0x04040049 0x073a003a 0x2 5 >,
< 1536000000 0x04040050 0x08400040 0x2 6 >,
< 1612800000 0x04040054 0x09430043 0x2 7 >;
qcom,pwrcl-speedbin4-v0 =
< 300000000 0x0004000f 0x01200020 0x1 1 >,
< 633600000 0x05040021 0x03200020 0x1 2 >,
< 902400000 0x0404002f 0x04260026 0x1 3 >,
< 1113600000 0x0404003a 0x052e002e 0x2 4 >,
< 1401600000 0x04040049 0x073a003a 0x2 5 >,
< 1536000000 0x04040050 0x08400040 0x2 6 >,
< 1747200000 0x0404005b 0x09480048 0x2 7 >,
< 1843200000 0x04040060 0x094c004c 0x3 8 >;
qcom,perfcl-speedbin0-v0 =
< 300000000 0x0004000f 0x01200020 0x1 1 >,
< 1113600000 0x0404003a 0x052e002e 0x1 2 >,
< 1401600000 0x04040049 0x073a003a 0x2 3 >,
< 1747200000 0x0404005b 0x09480048 0x2 4 >,
< 1958400000 0x04040066 0x0a510051 0x2 5 >,
< 2150400000 0x04040070 0x0b590059 0x2 6 >,
< 2457600000 0x04040080 0x0c660066 0x3 7 >;
qcom,perfcl-speedbin1-v0 =
< 300000000 0x0004000f 0x01200020 0x1 1 >,
< 1113600000 0x0404003a 0x052e002e 0x1 2 >,
< 1401600000 0x04040049 0x073a003a 0x2 3 >,
< 1747200000 0x0404005b 0x09480048 0x2 4 >,
< 1958400000 0x04040066 0x0a510051 0x2 5 >,
< 2150400000 0x04040070 0x0b590059 0x2 6 >,
< 2208000000 0x04040073 0x0b5c005c 0x3 7 >;
qcom,perfcl-speedbin3-v0 =
< 300000000 0x0004000f 0x01200020 0x1 1 >,
< 1113600000 0x0404003a 0x052e002e 0x1 2 >,
< 1401600000 0x04040049 0x073a003a 0x2 3 >,
< 1747200000 0x0404005b 0x09480048 0x2 4 >,
< 1804800000 0x0404005e 0x094b004b 0x2 5 >;
qcom,perfcl-speedbin4-v0 =
< 300000000 0x0004000f 0x01200020 0x1 1 >,
< 1113600000 0x0404003a 0x052e002e 0x1 2 >,
< 1401600000 0x04040049 0x073a003a 0x2 3 >,
< 1747200000 0x0404005b 0x09480048 0x2 4 >,
< 1958400000 0x04040066 0x0a510051 0x2 5 >;
qcom,up-timer = <1000 1000>;
qcom,down-timer = <1000 1000>;
qcom,llm-freq-up-timer = <327675 327675>;
qcom,llm-freq-down-timer = <327675 327675>;
qcom,llm-volt-up-timer = <327675 327675>;
qcom,llm-volt-down-timer = <327675 327675>;
qcom,cc-reads = <10>;
qcom,cc-delay = <5>;
qcom,cc-factor = <100>;
qcom,osm-clk-rate = <200000000>;
qcom,xo-clk-rate = <19200000>;
qcom,l-val-base = <0x17916004 0x17816004>;
qcom,apcs-itm-present = <0x179d143c 0x179d143c>;
qcom,apcs-pll-user-ctl = <0x1791600c 0x1781600c>;
qcom,apcs-cfg-rcgr = <0x17911054 0x17811054>;
qcom,apcs-cmd-rcgr = <0x17911050 0x17811050>;
qcom,apm-mode-ctl = <0x179d0004 0x179d0010>;
qcom,apm-ctrl-status = <0x179d000c 0x179d0018>;
qcom,apm-threshold-voltage = <872000>;
clock-names = "aux_clk", "xo_a";
clocks = <&clock_gcc HMSS_GPLL0_CLK_SRC>,
<&clock_rpmcc RPM_SMD_XO_A_CLK_SRC>;
#clock-cells = <1>;
msm_cpufreq: qcom,msm-cpufreq {
compatible = "qcom,msm-cpufreq";
clock-names = "cpu0_clk", "cpu4_clk";
clocks = <&clock_cpu PWRCL_CLK>,
<&clock_cpu PERFCL_CLK>;
qcom,cpufreq-table-0 =
< 633600 >,
< 902400 >,
< 1113600 >,
< 1401600 >,
< 1536000 >,
< 1612800 >,
< 1747200 >,
< 1843200 >;
qcom,cpufreq-table-4 =
< 1113600 >,
< 1401600 >,
< 1747200 >,
< 1804800 >,
< 1958400 >,
< 2150400 >,
< 2208000 >,
< 2457600 >;
sdhc_1: sdhci@c0c4000 {
compatible = "qcom,sdhci-msm-v5", "qcom,sdhci-msm-cqe";
reg = <0xc0c4000 0x1000>, <0xc0c5000 0x1000>,
<0xc0c8000 0x8000>;
reg-names = "hc_mem", "cqhci_mem", "cqhci_ice";
interrupts = <GIC_SPI 110 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
interrupt-names = "hc_irq", "pwr_irq";
qcom,bus-width = <8>;
qcom,clk-rates = <400000 20000000 25000000 50000000 100000000 192000000
qcom,bus-speed-mode = "HS400_1p8v", "HS200_1p8v", "DDR_1p8v";
qcom,devfreq,freq-table = <50000000 200000000>;
qcom,msm-bus,name = "sdhc1";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <9>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <2>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
/* No vote */
<78 512 0 0>, <1 606 0 0>,
/* 400 KB/s*/
<78 512 1046 1600>,
<1 606 1600 1600>,
/* 20 MB/s */
<78 512 52286 80000>,
<1 606 80000 80000>,
/* 25 MB/s */
<78 512 65360 100000>,
<1 606 100000 100000>,
/* 50 MB/s */
<78 512 130718 200000>,
<1 606 133320 133320>,
/* 100 MB/s */
<78 512 130718 200000>,
<1 606 150000 150000>,
/* 200 MB/s */
<78 512 261438 400000>,
<1 606 300000 300000>,
/* 400 MB/s */
<78 512 261438 400000>,
<1 606 300000 300000>,
/* Max. bandwidth */
<78 512 1338562 4096000>,
<1 606 1338562 4096000>;
qcom,bus-bw-vectors-bps = <0 400000 20000000 25000000 50000000
100000000 200000000 400000000 4294967295>;
clocks = <&clock_gcc GCC_SDCC1_AHB_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_SDCC1_APPS_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_SDCC1_ICE_CORE_CLK>;
clock-names = "iface_clk", "core_clk", "ice_core_clk";
qcom,ice-clk-rates = <300000000 75000000>;
status = "disabled";
sdhc_2: sdhci@c084000 {
