blob: e93305273b0816ad7a018271f04a4c031bf41ce1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:paths.bzl", "paths")
load("@bazel_skylib//rules:common_settings.bzl", "BuildSettingInfo")
load("@bazel_skylib//rules:copy_file.bzl", "copy_file")
load("@kernel_toolchain_info//:dict.bzl", "CLANG_VERSION")
load("//build/bazel_common_rules/dist:dist.bzl", "copy_to_dist_dir")
load("//build/bazel_common_rules/exec:exec.bzl", "exec")
load(":constants.bzl", "TOOLCHAIN_VERSION_FILENAME")
load(":directory_with_structure.bzl", dws = "directory_with_structure")
load(":hermetic_tools.bzl", "HermeticToolsInfo")
load(":update_source_file.bzl", "update_source_file")
# Outputs of a kernel_build rule needed to build kernel_module's
_kernel_build_internal_outs = [
_sibling_names = [
def _debug_trap():
return """set -x
trap '>&2 /bin/date' DEBUG"""
def _debug_print_scripts(ctx, command, what = None):
if ctx.attr._debug_print_scripts[BuildSettingInfo].value:
# Script that runs %s%s:%s""" % (ctx.label, (" " + what if what else ""), command))
def _filter_module_srcs(files):
"""Create the list of `module_srcs` for a [`kernel_build`] or similar."""
return [
for s in files
if s.path.endswith(".h") or any([token in s.path for token in [
def _kernel_build_config_impl(ctx):
out_file = ctx.actions.declare_file( + ".generated")
command = ctx.attr._hermetic_tools[HermeticToolsInfo].setup + """
cat {srcs} > {out_file}
srcs = " ".join([src.path for src in ctx.files.srcs]),
out_file = out_file.path,
_debug_print_scripts(ctx, command)
mnemonic = "KernelBuildConfig",
inputs = ctx.files.srcs + ctx.attr._hermetic_tools[HermeticToolsInfo].deps,
outputs = [out_file],
command = command,
progress_message = "Generating build config {}".format(ctx.label),
return DefaultInfo(files = depset([out_file]))
kernel_build_config = rule(
implementation = _kernel_build_config_impl,
doc = "Create a build.config file by concatenating build config fragments.",
attrs = {
"srcs": attr.label_list(
allow_files = True,
doc = """List of build config fragments.
Order matters. To prevent buildifier from sorting the list, use the
`# do not sort` magic line. For example:
name = "",
srcs = [
# do not sort
"_hermetic_tools": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel:hermetic-tools", providers = [HermeticToolsInfo]),
"_debug_print_scripts": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel/kleaf:debug_print_scripts"),
def _transform_kernel_build_outs(name, what, outs):
"""Transform `*outs` attributes for `kernel_build`.
- If `outs` is a list, return it directly.
- If `outs` is a dict, return `select(outs)`.
- Otherwise fail
if outs == None:
return None
if type(outs) == type([]):
return outs
elif type(outs) == type({}):
return select(outs)
fail("{}: Invalid type for {}: {}".format(name, what, type(outs)))
def _kernel_build_outs_add_vmlinux(name, outs):
files_to_add = ("vmlinux", "")
outs_changed = False
if outs == None:
outs = ["vmlinux"]
outs_changed = True
if type(outs) == type([]):
for file in files_to_add:
if file not in outs:
# don't use append to avoid changing outs
outs = outs + [file]
outs_changed = True
elif type(outs) == type({}):
outs_new = {}
for k, v in outs.items():
for file in files_to_add:
if file not in v:
# don't use append to avoid changing outs
v = v + [file]
outs_changed = True
outs_new[k] = v
outs = outs_new
fail("{}: Invalid type for outs: {}".format(name, type(outs)))
return outs, outs_changed
def kernel_build(
srcs = None,
module_outs = None,
implicit_outs = None,
generate_vmlinux_btf = None,
deps = None,
base_kernel = None,
kconfig_ext = None,
dtstree = None,
kmi_symbol_list = None,
additional_kmi_symbol_lists = None,
trim_nonlisted_kmi = None,
kmi_symbol_list_strict_mode = None,
collect_unstripped_modules = None,
enable_interceptor = None,
toolchain_version = None,
"""Defines a kernel build target with all dependent targets.
It uses a `build_config` to construct a deterministic build environment (e.g.
`common/build.config.gki.aarch64`). The kernel sources need to be declared
via srcs (using a `glob()`). outs declares the output files that are surviving
the build. The effective output file names will be
`$(name)/$(output_file)`. Any other artifact is not guaranteed to be
accessible after the rule has run. The default `toolchain_version` is defined
with the value in `common/build.config.constants`, but can be overriden.
A few additional labels are generated.
For example, if name is `"kernel_aarch64"`:
- `kernel_aarch64_uapi_headers` provides the UAPI kernel headers.
- `kernel_aarch64_headers` provides the kernel headers.
name: The final kernel target name, e.g. `"kernel_aarch64"`.
build_config: Label of the build.config file, e.g. `"build.config.gki.aarch64"`.
kconfig_ext: Label of an external Kconfig.ext file sourced by the GKI kernel.
srcs: The kernel sources (a `glob()`). If unspecified or `None`, it is the following:
exclude = [
"**/.*", # Hidden files
"**/.*/**", # Files in hidden directories
"**/BUILD.bazel", # build files
"**/*.bzl", # build files
base_kernel: A label referring the base kernel build.
If set, the list of files specified in the `DefaultInfo` of the rule specified in
`base_kernel` is copied to a directory, and `KBUILD_MIXED_TREE` is set to the directory.
Setting `KBUILD_MIXED_TREE` effectively enables mixed build.
To set additional flags for mixed build, change `build_config` to a `kernel_build_config`
rule, with a build config fragment that contains the additional flags.
The label specified by `base_kernel` must produce a list of files similar
to what a `kernel_build` rule does. Usually, this points to one of the following:
- `//common:kernel_{arch}`
- A `kernel_filegroup` rule, e.g.
load("//build/kernel/kleaf:constants.bzl, "aarch64_outs")
name = "my_kernel_filegroup",
srcs = aarch64_outs,
generate_vmlinux_btf: If `True`, generates `vmlinux.btf` that is stripped of any debug
symbols, but contains type and symbol information within a .BTF section.
This is suitable for ABI analysis through BTF.
Requires that `"vmlinux"` is in `outs`.
deps: Additional dependencies to build this kernel.
module_outs: A list of in-tree drivers. Similar to `outs`, but for `*.ko` files.
If a `*.ko` kernel module should not be copied to `${DIST_DIR}`, it must be
included `implicit_outs` instead of `module_outs`. The list `implicit_outs + module_outs`
must include **all** `*.ko` files in `${OUT_DIR}`. If not, a build error is raised.
Like `outs`, `module_outs` are part of the
that this `kernel_build` returns. For example:
kernel_build(name = "kernel", module_outs = ["foo.ko"], ...)
copy_to_dist_dir(name = "kernel_dist", data = [":kernel"])
`foo.ko` will be included in the distribution.
Like `outs`, this may be a `dict`. If so, it is wrapped in
[`select()`]( See
documentation for `outs` for more details.
outs: The expected output files.
Note: in-tree modules should be specified in `module_outs` instead.
This attribute must be either a `dict` or a `list`. If it is a `list`, for each item
in `out`:
- If `out` does not contain a slash, the build rule
automatically finds a file with name `out` in the kernel
build output directory `${OUT_DIR}`.
find ${OUT_DIR} -name {out}
There must be exactly one match.
The file is copied to the following in the output directory
kernel_build(name = "kernel_aarch64", outs = ["vmlinux"])
The bulid system copies `${OUT_DIR}/[<optional subdirectory>/]vmlinux`
to `kernel_aarch64/vmlinux`.
`kernel_aarch64/vmlinux` is the label to the file.
- If `out` contains a slash, the build rule locates the file in the
kernel build output directory `${OUT_DIR}` with path `out`
The file is copied to the following in the output directory
1. `{name}/{out}`
2. `{name}/$(basename {out})`
name = "kernel_aarch64",
outs = ["arch/arm64/boot/vmlinux"])
The bulid system copies
- `kernel_aarch64/arch/arm64/boot/vmlinux`
- `kernel_aarch64/vmlinux`
They are also the labels to the output files, respectively.
See `` for details.
Files in `outs` are part of the
that this `kernel_build` returns. For example:
kernel_build(name = "kernel", outs = ["vmlinux"], ...)
copy_to_dist_dir(name = "kernel_dist", data = [":kernel"])
`vmlinux` will be included in the distribution.
If it is a `dict`, it is wrapped in
name = "kernel_aarch64",
outs = {"config_foo": ["vmlinux"]})
If conditions in `config_foo` is met, the rule is equivalent to
name = "kernel_aarch64",
outs = ["vmlinux"])
As explained above, the bulid system copies `${OUT_DIR}/[<optional subdirectory>/]vmlinux`
to `kernel_aarch64/vmlinux`.
`kernel_aarch64/vmlinux` is the label to the file.
Note that a `select()` may not be passed into `kernel_build()` because
[`select()` cannot be evaluated in macros](
- [combining `select()`s](
is not allowed. Instead, expand the cartesian product.
- To use
[`AND` chaining](
[`OR` chaining](,
use `selects.config_setting_group()`.
implicit_outs: Like `outs`, but not copied to the distribution directory.
Labels are created for each item in `implicit_outs` as in `outs`.
kmi_symbol_list: A label referring to the main KMI symbol list file. See `additional_kmi_symbol_list`.
This is the Bazel equivalent of `ADDTIONAL_KMI_SYMBOL_LISTS`.
additional_kmi_symbol_list: A list of labels referring to additional KMI symbol list files.
This is the Bazel equivalent of `ADDTIONAL_KMI_SYMBOL_LISTS`.
all_kmi_symbol_lists = [kmi_symbol_list] + additional_kmi_symbol_list
If `all_kmi_symbol_lists` is a non-empty list, `abi_symbollist` and
`` are created and added to the
and copied to `DIST_DIR` during distribution.
If `all_kmi_symbol_lists` is `None` or an empty list, `abi_symbollist` and
`` are not created.
It is possible to use a `glob()` to determine whether `abi_symbollist`
and `` should be generated at build time.
For example:
kmi_symbol_list = "android/abi_gki_aarch64",
additional_kmi_symbol_lists = glob(["android/abi_gki_aarch64*"], exclude = ["android/abi_gki_aarch64"]),
trim_nonlisted_kmi: If `True`, trim symbols not listed in
`kmi_symbol_list` and `additional_kmi_symbol_lists`.
This is the Bazel equivalent of `TRIM_NONLISTED_KMI`.
Requires `all_kmi_symbol_lists` to be non-empty. If `kmi_symbol_list`
or `additional_kmi_symbol_lists`
is a `glob()`, it is possible to set `trim_nonlisted_kmi` to be a
value based on that `glob()`. For example:
trim_nonlisted_kmi = len(glob(["android/abi_gki_aarch64*"])) > 0
kmi_symbol_list_strict_mode: If `True`, add a build-time check between
`[kmi_symbol_list] + additional_kmi_symbol_lists`
and the KMI resulting from the build, to ensure
they match 1-1.
collect_unstripped_modules: If `True`, provide all unstripped in-tree.
Approximately equivalent to `UNSTRIPPED_MODULES=*` in ``.
enable_interceptor: If set to `True`, enable interceptor so it can be
used in [`kernel_compile_commands`](#kernel_compile_commands).
toolchain_version: The toolchain version to depend on.
kwargs: Additional attributes to the internal rule, e.g.
See complete list
These arguments applies on the target with `{name}`, `{name}_headers`, `{name}_uapi_headers`, and `{name}_vmlinux_btf`.
env_target_name = name + "_env"
config_target_name = name + "_config"
modules_prepare_target_name = name + "_modules_prepare"
uapi_headers_target_name = name + "_uapi_headers"
headers_target_name = name + "_headers"
kmi_symbol_list_target_name = name + "_kmi_symbol_list"
abi_symbollist_target_name = name + "_kmi_symbol_list_abi_symbollist"
raw_kmi_symbol_list_target_name = name + "_raw_kmi_symbol_list"
if srcs == None:
srcs = native.glob(
exclude = [
name = env_target_name,
build_config = build_config,
kconfig_ext = kconfig_ext,
dtstree = dtstree,
srcs = srcs,
toolchain_version = toolchain_version,
all_kmi_symbol_lists = []
if kmi_symbol_list:
if additional_kmi_symbol_lists:
all_kmi_symbol_lists += additional_kmi_symbol_lists
name = kmi_symbol_list_target_name,
env = env_target_name,
srcs = all_kmi_symbol_lists,
name = abi_symbollist_target_name,
srcs = [kmi_symbol_list_target_name],
output_group = "abi_symbollist",
name = raw_kmi_symbol_list_target_name,
env = env_target_name,
src = abi_symbollist_target_name if all_kmi_symbol_lists else None,
name = config_target_name,
env = env_target_name,
srcs = srcs,
config = config_target_name + "/.config",
trim_nonlisted_kmi = trim_nonlisted_kmi,
raw_kmi_symbol_list = raw_kmi_symbol_list_target_name if all_kmi_symbol_lists else None,
name = modules_prepare_target_name,
config = config_target_name,
srcs = srcs,
outdir_tar_gz = modules_prepare_target_name + "/modules_prepare_outdir.tar.gz",
name = name,
config = config_target_name,
srcs = srcs,
outs = _transform_kernel_build_outs(name, "outs", outs),
module_outs = _transform_kernel_build_outs(name, "module_outs", module_outs),
implicit_outs = _transform_kernel_build_outs(name, "implicit_outs", implicit_outs),
internal_outs = _transform_kernel_build_outs(name, "internal_outs", _kernel_build_internal_outs),
deps = deps,
base_kernel = base_kernel,
modules_prepare = modules_prepare_target_name,
kmi_symbol_list_strict_mode = kmi_symbol_list_strict_mode,
raw_kmi_symbol_list = raw_kmi_symbol_list_target_name if all_kmi_symbol_lists else None,
kernel_uapi_headers = uapi_headers_target_name,
collect_unstripped_modules = collect_unstripped_modules,
combined_abi_symbollist = abi_symbollist_target_name if all_kmi_symbol_lists else None,
enable_interceptor = enable_interceptor,
# key = attribute name, value = a list of labels for that attribute
real_outs = {}
for out_name, out_attr_val in (
("outs", outs),
("module_outs", module_outs),
("implicit_outs", implicit_outs),
# internal_outs are opaque to the user, hence we don't create a alias (filegroup) for them.
if out_attr_val == None:
if type(out_attr_val) == type([]):
for out in out_attr_val:
native.filegroup(name = name + "/" + out, srcs = [":" + name], output_group = out)
real_outs[out_name] = [name + "/" + out for out in out_attr_val]
elif type(out_attr_val) == type({}):
# out_attr_val = {config_setting: [out, ...], ...}
# => reverse_dict = {out: [config_setting, ...], ...}
for out, config_settings in reverse_dict(out_attr_val).items():
name = name + "/" + out,
# Use a select() to prevent this rule to build when config_setting is not fulfilled.
srcs = select({
config_setting: [":" + name]
for config_setting in config_settings
output_group = out,
# Use "manual" tags to prevent it to be built with ...
tags = ["manual"],
real_outs[out_name] = [name + "/" + out for out, _ in reverse_dict(out_attr_val).items()]
fail("Unexpected type {} for {}: {}".format(type(out_attr_val), out_name, out_attr_val))
name = uapi_headers_target_name,
config = config_target_name,
srcs = srcs,
name = headers_target_name,
kernel_build = name,
env = env_target_name,
# TODO: We need arch/ and include/ only.
srcs = srcs,
if generate_vmlinux_btf:
vmlinux_btf_name = name + "_vmlinux_btf"
name = vmlinux_btf_name,
vmlinux = name + "/vmlinux",
env = env_target_name,
name = name + "_test",
target = name,
name = name + "_modules_test",
modules = real_outs.get("module_outs"),
_DtsTreeInfo = provider(fields = {
"srcs": "DTS tree sources",
"makefile": "DTS tree makefile",
def _kernel_dtstree_impl(ctx):
return _DtsTreeInfo(
srcs = ctx.files.srcs,
makefile = ctx.file.makefile,
_kernel_dtstree = rule(
implementation = _kernel_dtstree_impl,
attrs = {
"srcs": attr.label_list(doc = "kernel device tree sources", allow_files = True),
"makefile": attr.label(mandatory = True, allow_single_file = True),
def kernel_dtstree(
srcs = None,
makefile = None,
"""Specify a kernel DTS tree.
srcs: sources of the DTS tree. Default is
glob(["**"], exclude = [
makefile: Makefile of the DTS tree. Default is `:Makefile`, i.e. the `Makefile`
at the root of the package.
kwargs: Additional attributes to the internal rule, e.g.
