blob: df90967a105226b27bc629572811e5ace5ee1e35 [file] [log] [blame]
* EVENT_LOG system definitions
* Copyright (C) 2020, Broadcom.
* Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license
* agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"),
* available at, with the
* following added to such license:
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you
* permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and
* distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that
* you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of
* the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
* derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any
* modifications of the software.
* <<Broadcom-WL-IPTag/Dual:>>
#ifndef _EVENT_LOG_H_
#define _EVENT_LOG_H_
#include <typedefs.h>
#include <event_log_set.h>
#include <event_log_tag.h>
#include <event_log_payload.h>
/* logstrs header */
#define LOGSTRS_MAGIC 0x4C4F4753
/* We make sure that the block size will fit in a single packet
* (allowing for a bit of overhead on each packet
#if defined(BCMPCIEDEV)
#define EVENT_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE_1K 0x400u
/* Maximum event log record payload size = 1016 bytes or 254 words. */
#define EVENT_LOG_EXT_HDR_IND (0x01)
#define EVENT_LOG_EXT_HDR_BIN_DATA_IND (0x01 << 1)
/* Format number to send binary data with extended event log header */
/* For event_log_get iovar, set values from 240 to 255 mean special commands for a group of sets */
#define EVENT_LOG_GET_IOV_CMD_ID_FORCE_FLUSH_PRSRV (0xEu) /* 240 + 14 = 254 */
#define EVENT_LOG_GET_IOV_CMD_ID_FORCE_FLUSH_ALL (0xFu) /* 240 + 15 = 255 */
* There are multiple levels of objects define here:
* event_log_set - a set of buffers
* event log groups - every event log call is part of just one. All
* event log calls in a group are handled the
* same way. Each event log group is associated
* with an event log set or is off.
#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
/* On the external system where the dumper is we need to make sure
* that these types are the same size as they are on the ARM the
* produced them
#define _EL_BLOCK_PTR uint32
#define _EL_TYPE_PTR uint32
#define _EL_SET_PTR uint32
#define _EL_TOP_PTR uint32
#define _EL_BLOCK_PTR struct event_log_block *
#define _EL_TYPE_PTR uint32 *
#define _EL_SET_PTR struct event_log_set **
#define _EL_TOP_PTR struct event_log_top *
#endif /* EVENT_LOG_DUMPER */
/* Event log sets (a logical circurlar buffer) consist of one or more
* event_log_blocks. The blocks themselves form a logical circular
* list. The log entries are placed in each event_log_block until it
* is full. Logging continues with the next event_log_block in the
* event_set until the last event_log_block is reached and then
* logging starts over with the first event_log_block in the
* event_set.
typedef struct event_log_block {
_EL_BLOCK_PTR next_block;
_EL_BLOCK_PTR prev_block;
_EL_TYPE_PTR end_ptr;
/* Start of packet sent for log tracing */
uint16 pktlen; /* Size of rest of block */
uint16 count; /* Logtrace counter */
uint32 extra_hdr_info; /* LSB: 6 bits set id. MSB 24 bits reserved */
uint32 event_logs; /* Pointer to BEGINNING of event logs */
/* Event logs go here. Do not put extra fields below. */
} event_log_block_t;
/* Relative offset of extra_hdr_info field frpm pktlen field in log block */
(OFFSETOF(event_log_block_t, extra_hdr_info) - OFFSETOF(event_log_block_t, pktlen))
#define EVENT_LOG_SETID_MASK (0x3Fu)
#define EVENT_LOG_BLOCK_HDRLEN (sizeof(((event_log_block_t *) 0)->pktlen) \