compatible = "qcom,sdhci-msm-v5";
reg = <0xc084000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "hc_mem";
interrupts = <GIC_SPI 125 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
interrupt-names = "hc_irq", "pwr_irq";
qcom,bus-width = <4>;
qcom,clk-rates = <400000 20000000 25000000 50000000 100000000
qcom,bus-speed-mode = "SDR12", "SDR25", "SDR50", "DDR50", "SDR104";
qcom,msm-bus,name = "sdhc2";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <8>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <2>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
/* No vote */
<81 512 0 0>, <1 608 0 0>,
/* 400 KB/s*/
<81 512 1046 1600>,
<1 608 1600 1600>,
/* 20 MB/s */
<81 512 52286 80000>,
<1 608 80000 80000>,
/* 25 MB/s */
<81 512 65360 100000>,
<1 608 100000 100000>,
/* 50 MB/s */
<81 512 130718 200000>,
<1 608 133320 133320>,
/* 100 MB/s */
<81 512 261438 200000>,
<1 608 150000 150000>,
/* 200 MB/s */
<81 512 261438 400000>,
<1 608 300000 300000>,
/* Max. bandwidth */
<81 512 1338562 4096000>,
<1 608 1338562 4096000>;
qcom,bus-bw-vectors-bps = <0 400000 20000000 25000000 50000000
100000000 200000000 4294967295>;
qcom,devfreq,freq-table = <50000000 200000000>;
clocks = <&clock_gcc GCC_SDCC2_AHB_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_SDCC2_APPS_CLK>;
clock-names = "iface_clk", "core_clk";
status = "disabled";
ipa_hw: qcom,ipa@14780000 {
compatible = "qcom,ipa";
reg = <0x14780000 0x4effc>, <0x14784000 0x26934>;
reg-names = "ipa-base", "bam-base";
interrupts = <0 333 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
interrupt-names = "ipa-irq", "bam-irq";
qcom,ipa-hw-ver = <6>; /* IPA core version = IPAv2.6L */
qcom,ipa-hw-mode = <0>; /* IPA hw type = Normal */
qcom,wan-rx-ring-size = <192>; /* IPA WAN-rx-ring-size*/
qcom,lan-rx-ring-size = <192>; /* IPA LAN-rx-ring-size*/
clocks = <&clock_rpmcc RPM_SMD_IPA_CLK>,
<&clock_rpmcc AGGR2_NOC_SMMU_CLK>;
clock-names = "core_clk", "smmu_clk";
qcom,ee = <0>;
qcom,msm-bus,name = "ipa";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <4>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <2>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
/* No vote */
<90 512 0 0>,
<1 676 0 0>,
/* SVS */
<90 512 80000 640000>,
<1 676 80000 80000>,
<90 512 206000 960000>,
<1 676 206000 160000>,
/* TURBO */
<90 512 206000 960000>,
<1 676 206000 160000>;
qcom,bus-vector-names = "MIN", "SVS", "PERF", "TURBO";
qcom,rx-polling-sleep-ms = <1>; /* Polling sleep interval */
qcom,ipa-polling-iteration = <40>; /* Polling Iteration */
ipa_smmu_ap: ipa_smmu_ap {
compatible = "qcom,ipa-smmu-ap-cb";
iommus = <&anoc2_smmu 0x19C0 0x0>;
qcom,iommu-dma-addr-pool = <0x10000000 0x40000000>;
qcom,iommu-dma = "bypass";
ipa_smmu_wlan: ipa_smmu_wlan {
status = "disabled";
compatible = "qcom,ipa-smmu-wlan-cb";
iommus = <&anoc2_smmu 0x19C1 0x0>;
qcom,iommu-dma = "bypass";
ipa_smmu_uc: ipa_smmu_uc {
compatible = "qcom,ipa-smmu-uc-cb";
iommus = <&anoc2_smmu 0x19C2 0x0>;
qcom,iommu-dma-addr-pool = <0x40000000 0x20000000>;
qcom,iommu-dma = "bypass";
qcom,rmtfs_sharedmem@0 {
compatible = "qcom,sharedmem-uio";
reg = <0x0 0x200000>;
reg-names = "rmtfs";
qcom,client-id = <0x00000001>;
qcom,rmnet-ipa {
compatible = "qcom,rmnet-ipa";
qcom,ipc-spinlock@1f40000 {
compatible = "qcom,ipc-spinlock-sfpb";
reg = <0x1f40000 0x8000>;
qcom,num-locks = <8>;
qcom,msm-cdsp-loader {
compatible = "qcom,cdsp-loader";
qcom,proc-img-to-load = "cdsp";
qcom,msm-adsprpc-mem {
compatible = "qcom,msm-adsprpc-mem-region";
memory-region = <&adsp_mem>;
qcom,msm_fastrpc {
compatible = "qcom,msm-fastrpc-compute";
qcom,adsp-remoteheap-vmid = <33>;
qcom,rpc-latency-us = <611>;
qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb1 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-fastrpc-compute-cb";
label = "adsprpc-smd";
iommus = <&lpass_q6_smmu 3>;
qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb2 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-fastrpc-compute-cb";
label = "adsprpc-smd";
iommus = <&lpass_q6_smmu 7>;
qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb3 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-fastrpc-compute-cb";
label = "adsprpc-smd";
iommus = <&lpass_q6_smmu 8>;
qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb4 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-fastrpc-compute-cb";
label = "adsprpc-smd";
iommus = <&lpass_q6_smmu 9>;
qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb5 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-fastrpc-compute-cb";
label = "cdsprpc-smd";
iommus = <&turing_q6_smmu 3>;
qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb6 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-fastrpc-compute-cb";
label = "cdsprpc-smd";
iommus = <&turing_q6_smmu 4>;
qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb7 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-fastrpc-compute-cb";
label = "cdsprpc-smd";
iommus = <&turing_q6_smmu 5>;
qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb8 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-fastrpc-compute-cb";
label = "cdsprpc-smd";
iommus = <&turing_q6_smmu 6>;
qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb9 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-fastrpc-compute-cb";
label = "cdsprpc-smd";
iommus = <&turing_q6_smmu 7>;
qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb10 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-fastrpc-compute-cb";
label = "cdsprpc-smd";
iommus = <&turing_q6_smmu 8>;
qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb11 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-fastrpc-compute-cb";
label = "cdsprpc-smd";
iommus = <&turing_q6_smmu 9>;
qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb12 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-fastrpc-compute-cb";
label = "cdsprpc-smd";
iommus = <&turing_q6_smmu 10>;
qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb13 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-fastrpc-compute-cb";
label = "cdsprpc-smd";
iommus = <&turing_q6_smmu 11>;
dcc: dcc@10b3000 {
compatible = "qcom,dcc";
reg = <0x10b3000 0x1000>,
<0x10b4000 0x2000>;
reg-names = "dcc-base", "dcc-ram-base";
clocks = <&clock_gcc GCC_DCC_AHB_CLK>;
clock-names = "dcc_clk";
tcsr_mutex_block: syscon@1f40000 {
compatible = "syscon";
reg = <0x1f40000 0x20000>;
tcsr_mutex: hwlock {
compatible = "qcom,tcsr-mutex";
syscon = <&tcsr_mutex_block 0 0x1000>;
#hwlock-cells = <1>;
smem {
compatible = "qcom,smem";
memory-region = <&smem_mem>;
hwlocks = <&tcsr_mutex 3>;
apcs_glb: mailbox@17911000 {
compatible = "qcom,sdm660-apcs-hmss-global";
reg = <0x17911000 0x1000>;
#mbox-cells = <1>;
rpm-glink {
compatible = "qcom,glink-rpm";
interrupts = <GIC_SPI 168 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>;
qcom,rpm-msg-ram = <&rpm_msg_ram>;
mboxes = <&apcs_glb 0>;
qcom,rpm_glink_ssr {
qcom,glink-channels = "glink_ssr";
qcom,notify-edges = <&glink_modem>,
qcom,glink {
compatible = "qcom,glink";
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;
glink_modem: modem {
qcom,remote-pid = <1>;
transport = "smem";
mboxes = <&apcs_glb 15>;
mbox-names = "mpss_smem";
interrupts = <GIC_SPI 452 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>;
label = "modem";
qcom,glink-label = "mpss";
qcom,modem_qrtr {
qcom,glink-channels = "IPCRTR";
qcom,intents = <0x800 5
0x2000 3
0x4400 2>;
qcom,msm_fastrpc_rpmsg {
compatible = "qcom,msm-fastrpc-rpmsg";
qcom,glink-channels = "fastrpcglink-apps-dsp";
qcom,intents = <0x64 64>;
qcom,modem_ds {
qcom,glink-channels = "DS";
qcom,intents = <0x4000 0x2>;
qcom,modem_glink_ssr {
qcom,glink-channels = "glink_ssr";
qcom,notify-edges = <&glink_adsp>,
glink_adsp: adsp {
qcom,remote-pid = <2>;
transport = "smem";
mboxes = <&apcs_glb 9>;
mbox-names = "adsp_smem";
interrupts = <GIC_SPI 157 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>;
label = "adsp";
qcom,glink-label = "lpass";
cpu-affinity = <1 2>;
qcom,adsp_qrtr {
qcom,glink-channels = "IPCRTR";
qcom,intents = <0x800 5
0x2000 3
0x4400 2>;
qcom,apr_tal_rpmsg {
qcom,glink-channels = "apr_audio_svc";
qcom,intents = <0x200 20>;
qcom,msm_fastrpc_rpmsg {
compatible = "qcom,msm-fastrpc-rpmsg";
qcom,glink-channels = "fastrpcglink-apps-dsp";
qcom,intents = <0x64 64>;
qcom,adsp_glink_ssr {
qcom,glink-channels = "glink_ssr";
qcom,notify-edges = <&glink_modem>,
glink_cdsp: cdsp {
qcom,remote-pid = <5>;
transport = "smem";
mboxes = <&apcs_glb 29>;
mbox-names = "cdsp_smem";
interrupts = <GIC_SPI 513 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>;
label = "cdsp";
qcom,glink-label = "cdsp";
qcom,cdsp_qrtr {
qcom,glink-channels = "IPCRTR";
qcom,intents = <0x800 5
0x2000 3
0x4400 2>;
qcom,msm_fastrpc_rpmsg {
compatible = "qcom,msm-fastrpc-rpmsg";
qcom,glink-channels = "fastrpcglink-apps-dsp";
qcom,intents = <0x64 64>;
qcom,msm_cdsprm_rpmsg {
compatible = "qcom,msm-cdsprm-rpmsg";
qcom,glink-channels = "cdsprmglink-apps-dsp";
qcom,intents = <0x20 12>;
msm_cdsp_rm: qcom,msm_cdsp_rm {
compatible = "qcom,msm-cdsp-rm";
qcom,qos-latency-us = <44>;
qcom,qos-maxhold-ms = <20>;
#cooling-cells = <2>;
msm_hvx_rm: qcom,msm_hvx_rm {
compatible = "qcom,msm-hvx-rm";
#cooling-cells = <2>;
qcom,cdsp_glink_ssr {
qcom,glink-channels = "glink_ssr";