See complete list
if srcs == None:
srcs = native.glob(
exclude = [
if makefile == None:
makefile = ":Makefile"
# This should be the exact list of arguments of kernel_dtstree.
name = name,
srcs = srcs,
makefile = makefile,
def _get_status_cmd(ctx, status_file, var):
return """cat {status} | ( grep -e "^{var} " || true ) | cut -f2- -d' '""".format(
status = status_file.path,
var = var,
def _get_stable_status_cmd(ctx, var):
return _get_status_cmd(ctx, ctx.info_file, var)
def _get_volatile_status_cmd(ctx, var):
return _get_status_cmd(ctx, ctx.version_file, var)
def _get_scmversion_cmd(srctree, scmversion):
"""Return a shell script that sets up .scmversion file in the source tree conditionally.
srctree: Path to the source tree where `setlocalversion` were supposed to run with.
scmversion: The result of executing `setlocalversion` if it were executed on `srctree`.
return """
# Set up scm version
# Save scmversion to .scmversion if .scmversion does not already exist.
# If it does exist, then it is part of "srcs", so respect its value.
# If .git exists, we are not in sandbox. _kernel_config disables
if [[ ! -d {srctree}/.git ]] && [[ ! -f {srctree}/.scmversion ]]; then
if [[ -n "${{scmversion}}" ]]; then
mkdir -p {srctree}
echo $scmversion > {srctree}/.scmversion
srctree = srctree,
scmversion = scmversion,
_KernelEnvInfo = provider(fields = {
"dependencies": "dependencies required to use this environment setup",
"setup": "setup script to initialize the environment",
def _sanitize_label_as_filename(label):
"""Sanitize a Bazel label so it is safe to be used as a filename."""
label_text = str(label)
return "".join([c if c.isalnum() else "_" for c in label_text.elems()])
def _remove_suffix(s, suffix):
if s.endswith(suffix):
return s[:-len(suffix)]
return s
def _kernel_env_impl(ctx):
if ctx.attr._config_is_local[BuildSettingInfo].value and ctx.attr._config_is_stamp[BuildSettingInfo].value:
fail("--config=local cannot be set with --config=stamp. " +
"SCM version cannot be embedded without sandboxing. " +
"See build/kernel/kleaf/")
srcs = [
for s in ctx.files.srcs
if "/build.config" in s.path or s.path.startswith("build.config")
build_config = ctx.file.build_config
kconfig_ext = ctx.file.kconfig_ext
dtstree_makefile = None
dtstree_srcs = []
if ctx.attr.dtstree != None:
dtstree_makefile = ctx.attr.dtstree[_DtsTreeInfo].makefile
dtstree_srcs = ctx.attr.dtstree[_DtsTreeInfo].srcs
setup_env = ctx.file.setup_env
preserve_env = ctx.file.preserve_env
out_file = ctx.actions.declare_file("" %
inputs = [
inputs += srcs
inputs += ctx.attr._hermetic_tools[HermeticToolsInfo].deps
command = ""
command += ctx.attr._hermetic_tools[HermeticToolsInfo].setup
if ctx.attr._debug_annotate_scripts[BuildSettingInfo].value:
command += _debug_trap()
if kconfig_ext:
command += """
export KCONFIG_EXT={kconfig_ext}
kconfig_ext = kconfig_ext.short_path,
if dtstree_makefile:
command += """
export DTSTREE_MAKEFILE={dtstree}
dtstree = dtstree_makefile.short_path,
command += """
# error on failures
set -e
set -o pipefail
if ctx.attr._debug_annotate_scripts[BuildSettingInfo].value:
command += """
command += """
# Run Make in silence mode to suppress most of the info output
# If multiple targets have the same KERNEL_DIR are built simultaneously
# with --spawn_strategy=local, try to isolate their OUT_DIRs.
command += """
export OUT_DIR_SUFFIX={name}
""".format(name = _remove_suffix(_sanitize_label_as_filename(ctx.label), "_env"))
if ctx.attr._config_is_stamp[BuildSettingInfo].value:
command += """
export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=$({source_date_epoch_cmd})
""".format(source_date_epoch_cmd = _get_stable_status_cmd(ctx, "STABLE_SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH"))
command += """
command += """
# create a build environment
source {build_utils_sh}
export BUILD_CONFIG={build_config}
source {setup_env}
# capture it as a file to be sourced in downstream rules
{preserve_env} > {out}
build_utils_sh = ctx.file._build_utils_sh.path,
build_config = build_config.path,
setup_env = setup_env.path,
preserve_env = preserve_env.path,
out = out_file.path,
_debug_print_scripts(ctx, command)
mnemonic = "KernelEnv",
inputs = inputs,
outputs = [out_file],
progress_message = "Creating build environment for %s" %,
command = command,
setup = ""
setup += ctx.attr._hermetic_tools[HermeticToolsInfo].setup
if ctx.attr._debug_annotate_scripts[BuildSettingInfo].value:
setup += _debug_trap()
set_up_jobs_cmd = """
# Increase parallelism # TODO(b/192655643): do not use -j anymore
export MAKEFLAGS="${{MAKEFLAGS}} -j$(
if [[ -n "$make_jobs" ]]; then
echo "$make_jobs"
get_make_jobs_cmd = _get_volatile_status_cmd(ctx, "MAKE_JOBS"),
# For non-release builds, CONFIG_LOCALVERSION_AUTO is disabled. There's no
# need to set up scmversion.
set_up_scmversion_cmd = ""
if ctx.attr._config_is_stamp[BuildSettingInfo].value:
# does not prepend BRANCH and KMI_GENERATION before
# STABLE_SCMVERSION because their values aren't known at that point.
# Hence, mimic the logic in setlocalversion to prepend them.
stable_scmversion_cmd = _get_stable_status_cmd(ctx, "STABLE_SCMVERSION")
# TODO(b/227520025): Remove the following logic in setlocalversion.
# Right now, we need this logic for sandboxed builds. Local builds do not have
# CONFIG_LOCALVERSION_AUTO, so the following logic in setlocalversion is not necessary.
set_up_scmversion_cmd = """
# Extract the Android release version. If there is no match, then return 255
# and clear the variable $android_release
set +e
android_release=$(echo "$BRANCH" | sed -e '/android[0-9]\\{{2,\\}}/!{{q255}}; s/^\\(android[0-9]\\{{2,\\}}\\)-.*/\\1/')
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
set -e
if [[ -n "$KMI_GENERATION" ]] && [[ $(expr $KMI_GENERATION : '^[0-9]\\+$') -eq 0 ]]; then
exit 1
if [[ -n "$stable_scmversion" ]]; then
if [[ -n "$android_release" ]] && [[ -n "$KMI_GENERATION" ]]; then
elif [[ -n "$android_release" ]]; then
stable_scmversion_cmd = stable_scmversion_cmd,
setup_cmd = _get_scmversion_cmd(
srctree = "${ROOT_DIR}/${KERNEL_DIR}",
scmversion = "${scmversion}",
setup += """
# error on failures
set -e
set -o pipefail
# utility functions
source {build_utils_sh}
# source the build environment
source {env}
# re-setup the PATH to also include the hermetic tools, because env completely overwrites
# setup LD_LIBRARY_PATH for prebuilts
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:${{ROOT_DIR}}/{linux_x86_libs_path}
if [ -n "${{KCONFIG_EXT}}" ]; then
export KCONFIG_EXT_PREFIX=$(rel_path $(realpath $(dirname ${{KCONFIG_EXT}})) ${{ROOT_DIR}}/${{KERNEL_DIR}})/
if [ -n "${{DTSTREE_MAKEFILE}}" ]; then
export dtstree=$(rel_path $(realpath $(dirname ${{DTSTREE_MAKEFILE}})) ${{ROOT_DIR}}/${{KERNEL_DIR}})
# For Kleaf local (non-sandbox) builds, $ROOT_DIR is under execroot but
# $ROOT_DIR/$KERNEL_DIR is a symlink to the real source tree under
# workspace root, making $abs_srctree not under $ROOT_DIR.
if [[ "$(realpath ${{ROOT_DIR}}/${{KERNEL_DIR}})" != "${{ROOT_DIR}}/${{KERNEL_DIR}}" ]]; then
export KCPPFLAGS="$KCPPFLAGS -ffile-prefix-map=$(realpath ${{ROOT_DIR}}/${{KERNEL_DIR}})/="
hermetic_tools_additional_setup = ctx.attr._hermetic_tools[HermeticToolsInfo].additional_setup,
env = out_file.path,
build_utils_sh = ctx.file._build_utils_sh.path,
linux_x86_libs_path = ctx.files._linux_x86_libs[0].dirname,
set_up_scmversion_cmd = set_up_scmversion_cmd,
set_up_jobs_cmd = set_up_jobs_cmd,
dependencies = ctx.files._tools + ctx.attr._hermetic_tools[HermeticToolsInfo].deps
dependencies += [
if ctx.attr._config_is_stamp[BuildSettingInfo].value:
if kconfig_ext:
dependencies += dtstree_srcs
return [
dependencies = dependencies,
setup = setup,
DefaultInfo(files = depset([out_file])),
def _get_tools(toolchain_version):
return [
for e in (
"//prebuilts/clang/host/linux-x86/clang-%s:binaries" % toolchain_version,
_KernelToolchainInfo = provider(fields = {
"toolchain_version": "The toolchain version",
"toolchain_version_file": "A file containing the toolchain version",
def _kernel_toolchain_aspect_impl(target, ctx):
if ctx.rule.kind == "_kernel_build":
return ctx.rule.attr.config[_KernelToolchainInfo]
if ctx.rule.kind == "_kernel_config":
return ctx.rule.attr.env[_KernelToolchainInfo]
if ctx.rule.kind == "_kernel_env":
return _KernelToolchainInfo(toolchain_version = ctx.rule.attr.toolchain_version)
if ctx.rule.kind == "kernel_filegroup":
# Create a depset that contains all files referenced by "srcs"
all_srcs = depset([], transitive = [src.files for src in ctx.rule.attr.srcs])
# Traverse this depset and look for a file named "toolchain_version".
# If no file matches, leave it as None so that _kernel_build_check_toolchain prints a
# warning.
toolchain_version_file = find_file(name = TOOLCHAIN_VERSION_FILENAME, files = all_srcs.to_list(), what = ctx.label)
return _KernelToolchainInfo(toolchain_version_file = toolchain_version_file)
fail("{label}: Unable to get toolchain info because {kind} is not supported.".format(
kind = ctx.rule.kind,
label = ctx.label,
_kernel_toolchain_aspect = aspect(
implementation = _kernel_toolchain_aspect_impl,
doc = "An aspect describing the toolchain of a `_kernel_build`, `_kernel_config`, or `_kernel_env` rule.",
attr_aspects = [
_kernel_env = rule(
implementation = _kernel_env_impl,
doc = """Generates a rule that generates a source-able build environment.
A build environment is defined by a single entry build config file
that can refer to further build config files.
name = "kernel_aarch64_env,
build_config = "build.config.gki.aarch64",
srcs = glob(["build.config.*"]),
attrs = {
"build_config": attr.label(
mandatory = True,
allow_single_file = True,
doc = "label referring to the main build config",
"srcs": attr.label_list(
mandatory = True,
allow_files = True,
doc = """labels that this build config refers to, including itself.
E.g. ["build.config.gki.aarch64", "build.config.gki"]""",
"setup_env": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
default = Label("//build/"),
doc = "label referring to",
"preserve_env": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
default = Label("//build/kernel/"),
doc = "label referring to the script capturing the environment",
"toolchain_version": attr.string(
doc = "the toolchain to use for this environment",
default = CLANG_VERSION,
"kconfig_ext": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
doc = "an external Kconfig.ext file sourced by the base kernel",
"dtstree": attr.label(
providers = [_DtsTreeInfo],
doc = "Device tree",
"_tools": attr.label_list(default = _get_tools),
"_hermetic_tools": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel:hermetic-tools", providers = [HermeticToolsInfo]),
"_build_utils_sh": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
default = Label("//build/"),
"_debug_annotate_scripts": attr.label(
default = "//build/kernel/kleaf:debug_annotate_scripts",
"_config_is_local": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel/kleaf:config_local"),
"_config_is_stamp": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel/kleaf:config_stamp"),
"_debug_print_scripts": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel/kleaf:debug_print_scripts"),
"_linux_x86_libs": attr.label(default = "//prebuilts/kernel-build-tools:linux-x86-libs"),
def _determine_raw_symbollist_path(ctx):
"""A local action that stores the path to `abi_symbollist.raw` to a file object."""
