blob: 147188dab38ead14014128443a7e86bd0aae6227 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <dt-bindings/clock/mdss-7nm-pll-clk.h>
&soc {
mdss_mdp: qcom,mdss_mdp@ae00000 {
compatible = "qcom,sde-kms";
reg = <0x0ae00000 0x84208>,
<0x0aeb0000 0x2008>,
<0x0aeac000 0x214>,
<0x0ae8f000 0x02c>,
<0x0af50000 0x038>;
reg-names = "mdp_phys",
clocks =
<&clock_gcc GCC_DISP_AHB_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_DISP_HF_AXI_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_DISP_SF_AXI_CLK>,
<&clock_dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_AHB_CLK>,
<&clock_dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_MDP_CLK>,
<&clock_dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_VSYNC_CLK>,
<&clock_dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_MDP_LUT_CLK>,
<&clock_dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_ROT_CLK>;
clock-names = "gcc_iface", "gcc_bus", "gcc_nrt_bus",
"iface_clk", "core_clk", "vsync_clk",
"lut_clk", "rot_clk";
clock-rate = <0 0 0 0 300000000 19200000 300000000 19200000>;
clock-max-rate = <0 0 0 0 460000000 19200000 460000000
mmcx-supply = <&VDD_MMCX_LEVEL>;
/* interrupt config */
interrupts = <GIC_SPI 83 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
#power-domain-cells = <0>;
/* hw blocks */
qcom,sde-off = <0x1000>;
qcom,sde-len = <0x494>;
qcom,sde-ctl-off = <0x2000 0x2200 0x2400
0x2600 0x2800 0x2a00>;
qcom,sde-ctl-size = <0x1dc>;
qcom,sde-ctl-display-pref = "primary", "none", "none",
"none", "none";
qcom,sde-mixer-off = <0x45000 0x46000 0x47000
0x48000 0x49000 0x4a000>;
qcom,sde-mixer-size = <0x320>;
qcom,sde-mixer-display-pref = "primary", "primary", "none",
"none", "none", "none";
qcom,sde-mixer-cwb-pref = "none", "none", "cwb",
"cwb", "cwb", "cwb";
qcom,sde-dspp-top-off = <0x1300>;
qcom,sde-dspp-top-size = <0x80>;
qcom,sde-dspp-off = <0x55000 0x57000 0x59000 0x5b000>;
qcom,sde-dspp-size = <0x1800>;
qcom,sde-dest-scaler-top-off = <0x00061000>;
qcom,sde-dest-scaler-top-size = <0x1c>;
qcom,sde-dest-scaler-off = <0x800 0x1000>;
qcom,sde-dest-scaler-size = <0x800>;
qcom,sde-wb-off = <0x66000>;
qcom,sde-wb-size = <0x2c8>;
qcom,sde-wb-xin-id = <6>;
qcom,sde-wb-id = <2>;
qcom,sde-wb-clk-ctrl = <0x2bc 16>;
qcom,sde-intf-off = <0x6b000 0x6b800
0x6c000 0x6c800>;
qcom,sde-intf-size = <0x2b8>;
qcom,sde-intf-type = "dp", "dsi", "dsi", "dp";
qcom,sde-pp-off = <0x71000 0x71800
0x72000 0x72800 0x73000 0x73800>;
qcom,sde-pp-slave = <0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0>;
qcom,sde-pp-size = <0xd4>;
qcom,sde-pp-merge-3d-id = <0x0 0x0 0x1 0x1 0x2 0x2>;
qcom,sde-merge-3d-off = <0x84000 0x84100 0x84200>;
qcom,sde-merge-3d-size = <0x100>;
qcom,sde-te2-off = <0x2000 0x2000 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0>;
qcom,sde-cdm-off = <0x7a200>;
qcom,sde-cdm-size = <0x224>;
qcom,sde-dsc-off = <0x81000 0x81400 0x81800 0x81c00>;
qcom,sde-dsc-size = <0x140>;
qcom,sde-dsc-pair-mask = <2 1 4 3>;
qcom,sde-dither-off = <0x30e0 0x30e0 0x30e0
0x30e0 0x30e0 0x30e0>;
qcom,sde-dither-version = <0x00010000>;
qcom,sde-dither-size = <0x20>;
qcom,sde-sspp-type = "vig", "vig", "vig", "vig",
"dma", "dma", "dma", "dma";
qcom,sde-sspp-off = <0x5000 0x7000 0x9000 0xb000
0x25000 0x27000 0x29000 0x2b000>;
qcom,sde-sspp-src-size = <0x1f8>;