qcom,notify-edges = <&glink_modem>,
glink_spi_xprt_wdsp: wdsp {
transport = "spi";
tx-descriptors = <0x12000 0x12004>;
rx-descriptors = <0x1200c 0x12010>;
label = "wdsp";
qcom,glink-label = "wdsp";
qcom,wdsp_ctrl {
qcom,glink-channels = "g_glink_ctrl";
qcom,intents = <0x400 1>;
qcom,wdsp_ild {
qcom,glink-channels =
qcom,wdsp_nild {
qcom,glink-channels =
qcom,wdsp_data {
qcom,glink-channels = "g_glink_audio_data";
qcom,intents = <0x1000 2>;
qcom,diag_data {
qcom,glink-channels = "DIAG_DATA";
qcom,intents = <0x4000 2>;
qcom,diag_ctrl {
qcom,glink-channels = "DIAG_CTRL";
qcom,intents = <0x4000 1>;
qcom,diag_cmd {
qcom,glink-channels = "DIAG_CMD";
qcom,intents = <0x4000 1 >;
qcom,glink_pkt {
compatible = "qcom,glinkpkt";
qcom,glinkpkt-at-mdm0 {
qcom,glinkpkt-transport = "smem";
qcom,glinkpkt-edge = "mpss";
qcom,glinkpkt-ch-name = "DS";
qcom,glinkpkt-dev-name = "at_mdm0";
qcom,glinkpkt-loopback_cntl {
qcom,glinkpkt-transport = "lloop";
qcom,glinkpkt-edge = "local";
qcom,glinkpkt-ch-name = "LOCAL_LOOPBACK_CLNT";
qcom,glinkpkt-dev-name = "glink_pkt_loopback_ctrl";
qcom,glinkpkt-loopback_data {
qcom,glinkpkt-transport = "lloop";
qcom,glinkpkt-edge = "local";
qcom,glinkpkt-ch-name = "glink_pkt_lloop_CLNT";
qcom,glinkpkt-dev-name = "glink_pkt_loopback";
qcom,glinkpkt-apr-apps2 {
qcom,glinkpkt-transport = "smem";
qcom,glinkpkt-edge = "adsp";
qcom,glinkpkt-ch-name = "apr_apps2";
qcom,glinkpkt-dev-name = "apr_apps2";
qcom,glinkpkt-data40-cntl {
qcom,glinkpkt-transport = "smem";
qcom,glinkpkt-edge = "mpss";
qcom,glinkpkt-ch-name = "DATA40_CNTL";
qcom,glinkpkt-dev-name = "smdcntl8";
qcom,glinkpkt-data1 {
qcom,glinkpkt-transport = "smem";
qcom,glinkpkt-edge = "mpss";
qcom,glinkpkt-ch-name = "DATA1";
qcom,glinkpkt-dev-name = "smd7";
qcom,glinkpkt-data4 {
qcom,glinkpkt-transport = "smem";
qcom,glinkpkt-edge = "mpss";
qcom,glinkpkt-ch-name = "DATA4";
qcom,glinkpkt-dev-name = "smd8";
qcom,glinkpkt-data11 {
qcom,glinkpkt-transport = "smem";
qcom,glinkpkt-edge = "mpss";
qcom,glinkpkt-ch-name = "DATA11";
qcom,glinkpkt-dev-name = "smd11";
qcom,smp2p_sleepstate {
compatible = "qcom,smp2p-sleepstate";
qcom,smem-states = <&sleepstate_smp2p_out 0>;
interrupt-parent = <&sleepstate_smp2p_in>;
interrupts = <0 0>;
interrupt-names = "smp2p-sleepstate-in";
qcom,smp2p-modem {
compatible = "qcom,smp2p";
qcom,smem = <435>, <428>;
interrupts = <GIC_SPI 451 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>;
mboxes = <&apcs_glb 14>;
qcom,local-pid = <0>;
qcom,remote-pid = <1>;
modem_smp2p_out: master-kernel {
qcom,entry-name = "master-kernel";
#qcom,smem-state-cells = <1>;
modem_smp2p_in: slave-kernel {
qcom,entry-name = "slave-kernel";
#interrupt-cells = <2>;
smp2p_ipa_1_out: qcom,smp2p-ipa-1-out {
qcom,entry-name = "ipa";
#qcom,smem-state-cells = <1>;
/* ipa - inbound entry from mss */
smp2p_ipa_1_in: qcom,smp2p-ipa-1-in {
qcom,entry-name = "ipa";
#interrupt-cells = <2>;
smp2p_wlan_1_in: qcom,smp2p-wlan-1-in {
qcom,entry-name = "wlan";
#interrupt-cells = <2>;
qcom,smp2p-adsp {
compatible = "qcom,smp2p";
qcom,smem = <443>, <429>;
interrupts = <GIC_SPI 158 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>;
mboxes = <&apcs_glb 10>;
qcom,local-pid = <0>;
qcom,remote-pid = <2>;
adsp_smp2p_out: master-kernel {
qcom,entry-name = "master-kernel";
#qcom,smem-state-cells = <1>;
adsp_smp2p_in: slave-kernel {
qcom,entry-name = "slave-kernel";
#interrupt-cells = <2>;
smp2p_rdbg2_out: qcom,smp2p-rdbg2-out {
qcom,entry-name = "rdbg";
#qcom,smem-state-cells = <1>;
smp2p_rdbg2_in: qcom,smp2p-rdbg2-in {
qcom,entry-name = "rdbg";
#interrupt-cells = <2>;
sleepstate_smp2p_out: sleepstate-out {
qcom,entry-name = "sleepstate";
#qcom,smem-state-cells = <1>;
sleepstate_smp2p_in: qcom,sleepstate-in {
qcom,entry-name = "sleepstate_see";
#interrupt-cells = <2>;
qcom,smp2p-cdsp {
compatible = "qcom,smp2p";
qcom,smem = <94>, <432>;
interrupts = <GIC_SPI 514 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>;
mboxes = <&apcs_glb 30>;
qcom,local-pid = <0>;
qcom,remote-pid = <5>;
cdsp_smp2p_out: master-kernel {
qcom,entry-name = "master-kernel";
#qcom,smem-state-cells = <1>;
cdsp_smp2p_in: slave-kernel {
qcom,entry-name = "slave-kernel";
#interrupt-cells = <2>;
smp2p_rdbg5_out: qcom,smp2p-rdbg5-out {
qcom,entry-name = "rdbg";
#qcom,smem-state-cells = <1>;
smp2p_rdbg5_in: qcom,smp2p-rdbg5-in {
qcom,entry-name = "rdbg";
#interrupt-cells = <2>;
rpm_bus: qcom,rpm-smd {
compatible = "qcom,rpm-smd";
rpm-channel-name = "rpm_requests";
interrupts = <GIC_SPI 168 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>;
rpm-channel-type = <15>; /* SMD_APPS_RPM */
qcom,venus@cce0000 {