# Use a local action so we get an absolute path in the execroot that
# does not tear down as sandbxes. Then write the absolute path into the
# abi_symbollist.raw.abspath.
# In practice, the absolute path looks something like:
# /<workspace_root>/out/bazel/output_user_root/<hash>/execroot/__main__/bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/common/kernel_aarch64_raw_kmi_symbol_list/abi_symbollist.raw
# Alternatively, we could use a relative path. However,
# interprets relative paths as paths relative to $abs_srctree, which
# is $(realpath $ROOT_DIR/$KERNEL_DIR). The $abs_srctree is:
# - A path within the sandbox for sandbox actions
# - /<workspace_root>/$KERNEL_DIR for local actions
# Whether KernelConfig is executed in a sandbox may not be consistent with
# whether a dependant action is executed in a sandbox. This causes the
# interpretation of CONFIG_UNUSED_KSYMS_WHITELIST inconsistent in the
# two actions. Hence, we stick with absolute paths.
# NOTE: This may hurt remote caching for developer builds. We may want to
# re-visit this when we implement remote caching for developers.
abspath = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}/abi_symbollist.raw.abspath".format(
command = ctx.attr._hermetic_tools[HermeticToolsInfo].setup + """
# Record the absolute path so we can use in .config
readlink -e {raw_kmi_symbol_list} > {abspath}
abspath = abspath.path,
raw_kmi_symbol_list = ctx.file.raw_kmi_symbol_list.path,
command = command,
inputs = ctx.attr._hermetic_tools[HermeticToolsInfo].deps + [ctx.file.raw_kmi_symbol_list],
outputs = [abspath],
mnemonic = "KernelConfigLocalRawSymbolList",
progress_message = "Determining raw symbol list path for trimming {}".format(ctx.label),
execution_requirements = {
"local": "1",
return abspath
def _kernel_config_impl(ctx):
inputs = [
for s in ctx.files.srcs
if any([token in s.path for token in [
config = ctx.outputs.config
include_dir = ctx.actions.declare_directory( + "_include")
scmversion_command = ""
if not ctx.attr._config_is_stamp[BuildSettingInfo].value:
scmversion_command = """
${KERNEL_DIR}/scripts/config --file ${OUT_DIR}/.config -d LOCALVERSION_AUTO
make -C ${KERNEL_DIR} ${TOOL_ARGS} O=${OUT_DIR} olddefconfig
lto_config_flag = ctx.attr.lto[BuildSettingInfo].value
lto_command = ""
if lto_config_flag != "default":
# none config
lto_config = {
"LTO_CLANG": "d",
"LTO_NONE": "e",
"THINLTO": "d",
if lto_config_flag == "thin":
LTO_CLANG = "e",
LTO_NONE = "d",
THINLTO = "e",
elif lto_config_flag == "full":
LTO_CLANG = "e",
LTO_NONE = "d",
lto_command = """
${{KERNEL_DIR}}/scripts/config --file ${{OUT_DIR}}/.config {configs}
make -C ${{KERNEL_DIR}} ${{TOOL_ARGS}} O=${{OUT_DIR}} olddefconfig
""".format(configs = " ".join([
"-%s %s" % (value, key)
for key, value in lto_config.items()
if ctx.attr.trim_nonlisted_kmi and not ctx.file.raw_kmi_symbol_list:
fail("{}: trim_nonlisted_kmi is set but raw_kmi_symbol_list is empty.".format(ctx.label))
trim_kmi_command = ""
if ctx.attr.trim_nonlisted_kmi:
raw_symbol_list_path_file = _determine_raw_symbollist_path(ctx)
trim_kmi_command = """
# Modify .config to trim symbols not listed in KMI
${{KERNEL_DIR}}/scripts/config --file ${{OUT_DIR}}/.config \\
--set-str UNUSED_KSYMS_WHITELIST $(cat {raw_symbol_list_path_file})
make -C ${{KERNEL_DIR}} ${{TOOL_ARGS}} O=${{OUT_DIR}} olddefconfig
raw_symbol_list_path_file = raw_symbol_list_path_file.path,
command = ctx.attr.env[_KernelEnvInfo].setup + """
# Pre-defconfig commands
# Actual defconfig
make -C ${{KERNEL_DIR}} ${{TOOL_ARGS}} O=${{OUT_DIR}} ${{DEFCONFIG}}
# Post-defconfig commands
# SCM version configuration
# LTO configuration
# Trim nonlisted symbols
# HACK: run syncconfig to avoid re-triggerring kernel_build
make -C ${{KERNEL_DIR}} ${{TOOL_ARGS}} O=${{OUT_DIR}} syncconfig
# Grab outputs
rsync -aL ${{OUT_DIR}}/.config {config}
rsync -aL ${{OUT_DIR}}/include/ {include_dir}/
config = config.path,
include_dir = include_dir.path,
scmversion_command = scmversion_command,
lto_command = lto_command,
trim_kmi_command = trim_kmi_command,
_debug_print_scripts(ctx, command)
mnemonic = "KernelConfig",
inputs = inputs,
outputs = [config, include_dir],
tools = ctx.attr.env[_KernelEnvInfo].dependencies,
progress_message = "Creating kernel config %s" %,
command = command,
setup_deps = ctx.attr.env[_KernelEnvInfo].dependencies + \
[config, include_dir]
setup = ctx.attr.env[_KernelEnvInfo].setup + """
# Restore kernel config inputs
mkdir -p ${{OUT_DIR}}/include/
rsync -aL {config} ${{OUT_DIR}}/.config
rsync -aL {include_dir}/ ${{OUT_DIR}}/include/
find ${{OUT_DIR}}/include -type d -exec chmod +w {{}} \\;
""".format(config = config.path, include_dir = include_dir.path)
if ctx.attr.trim_nonlisted_kmi:
# Ensure the dependent action uses the up-to-date abi_symbollist.raw
# at the absolute path specified in abi_symbollist.raw.abspath
return [
dependencies = setup_deps,
setup = setup,
DefaultInfo(files = depset([config, include_dir])),
_kernel_config = rule(
implementation = _kernel_config_impl,
doc = "Defines a kernel config target.",
attrs = {
"env": attr.label(
mandatory = True,
providers = [_KernelEnvInfo],
doc = "environment target that defines the kernel build environment",
"srcs": attr.label_list(mandatory = True, doc = "kernel sources", allow_files = True),
"config": attr.output(mandatory = True, doc = "the .config file"),
"lto": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel/kleaf:lto"),
"trim_nonlisted_kmi": attr.bool(doc = "If true, modify the config to trim non-listed symbols."),
"raw_kmi_symbol_list": attr.label(
doc = "Label to abi_symbollist.raw.",
allow_single_file = True,
"_hermetic_tools": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel:hermetic-tools", providers = [HermeticToolsInfo]),
"_config_is_stamp": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel/kleaf:config_stamp"),
"_debug_print_scripts": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel/kleaf:debug_print_scripts"),
def _kmi_symbol_list_impl(ctx):
if not ctx.files.srcs:
inputs = [] + ctx.files.srcs
inputs += ctx.attr.env[_KernelEnvInfo].dependencies
inputs += ctx.files._kernel_abi_scripts
outputs = []
out_file = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}/abi_symbollist".format(
report_file = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}/".format(
outputs = [out_file, report_file]
command = ctx.attr.env[_KernelEnvInfo].setup + """
mkdir -p {out_dir}
{process_symbols} --out-dir={out_dir} --out-file={out_file_base} \
--report-file={report_file_base} --in-dir="${{ROOT_DIR}}/${{KERNEL_DIR}}" \
process_symbols = ctx.file._process_symbols.path,
out_dir = out_file.dirname,
out_file_base = out_file.basename,
report_file_base = report_file.basename,
srcs = " ".join(["$(rel_path {} ${{ROOT_DIR}}/${{KERNEL_DIR}})".format(f.path) for f in ctx.files.srcs]),
_debug_print_scripts(ctx, command)
mnemonic = "KmiSymbolList",
inputs = inputs,
outputs = outputs,
progress_message = "Creating abi_symbollist and report {}".format(ctx.label),
command = command,
return [
DefaultInfo(files = depset(outputs)),
OutputGroupInfo(abi_symbollist = depset([out_file])),
_kmi_symbol_list = rule(
implementation = _kmi_symbol_list_impl,
doc = "Build abi_symbollist if there are sources, otherwise don't build anything",
attrs = {
"env": attr.label(
mandatory = True,
providers = [_KernelEnvInfo],
doc = "environment target that defines the kernel build environment",
"srcs": attr.label_list(
allow_files = True,
"_kernel_abi_scripts": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel:kernel-abi-scripts"),
"_process_symbols": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel:abi/process_symbols", allow_single_file = True),
"_debug_print_scripts": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel/kleaf:debug_print_scripts"),
def _raw_kmi_symbol_list_impl(ctx):
if not ctx.file.src:
inputs = [ctx.file.src]
inputs += ctx.files._kernel_abi_scripts
inputs += ctx.attr.env[_KernelEnvInfo].dependencies
out_file = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}/abi_symbollist.raw".format(
command = ctx.attr.env[_KernelEnvInfo].setup + """
mkdir -p {out_dir}
cat {src} | {flatten_symbol_list} > {out_file}
out_dir = out_file.dirname,
flatten_symbol_list = ctx.file._flatten_symbol_list.path,
out_file = out_file.path,
src = ctx.file.src.path,
_debug_print_scripts(ctx, command)
mnemonic = "RawKmiSymbolList",
inputs = inputs,
outputs = [out_file],
progress_message = "Creating abi_symbollist.raw {}".format(ctx.label),
command = command,
return DefaultInfo(files = depset([out_file]))
_raw_kmi_symbol_list = rule(
implementation = _raw_kmi_symbol_list_impl,
doc = "Build `abi_symbollist.raw` if `src` refers to a file, otherwise don't build anything",
attrs = {
"env": attr.label(
mandatory = True,
providers = [_KernelEnvInfo],
doc = "environment target that defines the kernel build environment",
"src": attr.label(
doc = "Label to `abi_symbollist`",
allow_single_file = True,
"_kernel_abi_scripts": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel:kernel-abi-scripts"),
"_flatten_symbol_list": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel:abi/flatten_symbol_list", allow_single_file = True),
"_debug_print_scripts": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel/kleaf:debug_print_scripts"),
_KernelBuildInfo = provider(fields = {
"out_dir_kernel_headers_tar": "Archive containing headers in `OUT_DIR`",
"outs": "A list of File object corresponding to the `outs` attribute (excluding `module_outs`, `implicit_outs` and `internal_outs`)",
"base_kernel_files": "[Default outputs]( of the rule specified by `base_kernel`",
"interceptor_output": "`interceptor` log. See [`interceptor`]( project.",
_KernelBuildExtModuleInfo = provider(
doc = "A provider that specifies the expectations of a `_kernel_module` (an external module) or a `kernel_modules_install` from its `kernel_build` attribute.",
fields = {
"modules_staging_archive": "Archive containing staging kernel modules. " +
"Does not contain the lib/modules/* suffix.",
"module_srcs": "sources for this kernel_build for building external modules",
"modules_prepare_setup": "A command that is equivalent to running `make modules_prepare`. Requires env setup.",
"modules_prepare_deps": "A list of deps to run `modules_prepare_cmd`.",
"collect_unstripped_modules": "Whether an external [`kernel_module`](#kernel_module) building against this [`kernel_build`](#kernel_build) should provide unstripped ones for debugging.",
_KernelBuildUapiInfo = provider(
doc = "A provider that specifies the expecation of a `merged_uapi_headers` rule from its `kernel_build` attribute.",
fields = {
"base_kernel": "the `base_kernel` target, if exists",
"kernel_uapi_headers": "the `*_kernel_uapi_headers` target",
_KernelBuildAbiInfo = provider(
doc = "A provider that specifies the expectations of a [`kernel_abi`](#kernel_abi) on a `kernel_build`.",
fields = {
"trim_nonlisted_kmi": "Value of `trim_nonlisted_kmi` in [`kernel_build()`](#kernel_build).",
"combined_abi_symbollist": "The **combined** `abi_symbollist` file from the `_kmi_symbol_list` rule, consist of the source `kmi_symbol_list` and `additional_kmi_symbol_lists`.",
_KernelUnstrippedModulesInfo = provider(
doc = "A provider that provides unstripped modules",
fields = {
"base_kernel": "the `base_kernel` target, if exists",
"directory": """A [`File`]( that
points to a directory containing unstripped modules.
For [`kernel_build()`](#kernel_build), this is a directory containing unstripped in-tree modules.
- This is `None` if and only if `collect_unstripped_modules = False`
- Never `None` if and only if `collect_unstripped_modules = True`
- An empty directory if and only if `collect_unstripped_modules = True` and `module_outs` is empty
For an external [`kernel_module()`](#kernel_module), this is a directory containing unstripped external modules.
- This is `None` if and only if the `kernel_build` argument has `collect_unstripped_modules = False`
- Never `None` if and only if the `kernel_build` argument has `collect_unstripped_modules = True`
_SrcsInfo = provider(fields = {
"srcs": "The srcs attribute of a rule.",
def _srcs_aspect_impl(target, ctx):
return [_SrcsInfo(srcs = getoptattr(ctx.rule.attr, "srcs"))]
_srcs_aspect = aspect(
implementation = _srcs_aspect_impl,
doc = "An aspect that retrieves srcs attribute from a rule.",
attr_aspects = ["srcs"],
def _kernel_build_check_toolchain(ctx):
Check toolchain_version is the same as base_kernel.
base_kernel = ctx.attr.base_kernel
this_toolchain = ctx.attr.config[_KernelToolchainInfo].toolchain_version
base_toolchain = getoptattr(base_kernel[_KernelToolchainInfo], "toolchain_version")
base_toolchain_file = getoptattr(base_kernel[_KernelToolchainInfo], "toolchain_version_file")
if base_toolchain == None and base_toolchain_file == None:
print(("\nWARNING: {this_label}: No check is performed between the toolchain " +
"version of the base build ({base_kernel}) and the toolchain version of " +
"{this_name} ({this_toolchain}), because the toolchain version of {base_kernel} " +
"is unknown.").format(
this_label = ctx.label,
base_kernel = base_kernel.label,
this_name =,
this_toolchain = this_toolchain,
if base_toolchain != None and this_toolchain != base_toolchain:
ERROR: `toolchain_version` is "{this_toolchain}" for "{this_label}", but
`toolchain_version` is "{base_toolchain}" for "{base_kernel}" (`base_kernel`).
They must use the same `toolchain_version`.
Fix by setting `toolchain_version` of "{this_label}"
to be the one used by "{base_kernel}".
If "{base_kernel}" does not set `toolchain_version` explicitly, do not set
`toolchain_version` for "{this_label}" either.
this_label = ctx.label,
this_toolchain = this_toolchain,
base_kernel = base_kernel.label,
base_toolchain = base_toolchain,
if base_toolchain_file != None:
out = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}_toolchain_version/toolchain_version_checked".format(
base_toolchain = "$(cat {})".format(base_toolchain_file.path)
msg = """ERROR: toolchain_version is {this_toolchain} for {this_label}, but
toolchain_version is {base_toolchain} for {base_kernel} (base_kernel).
They must use the same toolchain_version.