qcom,sde-sspp-xin-id = <0 4 8 12
1 5 9 13>;
qcom,sde-sspp-excl-rect = <1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1>;
qcom,sde-sspp-smart-dma-priority = <5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4>;
qcom,sde-smart-dma-rev = "smart_dma_v2p5";
qcom,sde-mixer-pair-mask = <2 1 4 3 6 5>;
qcom,sde-mixer-blend-op-off = <0x20 0x38 0x50 0x68 0x80 0x98
0xb0 0xc8 0xe0 0xf8 0x110>;
qcom,sde-max-per-pipe-bw-kbps = <4400000 4400000
4400000 4400000
4400000 4400000
4400000 4400000>;
qcom,sde-max-per-pipe-bw-high-kbps = <5300000 5300000
5300000 5300000
5300000 5300000
5300000 5300000>;
/* offsets are relative to "mdp_phys + qcom,sde-off */
qcom,sde-sspp-clk-ctrl =
<0x2ac 0>, <0x2b4 0>, <0x2bc 0>, <0x2c4 0>,
<0x2ac 8>, <0x2b4 8>, <0x2bc 8>, <0x2c4 8>;
qcom,sde-sspp-csc-off = <0x1a00>;
qcom,sde-csc-type = "csc-10bit";
qcom,sde-qseed-type = "qseedv3lite";
qcom,sde-sspp-qseed-off = <0xa00>;
qcom,sde-mixer-linewidth = <2560>;
qcom,sde-sspp-linewidth = <4096>;
qcom,sde-wb-linewidth = <4096>;
qcom,sde-mixer-blendstages = <0xb>;
qcom,sde-highest-bank-bit = <0x3>;
qcom,sde-ubwc-version = <0x400>;
qcom,sde-ubwc-swizzle = <0x6>;
qcom,sde-ubwc-bw-calc-version = <0x1>;
qcom,sde-ubwc-static = <0x1>;
qcom,sde-macrotile-mode = <0x1>;
qcom,sde-smart-panel-align-mode = <0xc>;
qcom,sde-pipe-order-version = <0x1>;
qcom,sde-max-dest-scaler-input-linewidth = <2048>;
qcom,sde-max-dest-scaler-output-linewidth = <2560>;
qcom,sde-max-bw-low-kbps = <13700000>;
qcom,sde-max-bw-high-kbps = <16600000>;
qcom,sde-min-core-ib-kbps = <4800000>;
qcom,sde-min-llcc-ib-kbps = <0>;
qcom,sde-min-dram-ib-kbps = <800000>;
qcom,sde-dram-channels = <2>;
qcom,sde-num-nrt-paths = <0>;
qcom,sde-dspp-ltm-version = <0x00010000>;
/* offsets are based off dspp 0 and dspp 1 */
qcom,sde-dspp-ltm-off = <0x2a000 0x28100>;
qcom,sde-uidle-off = <0x80000>;
qcom,sde-uidle-size = <0x70>;
qcom,sde-vbif-off = <0>;
qcom,sde-vbif-size = <0x1040>;
qcom,sde-vbif-id = <0>;
qcom,sde-vbif-memtype-0 = <3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3>;
qcom,sde-vbif-memtype-1 = <3 3 3 3 3 3>;
qcom,sde-vbif-qos-rt-remap = <3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6>;
qcom,sde-vbif-qos-nrt-remap = <3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3>;
qcom,sde-vbif-qos-cwb-remap = <3 3 4 4 5 5 6 3>;
qcom,sde-vbif-qos-lutdma-remap = <3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4>;
/* macrotile & macrotile-qseed has the same configs */
qcom,sde-danger-lut = <0x000000ff 0x0000ffff
0x00000000 0x00000000 0x0000ffff>;
qcom,sde-safe-lut-linear = <0 0xfff0>;
qcom,sde-safe-lut-macrotile = <0 0xff00>;
/* same as safe-lut-macrotile */
qcom,sde-safe-lut-macrotile-qseed = <0 0xff00>;
qcom,sde-safe-lut-nrt = <0 0xffff>;
qcom,sde-safe-lut-cwb = <0 0x3ff>;
qcom,sde-qos-lut-linear = <0 0x00112222 0x22335777>;
qcom,sde-qos-lut-macrotile = <0 0x00112233 0x44556677>;
qcom,sde-qos-lut-macrotile-qseed = <0 0x00112233 0x66777777>;
qcom,sde-qos-lut-nrt = <0 0x00000000 0x00000000>;
qcom,sde-qos-lut-cwb = <0 0x66666541 0x00000000>;
qcom,sde-cdp-setting = <1 1>, <1 0>;
qcom,sde-qos-cpu-mask = <0x3>;
qcom,sde-qos-cpu-dma-latency = <300>;
qcom,sde-qos-cpu-irq-latency = <300>;
/* offsets are relative to "mdp_phys + qcom,sde-off */
qcom,sde-reg-dma-off = <0>;
qcom,sde-reg-dma-version = <0x00010002>;