+ sizeof(((event_log_block_t *) 0)->count) \
+ sizeof(((event_log_block_t *) 0)->extra_hdr_info))
#define EVENT_LOG_BLOCK_LEN (EVENT_LOG_BLOCK_HDRLEN + sizeof(event_log_hdr_t))
#define EVENT_LOG_BLOCK_FLAG_MASK 0xff000000u
#define EVENT_LOG_BLOCK_GET_PREV_BLOCK(block) ((_EL_BLOCK_PTR)(((uint32)((block)->prev_block)) & \
#define EVENT_LOG_BLOCK_SET_PREV_BLOCK(block, prev) ((block)->prev_block = \
((_EL_BLOCK_PTR)((((uint32)(block)->prev_block) & EVENT_LOG_BLOCK_FLAG_MASK) | \
(((uint32)(prev)) & ~EVENT_LOG_BLOCK_FLAG_MASK))))
#define EVENT_LOG_BLOCK_GET_FLAG(block) ((((uint32)(block)->prev_block) & \
#define EVENT_LOG_BLOCK_SET_FLAG(block, flag) ((block)->prev_block = \
(_EL_BLOCK_PTR)(((uint32)EVENT_LOG_BLOCK_GET_PREV_BLOCK(block)) | flag))
#define EVENT_LOG_BLOCK_OR_FLAG(block, flag) EVENT_LOG_BLOCK_SET_FLAG(block, \
typedef enum {
SET_DESTINATION_HOST = 0, /* Eventlog buffer is sent out to host once filled. */
SET_DESTINATION_NONE = 1, /* The buffer is not sent out, and it will be overwritten
* with new messages.
SET_DESTINATION_FORCE_FLUSH_TO_HOST = 2, /* Buffers are sent to host once and then the
* value is reset back to SET_DESTINATION_NONE.
SET_DESTINATION_FLUSH_ON_WATERMARK = 3, /* Buffers are sent to host when the watermark is
* reached, defined by the feature /chip
} event_log_set_destination_t;
/* sub destination for routing at the host */
typedef enum {
} event_log_set_sub_destination_t;
/* There can be multiple event_sets with each logging a set of
* associated events (i.e, "fast" and "slow" events).
typedef struct event_log_set {
_EL_BLOCK_PTR first_block; /* Pointer to first event_log block */
_EL_BLOCK_PTR last_block; /* Pointer to last event_log block */
_EL_BLOCK_PTR logtrace_block; /* next block traced */
_EL_BLOCK_PTR cur_block; /* Pointer to current event_log block */
_EL_TYPE_PTR cur_ptr; /* Current event_log pointer */
uint32 blockcount; /* Number of blocks */
uint16 logtrace_count; /* Last count for logtrace */
uint16 blockfill_count; /* Fill count for logtrace */
uint32 timestamp; /* Last timestamp event */
uint32 cyclecount; /* Cycles at last timestamp event */
event_log_set_destination_t destination;
uint16 size; /* same size for all buffers in one set */
uint16 flags;
uint16 num_preserve_blocks;
event_log_set_sub_destination_t sub_destination;
uint16 water_mark; /* not used yet: threshold to flush host in percent */
uint32 period; /* period to flush host in ms */
uint32 last_rpt_ts; /* last time to flush in ms */
} event_log_set_t;
/* Definition of flags in set */
#define EVENT_LOG_SET_PERIODIC (1 << 3)
#define EVENT_LOG_SET_D3PRSV (1 << 4)
/* Top data structure for access to everything else */
typedef struct event_log_top {
uint32 magic;
#define EVENT_LOG_TOP_MAGIC 0x474C8669 /* 'EVLG' */
uint32 version;
uint32 num_sets;
uint32 logstrs_size; /* Size of lognums + logstrs area */
uint32 timestamp; /* Last timestamp event */
uint32 cyclecount; /* Cycles at last timestamp event */
_EL_SET_PTR sets; /* Ptr to array of <num_sets> set ptrs */
uint16 log_count; /* Number of event logs from last flush */
uint16 rate_hc; /* Max number of prints per second */
uint32 hc_timestamp; /* Timestamp of last hc window starting */
bool cpu_freq_changed; /* Set to TRUE when CPU freq changed */
} event_log_top_t;
/* structure of the trailing 3 words in logstrs.bin */
typedef struct {
uint32 fw_id; /* FWID will be written by tool later */
uint32 flags; /* 0th bit indicates whether encrypted or not */
/* Keep version and magic last since "header" is appended to the end of logstrs file. */