Fix by setting toolchain_version of {this_label} to be {base_toolchain}.
this_label = ctx.label,
this_toolchain = this_toolchain,
base_kernel = base_kernel.label,
base_toolchain = base_toolchain,
command = ctx.attr._hermetic_tools[HermeticToolsInfo].setup + """
# Check toolchain_version against base kernel
if ! diff <(cat {base_toolchain_file}) <(echo "{this_toolchain}") > /dev/null; then
echo "{msg}" >&2
exit 1
touch {out}
base_toolchain_file = base_toolchain_file.path,
this_toolchain = this_toolchain,
msg = msg,
out = out.path,
_debug_print_scripts(ctx, command, what = "check_toolchain")
mnemonic = "KernelBuildCheckToolchain",
inputs = [base_toolchain_file] + ctx.attr._hermetic_tools[HermeticToolsInfo].deps,
outputs = [out],
command = command,
progress_message = "Checking toolchain version against base kernel {}".format(ctx.label),
return out
def _kernel_build_dump_toolchain_version(ctx):
this_toolchain = ctx.attr.config[_KernelToolchainInfo].toolchain_version
out = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}_toolchain_version/{}".format(, TOOLCHAIN_VERSION_FILENAME))
output = out,
content = this_toolchain + "\n",
return out
def _kmi_symbol_list_strict_mode(ctx, all_output_files, all_module_names_file):
if not ctx.attr.kmi_symbol_list_strict_mode:
return None
if not ctx.file.raw_kmi_symbol_list:
fail("{}: kmi_symbol_list_strict_mode requires kmi_symbol_list or additional_kmi_symbol_lists.")
vmlinux = all_output_files["outs"].get("vmlinux")
if not vmlinux:
fail("{}: with kmi_symbol_list_strict_mode, outs does not contain vmlinux")
module_symvers = all_output_files["internal_outs"].get("Module.symvers")
if not module_symvers:
fail("{}: with kmi_symbol_list_strict_mode, outs does not contain module_symvers")
inputs = [
inputs += ctx.files._kernel_abi_scripts
inputs += ctx.attr.config[_KernelEnvInfo].dependencies
out = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}_kmi_strict_out/kmi_symbol_list_strict_mode_checked".format(
command = ctx.attr.config[_KernelEnvInfo].setup + """
KMI_STRICT_MODE_OBJECTS="{vmlinux_base} $(cat {all_module_names_file} | sed 's/\\.ko$//')" {compare_to_symbol_list} {module_symvers} {raw_kmi_symbol_list}
touch {out}
vmlinux_base = vmlinux.basename, # A fancy way of saying "vmlinux"
all_module_names_file = all_module_names_file.path,
compare_to_symbol_list = ctx.file._compare_to_symbol_list.path,
module_symvers = module_symvers.path,
raw_kmi_symbol_list = ctx.file.raw_kmi_symbol_list.path,
out = out.path,
_debug_print_scripts(ctx, command, what = "kmi_symbol_list_strict_mode")
mnemonic = "KernelBuildKmiSymbolListStrictMode",
inputs = inputs,
outputs = [out],
command = command,
progress_message = "Checking for kmi_symbol_list_strict_mode {}".format(ctx.label),
return out
def _kernel_build_impl(ctx):
kbuild_mixed_tree = None
base_kernel_files = []
check_toolchain_out = None
if ctx.attr.base_kernel:
check_toolchain_out = _kernel_build_check_toolchain(ctx)
# Create a directory for KBUILD_MIXED_TREE. Flatten the directory structure of the files
# that ctx.attr.base_kernel provides. declare_directory is sufficient because the directory should
# only change when the dependent ctx.attr.base_kernel changes.
kbuild_mixed_tree = ctx.actions.declare_directory("{}_kbuild_mixed_tree".format(
base_kernel_files = ctx.files.base_kernel
kbuild_mixed_tree_command = ctx.attr._hermetic_tools[HermeticToolsInfo].setup + """
# Restore GKI artifacts for mixed build
export KBUILD_MIXED_TREE=$(realpath {kbuild_mixed_tree})
mkdir -p ${{KBUILD_MIXED_TREE}}
for base_kernel_file in {base_kernel_files}; do
ln -s $(readlink -m ${{base_kernel_file}}) ${{KBUILD_MIXED_TREE}}
base_kernel_files = " ".join([file.path for file in base_kernel_files]),
kbuild_mixed_tree = kbuild_mixed_tree.path,
_debug_print_scripts(ctx, kbuild_mixed_tree_command, what = "kbuild_mixed_tree")
mnemonic = "KernelBuildKbuildMixedTree",
inputs = base_kernel_files + ctx.attr._hermetic_tools[HermeticToolsInfo].deps,
outputs = [kbuild_mixed_tree],
progress_message = "Creating KBUILD_MIXED_TREE",
command = kbuild_mixed_tree_command,
ruledir = ctx.actions.declare_directory(
inputs = [
inputs += ctx.files.srcs
inputs += ctx.files.deps
if check_toolchain_out:
if kbuild_mixed_tree:
# kernel_build(name="kernel", outs=["out"])
# => _kernel_build(name="kernel", outs=["kernel/out"], internal_outs=["kernel/Module.symvers", ...])
# => all_output_names = ["foo", "Module.symvers", ...]
# all_output_files = {"out": {"foo": File(...)}, "internal_outs": {"Module.symvers": File(...)}, ...}
all_output_files = {}
for attr in ("outs", "module_outs", "implicit_outs", "internal_outs"):
all_output_files[attr] = {name: ctx.actions.declare_file("{}/{}".format(, name)) for name in getattr(ctx.attr, attr)}
all_output_names_minus_modules = []
for attr, d in all_output_files.items():
if attr != "module_outs":
all_output_names_minus_modules += d.keys()
# A file containing all module_outs
all_module_names = all_output_files["module_outs"].keys()
all_module_names_file = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}_all_module_names/all_module_names.txt".format(
output = all_module_names_file,
content = "\n".join(all_module_names) + "\n",
all_module_basenames_file = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}_all_module_names/all_module_basenames.txt".format(
output = all_module_basenames_file,
content = "\n".join([paths.basename(filename) for filename in all_module_names]) + "\n",
modules_staging_archive = ctx.actions.declare_file(
"{name}/modules_staging_dir.tar.gz".format(name =,
out_dir_kernel_headers_tar = ctx.actions.declare_file(
"{name}/out-dir-kernel-headers.tar.gz".format(name =,
interceptor_output = None
if ctx.attr.enable_interceptor:
interceptor_output = ctx.actions.declare_file("{name}/interceptor_output.bin".format(name =
modules_staging_dir = modules_staging_archive.dirname + "/staging"
unstripped_dir = None
if ctx.attr.collect_unstripped_modules:
unstripped_dir = ctx.actions.declare_directory("{name}/unstripped".format(name =
# all outputs that |command| generates
command_outputs = [
if interceptor_output:
for d in all_output_files.values():
command_outputs += d.values()
if unstripped_dir:
command = ""
command += ctx.attr.config[_KernelEnvInfo].setup
interceptor_command_prefix = ""
if interceptor_output:
interceptor_command_prefix = "interceptor -r -l {interceptor_output} --".format(
interceptor_output = interceptor_output.path,
if kbuild_mixed_tree:
command += """
export KBUILD_MIXED_TREE=$(realpath {kbuild_mixed_tree})
kbuild_mixed_tree = kbuild_mixed_tree.path,
grab_intree_modules_cmd = ""
if all_module_names:
grab_intree_modules_cmd = """
{search_and_cp_output} --srcdir {modules_staging_dir}/lib/modules/*/kernel --dstdir {ruledir} $(cat {all_module_names_file})
search_and_cp_output = ctx.file._search_and_cp_output.path,
modules_staging_dir = modules_staging_dir,
ruledir = ruledir.path,
all_module_names_file = all_module_names_file.path,
grab_unstripped_intree_modules_cmd = ""
if all_module_names and unstripped_dir:
grab_unstripped_intree_modules_cmd = """
mkdir -p {unstripped_dir}
{search_and_cp_output} --srcdir ${{OUT_DIR}} --dstdir {unstripped_dir} $(cat {all_module_basenames_file})
search_and_cp_output = ctx.file._search_and_cp_output.path,
unstripped_dir = unstripped_dir.path,
all_module_basenames_file = all_module_basenames_file.path,
command += """
# Actual kernel build
{interceptor_command_prefix} make -C ${{KERNEL_DIR}} ${{TOOL_ARGS}} O=${{OUT_DIR}} ${{MAKE_GOALS}}
# Set variables and create dirs for modules
if [ "${{DO_NOT_STRIP_MODULES}}" != "1" ]; then
mkdir -p {modules_staging_dir}
# Install modules
make -C ${{KERNEL_DIR}} ${{TOOL_ARGS}} DEPMOD=true O=${{OUT_DIR}} ${{module_strip_flag}} INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$(realpath {modules_staging_dir}) modules_install
# Archive headers in OUT_DIR
find ${{OUT_DIR}} -name *.h -print0 \
| tar czf {out_dir_kernel_headers_tar} \
--absolute-names \
--dereference \
--transform "s,.*$OUT_DIR,," \
--transform "s,^/,," \
--null -T -
# Grab outputs. If unable to find from OUT_DIR, look at KBUILD_MIXED_TREE as well.
{search_and_cp_output} --srcdir ${{OUT_DIR}} {kbuild_mixed_tree_arg} {dtstree_arg} --dstdir {ruledir} {all_output_names_minus_modules}
# Archive modules_staging_dir
tar czf {modules_staging_archive} -C {modules_staging_dir} .
# Grab in-tree modules
# Grab unstripped in-tree modules
# Check if there are remaining *.ko files
remaining_ko_files=$({check_declared_output_list} \\
--declared $(cat {all_module_names_file}) \\
--actual $(cd {modules_staging_dir}/lib/modules/*/kernel && find . -type f -name '*.ko' | sed 's:^[.]/::'))
if [[ ${{remaining_ko_files}} ]]; then
echo "ERROR: The following kernel modules are built but not copied. Add these lines to the module_outs attribute of {label}:" >&2
for ko in ${{remaining_ko_files}}; do
echo ' "'"${{ko}}"'",' >&2
exit 1
# Clean up staging directories
rm -rf {modules_staging_dir}
check_declared_output_list = ctx.file._check_declared_output_list.path,
search_and_cp_output = ctx.file._search_and_cp_output.path,
kbuild_mixed_tree_arg = "--srcdir ${KBUILD_MIXED_TREE}" if kbuild_mixed_tree else "",
dtstree_arg = "--srcdir ${OUT_DIR}/${dtstree}",
ruledir = ruledir.path,
all_output_names_minus_modules = " ".join(all_output_names_minus_modules),
grab_intree_modules_cmd = grab_intree_modules_cmd,
grab_unstripped_intree_modules_cmd = grab_unstripped_intree_modules_cmd,
all_module_names_file = all_module_names_file.path,
modules_staging_dir = modules_staging_dir,
modules_staging_archive = modules_staging_archive.path,
out_dir_kernel_headers_tar = out_dir_kernel_headers_tar.path,
interceptor_command_prefix = interceptor_command_prefix,
label = ctx.label,
_debug_print_scripts(ctx, command)
mnemonic = "KernelBuild",
inputs = inputs,
outputs = command_outputs,
tools = ctx.attr.config[_KernelEnvInfo].dependencies,
progress_message = "Building kernel %s" %,
command = command,
toolchain_version_out = _kernel_build_dump_toolchain_version(ctx)
kmi_strict_mode_out = _kmi_symbol_list_strict_mode(ctx, all_output_files, all_module_names_file)
# Only outs and internal_outs are needed. But for simplicity, copy the full {ruledir}
# which includes module_outs and implicit_outs too.
env_info_dependencies = []
env_info_dependencies += ctx.attr.config[_KernelEnvInfo].dependencies
for d in all_output_files.values():
env_info_dependencies += d.values()
env_info_setup = ctx.attr.config[_KernelEnvInfo].setup + """
# Restore kernel build outputs
cp -R {ruledir}/* ${{OUT_DIR}}
""".format(ruledir = ruledir.path)
if kbuild_mixed_tree:
env_info_setup += """
export KBUILD_MIXED_TREE=$(realpath {kbuild_mixed_tree})
""".format(kbuild_mixed_tree = kbuild_mixed_tree.path)
env_info = _KernelEnvInfo(
dependencies = env_info_dependencies,
setup = env_info_setup,
module_srcs = _filter_module_srcs(ctx.files.srcs)
kernel_build_info = _KernelBuildInfo(
out_dir_kernel_headers_tar = out_dir_kernel_headers_tar,
outs = all_output_files["outs"].values(),
base_kernel_files = base_kernel_files,
interceptor_output = interceptor_output,
kernel_build_module_info = _KernelBuildExtModuleInfo(
modules_staging_archive = modules_staging_archive,
module_srcs = module_srcs,
modules_prepare_setup = ctx.attr.modules_prepare[_KernelEnvInfo].setup,
modules_prepare_deps = ctx.attr.modules_prepare[_KernelEnvInfo].dependencies,
collect_unstripped_modules = ctx.attr.collect_unstripped_modules,
kernel_build_uapi_info = _KernelBuildUapiInfo(
base_kernel = ctx.attr.base_kernel,
kernel_uapi_headers = ctx.attr.kernel_uapi_headers,
kernel_build_abi_info = _KernelBuildAbiInfo(
trim_nonlisted_kmi = ctx.attr.trim_nonlisted_kmi,
combined_abi_symbollist = ctx.file.combined_abi_symbollist,
kernel_unstripped_modules_info = _KernelUnstrippedModulesInfo(
base_kernel = ctx.attr.base_kernel,
directory = unstripped_dir,
output_group_kwargs = {}
for d in all_output_files.values():
output_group_kwargs.update({name: depset([file]) for name, file in d.items()})
output_group_kwargs["modules_staging_archive"] = depset([modules_staging_archive])
output_group_info = OutputGroupInfo(**output_group_kwargs)
default_info_files = all_output_files["outs"].values() + all_output_files["module_outs"].values()
if kmi_strict_mode_out:
default_info = DefaultInfo(
files = depset(default_info_files),
# For kernel_build_test
runfiles = ctx.runfiles(files = default_info_files),
return [
_kernel_build = rule(
implementation = _kernel_build_impl,
doc = "Defines a kernel build target.",
attrs = {
"config": attr.label(
mandatory = True,
providers = [_KernelEnvInfo],
aspects = [_kernel_toolchain_aspect],
doc = "the kernel_config target",
"srcs": attr.label_list(mandatory = True, doc = "kernel sources", allow_files = True),
"outs": attr.string_list(),
"module_outs": attr.string_list(doc = "output *.ko files"),
"internal_outs": attr.string_list(doc = "Like `outs`, but not in dist"),
"implicit_outs": attr.string_list(doc = "Like `outs`, but not in dist"),
"_check_declared_output_list": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
default = Label("//build/kernel/"),
"_search_and_cp_output": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
default = Label("//build/kernel/"),
doc = "label referring to the script to process outputs",
"deps": attr.label_list(
allow_files = True,
"base_kernel": attr.label(
aspects = [_kernel_toolchain_aspect],
"kmi_symbol_list_strict_mode": attr.bool(),
"raw_kmi_symbol_list": attr.label(
doc = "Label to abi_symbollist.raw.",
allow_single_file = True,
"collect_unstripped_modules": attr.bool(),
"enable_interceptor": attr.bool(),
"_kernel_abi_scripts": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel:kernel-abi-scripts"),
"_compare_to_symbol_list": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel:abi/compare_to_symbol_list", allow_single_file = True),
"_hermetic_tools": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel:hermetic-tools", providers = [HermeticToolsInfo]),
"_debug_print_scripts": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel/kleaf:debug_print_scripts"),
# Though these rules are unrelated to the `_kernel_build` rule, they are added as fake
# dependencies so _KernelBuildExtModuleInfo and _KernelBuildUapiInfo works.
# There are no real dependencies. Bazel does not build these targets before building the
# `_kernel_build` target.
"modules_prepare": attr.label(),
"kernel_uapi_headers": attr.label(),
"trim_nonlisted_kmi": attr.bool(),
"combined_abi_symbollist": attr.label(allow_single_file = True, doc = "The **combined** `abi_symbollist` file, consist of `kmi_symbol_list` and `additional_kmi_symbol_lists`."),
def _modules_prepare_impl(ctx):
command = ctx.attr.config[_KernelEnvInfo].setup + """
# Prepare for the module build
make -C ${{KERNEL_DIR}} ${{TOOL_ARGS}} O=${{OUT_DIR}} KERNEL_SRC=${{ROOT_DIR}}/${{KERNEL_DIR}} modules_prepare
# Package files
tar czf {outdir_tar_gz} -C ${{OUT_DIR}} .
