blob: ba2d54a673557572c5f6c92da93ef74bdb749fa1 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
* Samsung CP interface device tree source
* Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
#include <dt-bindings/soc/google/exynos-cpif.h>
#include <dt-bindings/pci/pci.h>
/ {
fragment@modemif {
target-path = "/";
__overlay__ {
#address-cells = <2>;
#size-cells = <1>;
/* Modem interface information */
cpif {
compatible = "samsung,exynos-cp";
status = "okay";
pci_ch_num = <0>;
pci_db_addr = <0x40060000>;
cpboot_spi_bus_num = <9>;
s2mpu = <&s2mpu_hsi1>;
/* */
mif,name = "s5123";
mif,cp_num = <0>;
mif,modem_type = <SEC_S5100>;
mif,protocol = <PROTOCOL_SIT>;
mif,ipc_version = <SIPC_VER_50>;
mif,link_type = <LINKDEV_PCIE>;
mif,link_name = "PCIE";
mif,link_attrs = <(
mif,interrupt_types = <INTERRUPT_GPIO>;
mif,capability_check = <1>;
/* Mailbox interrupt number from AP to CP */
mif,int_ap2cp_msg = <0>;
mif,int_ap2cp_wakeup = <1>;
mif,int_ap2cp_status = <2>;
mif,int_ap2cp_active = <3>;
mif,int_ap2cp_lcd_status = <4>;
mif,int_ap2cp_pcie_link_ack = <14>;
mif,int_ap2cp_uart_noti = <15>;
/* Mailbox interrupt number from CP to AP */
mif,irq_cp2ap_msg = <0>;
mif,irq_cp2ap_status = <2>;
mif,irq_cp2ap_active = <3>;
mif,irq_cp2ap_wakelock = <8>;
mif,irq_cp2ap_ratmode = <9>;
/* Legacy Buffers (FMT, RAW) */
legacy_fmt_head_tail_offset = <0x8>;
legacy_fmt_buffer_offset = <0x1000>;
legacy_fmt_txq_size = <0x1000>;
legacy_fmt_rxq_size = <0x1000>;
legacy_raw_head_tail_offset = <0x18>;
legacy_raw_buffer_offset = <0x3000>;
legacy_raw_txq_size = <0x1FD000>;
legacy_raw_rxq_size = <0x200000>;
* Legacy Priority Queue
* (available only if CONFIG_MODEM_IF_LEGACY_QOS used)
legacy_raw_qos_head_tail_offset = <0x30>;
legacy_raw_qos_buffer_offset = <0x400000>;
legacy_raw_qos_txq_size = <0x100000>;
legacy_raw_qos_rxq_size = <0x100000>;
offset_srinfo_offset = <0x64>;
offset_capability_offset = <0x70>;
srinfo_offset = <0x300>;
srinfo_size = <0x400>;
capability_offset = <0xA0>;
/* capability value */
ap_capability_0 = <0x0>;
ap_capability_1 = <0x0>;
* Control messages containing two elements
* <MAILBOX_SR [shared register number]>
* <DRAM_V1 [offset from ipc base]>
* <DRAM_V2 [offset from cmsg offset]>
ap2cp_msg = <DRAM_V1 2048>;
cp2ap_msg = <DRAM_V1 2052>;
ap2cp_united_status = <DRAM_V1 2056>;
cp2ap_united_status = <DRAM_V1 2060>;
ap2cp_kerneltime = <DRAM_V1 2084>;
ap2cp_handover_block_info = <DRAM_V1 2092>;
/* Status bit info
* for mbx_ap2cp_united_status
sbi_lcd_status_mask = <0x1>;