uint32 version; /* Header version */
uint32 log_magic; /* MAGIC number for verification 'LOGS' */
} logstr_trailer_t;
/* Data structure of Keeping the Header from logstrs.bin */
typedef struct {
uint32 logstrs_size; /* Size of the file */
uint32 rom_lognums_offset; /* Offset to the ROM lognum */
uint32 ram_lognums_offset; /* Offset to the RAM lognum */
uint32 rom_logstrs_offset; /* Offset to the ROM logstr */
uint32 ram_logstrs_offset; /* Offset to the RAM logstr */
uint32 fw_id; /* FWID will be written by tool later */
uint32 flags; /* 0th bit indicates whether encrypted or not */
/* Keep version and magic last since "header" is appended to the end of logstrs file. */
uint32 version; /* Header version */
uint32 log_magic; /* MAGIC number for verification 'LOGS' */
} logstr_header_t;
/* Data structure of Keeping the Header from logstrs.bin */
typedef struct {
uint32 logstrs_size; /* Size of the file */
uint32 rom_lognums_offset; /* Offset to the ROM lognum */
uint32 ram_lognums_offset; /* Offset to the RAM lognum */
uint32 rom_logstrs_offset; /* Offset to the ROM logstr */
uint32 ram_logstrs_offset; /* Offset to the RAM logstr */
/* Keep version and magic last since "header" is appended to the end of logstrs file. */
uint32 version; /* Header version */
uint32 log_magic; /* MAGIC number for verification 'LOGS' */
} logstr_header_v1_t;
/* Event log configuration table */
typedef struct evt_log_tag_entry {
uint16 tag; /* Tag value. */
uint8 set; /* Set number. */
uint8 refcnt; /* Ref_count if sdc is used */
} evt_log_tag_entry_t;
/* !!! The following section is for kernel mode code only !!! */
#include <osl_decl.h>
extern bool d3_preserve_enab;
#define D3_PRESERVE_ENAB() (d3_preserve_enab)
#define D3_PRESERVE_ENAB() (0)
#define D3_PRESERVE_ENAB() (1)
extern bool prsv_periodic_enab;
#define PRSV_PRD_ENAB() (prsv_periodic_enab)
#define PRSV_PRD_ENAB() (0)
#define PRSV_PRD_ENAB() (1)
* Use the following macros for generating log events.
* The FAST versions check the enable of the tag before evaluating the arguments and calling the
* event_log function. This adds 5 instructions. The COMPACT versions evaluate the arguments
* and call the event_log function unconditionally. The event_log function will then skip logging
* if this tag is disabled.
* To support easy usage of existing debugging (e.g. msglevel) via macro re-definition there are
* two variants of these macros to help.
* First there are the CAST versions. The event_log function normally logs uint32 values or else
* they have to be cast to uint32. The CAST versions blindly cast for you so you don't have to edit
* any existing code.
* Second there are the PAREN_ARGS versions. These expect the logging format string and arguments
* to be enclosed in parentheses. This allows us to make the following mapping of an existing
* msglevel macro:
* The versions of the macros without FAST or COMPACT in their name are just synonyms for the
* COMPACT versions.
* You should use the COMPACT macro (or its synonym) in cases where there is some preceding logic
* that prevents the execution of the macro, e.g. WL_ERROR by definition rarely gets executed.
* Use the FAST macro in performance sensitive paths. The key concept here is that you should be
* assuming that your macro usage is compiled into ROM and can't be changed ... so choose wisely.
#if !defined(EVENT_LOG_DUMPER)
/* Null define if no tracing */
#define EVENT_LOG(tag, fmt, ...)
#define EVENT_LOG_FAST(tag, fmt, ...)
#define EVENT_LOG_COMPACT(tag, fmt, ...)
#define EVENT_LOG_CAST(tag, fmt, ...)