""".format(outdir_tar_gz = ctx.outputs.outdir_tar_gz.path)
_debug_print_scripts(ctx, command)
mnemonic = "ModulesPrepare",
inputs = ctx.files.srcs,
outputs = [ctx.outputs.outdir_tar_gz],
tools = ctx.attr.config[_KernelEnvInfo].dependencies,
progress_message = "Preparing for module build %s" % ctx.label,
command = command,
setup = """
# Restore modules_prepare outputs. Assumes env setup.
[ -z ${{OUT_DIR}} ] && echo "ERROR: modules_prepare setup run without OUT_DIR set!" >&2 && exit 1
tar xf {outdir_tar_gz} -C ${{OUT_DIR}}
""".format(outdir_tar_gz = ctx.outputs.outdir_tar_gz.path)
return [_KernelEnvInfo(
dependencies = [ctx.outputs.outdir_tar_gz],
setup = setup,
_modules_prepare = rule(
implementation = _modules_prepare_impl,
attrs = {
"config": attr.label(
mandatory = True,
providers = [_KernelEnvInfo],
doc = "the kernel_config target",
"srcs": attr.label_list(mandatory = True, doc = "kernel sources", allow_files = True),
"outdir_tar_gz": attr.output(
mandatory = True,
doc = "the packaged ${OUT_DIR} files",
"_debug_print_scripts": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel/kleaf:debug_print_scripts"),
_KernelModuleInfo = provider(fields = {
"kernel_build": "kernel_build attribute of this module",
"modules_staging_dws": "`directory_with_structure` containing staging kernel modules. " +
"Contains the lib/modules/* suffix.",
"kernel_uapi_headers_dws": "`directory_with_structure` containing UAPI headers to use the module.",
"files": "The list of output `*.ko` files.",
def _check_kernel_build(kernel_modules, kernel_build, this_label):
"""Check that kernel_modules have the same kernel_build as the given one.
kernel_modules: the attribute of kernel_module dependencies. Should be
an attribute of a list of labels.
kernel_build: the attribute of kernel_build. Should be an attribute of
a label.
this_label: label of the module being checked.
for kernel_module in kernel_modules:
if kernel_module[_KernelModuleInfo].kernel_build.label != \
"{this_label} refers to kernel_build {kernel_build}, but " +
"depended kernel_module {dep} refers to kernel_build " +
"{dep_kernel_build}. They must refer to the same kernel_build."
this_label = this_label,
kernel_build = kernel_build.label,
dep = kernel_module.label,
dep_kernel_build = kernel_module[_KernelModuleInfo].kernel_build.label,
def _kernel_module_impl(ctx):
_check_kernel_build(ctx.attr.kernel_module_deps, ctx.attr.kernel_build, ctx.label)
inputs = []
inputs += ctx.files.srcs
inputs += ctx.attr.kernel_build[_KernelEnvInfo].dependencies
inputs += ctx.attr.kernel_build[_KernelBuildExtModuleInfo].modules_prepare_deps
inputs += ctx.attr.kernel_build[_KernelBuildExtModuleInfo].module_srcs
inputs += ctx.files.makefile
inputs += [
for kernel_module_dep in ctx.attr.kernel_module_deps:
inputs += kernel_module_dep[_KernelEnvInfo].dependencies
if ctx.attr._config_is_stamp[BuildSettingInfo].value:
modules_staging_dws = dws.make(ctx, "{}/staging".format(
kernel_uapi_headers_dws = dws.make(ctx, "{}/kernel-uapi-headers.tar.gz_staging".format(
outdir =
unstripped_dir = None
if ctx.attr.kernel_build[_KernelBuildExtModuleInfo].collect_unstripped_modules:
unstripped_dir = ctx.actions.declare_directory("{name}/unstripped".format(name =
# Original `outs` attribute of `kernel_module` macro.
original_outs = []
# apply basename to all of original_outs
original_outs_base = []
for out in ctx.outputs.outs:
# outdir includes target name at the end already. So short_name is the original
# token in `outs` of `kernel_module` macro.
# e.g. kernel_module(name = "foo", outs = ["bar"])
# => _kernel_module(name = "foo", outs = ["foo/bar"])
# => outdir = ".../foo"
# ctx.outputs.outs = [File(".../foo/bar")]
# => short_name = "bar"
short_name = out.path[len(outdir) + 1:]
all_module_names_file = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}/all_module_names.txt".format(
output = all_module_names_file,
content = "\n".join(original_outs) + "\n",
module_symvers = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}/Module.symvers".format(
check_no_remaining = ctx.actions.declare_file("{name}/{name}.check_no_remaining".format(name =
command_outputs = [
command_outputs += dws.files(modules_staging_dws)
command_outputs += dws.files(kernel_uapi_headers_dws)
if unstripped_dir:
command = ""
command += ctx.attr.kernel_build[_KernelEnvInfo].setup
command += ctx.attr.kernel_build[_KernelBuildExtModuleInfo].modules_prepare_setup
command += """
# create dirs for modules
mkdir -p {kernel_uapi_headers_dir}/usr
kernel_uapi_headers_dir =,
for kernel_module_dep in ctx.attr.kernel_module_deps:
command += kernel_module_dep[_KernelEnvInfo].setup
grab_unstripped_cmd = ""
if unstripped_dir:
grab_unstripped_cmd = """
mkdir -p {unstripped_dir}
{search_and_cp_output} --srcdir ${{OUT_DIR}}/${{ext_mod_rel}} --dstdir {unstripped_dir} {outs}
search_and_cp_output = ctx.file._search_and_cp_output.path,
unstripped_dir = unstripped_dir.path,
# Use basenames to flatten the unstripped directory, even though outs may contain items with slash.
outs = " ".join(original_outs_base),
if ctx.attr._config_is_stamp[BuildSettingInfo].value:
# {ext_mod}:{scmversion} {ext_mod}:{scmversion} ...
scmversion_cmd = _get_stable_status_cmd(ctx, "STABLE_SCMVERSION_EXT_MOD")
scmversion_cmd += """ | sed -n 's|.*\\<{ext_mod}:\\(\\S\\+\\).*|\\1|p'""".format(ext_mod = ctx.attr.ext_mod)
# does not set STABLE_SCMVERSION if setlocalversion
# should not run on KERNEL_DIR. However, for STABLE_SCMVERSION_EXT_MOD,
# we may have a missing item if setlocalversion should not run in
# a certain directory. Hence, be lenient about failures.
scmversion_cmd += " || true"
command += _get_scmversion_cmd(
srctree = "${{ROOT_DIR}}/{ext_mod}".format(ext_mod = ctx.attr.ext_mod),
scmversion = "$({})".format(scmversion_cmd),
command += """
# Set variables
if [ "${{DO_NOT_STRIP_MODULES}}" != "1" ]; then
ext_mod_rel=$(rel_path ${{ROOT_DIR}}/{ext_mod} ${{KERNEL_DIR}})
# Actual kernel module build
make -C {ext_mod} ${{TOOL_ARGS}} M=${{ext_mod_rel}} O=${{OUT_DIR}} KERNEL_SRC=${{ROOT_DIR}}/${{KERNEL_DIR}}
# Install into staging directory
make -C {ext_mod} ${{TOOL_ARGS}} DEPMOD=true M=${{ext_mod_rel}} \
INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$(realpath {modules_staging_dir}) \
INSTALL_MOD_DIR=extra/{ext_mod} \
KERNEL_UAPI_HEADERS_DIR=$(realpath {kernel_uapi_headers_dir}) \
INSTALL_HDR_PATH=$(realpath {kernel_uapi_headers_dir}/usr) \
${{module_strip_flag}} modules_install
# Check if there are remaining *.ko files
remaining_ko_files=$({check_declared_output_list} \\
--declared $(cat {all_module_names_file}) \\
--actual $(cd {modules_staging_dir}/lib/modules/*/extra/{ext_mod} && find . -type f -name '*.ko' | sed 's:^[.]/::'))
if [[ ${{remaining_ko_files}} ]]; then
echo "ERROR: The following kernel modules are built but not copied. Add these lines to the module_outs attribute of {label}:" >&2
for ko in ${{remaining_ko_files}}; do
echo ' "'"${{ko}}"'",' >&2
exit 1
touch {check_no_remaining}
# Grab unstripped modules
# Move Module.symvers
mv ${{OUT_DIR}}/${{ext_mod_rel}}/Module.symvers {module_symvers}
label = ctx.label,
ext_mod = ctx.attr.ext_mod,
module_symvers = module_symvers.path,
modules_staging_dir =,
outdir = outdir,
kernel_uapi_headers_dir =,
check_declared_output_list = ctx.file._check_declared_output_list.path,
all_module_names_file = all_module_names_file.path,
grab_unstripped_cmd = grab_unstripped_cmd,
check_no_remaining = check_no_remaining.path,
command += dws.record(modules_staging_dws)
command += dws.record(kernel_uapi_headers_dws)
_debug_print_scripts(ctx, command)
mnemonic = "KernelModule",
inputs = inputs,
outputs = command_outputs,
command = command,
progress_message = "Building external kernel module {}".format(ctx.label),
# Additional outputs because of the value in outs. This is
# [basename(out) for out in outs] - outs
additional_declared_outputs = []
for short_name, out in zip(original_outs, ctx.outputs.outs):
if "/" in short_name:
name =,
basename = out.basename,
cp_cmd_outputs = ctx.outputs.outs + additional_declared_outputs
if cp_cmd_outputs:
command = ctx.attr._hermetic_tools[HermeticToolsInfo].setup + """
# Copy files into place
{search_and_cp_output} --srcdir {modules_staging_dir}/lib/modules/*/extra/{ext_mod}/ --dstdir {outdir} {outs}
search_and_cp_output = ctx.file._search_and_cp_output.path,
modules_staging_dir =,
ext_mod = ctx.attr.ext_mod,
outdir = outdir,
outs = " ".join(original_outs),
_debug_print_scripts(ctx, command, what = "cp_outputs")
mnemonic = "KernelModuleCpOutputs",
inputs = ctx.attr._hermetic_tools[HermeticToolsInfo].deps + [
# We don't need structure_file here because we only care about files in the directory.,
outputs = cp_cmd_outputs,
command = command,
progress_message = "Copying outputs {}".format(ctx.label),
setup = """
# Use a new shell to avoid polluting variables
# Set variables
# rel_path requires the existence of ${{ROOT_DIR}}/{ext_mod}, which may not be the case for
# _kernel_modules_install. Make that.
mkdir -p ${{ROOT_DIR}}/{ext_mod}
ext_mod_rel=$(rel_path ${{ROOT_DIR}}/{ext_mod} ${{KERNEL_DIR}})
# Restore Modules.symvers
mkdir -p ${{OUT_DIR}}/${{ext_mod_rel}}
cp {module_symvers} ${{OUT_DIR}}/${{ext_mod_rel}}/Module.symvers
# New shell ends
ext_mod = ctx.attr.ext_mod,
module_symvers = module_symvers.path,
# Only declare outputs in the "outs" list. For additional outputs that this rule created,
# the label is available, but this rule doesn't explicitly return it in the info.
# Also add check_no_remaining in the list of default outputs so that, when
# outs is empty, the KernelModule action is still executed, and so
# is check_declared_output_list.
return [
files = depset(ctx.outputs.outs + [check_no_remaining]),
# For kernel_module_test
runfiles = ctx.runfiles(files = ctx.outputs.outs),
dependencies = [module_symvers],
setup = setup,
kernel_build = ctx.attr.kernel_build,
modules_staging_dws = modules_staging_dws,
kernel_uapi_headers_dws = kernel_uapi_headers_dws,
files = ctx.outputs.outs,
directory = unstripped_dir,
_kernel_module = rule(
implementation = _kernel_module_impl,
doc = """
attrs = {
"srcs": attr.label_list(
mandatory = True,
allow_files = True,
"makefile": attr.label_list(
allow_files = True,
"kernel_build": attr.label(
mandatory = True,
providers = [_KernelEnvInfo, _KernelBuildExtModuleInfo],
"kernel_module_deps": attr.label_list(
providers = [_KernelEnvInfo, _KernelModuleInfo],
"ext_mod": attr.string(mandatory = True),
# Not output_list because it is not a list of labels. The list of
# output labels are inferred from name and outs.
"outs": attr.output_list(),
"_hermetic_tools": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel:hermetic-tools", providers = [HermeticToolsInfo]),
"_search_and_cp_output": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
default = Label("//build/kernel/"),
doc = "Label referring to the script to process outputs",
"_check_declared_output_list": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
default = Label("//build/kernel/"),
"_config_is_stamp": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel/kleaf:config_stamp"),
"_debug_print_scripts": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel/kleaf:debug_print_scripts"),
def kernel_module(
outs = None,
srcs = None,
kernel_module_deps = None,
"""Generates a rule that builds an external kernel module.
name = "nfc",
srcs = glob([
# If there are Kbuild files, add them
# If there are additional makefiles in subdirectories, add them
outs = ["nfc.ko"],
kernel_build = "//common:kernel_aarch64",
name: Name of this kernel module.
srcs: Source files to build this kernel module. If unspecified or value
is `None`, it is by default the list in the above example:
kernel_build: Label referring to the kernel_build module.
kernel_module_deps: A list of other kernel_module dependencies.