qcom,sde-reg-dma-trigger-off = <0x119c>;
qcom,sde-reg-dma-xin-id = <7>;
qcom,sde-reg-dma-clk-ctrl = <0x2bc 20>;
qcom,sde-secure-sid-mask = <0x4000821>;
qcom,sde-sspp-vig-blocks {
qcom,sde-vig-csc-off = <0x1a00>;
qcom,sde-vig-qseed-off = <0xa00>;
qcom,sde-vig-qseed-size = <0xa0>;
qcom,sde-vig-gamut = <0x1d00 0x00060000>;
qcom,sde-vig-igc = <0x1d00 0x00060000>;
qcom,sde-sspp-dma-blocks {
dgm@0 {
qcom,sde-dma-igc = <0x400 0x00050000>;
qcom,sde-dma-gc = <0x600 0x00050000>;
qcom,sde-dma-csc-off = <0x200>;
dgm@1 {
qcom,sde-dma-igc = <0x1400 0x00050000>;
qcom,sde-dma-gc = <0x600 0x00050000>;
qcom,sde-dma-csc-off = <0x1200>;
qcom,sde-dspp-blocks {
qcom,sde-dspp-igc = <0x0 0x00030001>;
qcom,sde-dspp-hsic = <0x800 0x00010007>;
qcom,sde-dspp-memcolor = <0x880 0x00010007>;
qcom,sde-dspp-hist = <0x800 0x00010007>;
qcom,sde-dspp-sixzone= <0x900 0x00010007>;
qcom,sde-dspp-vlut = <0xa00 0x00010008>;
qcom,sde-dspp-gamut = <0x1000 0x00040002>;
qcom,sde-dspp-pcc = <0x1700 0x00040000>;
qcom,sde-dspp-gc = <0x17c0 0x00010008>;
qcom,sde-dspp-dither = <0x82c 0x00010007>;
qcom,platform-supply-entries {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
qcom,platform-supply-entry@0 {
reg = <0>;
qcom,supply-name = "mmcx";
qcom,supply-min-voltage = <0>;
qcom,supply-max-voltage = <0>;
qcom,supply-enable-load = <0>;
qcom,supply-disable-load = <0>;
smmu_sde_unsec: qcom,smmu_sde_unsec_cb {
compatible = "qcom,smmu_sde_unsec";
iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x820 0x402>;
qcom,iommu-dma-addr-pool = <0x00020000 0xfffe0000>;
qcom,iommu-faults = "non-fatal";
qcom,iommu-earlymap; /* for cont-splash */
smmu_sde_sec: qcom,smmu_sde_sec_cb {
compatible = "qcom,smmu_sde_sec";
iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x821 0x400>;
qcom,iommu-dma-addr-pool = <0x00020000 0xfffe0000>;
qcom,iommu-faults = "non-fatal";
qcom,iommu-vmid = <0xa>;
/* data and reg bus scale settings */
qcom,sde-data-bus {
qcom,msm-bus,name = "mdss_sde";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <3>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <2>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<22 512 0 0>, <23 512 0 0>,
<22 512 0 6400000>, <23 512 0 6400000>,
<22 512 0 6400000>, <23 512 0 6400000>;
qcom,sde-reg-bus {
qcom,msm-bus,name = "mdss_reg";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <4>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<1 590 0 0>,
<1 590 0 76800>,
<1 590 0 150000>,
<1 590 0 300000>;
sde_dp: qcom,dp_display@ae90000 {
cell-index = <0>;
compatible = "qcom,dp-display";
vdda-1p2-supply = <&pm8150_l9>;
vdda-0p9-supply = <&pm8150_l18>;
vddio-supply = <&pm8150_l14>;
vdd-supply = <&pm8150a_l11>;
reg = <0xae90000 0x0dc>,
<0xae90200 0x0c0>,
<0xae90400 0x508>,
<0xae91000 0x094>,
<0x88eaa00 0x200>,
<0x88ea200 0x200>,
<0x88ea600 0x200>,
<0xaf02000 0x1a0>,
<0x88ea040 0x10>,
<0x88e8000 0x20>,
<0x0aee1000 0x034>,
<0xae91400 0x094>;
/* dp_ctrl: dp_ahb, dp_aux, dp_link, dp_p0 */
reg-names = "dp_ahb", "dp_aux", "dp_link",
"dp_p0", "dp_phy", "dp_ln_tx0", "dp_ln_tx1",
"dp_mmss_cc", "dp_pll",
"usb3_dp_com", "hdcp_physical", "dp_p1";
interrupt-parent = <&mdss_mdp>;
interrupts = <12 0>;
clocks = <&clock_dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_DP_AUX_CLK>,
<&clock_rpmh RPMH_CXO_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_USB3_PRIM_PHY_PIPE_CLK>,