sbi_lcd_status_pos = <27>;
sbi_crash_type_mask = <0xf>;
sbi_crash_type_pos = <23>;
sbi_uart_noti_mask = <0x1>;
sbi_uart_noti_pos = <16>;
sbi_ds_det_mask = <0x3>;
sbi_ds_det_pos = <14>;
sbi_pda_active_mask = <0x1>;
sbi_pda_active_pos = <5>;
sbi_ap_status_mask = <0xf>;
sbi_ap_status_pos = <1>;
/* Status bit info
* for mbx_cp2ap_united_status
sbi_cp_rat_mode_mask = <0x3f>;
sbi_cp_rat_mode_pos = <26>;
sbi_cp2ap_wakelock_mask = <0x1>;
sbi_cp2ap_wakelock_pos = <6>;
sbi_lte_active_mask = <0x1>;
sbi_lte_active_pos = <5>;
sbi_cp_status_mask = <0xf>;
sbi_cp_status_pos = <1>;
/* Status bit info for mbx_ap2cp_kerneltime */
sbi_ap2cp_kerneltime_sec_mask = <0xfff>;
sbi_ap2cp_kerneltime_sec_pos = <20>;
sbi_ap2cp_kerneltime_usec_mask = <0xfffff>;
sbi_ap2cp_kerneltime_usec_pos = <0>;
/* Packet processor */
pktproc_support = <1>;
pktproc_version = <2>;
pktproc_cp_base = <0x20000000>;
pktproc_info_rgn_offset = <0x00000000>;
pktproc_info_rgn_size = <0x00000100>;
pktproc_desc_rgn_offset = <0x00000100>;
pktproc_desc_rgn_size = <0x000FFF00>;
pktproc_buff_rgn_offset = <0x00100000>;
/* Size of data region is defined
* by reserved mem size
pktproc_info_desc_rgn_cached = <1>;
pktproc_buff_rgn_cached = <1>;
/* 0:ringbuf mode, 1:sktbuf mode */
pktproc_desc_mode = <1>;
pktproc_num_queue = <1>;
pktproc_use_exclusive_irq = <0>;
pktproc_exclusive_irq_idx = <PCIE_CP_IRQ_IDX_2 PCIE_CP_IRQ_IDX_3
pktproc_use_buff_mng = <0>;
pktproc_desc_num_ratio_percent = <100>;
pktproc_use_napi = <1>;
/* H/W IO cache coherency */
pktproc_use_hw_iocc = <1>;
pktproc_max_packet_size = <2048>;
pktproc_use_dedicated_baaw = <1>;
pktproc_use_36bit_data_addr = <0>;
/* Packet processor for UL */
pktproc_support_ul = <1>;
pktproc_ul_cp_base = <0x26000000>;
pktproc_ul_info_rgn_offset = <0x00000000>;
pktproc_ul_info_rgn_size = <0x00000100>;
pktproc_ul_desc_rgn_offset = <0x00000100>;
pktproc_ul_desc_rgn_size = <0x000FFF00>;
pktproc_ul_buff_rgn_offset = <0x00100000>;
pktproc_ul_padding_required = <1>; /* for s5123 EVT1 only */
pktproc_ul_num_queue = <2>;
pktproc_ul_max_packet_size = <2048>;
pktproc_ul_info_desc_rgn_cached = <1>;
pktproc_ul_buff_rgn_cached = <1>;
pktproc_ul_use_hw_iocc = <1>; /* H/W IO cache coherency */
/* TPMON: CP throughput monitor */
cpif_tpmon {
tpmon_trigger_mbps = <30>;
tpmon_trigger_msec_min = <100>;
tpmon_trigger_msec_max = <500>;
tpmon_monitor_interval_msec = <100>;
tpmon_monitor_hold_msec = <3000>;
tpmon_monitor_stop_mbps = <15>;
tpmon_boost_hold_msec = <6000>;
tpmon_unboost_tp_percent = <40>;