Before building this target, `Modules.symvers` from the targets in
`kernel_module_deps` are restored, so this target can be built against
outs: The expected output files. If unspecified or value is `None`, it
is `["{name}.ko"]` by default.
For each token `out`, the build rule automatically finds a
file named `out` in the legacy kernel modules staging
directory. The file is copied to the output directory of
this package, with the label `name/out`.
- If `out` doesn't contain a slash, subdirectories are searched.
kernel_module(name = "nfc", outs = ["nfc.ko"])
The build system copies
<legacy modules staging dir>/lib/modules/*/extra/<some subdir>/nfc.ko
<package output dir>/nfc.ko
`nfc/nfc.ko` is the label to the file.
- If `out` contains slashes, its value is used. The file is
also copied to the top of package output directory.
For example:
kernel_module(name = "nfc", outs = ["foo/nfc.ko"])
The build system copies
<legacy modules staging dir>/lib/modules/*/extra/foo/nfc.ko
`nfc/foo/nfc.ko` is the label to the file.
The file is also copied to `<package output dir>/nfc.ko`.
`nfc/nfc.ko` is the label to the file.
See `` for details.
kwargs: Additional attributes to the internal rule, e.g.
See complete list
# This should be the exact list of arguments of kernel_module.
# Default arguments of _kernel_module go into _kernel_module_set_defaults.
name = name,
srcs = srcs,
kernel_build = kernel_build,
kernel_module_deps = kernel_module_deps,
outs = outs,
kwargs = _kernel_module_set_defaults(kwargs)
main_kwargs = dict(kwargs)
main_kwargs["name"] = name
main_kwargs["outs"] = ["{name}/{out}".format(name = name, out = out) for out in main_kwargs["outs"]]
name = name + "_test",
modules = [name],
# Define external module for sibling kernel_build's.
# It may be possible to optimize this to alias some of them with the same
# kernel_build, but we don't have a way to get this information in
# the load phase right now.
for sibling_name in _sibling_names:
sibling_kwargs = dict(kwargs)
sibling_target_name = name + "_" + sibling_name
sibling_kwargs["name"] = sibling_target_name
sibling_kwargs["outs"] = ["{sibling_target_name}/{out}".format(sibling_target_name = sibling_target_name, out = out) for out in outs]
# This assumes the target is a kernel_build_abi with define_abi_targets
# etc., which may not be the case. See below for adding "manual" tag.
# TODO(b/231647455): clean up dependencies on implementation details.
sibling_kwargs["kernel_build"] = sibling_kwargs["kernel_build"] + "_" + sibling_name
if sibling_kwargs.get("kernel_module_deps") != None:
sibling_kwargs["kernel_module_deps"] = [dep + "_" + sibling_name for dep in sibling_kwargs["kernel_module_deps"]]
# We don't know if {kernel_build}_{sibling_name} exists or not, so
# add "manual" tag to prevent it from being built by default.
sibling_kwargs["tags"] = sibling_kwargs.get("tags", []) + ["manual"]
def _kernel_module_set_defaults(kwargs):
Set default values for `_kernel_module` that can't be specified in
`attr.*(default=...)` in rule().
if kwargs.get("makefile") == None:
kwargs["makefile"] = native.glob(["Makefile"])
if kwargs.get("ext_mod") == None:
kwargs["ext_mod"] = native.package_name()
if kwargs.get("outs") == None:
kwargs["outs"] = ["{}.ko".format(kwargs["name"])]
if kwargs.get("srcs") == None:
kwargs["srcs"] = native.glob([
return kwargs
def _kernel_modules_install_impl(ctx):
_check_kernel_build(ctx.attr.kernel_modules, ctx.attr.kernel_build, ctx.label)
# A list of declared files for outputs of kernel_module rules
external_modules = []
inputs = []
inputs += ctx.attr.kernel_build[_KernelEnvInfo].dependencies
inputs += ctx.attr.kernel_build[_KernelBuildExtModuleInfo].modules_prepare_deps
inputs += ctx.attr.kernel_build[_KernelBuildExtModuleInfo].module_srcs
inputs += [
for kernel_module in ctx.attr.kernel_modules:
inputs += dws.files(kernel_module[_KernelModuleInfo].modules_staging_dws)
for module_file in kernel_module[_KernelModuleInfo].files:
declared_file = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}/{}".format(, module_file.basename))
modules_staging_dws = dws.make(ctx, "{}/staging".format(
command = ""
command += ctx.attr.kernel_build[_KernelEnvInfo].setup
command += ctx.attr.kernel_build[_KernelBuildExtModuleInfo].modules_prepare_setup
command += """
# create dirs for modules
mkdir -p {modules_staging_dir}
# Restore modules_staging_dir from kernel_build
tar xf {kernel_build_modules_staging_archive} -C {modules_staging_dir}
modules_staging_dir =,
kernel_build_modules_staging_archive =
for kernel_module in ctx.attr.kernel_modules:
# Allow directories to be written because we are merging multiple directories into one.
# However, don't allow files to be written because we don't expect modules to produce
# conflicting files. check_duplicated_files_in_archives further enforces this.
command += dws.restore(
dst =,
options = "-aL --chmod=D+w",
# TODO(b/194347374): maybe run with CONFIG_SHELL?
command += """
# Check if there are duplicated files in modules_staging_archive of
# depended kernel_build and kernel_module's
{check_duplicated_files_in_archives} {modules_staging_archives}
# Set variables
if [[ ! -f ${{OUT_DIR}}/include/config/kernel.release ]]; then
echo "ERROR: No ${{OUT_DIR}}/include/config/kernel.release" >&2
exit 1
kernelrelease=$(cat ${{OUT_DIR}}/include/config/kernel.release 2> /dev/null)
if [[ ${{KBUILD_MIXED_TREE}} ]]; then
real_modules_staging_dir=$(realpath {modules_staging_dir})
# Run depmod
cd ${{OUT_DIR}} # for when mixed_build_prefix is not set
INSTALL_MOD_PATH=${{real_modules_staging_dir}} ${{ROOT_DIR}}/${{KERNEL_DIR}}/scripts/ depmod ${{kernelrelease}} ${{mixed_build_prefix}}
# Remove symlinks that are dead outside of the sandbox
symlink="$(ls {modules_staging_dir}/lib/modules/*/source)"
if [[ -n "$symlink" ]] && [[ -L "$symlink" ]]; then rm "$symlink"; fi
symlink="$(ls {modules_staging_dir}/lib/modules/*/build)"
if [[ -n "$symlink" ]] && [[ -L "$symlink" ]]; then rm "$symlink"; fi
modules_staging_archives = " ".join(
[ctx.attr.kernel_build[_KernelBuildExtModuleInfo].modules_staging_archive.path] +
[kernel_module[_KernelModuleInfo] for kernel_module in ctx.attr.kernel_modules],
modules_staging_dir =,
check_duplicated_files_in_archives = ctx.file._check_duplicated_files_in_archives.path,
if external_modules:
external_module_dir = external_modules[0].dirname
command += """
# Move external modules to declared output location
{search_and_cp_output} --srcdir {modules_staging_dir}/lib/modules/*/extra --dstdir {outdir} {filenames}
modules_staging_dir =,
outdir = external_module_dir,
filenames = " ".join([declared_file.basename for declared_file in external_modules]),
search_and_cp_output = ctx.file._search_and_cp_output.path,
command += dws.record(modules_staging_dws)
_debug_print_scripts(ctx, command)
mnemonic = "KernelModulesInstall",
inputs = inputs,
outputs = external_modules + dws.files(modules_staging_dws),
command = command,
progress_message = "Running depmod {}".format(ctx.label),
return [
DefaultInfo(files = depset(external_modules)),
kernel_build = ctx.attr.kernel_build,
modules_staging_dws = modules_staging_dws,
kernel_modules_install = rule(
implementation = _kernel_modules_install_impl,
doc = """Generates a rule that runs depmod in the module installation directory.
When including this rule to the `data` attribute of a `copy_to_dist_dir` rule,
all external kernel modules specified in `kernel_modules` are included in
distribution. This excludes `module_outs` in `kernel_build` to avoid conflicts.
name = "foo_modules_install",
kernel_build = ":foo", # A kernel_build rule
kernel_modules = [ # kernel_module rules
name = "foo",
outs = ["vmlinux"],
module_outs = ["core_module.ko"],
name = "foo_dist",
data = [
":foo", # Includes core_module.ko and vmlinux
":foo_modules_install", # Includes nfc_module
In `foo_dist`, specifying `foo_modules_install` in `data` won't include
`core_module.ko`, because it is already included in `foo` in `data`.
attrs = {
"kernel_modules": attr.label_list(
providers = [_KernelEnvInfo, _KernelModuleInfo],
doc = "A list of labels referring to `kernel_module`s to install. Must have the same `kernel_build` as this rule.",
"kernel_build": attr.label(
providers = [_KernelEnvInfo, _KernelBuildExtModuleInfo],
doc = "Label referring to the `kernel_build` module.",
"_debug_print_scripts": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel/kleaf:debug_print_scripts"),
"_check_duplicated_files_in_archives": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
default = Label("//build/kernel/"),
doc = "Label referring to the script to process outputs",
"_search_and_cp_output": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
default = Label("//build/kernel/"),
doc = "Label referring to the script to process outputs",
def _kernel_uapi_headers_impl(ctx):
out_file = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}/kernel-uapi-headers.tar.gz".format(
command = ctx.attr.config[_KernelEnvInfo].setup + """
# Create staging directory
mkdir -p {kernel_uapi_headers_dir}/usr
# Actual headers_install
make -C ${{KERNEL_DIR}} ${{TOOL_ARGS}} O=${{OUT_DIR}} INSTALL_HDR_PATH=$(realpath {kernel_uapi_headers_dir}/usr) headers_install
# Create archive
tar czf {out_file} --directory={kernel_uapi_headers_dir} usr/
# Delete kernel_uapi_headers_dir because it is not declared
rm -rf {kernel_uapi_headers_dir}
out_file = out_file.path,
kernel_uapi_headers_dir = out_file.path + "_staging",
_debug_print_scripts(ctx, command)
mnemonic = "KernelUapiHeaders",
inputs = ctx.files.srcs + ctx.attr.config[_KernelEnvInfo].dependencies,
outputs = [out_file],
progress_message = "Building UAPI kernel headers %s" %,
command = command,
return [
DefaultInfo(files = depset([out_file])),
_kernel_uapi_headers = rule(
implementation = _kernel_uapi_headers_impl,
doc = """Build kernel-uapi-headers.tar.gz""",
attrs = {
"srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
"config": attr.label(
mandatory = True,
providers = [_KernelEnvInfo],
doc = "the kernel_config target",
"_debug_print_scripts": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel/kleaf:debug_print_scripts"),
def _merged_kernel_uapi_headers_impl(ctx):
kernel_build = ctx.attr.kernel_build
base_kernel = kernel_build[_KernelBuildUapiInfo].base_kernel
# srcs and dws_srcs are the list of sources to merge.
# Early elements = higher priority. srcs has higher priority than dws_srcs.
srcs = []
if base_kernel:
srcs += base_kernel[_KernelBuildUapiInfo].kernel_uapi_headers.files.to_list()
srcs += kernel_build[_KernelBuildUapiInfo].kernel_uapi_headers.files.to_list()
dws_srcs = [kernel_module[_KernelModuleInfo].kernel_uapi_headers_dws for kernel_module in ctx.attr.kernel_modules]
inputs = srcs + ctx.attr._hermetic_tools[HermeticToolsInfo].deps
for dws_src in dws_srcs:
inputs += dws.files(dws_src)
out_file = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}/kernel-uapi-headers.tar.gz".format(
intermediates_dir = utils.intermediates_dir(ctx)
command = ""
command += ctx.attr._hermetic_tools[HermeticToolsInfo].setup
command += """
mkdir -p {intermediates_dir}
intermediates_dir = intermediates_dir,
# Extract the source tarballs in low to high priority order.
for dws_src in reversed(dws_srcs):
# Copy the directory over, overwriting existing files. Add write permission
# targets with higher priority can overwrite existing files.
command += dws.restore(
dst = intermediates_dir,
options = "-aL --chmod=+w",
for src in reversed(srcs):
command += """
tar xf {src} -C {intermediates_dir}
src = src.path,
intermediates_dir = intermediates_dir,
command += """
tar czf {out_file} -C {intermediates_dir} usr/
rm -rf {intermediates_dir}
out_file = out_file.path,
intermediates_dir = intermediates_dir,
_debug_print_scripts(ctx, command)
inputs = inputs,
outputs = [out_file],
progress_message = "Merging kernel-uapi-headers.tar.gz {}".format(ctx.label),
command = command,
mnemonic = "MergedKernelUapiHeaders",
return DefaultInfo(files = depset([out_file]))
merged_kernel_uapi_headers = rule(
implementation = _merged_kernel_uapi_headers_impl,
doc = """Merge `kernel-uapi-headers.tar.gz`.
On certain devices, kernel modules install additional UAPI headers. Use this
rule to add these module UAPI headers to the final `kernel-uapi-headers.tar.gz`.