compatible = "qcom,pil-tz-generic";
reg = <0xcce0000 0x4000>;
vdd-supply = <&gdsc_venus>;
qcom,proxy-reg-names = "vdd";
clocks = <&clock_mmss MMSS_VIDEO_CORE_CLK>,
<&clock_mmss MMSS_MNOC_AHB_CLK>,
<&clock_mmss MMSS_VIDEO_AHB_CLK>,
<&clock_rpmcc RPM_SMD_MMSSNOC_AXI_CLK>,
<&clock_mmss MMSS_VIDEO_AXI_CLK>;
clock-names = "core_clk", "mnoc_ahb_clk", "iface_clk",
"noc_axi_clk", "bus_clk";
qcom,proxy-clock-names = "core_clk", "mnoc_ahb_clk",
"iface_clk", "noc_axi_clk", "bus_clk";
qcom,msm-bus,name = "pil-venus";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <2>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<63 512 0 0>,
<63 512 0 304000>;
qcom,pas-id = <9>;
qcom,mas-crypto = <&mas_crypto_c0>;
qcom,proxy-timeout-ms = <100>;
qcom,firmware-name = "venus";
memory-region = <&venus_fw_mem>;
status = "ok";
qcom,icnss@18800000 {
compatible = "qcom,icnss";
reg = <0x18800000 0x800000>,
<0xb0000000 0x10000>;
reg-names = "membase", "smmu_iova_ipa";
iommus = <&anoc2_smmu 0x1a00>,
<&anoc2_smmu 0x1a01>;
clocks = <&clock_rpmcc RPM_SMD_RF_CLK1_PIN>;
clock-names = "cxo_ref_clk_pin";
interrupts = <0 413 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, /* CE0 */
<0 414 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, /* CE1 */
<0 415 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, /* CE2 */
<0 416 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, /* CE3 */
<0 417 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, /* CE4 */
<0 418 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, /* CE5 */
<0 420 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, /* CE6 */
<0 421 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, /* CE7 */
<0 422 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, /* CE8 */
<0 423 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, /* CE9 */
<0 424 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, /* CE10 */
<0 425 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; /* CE11 */
qcom,iommu-dma-addr-pool = <0xa0000000 0x10000000>;
qcom,iommu-dma = "bypass";
qcom,iommu-faults = "stall-disable";
vdd-cx-mx-supply = <&pm660_l5>;
vdd-1.8-xo-supply = <&pm660_l9_pin_ctrl>;
vdd-1.3-rfa-supply = <&pm660_l6_pin_ctrl>;
vdd-3.3-ch0-supply = <&pm660_l19_pin_ctrl>;
qcom,vdd-cx-mx-config = <848000 848000>;
qcom,vdd-1.8-xo-config = <1750000 1900000>;
qcom,vdd-1.3-rfa-config = <1200000 1370000>;
qcom,vdd-3.3-ch0-config = <3200000 3400000>;
qcom,wlan-msa-memory = <0x100000>;
qcom,wlan-msa-fixed-region = <&wlan_msa_mem>;
qcom,smp2p_map_wlan_1_in {
interrupts-extended = <&smp2p_wlan_1_in 0 0>,
<&smp2p_wlan_1_in 1 0>;
interrupt-names = "qcom,smp2p-force-fatal-error",
qcom,lpass@15700000 {
compatible = "qcom,pil-tz-generic";
reg = <0x15700000 0x00100>;
reg-names = "base_reg";
vdd_cx-supply = <&pm660l_l9_level>;
qcom,proxy-reg-names = "vdd_cx";
qcom,vdd_cx-uV-uA = <RPM_SMD_REGULATOR_LEVEL_TURBO 100000>;
clocks = <&clock_rpmcc CXO_SMD_PIL_LPASS_CLK>;
clock-names = "xo";
qcom,proxy-clock-names = "xo";
qcom,pas-id = <1>;
qcom,mas-crypto = <&mas_crypto_c0>;
qcom,proxy-timeout-ms = <10000>;
qcom,smem-id = <423>;
qcom,sysmon-id = <1>;
qcom,ssctl-instance-id = <0x14>;
qcom,firmware-name = "adsp";
memory-region = <&adsp_fw_mem>;
/* GPIO inputs from lpass */
interrupts-extended = <&wakegic 0 162 1>,
<&adsp_smp2p_in 0 0>,
<&adsp_smp2p_in 2 0>,
<&adsp_smp2p_in 1 0>,
<&adsp_smp2p_in 3 0>;
interrupt-names = "qcom,wdog",
/* GPIO output to lpass */
qcom,smem-states = <&adsp_smp2p_out 0>;
qcom,smem-state-names = "qcom,force-stop";
status = "ok";
qcom,turing@1a300000 {
compatible = "qcom,pil-tz-generic";
reg = <0x1a300000 0x00100>;
reg-names = "base_reg";
vdd_cx-supply = <&pm660l_s3_level>;
qcom,proxy-reg-names = "vdd_cx";
qcom,vdd_cx-uV-uA = <RPM_SMD_REGULATOR_LEVEL_TURBO 100000>;
clocks = <&clock_rpmcc CXO_SMD_PIL_CDSP_CLK>;
clock-names = "xo";
qcom,proxy-clock-names = "xo";
qcom,pas-id = <18>;
qcom,mas-crypto = <&mas_crypto_c0>;
qcom,proxy-timeout-ms = <10000>;
qcom,smem-id = <601>;
qcom,sysmon-id = <7>;
qcom,ssctl-instance-id = <0x17>;
qcom,firmware-name = "cdsp";
memory-region = <&cdsp_fw_mem>;
/* Inputs from turing */
interrupts-extended = <&wakegic 0 518 1>,
<&cdsp_smp2p_in 0 0>,
<&cdsp_smp2p_in 2 0>,
<&cdsp_smp2p_in 1 0>,
<&cdsp_smp2p_in 3 0>;
interrupt-names = "qcom,wdog",
/* Outputs to turing */
qcom,smem-states = <&cdsp_smp2p_out 0>;
qcom,smem-state-names = "qcom,force-stop";
status = "ok";
pil_modem: qcom,mss@4080000 {
compatible = "qcom,pil-q6v55-mss";
reg = <0x4080000 0x100>,
<0x1f63000 0x008>,
<0x1f65000 0x008>,
<0x1f64000 0x008>,
<0x4180000 0x040>,
<0x00179000 0x004>,
<0x01fe5048 0x004>;