<&clock_dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_DP_LINK_CLK>,
<&clock_dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_DP_LINK_INTF_CLK>,
<&clock_dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_DP_PIXEL_CLK_SRC>,
<&mdss_dp_pll DP_VCO_DIVIDED_CLK_SRC_MUX>,
<&clock_dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_DP_PIXEL1_CLK_SRC>,
<&mdss_dp_pll DP_VCO_DIVIDED_CLK_SRC_MUX>,
<&clock_dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_DP_PIXEL_CLK>,
<&clock_dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_DP_PIXEL1_CLK>;
clock-names = "core_aux_clk", "core_usb_ref_clk_src",
"core_usb_pipe_clk", "link_clk", "link_iface_clk",
"pixel_clk_rcg", "pixel_parent",
"pixel1_clk_rcg", "pixel1_parent",
"strm0_pixel_clk", "strm1_pixel_clk";
qcom,phy-version = <0x420>;
qcom,aux-cfg0-settings = [20 00];
qcom,aux-cfg1-settings = [24 13];
qcom,aux-cfg2-settings = [28 A4];
qcom,aux-cfg3-settings = [2c 00];
qcom,aux-cfg4-settings = [30 0a];
qcom,aux-cfg5-settings = [34 26];
qcom,aux-cfg6-settings = [38 0a];
qcom,aux-cfg7-settings = [3c 03];
qcom,aux-cfg8-settings = [40 b7];
qcom,aux-cfg9-settings = [44 03];
qcom,max-pclk-frequency-khz = <675000>;
qcom,max-dp-dsc-blks = <2>;
qcom,max-dp-dsc-input-width-pixs = <2048>;
qcom,ctrl-supply-entries {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
qcom,ctrl-supply-entry@0 {
reg = <0>;
qcom,supply-name = "vdda-1p2";
qcom,supply-min-voltage = <1200000>;
qcom,supply-max-voltage = <1200000>;
qcom,supply-enable-load = <33000>;
qcom,supply-disable-load = <0>;
qcom,phy-supply-entries {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
qcom,phy-supply-entry@0 {
reg = <0>;
qcom,supply-name = "vdda-0p9";
qcom,supply-min-voltage = <912000>;
qcom,supply-max-voltage = <912000>;
qcom,supply-enable-load = <126000>;
qcom,supply-disable-load = <0>;
qcom,core-supply-entries {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
qcom,core-supply-entry@0 {
reg = <0>;
qcom,supply-name = "refgen";
qcom,supply-min-voltage = <0>;
qcom,supply-max-voltage = <0>;
qcom,supply-enable-load = <0>;
qcom,supply-disable-load = <0>;
sde_rscc: qcom,sde_rscc@af20000 {
cell-index = <0>;
compatible = "qcom,sde-rsc";
reg = <0xaf20000 0x3c50>,
<0xaf30000 0x3fd4>;
reg-names = "drv", "wrapper";
qcom,sde-rsc-version = <3>;
qcom,sde-dram-channels = <2>;
vdd-supply = <&mdss_core_gdsc>;
clocks = <&clock_dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_RSCC_VSYNC_CLK>,
<&clock_dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_NON_GDSC_AHB_CLK>,
<&clock_dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_RSCC_AHB_CLK>;
clock-names = "vsync_clk", "gdsc_clk", "iface_clk";
/* data and reg bus scale settings */
qcom,sde-data-bus {
qcom,msm-bus,name = "disp_rsc_mnoc_llcc";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <3>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <2>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<20003 20513 0 0>, <20004 20513 0 0>,
<20003 20513 0 6400000>, <20004 20513 0 6400000>,
<20003 20513 0 6400000>, <20004 20513 0 6400000>;
qcom,sde-ebi-bus {
qcom,msm-bus,name = "disp_rsc_ebi";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <3>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<20000 20512 0 0>,