If there are conflicts of file names in the source tarballs, files higher in
the list have higher priority:
1. UAPI headers from the `base_kernel` of the `kernel_build` (ususally the GKI build)
2. UAPI headers from the `kernel_build` (usually the device build)
3. UAPI headers from ``kernel_modules`. Order among the modules are undetermined.
attrs = {
"kernel_build": attr.label(
doc = "The `kernel_build`",
mandatory = True,
providers = [_KernelBuildUapiInfo],
"kernel_modules": attr.label_list(
doc = """A list of external `kernel_module`s to merge `kernel-uapi-headers.tar.gz`""",
providers = [_KernelModuleInfo],
"_hermetic_tools": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel:hermetic-tools", providers = [HermeticToolsInfo]),
"_debug_print_scripts": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel/kleaf:debug_print_scripts"),
def _kernel_headers_impl(ctx):
inputs = []
inputs += ctx.files.srcs
inputs += ctx.attr.env[_KernelEnvInfo].dependencies
inputs += [
out_file = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}/kernel-headers.tar.gz".format(
command = ctx.attr.env[_KernelEnvInfo].setup + """
# Restore headers in ${{OUT_DIR}}
mkdir -p ${{OUT_DIR}}
tar xf {out_dir_kernel_headers_tar} -C ${{OUT_DIR}}
# Create archive
real_out_file=$(realpath {out_file})
cd ${{ROOT_DIR}}/${{KERNEL_DIR}}
find arch include ${{OUT_DIR}} -name *.h -print0 \
| tar czf ${{real_out_file}} \
--absolute-names \
--dereference \
--transform "s,.*$OUT_DIR,," \
--transform "s,^,kernel-headers/," \
--null -T -
out_file = out_file.path,
out_dir_kernel_headers_tar = ctx.attr.kernel_build[_KernelBuildInfo].out_dir_kernel_headers_tar.path,
_debug_print_scripts(ctx, command)
mnemonic = "KernelHeaders",
inputs = inputs,
outputs = [out_file],
progress_message = "Building kernel headers %s" %,
command = command,
return [
DefaultInfo(files = depset([out_file])),
_kernel_headers = rule(
implementation = _kernel_headers_impl,
doc = "Build kernel-headers.tar.gz",
attrs = {
"srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
"kernel_build": attr.label(
mandatory = True,
providers = [_KernelBuildInfo], # for out_dir_kernel_headers_tar only
"env": attr.label(
mandatory = True,
providers = [_KernelEnvInfo],
"_debug_print_scripts": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel/kleaf:debug_print_scripts"),
def _vmlinux_btf_impl(ctx):
inputs = [
inputs += ctx.attr.env[_KernelEnvInfo].dependencies
out_file = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}/vmlinux.btf".format(
out_dir = out_file.dirname
command = ctx.attr.env[_KernelEnvInfo].setup + """
mkdir -p {out_dir}
cp -Lp {vmlinux} {vmlinux_btf}
pahole -J {vmlinux_btf}
llvm-strip --strip-debug {vmlinux_btf}
vmlinux = ctx.file.vmlinux.path,
vmlinux_btf = out_file.path,
out_dir = out_dir,
_debug_print_scripts(ctx, command)
mnemonic = "VmlinuxBtf",
inputs = inputs,
outputs = [out_file],
progress_message = "Building vmlinux.btf {}".format(ctx.label),
command = command,
return DefaultInfo(files = depset([out_file]))
_vmlinux_btf = rule(
implementation = _vmlinux_btf_impl,
doc = "Build vmlinux.btf",
attrs = {
"vmlinux": attr.label(
mandatory = True,
allow_single_file = True,
"env": attr.label(
mandatory = True,
providers = [_KernelEnvInfo],
"_debug_print_scripts": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel/kleaf:debug_print_scripts"),
def _build_modules_image_impl_common(
implicit_outputs = None,
additional_inputs = None,
mnemonic = None):
"""Command implementation for building images that directly contain modules.
ctx: ctx
what: what is being built, for logging
outputs: list of `ctx.actions.declare_file`
build_command: the command to build `outputs` and `implicit_outputs`
modules_staging_dir: a staging directory for module installation
implicit_outputs: like `outputs`, but not installed to `DIST_DIR` (not returned in
kernel_build = ctx.attr.kernel_modules_install[_KernelModuleInfo].kernel_build
kernel_build_outs = kernel_build[_KernelBuildInfo].outs + kernel_build[_KernelBuildInfo].base_kernel_files
system_map = find_file(
name = "",
files = kernel_build_outs,
required = True,
what = "{}: outs of dependent kernel_build {}".format(ctx.label, kernel_build),
modules_install_staging_dws = ctx.attr.kernel_modules_install[_KernelModuleInfo].modules_staging_dws
inputs = []
if additional_inputs != None:
inputs += additional_inputs
inputs += [
inputs += dws.files(modules_install_staging_dws)
inputs += ctx.files.deps
inputs += kernel_build[_KernelEnvInfo].dependencies
command_outputs = []
command_outputs += outputs
if implicit_outputs != None:
command_outputs += implicit_outputs
command = ""
command += kernel_build[_KernelEnvInfo].setup
for attr_name in (
# Checks if attr_name is a valid attribute name in the current rule.
# If not, do not touch its value.
if not hasattr(ctx.file, attr_name):
# If it is a valid attribute name, set environment variable to the path if the argument is
# supplied, otherwise set environment variable to empty.
file = getattr(ctx.file, attr_name)
path = ""
if file != None:
path = file.path
command += """
name = attr_name.upper(),
path = path,
# Allow writing to files because create_modules_staging wants to overwrite modules.order.
command += dws.restore(
dst = modules_staging_dir,
options = "-aL --chmod=F+w",
command += """
# Restore to DIST_DIR for run_depmod in create_modules_staging
mkdir -p ${{DIST_DIR}}
cp {system_map} ${{DIST_DIR}}/
system_map = system_map.path,
build_command = build_command,
_debug_print_scripts(ctx, command)
mnemonic = mnemonic,
inputs = inputs,
outputs = command_outputs,
progress_message = "Building {} {}".format(what, ctx.label),
command = command,
return DefaultInfo(files = depset(outputs))
def _build_modules_image_attrs_common(additional = None):
"""Common attrs for rules that builds images that directly contain modules."""
ret = {
"kernel_modules_install": attr.label(
mandatory = True,
providers = [_KernelModuleInfo],
"deps": attr.label_list(
allow_files = True,
"_debug_print_scripts": attr.label(
default = "//build/kernel/kleaf:debug_print_scripts",
if additional != None:
return ret
_InitramfsInfo = provider(fields = {
"initramfs_img": "Output image",
"initramfs_staging_archive": "Archive of initramfs staging directory",
def _initramfs_impl(ctx):
initramfs_img = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}/initramfs.img".format(
modules_load = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}/modules.load".format(
vendor_boot_modules_load = ctx.outputs.vendor_boot_modules_load
initramfs_staging_archive = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}/initramfs_staging_archive.tar.gz".format(
outputs = [
modules_staging_dir = initramfs_img.dirname + "/staging"
initramfs_staging_dir = modules_staging_dir + "/initramfs_staging"
command = """
mkdir -p {initramfs_staging_dir}
# Build initramfs
create_modules_staging "${{MODULES_LIST}}" {modules_staging_dir} \
{initramfs_staging_dir} "${{MODULES_BLOCKLIST}}" "-e"
modules_root_dir=$(echo {initramfs_staging_dir}/lib/modules/*)
cp ${{modules_root_dir}}/modules.load {modules_load}
cp ${{modules_root_dir}}/modules.load {vendor_boot_modules_load}
echo "${{MODULES_OPTIONS}}" > ${{modules_root_dir}}/modules.options
mkbootfs "{initramfs_staging_dir}" >"{modules_staging_dir}/initramfs.cpio"
${{RAMDISK_COMPRESS}} "{modules_staging_dir}/initramfs.cpio" >"{initramfs_img}"
# Archive initramfs_staging_dir
tar czf {initramfs_staging_archive} -C {initramfs_staging_dir} .
# Remove staging directories
rm -rf {initramfs_staging_dir}
modules_staging_dir = modules_staging_dir,
initramfs_staging_dir = initramfs_staging_dir,
modules_load = modules_load.path,
vendor_boot_modules_load = vendor_boot_modules_load.path,
initramfs_img = initramfs_img.path,
initramfs_staging_archive = initramfs_staging_archive.path,
default_info = _build_modules_image_impl_common(
ctx = ctx,
what = "initramfs",
outputs = outputs,
build_command = command,
modules_staging_dir = modules_staging_dir,
implicit_outputs = [
mnemonic = "Initramfs",
return [
initramfs_img = initramfs_img,
initramfs_staging_archive = initramfs_staging_archive,
_initramfs = rule(
implementation = _initramfs_impl,
doc = """Build initramfs.
When included in a `copy_to_dist_dir` rule, this rule copies the following to `DIST_DIR`:
- `initramfs.img`
- `modules.load`
- `vendor_boot.modules.load`
An additional label, `{name}/vendor_boot.modules.load`, is declared to point to the
corresponding files.
attrs = _build_modules_image_attrs_common({
"vendor_boot_modules_load": attr.output(),
"modules_list": attr.label(allow_single_file = True),
"modules_blocklist": attr.label(allow_single_file = True),
"modules_options": attr.label(allow_single_file = True),
def _system_dlkm_image_impl(ctx):
system_dlkm_img = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}/system_dlkm.img".format(
system_dlkm_staging_archive = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}/system_dlkm_staging_archive.tar.gz".format(
modules_staging_dir = system_dlkm_img.dirname + "/staging"
system_dlkm_staging_dir = modules_staging_dir + "/system_dlkm_staging"
command = """
mkdir -p {system_dlkm_staging_dir}
# Build system_dlkm.img
create_modules_staging "${{MODULES_LIST}}" {modules_staging_dir} \
{system_dlkm_staging_dir} "${{MODULES_BLOCKLIST}}" "-e"
modules_root_dir=$(ls {system_dlkm_staging_dir}/lib/modules/*)
# Re-sign the stripped modules using kernel build time key
for module in $(find {system_dlkm_staging_dir} -type f -name '*.ko'); do
"${{OUT_DIR}}"/scripts/sign-file sha1 \
"${{OUT_DIR}}"/certs/signing_key.pem \
"${{OUT_DIR}}"/certs/signing_key.x509 "${{module}}"
# Build system_dlkm.img with signed GKI modules
mkfs.erofs -zlz4hc "{system_dlkm_img}" "{system_dlkm_staging_dir}"
# No need to sign the image as modules are signed; add hash footer
avbtool add_hashtree_footer \
--partition_name system_dlkm \
--image "{system_dlkm_img}"
# Archive system_dlkm_staging_dir
tar czf {system_dlkm_staging_archive} -C {system_dlkm_staging_dir} .
# Remove staging directories
rm -rf {system_dlkm_staging_dir}
modules_staging_dir = modules_staging_dir,
system_dlkm_staging_dir = system_dlkm_staging_dir,
system_dlkm_img = system_dlkm_img.path,
system_dlkm_staging_archive = system_dlkm_staging_archive.path,
default_info = _build_modules_image_impl_common(
ctx = ctx,
what = "system_dlkm",
outputs = [system_dlkm_img, system_dlkm_staging_archive],
build_command = command,
modules_staging_dir = modules_staging_dir,
mnemonic = "SystemDlkmImage",
return [default_info]
_system_dlkm_image = rule(
implementation = _system_dlkm_image_impl,
doc = """Build system_dlkm.img an erofs image with GKI modules.
When included in a `copy_to_dist_dir` rule, this rule copies the `system_dlkm.img` to `DIST_DIR`.
attrs = _build_modules_image_attrs_common({
"modules_list": attr.label(allow_single_file = True),
"modules_blocklist": attr.label(allow_single_file = True),
def _vendor_dlkm_image_impl(ctx):
vendor_dlkm_img = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}/vendor_dlkm.img".format(
vendor_dlkm_modules_load = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}/vendor_dlkm.modules.load".format(
vendor_dlkm_modules_blocklist = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}/vendor_dlkm.modules.blocklist".format(
modules_staging_dir = vendor_dlkm_img.dirname + "/staging"
vendor_dlkm_staging_dir = modules_staging_dir + "/vendor_dlkm_staging"
command = """
# Restore vendor_boot.modules.load
cp {vendor_boot_modules_load} ${{DIST_DIR}}/vendor_boot.modules.load
# Build vendor_dlkm
mkdir -p {vendor_dlkm_staging_dir}
# Move output files into place
mv "${{DIST_DIR}}/vendor_dlkm.img" {vendor_dlkm_img}
mv "${{DIST_DIR}}/vendor_dlkm.modules.load" {vendor_dlkm_modules_load}
if [[ -f "${{DIST_DIR}}/vendor_dlkm.modules.blocklist" ]]; then
mv "${{DIST_DIR}}/vendor_dlkm.modules.blocklist" {vendor_dlkm_modules_blocklist}
: > {vendor_dlkm_modules_blocklist}
# Remove staging directories
rm -rf {vendor_dlkm_staging_dir}
vendor_boot_modules_load = ctx.file.vendor_boot_modules_load.path,
modules_staging_dir = modules_staging_dir,
vendor_dlkm_staging_dir = vendor_dlkm_staging_dir,
vendor_dlkm_img = vendor_dlkm_img.path,
vendor_dlkm_modules_load = vendor_dlkm_modules_load.path,
vendor_dlkm_modules_blocklist = vendor_dlkm_modules_blocklist.path,
return _build_modules_image_impl_common(
ctx = ctx,
what = "vendor_dlkm",
outputs = [vendor_dlkm_img, vendor_dlkm_modules_load, vendor_dlkm_modules_blocklist],
build_command = command,
modules_staging_dir = modules_staging_dir,
additional_inputs = [ctx.file.vendor_boot_modules_load],
mnemonic = "VendorDlkmImage",
_vendor_dlkm_image = rule(
implementation = _vendor_dlkm_image_impl,
doc = """Build vendor_dlkm image.
Execute `build_vendor_dlkm` in ``.
When included in a `copy_to_dist_dir` rule, this rule copies a `vendor_dlkm.img` to `DIST_DIR`.
attrs = _build_modules_image_attrs_common({
"vendor_boot_modules_load": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
doc = """File to `vendor_boot.modules.load`.
Modules listed in this file is stripped away from the `vendor_dlkm` image.""",
"vendor_dlkm_modules_list": attr.label(allow_single_file = True),
"vendor_dlkm_modules_blocklist": attr.label(allow_single_file = True),
"vendor_dlkm_props": attr.label(allow_single_file = True),
def _boot_images_impl(ctx):
initramfs_staging_archive = ctx.attr.initramfs[_InitramfsInfo].initramfs_staging_archive
outdir = ctx.actions.declare_directory(
modules_staging_dir = outdir.path + "/staging"
initramfs_staging_dir = modules_staging_dir + "/initramfs_staging"
mkbootimg_staging_dir = modules_staging_dir + "/mkbootimg_staging"
outs = []
for out in ctx.outputs.outs:
outs.append(out.short_path[len(outdir.short_path) + 1:])
kernel_build_outs = ctx.attr.kernel_build[_KernelBuildInfo].outs + ctx.attr.kernel_build[_KernelBuildInfo].base_kernel_files
inputs = [
inputs += ctx.files.deps
inputs += ctx.attr.kernel_build[_KernelEnvInfo].dependencies
inputs += kernel_build_outs
inputs += ctx.files.vendor_ramdisk_binaries
command = ""
command += ctx.attr.kernel_build[_KernelEnvInfo].setup
vendor_boot_flag_cmd = ""
if not ctx.attr.vendor_boot_name:
vendor_boot_flag_cmd = """
elif ctx.attr.vendor_boot_name == "vendor_boot":
vendor_boot_flag_cmd = """
elif ctx.attr.vendor_boot_name == "vendor_kernel_boot":
vendor_boot_flag_cmd = """
fail("{}: unknown vendor_boot_name {}".format(ctx.label, ctx.attr.vendor_boot_name))
if ctx.files.vendor_ramdisk_binaries:
command += """
vendor_ramdisk_binaries = " ".join([file.path for file in ctx.files.vendor_ramdisk_binaries]),
command += """
# Create and restore initramfs_staging_dir
mkdir -p {initramfs_staging_dir}
tar xf {initramfs_staging_archive} -C {initramfs_staging_dir}
# Create and restore DIST_DIR.
# We don't need all of *_for_dist. Copying all declared outputs of kernel_build is
# sufficient.
mkdir -p ${{DIST_DIR}}
cp {kernel_build_outs} ${{DIST_DIR}}
cp {initramfs_img} ${{DIST_DIR}}/initramfs.img
# Build boot images
MKBOOTIMG_STAGING_DIR=$(realpath {mkbootimg_staging_dir})
{search_and_cp_output} --srcdir ${{DIST_DIR}} --dstdir {outdir} {outs}
# Remove staging directories
rm -rf {modules_staging_dir}
initramfs_staging_dir = initramfs_staging_dir,
mkbootimg_staging_dir = mkbootimg_staging_dir,
search_and_cp_output = ctx.file._search_and_cp_output.path,
outdir = outdir.path,
outs = " ".join(outs),
modules_staging_dir = modules_staging_dir,
initramfs_staging_archive = initramfs_staging_archive.path,
initramfs_img = ctx.attr.initramfs[_InitramfsInfo].initramfs_img.path,
kernel_build_outs = " ".join([out.path for out in kernel_build_outs]),
vendor_boot_flag_cmd = vendor_boot_flag_cmd,
_debug_print_scripts(ctx, command)
mnemonic = "BootImages",
inputs = inputs,
outputs = ctx.outputs.outs + [outdir],
progress_message = "Building boot images {}".format(ctx.label),
command = command,
_boot_images = rule(
implementation = _boot_images_impl,
doc = """Build boot images, including `boot.img`, `vendor_boot.img`, etc.