tpmon_irq_affinity_0 {
tpmon,enable = <0>;
tpmon,name = "IRQ_0";
tpmon,measure = <TPMON_MEASURE_TP>;
tpmon,target = <TPMON_TARGET_IRQ_PCIE>;
tpmon,idx = <PCIE_CP_IRQ_IDX_0>;
tpmon,threshold = <500>; /* Mbps */
tpmon,values = <0 5>;
tpmon_irq_affinity_dit_pktproc_q {
tpmon,enable = <1>;
tpmon,name = "IRQ_DIT_PKTPROC_Q";
tpmon,measure = <TPMON_MEASURE_PKTPROC_DL_Q>;
tpmon,target = <TPMON_TARGET_IRQ_DIT>;
tpmon,idx = <0>;
/* PktProc rear~fore usage */
tpmon,threshold = <6000>;
tpmon,values = <2 5>;
tpmon,urgent = <1>;
tpmon_irq_affinity_dit_q {
tpmon,enable = <1>;
tpmon,name = "IRQ_DIT_Q";
tpmon,measure = <TPMON_MEASURE_DIT_SRC_Q>;
tpmon,target = <TPMON_TARGET_IRQ_DIT>;
tpmon,idx = <0>;
tpmon,threshold = <7000>; /* DIT src queue */
tpmon,values = <2 5>;
tpmon,urgent = <1>;
tpmon_irq_affinity_dit {
tpmon,enable = <1>;
tpmon,name = "IRQ_DIT";
tpmon,measure = <TPMON_MEASURE_TP>;
tpmon,target = <TPMON_TARGET_IRQ_DIT>;
tpmon,idx = <0>;
tpmon,threshold = <250>; /* Mbps */
tpmon,values = <2 5>;
tpmon_rps_q {
tpmon,enable = <0>;
tpmon,name = "RPS_Q";
tpmon,measure = <TPMON_MEASURE_NETDEV_Q>;
tpmon,target = <TPMON_TARGET_RPS>;
tpmon,idx = <0>;
/* Netdev backlog queue */
tpmon,threshold = <3000>;
tpmon,values = <0x03 0xC0>;
tpmon_rps_tp {
tpmon,enable = <1>;
tpmon,name = "RPS_TP";
tpmon,measure = <TPMON_MEASURE_TP>;
tpmon,target = <TPMON_TARGET_RPS>;
tpmon,idx = <0>;
tpmon,threshold = <250 1600>; /* Mbps */
tpmon,values = <0x03 0x30 0xC0>;
tpmon_gro_flush_time {
tpmon,enable = <1>;
tpmon,name = "GRO";
tpmon,measure = <TPMON_MEASURE_TP>;
tpmon,target = <TPMON_TARGET_GRO>;
tpmon,idx = <0>;
tpmon,threshold = <200>; /* Mbps */
tpmon,values = <100000 2000000>;
tpmon_mif {
tpmon,enable = <1>;
tpmon,name = "MIF";
tpmon,measure = <TPMON_MEASURE_TP>;
tpmon,target = <TPMON_TARGET_MIF>;
tpmon,idx = <0>;
tpmon,threshold = <1100>; /* Mbps */
tpmon,values = <0 1014000>;
tpmon,check_udp = <1>;
tpmon_cpu_cl0 {
tpmon,enable = <0>;
tpmon,name = "CL0";
tpmon,measure = <TPMON_MEASURE_TP>;
tpmon,target = <TPMON_TARGET_CPU_CL0>;
tpmon,idx = <0>;
tpmon,threshold = <100 300>; /* Mbps */
tpmon,values = <0 1066000 1274000>;
tpmon,check_udp = <1>;
tpmon_cpu_cl1 {
tpmon,enable = <1>;
tpmon,name = "CL1";
tpmon,measure = <TPMON_MEASURE_TP>;
tpmon,target = <TPMON_TARGET_CPU_CL1>;
tpmon,idx = <4>;
tpmon,threshold = <2000>; /* Mbps */
tpmon,values = <0 1663000>;
tpmon,check_udp = <0>;
tpmon_pcie_low_power {
tpmon,enable = <1>;
tpmon,name = "PCIE_LP";
tpmon,measure = <TPMON_MEASURE_TP>;
tpmon,idx = <0>;