<20000 20512 0 6400000>,
<20000 20512 0 6400000>;
qcom,sde-reg-bus {
qcom,msm-bus,name = "disp_rsc_reg";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <4>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<1 590 0 0>,
<1 590 0 76800>,
<1 590 0 150000>,
<1 590 0 300000>;
mdss_rotator: qcom,mdss_rotator@aea8800 {
compatible = "qcom,sde_rotator";
reg = <0x0ae00000 0xac000>,
<0x0aeb8000 0x3000>;
reg-names = "mdp_phys",
status = "disabled";
#list-cells = <1>;
qcom,mdss-rot-mode = <1>;
qcom,mdss-highest-bank-bit = <0x3>;
/* Bus Scale Settings */
qcom,msm-bus,name = "mdss_rotator";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <3>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<25 512 0 0>,
<25 512 0 6400000>,
<25 512 0 6400000>;
rot-vdd-supply = <&mdss_core_gdsc>;
qcom,supply-names = "rot-vdd";
clocks =
<&clock_gcc GCC_DISP_AHB_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_DISP_SF_AXI_CLK>,
<&clock_dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_AHB_CLK>,
<&clock_dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_ROT_CLK>;
clock-names = "gcc_iface", "gcc_bus",
"iface_clk", "rot_clk";
interrupt-parent = <&mdss_mdp>;
interrupts = <2 0>;
power-domains = <&mdss_mdp>;
/* Offline rotator QoS setting */
qcom,mdss-rot-vbif-qos-setting = <3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3>;
qcom,mdss-rot-vbif-memtype = <3 3>;
qcom,mdss-rot-cdp-setting = <1 1>;
qcom,mdss-rot-qos-lut = <0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0>;
qcom,mdss-rot-danger-lut = <0x0 0x0>;
qcom,mdss-rot-safe-lut = <0x0000ffff 0x0000ffff>;
qcom,mdss-default-ot-rd-limit = <32>;
qcom,mdss-default-ot-wr-limit = <32>;
qcom,mdss-sbuf-headroom = <20>;
/* reg bus scale settings */
rot_reg: qcom,rot-reg-bus {
qcom,msm-bus,name = "mdss_rot_reg";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <2>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<1 590 0 0>,
<1 590 0 76800>;
smmu_rot_unsec: qcom,smmu_rot_unsec_cb {
compatible = "qcom,smmu_sde_rot_unsec";
iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x215C 0x0400>;
qcom,iommu-dma-addr-pool = <0x00020000 0xfffe0000>;
qcom,iommu-faults = "non-fatal";
mdss_dsi0: qcom,mdss_dsi_ctrl0@ae94000 {
compatible = "qcom,dsi-ctrl-hw-v2.4";
label = "dsi-ctrl-0";
cell-index = <0>;
frame-threshold-time-us = <800>;
reg = <0xae94000 0x400>,
<0xaf08000 0x4>;
reg-names = "dsi_ctrl", "disp_cc_base";
interrupt-parent = <&mdss_mdp>;
interrupts = <4 0>;
vdda-1p2-supply = <&pm8150_l9>;
refgen-supply = <&refgen>;
clocks = <&clock_dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_BYTE0_CLK>,
<&clock_dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_BYTE0_CLK_SRC>,
<&clock_dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_BYTE0_INTF_CLK>,
<&clock_dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_PCLK0_CLK>,
<&clock_dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_PCLK0_CLK_SRC>,
<&clock_dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_ESC0_CLK>;
clock-names = "byte_clk", "byte_clk_rcg", "byte_intf_clk",
"pixel_clk", "pixel_clk_rcg", "esc_clk";
qcom,ctrl-supply-entries {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
qcom,ctrl-supply-entry@0 {
reg = <0>;
qcom,supply-name = "vdda-1p2";
qcom,supply-min-voltage = <1200000>;
qcom,supply-max-voltage = <1200000>;