#define EVENT_LOG_FAST_CAST(tag, fmt, ...)
#define EVENT_LOG_COMPACT_CAST(tag, fmt, ...)
#define EVENT_LOG_CAST_PAREN_ARGS(tag, pargs)
#define EVENT_LOG_FAST_CAST_PAREN_ARGS(tag, pargs)
#define EVENT_LOG_IF_READY(tag, fmt, ...)
#define EVENT_LOG_IS_ON(tag) 0
#define EVENT_LOG_IS_LOG_ON(tag) 0
#define EVENT_LOG_BUFFER(tag, buf, size)
/* The first few _EVENT_LOGX() macros are special because they can be done more
* efficiently this way and they are the common case. Once there are too many
* parameters the code size starts to be an issue and a loop is better
* The trailing arguments to the _EVENT_LOGX() macros are the format string, 'fmt',
* followed by the variable parameters for the format. The format string is not
* needed in the event_logX() replacement text, so fmt is dropped in all cases.
#define _EVENT_LOG0(tag, fmt_num, fmt) \
event_log0(tag, fmt_num)
#define _EVENT_LOG1(tag, fmt_num, fmt, t1) \
event_log1(tag, fmt_num, t1)
#define _EVENT_LOG2(tag, fmt_num, fmt, t1, t2) \
event_log2(tag, fmt_num, t1, t2)
#define _EVENT_LOG3(tag, fmt_num, fmt, t1, t2, t3) \
event_log3(tag, fmt_num, t1, t2, t3)
#define _EVENT_LOG4(tag, fmt_num, fmt, t1, t2, t3, t4) \
event_log4(tag, fmt_num, t1, t2, t3, t4)
/* The rest call the generic routine that takes a count */
#define _EVENT_LOG5(tag, fmt_num, fmt, ...) event_logn(5, tag, fmt_num, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _EVENT_LOG6(tag, fmt_num, fmt, ...) event_logn(6, tag, fmt_num, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _EVENT_LOG7(tag, fmt_num, fmt, ...) event_logn(7, tag, fmt_num, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _EVENT_LOG8(tag, fmt_num, fmt, ...) event_logn(8, tag, fmt_num, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _EVENT_LOG9(tag, fmt_num, fmt, ...) event_logn(9, tag, fmt_num, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _EVENT_LOGA(tag, fmt_num, fmt, ...) event_logn(10, tag, fmt_num, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _EVENT_LOGB(tag, fmt_num, fmt, ...) event_logn(11, tag, fmt_num, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _EVENT_LOGC(tag, fmt_num, fmt, ...) event_logn(12, tag, fmt_num, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _EVENT_LOGD(tag, fmt_num, fmt, ...) event_logn(13, tag, fmt_num, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _EVENT_LOGE(tag, fmt_num, fmt, ...) event_logn(14, tag, fmt_num, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _EVENT_LOGF(tag, fmt_num, fmt, ...) event_logn(15, tag, fmt_num, __VA_ARGS__)
/* Casting low level macros */
#define _EVENT_LOG_CAST0(tag, fmt_num, fmt) \
event_log0(tag, fmt_num)
#define _EVENT_LOG_CAST1(tag, fmt_num, fmt, t1) \
event_log1(tag, fmt_num, (uint32)(t1))
#define _EVENT_LOG_CAST2(tag, fmt_num, fmt, t1, t2) \
event_log2(tag, fmt_num, (uint32)(t1), (uint32)(t2))
#define _EVENT_LOG_CAST3(tag, fmt_num, fmt, t1, t2, t3) \
event_log3(tag, fmt_num, (uint32)(t1), (uint32)(t2), (uint32)(t3))
#define _EVENT_LOG_CAST4(tag, fmt_num, fmt, t1, t2, t3, t4) \
event_log4(tag, fmt_num, (uint32)(t1), (uint32)(t2), (uint32)(t3), (uint32)(t4))
/* The rest call the generic routine that takes a count */
