blob: eaaba5224219e3396a293f662e1bf0133ac18082 [file] [log] [blame]
partial release makefile extension and utilities
* information *
artifacts will be installed to ../vendor/mediatek/yusu/kernel/obj
* tools usage * <policy>
move necessary objects to ../vendor/mediatek/yusu/kernel/obj <policy>
delete files not-to-release
* procedure *
to build artifacts:
1. make sure vendor/mediatek/yusu/kernel/ does not exist
2. do a normal build
3. run ./scripts/artifacts/ <policy>
<policy> can be oversea or other
to check partial build:
1. make sure vendor/mediate/yusu/kernel exists
(including a obj dir and makefile)
2. make clean
3. if you have complete source, rnu
./scripts/artifacts/ <policy>
4. do a normal build