reg-names = "qdsp6_base", "halt_q6", "halt_modem",
"halt_nc", "rmb_base", "restart_reg",
clocks = <&clock_rpmcc RPM_SMD_XO_CLK_SRC>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_MSS_CFG_AHB_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_BIMC_MSS_Q6_AXI_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_BOOT_ROM_AHB_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GPLL0_OUT_MSSCC>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_MSS_SNOC_AXI_CLK>,
<&clock_rpmcc RPM_SMD_QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "xo", "iface_clk", "bus_clk",
"mem_clk", "gpll0_mss_clk", "snoc_axi_clk",
"mnoc_axi_clk", "qdss_clk";
qcom,proxy-clock-names = "xo", "qdss_clk";
qcom,active-clock-names = "iface_clk", "bus_clk", "mem_clk",
"gpll0_mss_clk", "snoc_axi_clk",
vdd_cx-supply = <&pm660l_s3_level>;
vdd_mx-supply = <&pm660l_s5_level>;
qcom,firmware-name = "modem";
qcom,sysmon-id = <0>;
qcom,ssctl-instance-id = <0x12>;
memory-region = <&modem_fw_mem>;
qcom,mem-protect-id = <0xF>;
/* Inputs from mss */
interrupts-extended = <&wakegic 0 448 1>,
<&modem_smp2p_in 0 0>,
<&modem_smp2p_in 2 0>,
<&modem_smp2p_in 1 0>,
<&modem_smp2p_in 3 0>,
<&modem_smp2p_in 7 0>;
interrupt-names = "qcom,wdog",
/* Outputs to mss */
qcom,smem-states = <&modem_smp2p_out 0>;
qcom,smem-state-names = "qcom,force-stop";
status = "ok";
qcom,mba-mem@0 {
compatible = "qcom,pil-mba-mem";
memory-region = <&pil_mba_mem>;
qcom,msm-rtb {
compatible = "qcom,msm-rtb";
qcom,rtb-size = <0x100000>;
qcom,mpm2-sleep-counter@10a3000 {
compatible = "qcom,mpm2-sleep-counter";
reg = <0x10a3000 0x1000>;
clock-frequency = <32768>;
qcom,msm-imem@146bf000 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-imem";
reg = <0x146bf000 0x1000>;
ranges = <0x0 0x146bf000 0x1000>;
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;
mem_dump_table@10 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-imem-mem_dump_table";
reg = <0x10 8>;
dload_type@1c {
compatible = "qcom,msm-imem-dload-type";
reg = <0x1c 4>;
restart_reason@65c {
compatible = "qcom,msm-imem-restart_reason";
reg = <0x65c 4>;
boot_stats@6b0 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-imem-boot_stats";
reg = <0x6b0 32>;
kaslr_offset@6d0 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-imem-kaslr_offset";
reg = <0x6d0 12>;
pil@94c {
compatible = "qcom,msm-imem-pil";
reg = <0x94c 200>;
diag_dload@c8 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-imem-diag-dload";
reg = <0xc8 200>;
ss_mdump@b88 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-imem-minidump";
reg = <0xb88 28>;
qcom,ghd {
compatible = "qcom,gladiator-hang-detect";
qcom,threshold-arr = <0x179d141c 0x179d1420
0x179d1424 0x179d1428
0x179d142c 0x179d1430>;
qcom,config-reg = <0x179d1434>;
qcom,msm-gladiator-v2@17900000 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-gladiator-v2";
reg = <0x17900000 0xe000>;
reg-names = "gladiator_base";
interrupts = <0 22 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
clock-names = "atb_clk";
clocks = <&clock_rpmcc RPM_SMD_QDSS_CLK>;
cpu_pmu: cpu-pmu {
compatible = "arm,armv8-pmuv3";
interrupts = <1 6 4>;
qcom_seecom: qseecom@86d00000 {
compatible = "qcom,qseecom";
reg = <0x86d00000 0x2200000>;
reg-names = "secapp-region";
qcom,hlos-num-ce-hw-instances = <1>;
qcom,hlos-ce-hw-instance = <0>;
qcom,qsee-ce-hw-instance = <0>;
qcom,disk-encrypt-pipe-pair = <2>;
qcom,msm-bus,name = "qseecom-noc";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <4>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<55 512 0 0>,
<55 512 200000 400000>,
<55 512 300000 800000>,
<55 512 400000 1000000>;
clock-names = "core_clk_src", "core_clk",
"iface_clk", "bus_clk";
clocks = <&clock_rpmcc QSEECOM_CE1_CLK>,
<&clock_rpmcc QSEECOM_CE1_CLK>,
<&clock_rpmcc QSEECOM_CE1_CLK>,
<&clock_rpmcc QSEECOM_CE1_CLK>;
qcom,ce-opp-freq = <171430000>;
qcom,qsee-reentrancy-support = <2>;
qcom_cedev: qcedev@1de0000{
compatible = "qcom,qcedev";
reg = <0x1de0000 0x20000>,
<0x1dc4000 0x24000>;
reg-names = "crypto-base","crypto-bam-base";
interrupts = <0 206 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
qcom,bam-pipe-pair = <1>;
qcom,ce-hw-instance = <0>;
qcom,ce-device = <0>;
qcom,bam-ee = <0>;
qcom,msm-bus,name = "qcedev-noc";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <2>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<55 512 0 0>,
<55 512 393600 393600>;
clock-names = "core_clk_src", "core_clk",
"iface_clk", "bus_clk";
clocks = <&clock_rpmcc QCEDEV_CE1_CLK>,
<&clock_rpmcc QCEDEV_CE1_CLK>,
<&clock_rpmcc QCEDEV_CE1_CLK>,
<&clock_rpmcc QCEDEV_CE1_CLK>;
qcom,ce-opp-freq = <171430000>;
qcom_crypto: qcrypto@1de0000 {