#define _EVENT_LOG_CAST5(tag, fmt_num, ...) _EVENT_LOG5(tag, fmt_num, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _EVENT_LOG_CAST6(tag, fmt_num, ...) _EVENT_LOG6(tag, fmt_num, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _EVENT_LOG_CAST7(tag, fmt_num, ...) _EVENT_LOG7(tag, fmt_num, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _EVENT_LOG_CAST8(tag, fmt_num, ...) _EVENT_LOG8(tag, fmt_num, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _EVENT_LOG_CAST9(tag, fmt_num, ...) _EVENT_LOG9(tag, fmt_num, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _EVENT_LOG_CASTA(tag, fmt_num, ...) _EVENT_LOGA(tag, fmt_num, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _EVENT_LOG_CASTB(tag, fmt_num, ...) _EVENT_LOGB(tag, fmt_num, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _EVENT_LOG_CASTC(tag, fmt_num, ...) _EVENT_LOGC(tag, fmt_num, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _EVENT_LOG_CASTD(tag, fmt_num, ...) _EVENT_LOGD(tag, fmt_num, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _EVENT_LOG_CASTE(tag, fmt_num, ...) _EVENT_LOGE(tag, fmt_num, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _EVENT_LOG_CASTF(tag, fmt_num, ...) _EVENT_LOGF(tag, fmt_num, __VA_ARGS__)
/* Hack to make the proper routine call when variadic macros get
* passed. Note the max of 15 arguments. More than that can't be
* handled by the event_log entries anyways so best to catch it at compile
* time
* Here is what happens with this macro: when _EVENT_LOG expands this macro,
* its __VA_ARGS__ argument is expanded. If __VA_ARGS__ contains only ONE
* argument, for example, then F maps to _1, E maps to _2, and so on, so that
* N maps to 0, and the macro expands to BASE ## N or BASE ## 0 which is
* EVENT_LOG0. If __VA_ARGS__ contains two arguments, then everything is
* shifted down by one, because the second argument in __VA_ARGS__ now maps
* to _1, so F maps to _2, E maps to _3, and so on, and 1 (instead of 0) maps
* to N, and this macro expands to become _EVENT_LOG1. This continues all
* the way up until __VA_ARGS__ has 15 arguments, in which case, stuff in
* __VA_ARGS__ maps to all of the values _1 through _F, which makes F (in'
* the _EVENT_LOG macro) map to N, and this macro then expands to EVENT_LOGF.
#define _EVENT_LOG_VA_NUM_ARGS(BASE, _FMT, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, \
_A, _B, _C, _D, _E, _F, N, ...) BASE ## N
/* Take a variable number of args and replace with only the first */
#define FIRST_ARG(a1, ...) a1
/* base = _EVENT_LOG for no casting
* base = _EVENT_LOG_CAST for casting of fmt arguments to uint32.
* Only first 4 arguments are cast to uint32. event_logn() is called
* if more than 4 arguments are present. This function internally assumes
* all arguments are uint32
* The variable args in this call are the format string followed by the variable
* parameters for the format. E.g.
* __VA_ARGS__ = "answer: %d", 42
* This means __VA_ARGS__ always has one or more arguments. Guaranteeing a non-empty
* __VA_ARGS__ means the special use of " , ## __VA_ARGS__" is not required to deal
* with a dangling comma --- the comma will always be followed with at leaset the format
* string. The use of ## caused issues when the format args contained a function like
* macro that expanded to more than one arg. The ## prevented macro expansion, so the
* _EVENT_LOG_VA_NUM_ARGS() calculation of the number of args was incorrect.
* Without the ##, the __VA_ARGS__ are macro replaced, and the num args calculation is
* accurate.
* This macro is setup so that if __VA_ARGS__ is as short as possible, then the "0" will
* map to "N" in the _EVENT_LOG_VA_NUM_ARGS macro, and that macro then expands to become
* _EVENT_LOG0. As __VA_ARGS__ gets longer, then the item that gets mapped to "N" gets
* pushed further and further up, so that by the time __VA_ARGS__ has 15 additional
* arguments, then "F" maps to "N" in the _EVENT_LOG_VA_NUM_ARGS macro.