tpmon,threshold = <3000>; /* Mbps */
tpmon,values = <1 0>;
/* IO devices */
iodevs {
io_device_0 {
iod,name = "umts_ipc";
iod,ch = <EXYNOS_CH_ID_FMT_0>;
iod,format = <IPC_FMT>;
iod,io_type = <IODEV_IPC>;
iod,link_type = <LINKDEV_PCIE>;
iod,attrs = <(IO_ATTR_MULTI_CH)>;
iod,ch_count = <2>;
io_device_1 {
iod,name = "umts_rfs0";
iod,ch = <EXYNOS_CH_ID_RFS_0>;
iod,format = <IPC_RAW>;
iod,io_type = <IODEV_IPC>;
iod,link_type = <LINKDEV_PCIE>;
iod,attrs = <(0x0)>;
io_device_2 {
iod,name = "umts_router";
iod,ch = <EXYNOS_CH_ID_BT_DUN>;
iod,format = <IPC_RAW>;
iod,io_type = <IODEV_IPC>;
iod,link_type = <LINKDEV_PCIE>;
iod,attrs = <(0x0)>;
io_device_3 {
iod,name = "umts_dm0";
iod,ch = <EXYNOS_CH_ID_CPLOG>;
iod,format = <IPC_RAW>;
iod,io_type = <IODEV_IPC>;
iod,link_type = <LINKDEV_PCIE>;
iod,attrs = <(0x0)>;
io_device_4 {
iod,name = "umts_loopback";
iod,format = <IPC_RAW>;
iod,io_type = <IODEV_IPC>;
iod,link_type = <LINKDEV_PCIE>;
iod,attrs = <(0x0)>;
io_device_5 {
iod,name = "rmnet";
iod,ch = <EXYNOS_CH_EX_ID_PDP_0>;
iod,format = <IPC_RAW>;
iod,io_type = <IODEV_NET>;
iod,link_type = <LINKDEV_PCIE>;
iod,attrs = <(IO_ATTR_MULTI_CH)>;
iod,ch_count = <30>;
io_device_6 {
iod,name = "dummy";
iod,ch = <EXYNOS_CH_EX_ID_PDP_30>;
iod,format = <IPC_RAW>;
iod,io_type = <IODEV_NET>;
iod,link_type = <LINKDEV_PCIE>;
iod,attrs = <(0x0)>;
io_device_7 {
iod,name = "multipdp";
iod,format = <IPC_MULTI_RAW>;
iod,io_type = <IODEV_DUMMY>;
iod,link_type = <LINKDEV_PCIE>;
iod,attrs = <(0x0)>;
io_device_8 {
iod,name = "umts_boot0";
iod,ch = <EXYNOS_CH_ID_BOOT>;
iod,format = <IPC_BOOT>;
iod,io_type = <IODEV_BOOTDUMP>;
iod,link_type = <LINKDEV_PCIE>;
iod,attrs = <(IO_ATTR_NO_CHECK_MAXQ)>;
io_device_9 {
iod,name = "umts_rcs0";
iod,ch = <EXYNOS_CH_ID_RCS_0>;
iod,format = <IPC_FMT>;
iod,io_type = <IODEV_IPC>;
iod,link_type = <LINKDEV_PCIE>;
iod,attrs = <(0x0)>;
io_device_10 {
iod,name = "umts_rcs1";
iod,ch = <EXYNOS_CH_ID_RCS_1>;
iod,format = <IPC_RAW>;
iod,io_type = <IODEV_IPC>;
iod,link_type = <LINKDEV_PCIE>;
iod,attrs = <(0x0)>;
io_device_11 {
iod,name = "umts_wfc0";
iod,ch = <EXYNOS_CH_ID_WFS_0>;
iod,format = <IPC_FMT>;
iod,io_type = <IODEV_IPC>;
iod,link_type = <LINKDEV_PCIE>;
iod,attrs = <(0x0)>;
io_device_12 {
iod,name = "umts_wfc1";
iod,ch = <EXYNOS_CH_ID_WFS_1>;
iod,format = <IPC_RAW>;
iod,io_type = <IODEV_IPC>;
iod,link_type = <LINKDEV_PCIE>;
iod,attrs = <(0x0)>;
io_device_13 {
iod,name = "oem_ipc0";
iod,ch = <129>;
iod,format = <IPC_FMT>;
iod,io_type = <IODEV_IPC>;