compatible = "qcom,qcrypto";
reg = <0x1de0000 0x20000>,
<0x1dc4000 0x24000>;
reg-names = "crypto-base","crypto-bam-base";
interrupts = <0 206 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
qcom,bam-pipe-pair = <2>;
qcom,ce-hw-instance = <0>;
qcom,ce-device = <0>;
qcom,bam-ee = <0>;
qcom,msm-bus,name = "qcrypto-noc";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <2>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<55 512 0 0>,
<55 512 393600 393600>;
clock-names = "core_clk_src", "core_clk",
"iface_clk", "bus_clk";
clocks = <&clock_rpmcc QCRYPTO_CE1_CLK>,
<&clock_rpmcc QCRYPTO_CE1_CLK>,
<&clock_rpmcc QCRYPTO_CE1_CLK>,
<&clock_rpmcc QCRYPTO_CE1_CLK>;
qcom,ce-opp-freq = <171430000>;
qcom_tzlog: tz-log@146bf720 {
compatible = "qcom,tz-log";
reg = <0x146bf720 0x3000>;
hyplog-address-offset = <0x410>;
hyplog-size-offset = <0x414>;
qcom_rng: qrng@793000 {
compatible = "qcom,msm-rng";
reg = <0x793000 0x1000>;
qcom,msm-bus,name = "msm-rng-noc";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <2>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<1 618 0 0>, /* No vote */
<1 618 0 800>; /* 100 KHz */
clocks = <&clock_gcc GCC_PRNG_AHB_CLK>;
clock-names = "iface_clk";
qcom,chd_silver {
compatible = "qcom,core-hang-detect";
label = "silver";
qcom,threshold-arr = <0x179880b0 0x179980b0
0x179a80b0 0x179b80b0>;
qcom,config-arr = <0x179880b8 0x179980b8
0x179a80b8 0x179b80b8>;
qcom,chd_gold {
compatible = "qcom,core-hang-detect";
label = "gold";
qcom,threshold-arr = <0x178880b0 0x178980b0
0x178a80b0 0x178b80b0>;
qcom,config-arr = <0x178880b8 0x178980b8
0x178a80b8 0x178b80b8>;
ufsphy1: ufsphy@1da7000 {
compatible = "qcom,ufs-phy-qmp-v3-660";
reg = <0x1da7000 0xdb8>;
reg-names = "phy_mem";
#phy-cells = <0>;
clock-names = "ref_clk_src",
clocks = <&clock_rpmcc RPM_SMD_LN_BB_CLK1>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_UFS_CLKREF_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_UFS_PHY_AUX_CLK>;
status = "disabled";
ufs1: ufshc@1da4000 {
compatible = "qcom,ufshc";
reg = <0x1da4000 0x3000>, <0x1db0000 0x8000>;
reg-names = "ufs_mem", "ufs_ice";
interrupts = <0 265 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
phys = <&ufsphy1>;
phy-names = "ufsphy";
clock-names =
clocks =
<&clock_gcc GCC_UFS_AXI_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_AGGRE2_UFS_AXI_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_UFS_AHB_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_UFS_ICE_CORE_CLK>,
<&clock_rpmcc RPM_SMD_LN_BB_CLK1>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_UFS_TX_SYMBOL_0_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_UFS_RX_SYMBOL_0_CLK>;
freq-table-hz =
<50000000 200000000>,
<0 0>,
<0 0>,
<37500000 150000000>,
<75000000 300000000>,
<0 0>,
<0 0>,
<0 0>;
lanes-per-direction = <1>;
spm-level = <5>;
dev-ref-clk-freq = <0>; /* 19.2 MHz */
qcom,msm-bus,name = "ufs1";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <12>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <2>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<95 512 0 0>, <1 650 0 0>, /* No vote */
<95 512 922 0>, <1 650 1000 0>, /* PWM G1 */
<95 512 1844 0>, <1 650 1000 0>, /* PWM G2 */
<95 512 3688 0>, <1 650 1000 0>, /* PWM G3 */
<95 512 7376 0>, <1 650 1000 0>, /* PWM G4 */
<95 512 127796 0>, <1 650 1000 0>, /* HS G1 RA */
<95 512 255591 0>, <1 650 1000 0>, /* HS G2 RA */
<95 512 2097152 0>, <1 650 102400 0>, /* HS G3 RA */
<95 512 149422 0>, <1 650 1000 0>, /* HS G1 RB */
<95 512 298189 0>, <1 650 1000 0>, /* HS G2 RB */
<95 512 2097152 0>, <1 650 102400 0>, /* HS G3 RB */
<95 512 7643136 0>, <1 650 307200 0>; /* Max. bandwidth */
qcom,bus-vector-names = "MIN",
"PWM_G1_L1", "PWM_G2_L1", "PWM_G3_L1", "PWM_G4_L1",
"HS_RA_G1_L1", "HS_RA_G2_L1", "HS_RA_G3_L1",
"HS_RB_G1_L1", "HS_RB_G2_L1", "HS_RB_G3_L1",
pinctrl-names = "dev-reset-assert", "dev-reset-deassert";
pinctrl-0 = <&ufs_dev_reset_assert>;
pinctrl-1 = <&ufs_dev_reset_deassert>;
resets = <&clock_gcc GCC_UFS_BCR>;
reset-names = "core_reset";
status = "disabled";
jtag_fuse: jtagfuse@786040 {
compatible = "qcom,jtag-fuse-v4";
reg = <0x786040 0x8>;
reg-names = "fuse-base";
jtag_mm0: jtagmm@7840000 {
compatible = "qcom,jtagv8-mm";
reg = <0x7840000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "etm-base";
clocks = <&clock_rpmcc RPM_SMD_QDSS_CLK>,
<&clock_rpmcc RPM_SMD_QDSS_A_CLK>;
clock-names = "core_clk", "core_a_clk";
qcom,coresight-jtagmm-cpu = <&CPU0>;
jtag_mm1: jtagmm@7940000 {
compatible = "qcom,jtagv8-mm";
reg = <0x7940000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "etm-base";
clocks = <&clock_rpmcc RPM_SMD_QDSS_CLK>,