#define _EVENT_LOG(base, tag, ...) \
static char logstr[] __attribute__ ((section(".logstrs"))) = FIRST_ARG(__VA_ARGS__); \
static uint32 fmtnum __attribute__ ((section(".lognums"))) = (uint32) &logstr; \
F, E, D, C, B, A, 9, 8, \
7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0) \
(tag, (int) &fmtnum, __VA_ARGS__)
#define EVENT_LOG_FAST(tag, ...) \
do { \
if (event_log_tag_sets != NULL) { \
uint8 tag_flag = *(event_log_tag_sets + tag); \
if ((tag_flag & ~EVENT_LOG_TAG_FLAG_SET_MASK) != 0) { \
} \
} \
} while (0)
#define EVENT_LOG_COMPACT(tag, ...) \
do { \
} while (0)
/* Event log macro with casting to uint32 of arguments */
#define EVENT_LOG_FAST_CAST(tag, ...) \
do { \
if (event_log_tag_sets != NULL) { \
uint8 tag_flag = *(event_log_tag_sets + tag); \
if ((tag_flag & ~EVENT_LOG_TAG_FLAG_SET_MASK) != 0) { \
} \
} \
} while (0)
#define EVENT_LOG_COMPACT_CAST(tag, ...) \
do { \
} while (0)
#define EVENT_LOG(tag, ...) EVENT_LOG_COMPACT(tag, __VA_ARGS__)
#define EVENT_LOG_CAST_PAREN_ARGS(tag, pargs) \
#define EVENT_LOG_FAST_CAST_PAREN_ARGS(tag, pargs) \
/* Minimal event logging. Event log internally calls event_logx()
* log return address in caller.
* Note that the if(0){..} below is to avoid compiler warnings
* due to unused variables caused by this macro
#define EVENT_LOG_RA(tag, args) \
do { \
if (0) { \
} \
event_log_caller_return_address(tag); \
} while (0)
#define EVENT_LOG_IF_READY(_tag, ...) \
do { \
if (event_log_is_ready()) { \
EVENT_LOG(_tag, __VA_ARGS__); \
} \
} \
while (0)
#define EVENT_LOG_IS_ON(tag) (*(event_log_tag_sets + (tag)) & ~EVENT_LOG_TAG_FLAG_SET_MASK)
#define EVENT_LOG_IS_LOG_ON(tag) (*(event_log_tag_sets + (tag)) & EVENT_LOG_TAG_FLAG_LOG)
#define EVENT_LOG_BUFFER(tag, buf, size) event_log_buffer(tag, buf, size)
#define EVENT_DUMP event_log_buffer
/* EVENT_LOG_PRSRV_FLUSH() will be deprecated. Use EVENT_LOG_FORCE_FLUSH_ALL instead */
#define EVENT_LOG_PRSRV_FLUSH() event_log_force_flush_all()
#define EVENT_LOG_FORCE_FLUSH_ALL() event_log_force_flush_all()
#define EVENT_LOG_FORCE_FLUSH_PRSRV_LOG_ALL() event_log_force_flush_preserve_all()
#endif /* PRESERVE_LOG */
extern uint8 *event_log_tag_sets;
extern int event_log_init(osl_t *osh);
extern int event_log_set_init(osl_t *osh, int set_num, int size);
extern int event_log_set_expand(osl_t *osh, int set_num, int size);
extern int event_log_set_shrink(osl_t *osh, int set_num, int size);
extern int event_log_tag_start(int tag, int set_num, int flags);
extern int event_log_tag_set_retrieve(int tag);
extern int event_log_tag_flags_retrieve(int tag);
extern int event_log_tag_stop(int tag);
typedef void (*event_log_logtrace_trigger_fn_t)(void *ctx);
void event_log_set_logtrace_trigger_fn(event_log_logtrace_trigger_fn_t fn, void *ctx);
event_log_top_t *event_log_get_top(void);
extern int event_log_get(int set_num, int buflen, void *buf);
extern uint8 *event_log_next_logtrace(int set_num);
extern uint32 event_log_logtrace_max_buf_count(int set_num);
extern int event_log_set_type(int set_num, uint8 *type, int is_get);
extern int event_log_flush_set(wl_el_set_flush_prsrv_t *flush, int is_set);
extern void event_log0(int tag, int fmtNum);
extern void event_log1(int tag, int fmtNum, uint32 t1);