iod,link_type = <LINKDEV_PCIE>;
iod,attrs = <(0x0)>;
io_device_14 {
iod,name = "oem_ipc1";
iod,ch = <130>;
iod,format = <IPC_FMT>;
iod,io_type = <IODEV_IPC>;
iod,link_type = <LINKDEV_PCIE>;
iod,attrs = <(0x0)>;
io_device_15 {
iod,name = "oem_ipc2";
iod,ch = <131>;
iod,format = <IPC_FMT>;
iod,io_type = <IODEV_IPC>;
iod,link_type = <LINKDEV_PCIE>;
iod,attrs = <(0x0)>;
io_device_16 {
iod,name = "oem_ipc3";
iod,ch = <132>;
iod,format = <IPC_FMT>;
iod,io_type = <IODEV_IPC>;
iod,link_type = <LINKDEV_PCIE>;
iod,attrs = <(0x0)>;
io_device_17 {
iod,name = "oem_ipc4";
iod,ch = <133>;
iod,format = <IPC_FMT>;
iod,io_type = <IODEV_IPC>;
iod,link_type = <LINKDEV_PCIE>;
iod,attrs = <(0x0)>;
io_device_18 {
iod,name = "oem_ipc5";
iod,ch = <134>;
iod,format = <IPC_FMT>;
iod,io_type = <IODEV_IPC>;
iod,link_type = <LINKDEV_PCIE>;
iod,attrs = <(0x0)>;
io_device_19 {
iod,name = "oem_ipc6";
iod,ch = <135>;
iod,format = <IPC_FMT>;
iod,io_type = <IODEV_IPC>;
iod,link_type = <LINKDEV_PCIE>;
iod,attrs = <(0x0)>;
io_device_20 {
iod,name = "oem_ipc7";
iod,ch = <136>;
iod,format = <IPC_FMT>;
iod,io_type = <IODEV_IPC>;
iod,link_type = <LINKDEV_PCIE>;
iod,attrs = <(0x0)>;
/* Shared memory information*/
cp_shmem {
compatible = "samsung,exynos-cp-shmem";
memory-region = <&cp_rmem>, <&cp_msi_rmem>, <&cp_rmem_1>, <&cp_rmem_2>;
cp_num = <0>;
use_mem_map_on_cp = <0>;
regions {
ipc {
region,name = "IPC";
region,index = <SHMEM_IPC>;
region,rmem = <0>;
region,offset = <0x00000000>;
region,size = <0x00400000>;
region,cached = <1>;
msi {
region,name = "MSI";
region,index = <SHMEM_MSI>;
region,rmem = <1>;
region,offset = <0x00000000>;
region,size = <0x00001000>;
region,cached = <0>;
pktproc {
region,name = "PKTPROC";
region,index = <SHMEM_PKTPROC>;
region,rmem = <2>;
region,offset = <0x00000000>;
region,size = <0x01C00000>;
/* Cached info is defined by pktproc itself */
pktproc_ul {
region,name = "PKTPROC_UL";
region,index = <SHMEM_PKTPROC_UL>;
region,rmem = <3>;
region,offset = <0x00000000>;
region,size = <0x00400000>;
/* Cached info is defined by pktproc_ul itself */
&spi9_cs_func {
samsung,pin-con-pdn = <EXYNOS_PIN_PDN_PREV>;
samsung,pin-pud-pdn = <EXYNOS_PIN_PULL_NONE>;
&spi_9 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
status = "okay";
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = <&spi9_bus &spi9_cs_func>;
cpboot_spi@0 {
compatible = "samsung,exynos-cp-spi";
reg = <0x0>;
spi-max-frequency = <2150000>;
controller-data {
samsung,spi-feedback-delay = <0>;
samsung,spi-chip-select-mode = <1>;