<&clock_rpmcc RPM_SMD_QDSS_A_CLK>;
clock-names = "core_clk", "core_a_clk";
qcom,coresight-jtagmm-cpu = <&CPU1>;
jtag_mm2: jtagmm@7a40000 {
compatible = "qcom,jtagv8-mm";
reg = <0x7a40000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "etm-base";
clocks = <&clock_rpmcc RPM_SMD_QDSS_CLK>,
<&clock_rpmcc RPM_SMD_QDSS_A_CLK>;
clock-names = "core_clk", "core_a_clk";
qcom,coresight-jtagmm-cpu = <&CPU2>;
jtag_mm3: jtagmm@7b40000 {
compatible = "qcom,jtagv8-mm";
reg = <0x7b40000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "etm-base";
clocks = <&clock_rpmcc RPM_SMD_QDSS_CLK>,
<&clock_rpmcc RPM_SMD_QDSS_A_CLK>;
clock-names = "core_clk", "core_a_clk";
qcom,coresight-jtagmm-cpu = <&CPU3>;
jtag_mm4: jtagmm@7c40000 {
compatible = "qcom,jtagv8-mm";
reg = <0x7c40000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "etm-base";
clocks = <&clock_rpmcc RPM_SMD_QDSS_CLK>,
<&clock_rpmcc RPM_SMD_QDSS_A_CLK>;
clock-names = "core_clk", "core_a_clk";
qcom,coresight-jtagmm-cpu = <&CPU4>;
jtag_mm5: jtagmm@7d40000 {
compatible = "qcom,jtagv8-mm";
reg = <0x7d40000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "etm-base";
clocks = <&clock_rpmcc RPM_SMD_QDSS_CLK>,
<&clock_rpmcc RPM_SMD_QDSS_A_CLK>;
clock-names = "core_clk", "core_a_clk";
qcom,coresight-jtagmm-cpu = <&CPU5>;
jtag_mm6: jtagmm@7e40000 {
compatible = "qcom,jtagv8-mm";
reg = <0x7e40000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "etm-base";
clocks = <&clock_rpmcc RPM_SMD_QDSS_CLK>,
<&clock_rpmcc RPM_SMD_QDSS_A_CLK>;
clock-names = "core_clk", "core_a_clk";
qcom,coresight-jtagmm-cpu = <&CPU6>;
jtag_mm7: jtagmm@7f40000 {
compatible = "qcom,jtagv8-mm";
reg = <0x7f40000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "etm-base";
clocks = <&clock_rpmcc RPM_SMD_QDSS_CLK>,
<&clock_rpmcc RPM_SMD_QDSS_A_CLK>;
clock-names = "core_clk", "core_a_clk";
qcom,coresight-jtagmm-cpu = <&CPU7>;
#include "sdm660-ion.dtsi"
#include "sdm660-bus.dtsi"
#include "pm660.dtsi"
#include "pm660l.dtsi"
#include "pm660-rpm-regulator.dtsi"
#include "pm660l-rpm-regulator.dtsi"
#include "sdm660-regulator.dtsi"
#include "msm-gdsc-660.dtsi"
#include "sdm660-gpu.dtsi"
#include "sdm660-pm.dtsi"
#include "sdm660-thermal.dtsi"
&gdsc_usb30 {
status = "ok";
&gdsc_ufs {
status = "ok";
&gdsc_bimc_smmu {
clock-names = "bus_clk";
clocks = <&clock_mmss MMSS_BIMC_SMMU_AXI_CLK>;
proxy-supply = <&gdsc_bimc_smmu>;
status = "ok";
&gdsc_hlos1_vote_lpass_adsp {
status = "ok";
&gdsc_hlos1_vote_turing_adsp {
status = "ok";
&gdsc_hlos2_vote_turing_adsp {
status = "ok";
&gdsc_venus {
status = "ok";
&gdsc_venus_core0 {
status = "ok";
&gdsc_camss_top {
status = "ok";
&gdsc_vfe0 {
parent-supply = <&gdsc_camss_top>;
status = "ok";
&gdsc_vfe1 {
parent-supply = <&gdsc_camss_top>;
status = "ok";
&gdsc_cpp {
parent-supply = <&gdsc_camss_top>;
status = "ok";
&gdsc_mdss {
proxy-supply = <&gdsc_mdss>;
status = "ok";
&gdsc_gpu_gx {
clock-names = "core_root_clk";
clocks = <&clock_gfx GFX3D_CLK_SRC>;
parent-supply = <&gfx_vreg_corner>;
status = "ok";
&gdsc_gpu_cx {
status = "ok";
#include "msm-arm-smmu-660.dtsi"
#include "msm-arm-smmu-impl-defs-660.dtsi"
#include "sdm660-common.dtsi"
#include "sdm660-blsp.dtsi"
#include "msm-rdbg.dtsi"
#include "sdm660-camera.dtsi"
#include "sdm660-vidc.dtsi"
#include "msm-audio.dtsi"
#include "sdm660-audio.dtsi"
&pm660l_gpios {
/* GPIO 7 for VOL_UP */
key_vol_up {
key_vol_up_default: key_vol_up_default {
pins = "gpio7";
function = "normal";
power-source = <0>;
&msm_vidc {
qcom,cx-ipeak-data = <&cx_ipeak_lm 4>;
qcom,clock-freq-threshold = <518400000>;
&soc {
gpio_keys {
status = "okay";
compatible = "gpio-keys";
input-name = "gpio-keys";
pinctrl-names = "tlmm_gpio_key_active","tlmm_gpio_key_suspend",
pinctrl-0 = <&gpio_key_active &key_vol_up_default>;
pinctrl-1 = <&gpio_key_suspend>;
camera_focus {
label = "camera_focus";
gpios = <&tlmm 64 0x1>;
linux,input-type = <1>;
linux,code = <0x210>;
debounce-interval = <15>;
camera_snapshot {
label = "camera_snapshot";
gpios = <&tlmm 113 0x1>;
linux,input-type = <1>;
linux,code = <0x2fe>;
debounce-interval = <15>;
vol_up {
label = "volume_up";
gpios = <&pm660l_gpios 7 0x1>;
linux,input-type = <1>;
linux,code = <115>;
debounce-interval = <15>;
&blsp2_uart1_hs {
status = "ok";
&pm660_adc_tm {
io-channels = <&pm660_vadc ADC_XO_THERM_PU2>,
<&pm660_vadc ADC_AMUX_THM1_PU2>,
<&pm660_vadc ADC_AMUX_THM5_PU2>;
/* Channel nodes */
xo_therm {
reg = <ADC_XO_THERM_PU2>;
qcom,hw-settle-time = <200>;
reg = <ADC_AMUX_THM1_PU2>;
qcom,hw-settle-time = <200>;
reg = <ADC_AMUX_THM5_PU2>;
qcom,hw-settle-time = <200>;
#include "sdm660-mdss.dtsi"
#include "sdm660-mdss-pll.dtsi"