extern void event_log2(int tag, int fmtNum, uint32 t1, uint32 t2);
extern void event_log3(int tag, int fmtNum, uint32 t1, uint32 t2, uint32 t3);
extern void event_log4(int tag, int fmtNum, uint32 t1, uint32 t2, uint32 t3, uint32 t4);
extern void event_logn(int num_args, int tag, int fmtNum, ...);
/* For compatibility with ROM, for old msch event log function to pass parameters in stack */
extern void event_logv(int num_args, int tag, int fmtNum, va_list ap);
extern void event_log_time_sync(uint32 ms);
extern bool event_log_time_sync_required(void);
extern void event_log_cpu_freq_changed(void);
extern void event_log_buffer(int tag, const uint8 *buf, int size);
extern void event_log_caller_return_address(int tag);
extern int event_log_set_destination_set(int set, event_log_set_destination_t dest);
extern event_log_set_destination_t event_log_set_destination_get(int set);
extern int event_log_set_sub_destination_set(uint set, event_log_set_sub_destination_t dest);
extern event_log_set_sub_destination_t event_log_set_sub_destination_get(uint set);
extern int event_log_flush_log_buffer(int set);
extern int event_log_force_flush_all(void);
extern int event_log_force_flush(int set);
extern uint16 event_log_get_available_space(int set);
extern bool event_log_is_tag_valid(int tag);
/* returns number of blocks available for writing */
extern int event_log_free_blocks_get(int set);
extern bool event_log_is_ready(void);
extern bool event_log_is_preserve_active(uint set);
extern uint event_log_get_percentage_available_space(uint set);
extern bool event_log_set_watermark_reached(int set_num);
extern void event_log_set_config(int set, uint32 period, uint16 watermark, uint32 config_flags);
extern int event_log_preserve_set_shrink(osl_t *osh, int set_num);
extern void event_log_d3_preserve_active_set(osl_t* osh, int set, bool active);
extern void event_log_d3_prsv_set_all(osl_t *osh, bool active);
extern void event_log_prsv_periodic_wd_trigger(osl_t *osh);
/* Enable/disable rate health check for a set */
extern int event_log_enable_hc_for_set(int set_num, bool enable);
extern void event_log_set_hc_rate(uint16 num_prints);
extern uint16 event_log_get_hc_rate(void);
#endif /* EVENT_LOG_RATE_HC */
/* Configure a set with ability to send partial log blocks */
extern int event_log_send_partial_block_set(int set_num);
/* Get number of log blocks associated to a log set */
extern int event_log_num_blocks_get(int set, uint32 *num_blocks);
/* Get a log buffer of a desired set */
extern int event_log_block_get(int set, uint32 **buf, uint16 *len);
extern uint32 event_log_get_maxsets(void);
/* For all other non-logtrace consumers */
extern int event_log_set_is_valid(int set);
/* To be used by logtrace only */
extern int event_log_get_num_sets(void);
/* Given a buffer, return to which set it belongs to */
extern int event_log_get_set_for_buffer(const void *buf);
extern int event_log_flush_multiple_sets(const int *sets, uint16 num_sets);
extern int event_log_force_flush_preserve_all(void);
extern int event_log_get_iovar_handler(int set);
#endif /* EVENT_LOG_COMPILE */
#endif /* BCMDRIVER */
#endif /* __ASSEMBLER__ */
#endif /* _EVENT_LOG_H_ */