qcom,supply-enable-load = <26700>;
qcom,supply-disable-load = <0>;
qcom,core-supply-entries {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
qcom,core-supply-entry@0 {
reg = <0>;
qcom,supply-name = "refgen";
qcom,supply-min-voltage = <0>;
qcom,supply-max-voltage = <0>;
qcom,supply-enable-load = <0>;
qcom,supply-disable-load = <0>;
mdss_dsi1: qcom,mdss_dsi_ctrl1@ae96000 {
compatible = "qcom,dsi-ctrl-hw-v2.4";
label = "dsi-ctrl-1";
cell-index = <1>;
frame-threshold-time-us = <800>;
reg = <0xae96000 0x400>,
<0xaf08000 0x4>;
reg-names = "dsi_ctrl", "disp_cc_base";
interrupt-parent = <&mdss_mdp>;
interrupts = <5 0>;
vdda-1p2-supply = <&pm8150_l9>;
refgen-supply = <&refgen>;
clocks = <&clock_dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_BYTE1_CLK>,
<&clock_dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_BYTE1_CLK_SRC>,
<&clock_dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_BYTE1_INTF_CLK>,
<&clock_dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_PCLK1_CLK>,
<&clock_dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_PCLK1_CLK_SRC>,
<&clock_dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_ESC1_CLK>;
clock-names = "byte_clk", "byte_clk_rcg", "byte_intf_clk",
"pixel_clk", "pixel_clk_rcg", "esc_clk";
qcom,ctrl-supply-entries {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
qcom,ctrl-supply-entry@0 {
reg = <0>;
qcom,supply-name = "vdda-1p2";
qcom,supply-min-voltage = <1200000>;
qcom,supply-max-voltage = <1200000>;
qcom,supply-enable-load = <26700>;
qcom,supply-disable-load = <0>;
qcom,core-supply-entries {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
qcom,core-supply-entry@0 {
reg = <0>;
qcom,supply-name = "refgen";
qcom,supply-min-voltage = <0>;
qcom,supply-max-voltage = <0>;
qcom,supply-enable-load = <0>;
qcom,supply-disable-load = <0>;
mdss_dsi_phy0: qcom,mdss_dsi_phy0@ae94400 {
compatible = "qcom,dsi-phy-v4.1";
label = "dsi-phy-0";
cell-index = <0>;
reg = <0xae94400 0x7c0>,
<0xae94200 0x100>;
reg-names = "dsi_phy", "dyn_refresh_base";
vdda-0p9-supply = <&pm8150_l5>;
qcom,platform-strength-ctrl = [55 03
55 03
55 03
55 03
55 00];
qcom,platform-lane-config = [00 00 0a 0a
00 00 0a 0a
00 00 0a 0a
00 00 0a 0a
00 00 8a 8a];
qcom,platform-regulator-settings = [1d 1d 1d 1d 1d];
qcom,phy-supply-entries {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
qcom,phy-supply-entry@0 {
reg = <0>;
qcom,supply-name = "vdda-0p9";
qcom,supply-min-voltage = <880000>;
qcom,supply-max-voltage = <880000>;
qcom,supply-enable-load = <46000>;
qcom,supply-disable-load = <0>;
mdss_dsi_phy1: qcom,mdss_dsi_phy1@ae96400 {
compatible = "qcom,dsi-phy-v4.1";
label = "dsi-phy-1";
cell-index = <1>;
reg = <0xae96400 0x7c0>,
<0xae96200 0x100>;
reg-names = "dsi_phy", "dyn_refresh_base";
vdda-0p9-supply = <&pm8150_l5>;
qcom,platform-strength-ctrl = [55 03
55 03
55 03
55 03
55 00];
qcom,platform-regulator-settings = [1d 1d 1d 1d 1d];
qcom,platform-lane-config = [00 00 0a 0a
00 00 0a 0a
00 00 0a 0a
00 00 0a 0a
00 00 8a 8a];
qcom,phy-supply-entries {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
qcom,phy-supply-entry@0 {
reg = <0>;
qcom,supply-name = "vdda-0p9";
qcom,supply-min-voltage = <880000>;
qcom,supply-max-voltage = <880000>;
qcom,supply-enable-load = <46000>;
qcom,supply-disable-load = <0>;