Execute `build_boot_images` in ``.""",
attrs = {
"kernel_build": attr.label(
mandatory = True,
providers = [_KernelEnvInfo, _KernelBuildInfo],
"initramfs": attr.label(
providers = [_InitramfsInfo],
"deps": attr.label_list(
allow_files = True,
"outs": attr.output_list(),
"mkbootimg": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
default = "//tools/",
"vendor_boot_name": attr.string(doc = """
* If `"vendor_boot"`, build `vendor_boot.img`
* If `"vendor_kernel_boot"`, build `vendor_kernel_boot.img`
* If `None`, skip `vendor_boot`.
""", values = ["vendor_boot", "vendor_kernel_boot"]),
"vendor_ramdisk_binaries": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
"_debug_print_scripts": attr.label(
default = "//build/kernel/kleaf:debug_print_scripts",
"_search_and_cp_output": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
default = Label("//build/kernel/"),
def _dtbo_impl(ctx):
output = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}/dtbo.img".format(
inputs = []
inputs += ctx.attr.kernel_build[_KernelEnvInfo].dependencies
inputs += ctx.files.srcs
command = ""
command += ctx.attr.kernel_build[_KernelEnvInfo].setup
command += """
# make dtbo
mkdtimg create {output} ${{MKDTIMG_FLAGS}} {srcs}
output = output.path,
srcs = " ".join([f.path for f in ctx.files.srcs]),
_debug_print_scripts(ctx, command)
mnemonic = "Dtbo",
inputs = inputs,
outputs = [output],
progress_message = "Building dtbo {}".format(ctx.label),
command = command,
return DefaultInfo(files = depset([output]))
_dtbo = rule(
implementation = _dtbo_impl,
doc = "Build dtbo.",
attrs = {
"kernel_build": attr.label(
mandatory = True,
providers = [_KernelEnvInfo, _KernelBuildInfo],
"srcs": attr.label_list(
allow_files = True,
"_debug_print_scripts": attr.label(
default = "//build/kernel/kleaf:debug_print_scripts",
def kernel_images(
kernel_build = None,
build_initramfs = None,
build_vendor_dlkm = None,
build_boot = None,
build_vendor_boot = None,
build_vendor_kernel_boot = None,
build_system_dlkm = None,
build_dtbo = None,
dtbo_srcs = None,
mkbootimg = None,
deps = None,
boot_image_outs = None,
modules_list = None,
modules_blocklist = None,
modules_options = None,
vendor_ramdisk_binaries = None,
vendor_dlkm_modules_list = None,
vendor_dlkm_modules_blocklist = None,
vendor_dlkm_props = None):
"""Build multiple kernel images.
name: name of this rule, e.g. `kernel_images`,
kernel_modules_install: A `kernel_modules_install` rule.
The main kernel build is inferred from the `kernel_build` attribute of the
specified `kernel_modules_install` rule. The main kernel build must contain
`` in `outs` (which is included if you use `aarch64_outs` or
`x86_64_outs` from `common_kernels.bzl`).
kernel_build: A `kernel_build` rule. Must specify if `build_boot`.
mkbootimg: Path to the script which builds boot.img.
Keep in sync with `MKBOOTIMG_PATH`. Only used if `build_boot`. If `None`,
default to `//tools/`.
deps: Additional dependencies to build images.
This must include the following:
- For `initramfs`:
- The file specified by `MODULES_LIST`
- The file specified by `MODULES_BLOCKLIST`, if `MODULES_BLOCKLIST` is set
- For `vendor_dlkm` image:
- The file specified by `VENDOR_DLKM_MODULES_LIST`
- The file specified by `VENDOR_DLKM_MODULES_BLOCKLIST`, if set
- The file specified by `VENDOR_DLKM_PROPS`, if set
- The file specified by `selinux_fc` in `VENDOR_DLKM_PROPS`, if set
boot_image_outs: A list of output files that will be installed to `DIST_DIR` when
`build_boot_images` in `build/kernel/` is executed.
You may leave out `vendor_boot.img` from the list. It is automatically added when
`build_vendor_boot = True`.
If `build_boot` is equal to `False`, the default is empty.
If `build_boot` is equal to `True`, the default list assumes the following:
- `BOOT_IMAGE_FILENAME` is not set (which takes default value `boot.img`), or is set to
- `vendor_boot.img` if `build_vendor_boot`
- `RAMDISK_EXT=lz4`. If the build configuration has a different value, replace
`ramdisk.lz4` with `ramdisk.{RAMDISK_EXT}` accordingly.
- `BOOT_IMAGE_HEADER_VERSION >= 4`, which creates `vendor-bootconfig.img` to contain
- The list contains `dtb.img`
build_initramfs: Whether to build initramfs. Keep in sync with `BUILD_INITRAMFS`.
build_system_dlkm: Whether to build system_dlkm.img an erofs image with GKI modules.
build_vendor_dlkm: Whether to build `vendor_dlkm` image. It must be set if
`vendor_dlkm_modules_list` is set.
Note: at the time of writing (Jan 2022), unlike ``,
`vendor_dlkm.modules.blocklist` is **always** created
regardless of the value of `VENDOR_DLKM_MODULES_BLOCKLIST`.
If `build_vendor_dlkm()` in `` does not generate
`vendor_dlkm.modules.blocklist`, an empty file is created.
build_boot: Whether to build boot image. It must be set if either `BUILD_BOOT_IMG`
This depends on `initramfs` and `kernel_build`. Hence, if this is set to `True`,
`build_initramfs` is implicitly true, and `kernel_build` must be set.
build_vendor_boot: Whether to build `vendor_boot.img`. It must be set if either
and `BUILD_VENDOR_KERNEL_BOOT` is not set.
At most **one** of `build_vendor_boot` and `build_vendor_kernel_boot` may be set to
If `True`, requires `build_boot = True`.
If `True`, adds `vendor_boot.img` to `boot_image_outs` if not already in the list.
build_vendor_kernel_boot: Whether to build `vendor_kernel_boot.img`. It must be set if either
At most **one** of `build_vendor_boot` and `build_vendor_kernel_boot` may be set to
If `True`, requires `build_boot = True`.
If `True`, adds `vendor_kernel_boot.img` to `boot_image_outs` if not already in the list.
build_dtbo: Whether to build dtbo image. Keep this in sync with `BUILD_DTBO_IMG`.
If `dtbo_srcs` is non-empty, `build_dtbo` is `True` by default. Otherwise it is `False`
by default.
dtbo_srcs: list of `*.dtbo` files used to package the `dtbo.img`. Keep this in sync
with `MKDTIMG_DTBOS`; see example below.
If `dtbo_srcs` is non-empty, `build_dtbo` must not be explicitly set to `False`.
name = "tuna_kernel",
outs = [
name = "tuna_images",
kernel_build = ":tuna_kernel",
dtbo_srcs = [
modules_list: A file containing list of modules to use for `vendor_boot.modules.load`.
This corresponds to `MODULES_LIST` in `build.config` for ``.
modules_blocklist: A file containing a list of modules which are
blocked from being loaded.
This file is copied directly to staging directory, and should be in the format:
blocklist module_name
This corresponds to `MODULES_BLOCKLIST` in `build.config` for ``.
modules_options: A `/lib/modules/modules.options` file is created on the ramdisk containing
the contents of this variable.
Lines should be of the form:
options <modulename> <param1>=<val> <param2>=<val> ...
This corresponds to `MODULES_OPTIONS` in `build.config` for ``.
vendor_dlkm_modules_list: location of an optional file
containing the list of kernel modules which shall be copied into a
`vendor_dlkm` partition image. Any modules passed into `MODULES_LIST` which
become part of the `vendor_boot.modules.load` will be trimmed from the
This corresponds to `VENDOR_DLKM_MODULES_LIST` in `build.config` for ``.
vendor_dlkm_modules_blocklist: location of an optional file containing a list of modules
which are blocked from being loaded.
This file is copied directly to the staging directory and should be in the format:
blocklist module_name
This corresponds to `VENDOR_DLKM_MODULES_BLOCKLIST` in `build.config` for ``.
vendor_dlkm_props: location of a text file containing
the properties to be used for creation of a `vendor_dlkm` image
(filesystem, partition size, etc). If this is not set (and
`build_vendor_dlkm` is), a default set of properties will be used
which assumes an ext4 filesystem and a dynamic partition.
This corresponds to `VENDOR_DLKM_PROPS` in `build.config` for ``.
vendor_ramdisk_binaries: List of vendor ramdisk binaries
which includes the device-specific components of ramdisk like the fstab
file and the device-specific rc files. If specifying multiple vendor ramdisks
and identical file paths exist in the ramdisks, the file from last ramdisk is used.
Note: **order matters**. To prevent buildifier from sorting the list, add the following:
# do not sort
This corresponds to `VENDOR_RAMDISK_BINARY` in `build.config` for ``.
all_rules = []
if build_vendor_boot and build_vendor_kernel_boot:
fail("{}: build_vendor_boot and build_vendor_kernel_boot must not be set simultaneously.".format(name))
if build_vendor_boot and not build_boot:
fail("{}: build_vendor_boot = True requires build_boot = True.".format(name))
if build_vendor_kernel_boot and not build_boot:
fail("{}: build_vendor_kernel_boot = True requires build_boot = True.".format(name))
if build_boot:
if build_initramfs == None:
build_initramfs = True
if not build_initramfs:
fail("{}: Must set build_initramfs to True if build_boot".format(name))
if kernel_build == None:
fail("{}: Must set kernel_build if build_boot".format(name))
# Set default value for boot_image_outs according to build_boot
if boot_image_outs == None:
if not build_boot:
boot_image_outs = []
boot_image_outs = [
boot_image_outs = list(boot_image_outs)
if build_vendor_boot and "vendor_boot.img" not in boot_image_outs:
if build_vendor_kernel_boot and "vendor_kernel_boot.img" not in boot_image_outs:
if build_initramfs:
name = "{}_initramfs".format(name),
kernel_modules_install = kernel_modules_install,
deps = deps,
vendor_boot_modules_load = "{}_initramfs/vendor_boot.modules.load".format(name),
modules_list = modules_list,
modules_blocklist = modules_blocklist,
modules_options = modules_options,
if build_system_dlkm:
name = "{}_system_dlkm_image".format(name),
kernel_modules_install = kernel_modules_install,
deps = deps,
modules_list = modules_list,
modules_blocklist = modules_blocklist,
if build_vendor_dlkm:
name = "{}_vendor_dlkm_image".format(name),
kernel_modules_install = kernel_modules_install,
vendor_boot_modules_load = "{}_initramfs/vendor_boot.modules.load".format(name),
deps = deps,
vendor_dlkm_modules_list = vendor_dlkm_modules_list,
vendor_dlkm_modules_blocklist = vendor_dlkm_modules_blocklist,
vendor_dlkm_props = vendor_dlkm_props,
if build_boot:
if build_vendor_kernel_boot:
vendor_boot_name = "vendor_kernel_boot"
elif build_vendor_boot:
vendor_boot_name = "vendor_boot"
vendor_boot_name = None
name = "{}_boot_images".format(name),
kernel_build = kernel_build,
outs = ["{}_boot_images/{}".format(name, out) for out in boot_image_outs],
deps = deps,
initramfs = ":{}_initramfs".format(name),
mkbootimg = mkbootimg,
vendor_boot_name = vendor_boot_name,
vendor_ramdisk_binaries = vendor_ramdisk_binaries,
if build_dtbo == None:
build_dtbo = bool(dtbo_srcs)
if dtbo_srcs:
if not build_dtbo:
fail("{}: build_dtbo must be True if dtbo_srcs is non-empty.")
if build_dtbo:
name = "{}_dtbo".format(name),
srcs = dtbo_srcs,
kernel_build = kernel_build,
name = name,
srcs = all_rules,
def _kernel_filegroup_impl(ctx):
all_deps = ctx.files.srcs + ctx.files.deps
# TODO(b/219112010): implement _KernelEnvInfo for the modules_prepare target
modules_prepare_out_dir_tar_gz = find_file("modules_prepare_outdir.tar.gz", all_deps, what = ctx.label)
modules_prepare_setup = """
# Restore modules_prepare outputs. Assumes env setup.
[ -z ${{OUT_DIR}} ] && echo "ERROR: modules_prepare setup run without OUT_DIR set!" >&2 && exit 1
tar xf {outdir_tar_gz} -C ${{OUT_DIR}}
""".format(outdir_tar_gz = modules_prepare_out_dir_tar_gz)
modules_prepare_deps = [modules_prepare_out_dir_tar_gz]
kernel_module_dev_info = _KernelBuildExtModuleInfo(
modules_staging_archive = find_file("modules_staging_dir.tar.gz", all_deps, what = ctx.label),
modules_prepare_setup = modules_prepare_setup,
modules_prepare_deps = modules_prepare_deps,
# TODO(b/211515836): module_srcs might also be downloaded
module_srcs = _filter_module_srcs(ctx.files.kernel_srcs),
collect_unstripped_modules = ctx.attr.collect_unstripped_modules,
uapi_info = _KernelBuildUapiInfo(
kernel_uapi_headers = ctx.attr.kernel_uapi_headers,
unstripped_modules_info = None
for target in ctx.attr.srcs:
if _KernelUnstrippedModulesInfo in target:
unstripped_modules_info = target[_KernelUnstrippedModulesInfo]
if unstripped_modules_info == None:
# Reverse of kernel_unstripped_modules_archive
unstripped_modules_archive = find_file("unstripped_modules.tar.gz", all_deps, what = ctx.label, required = True)
unstripped_dir = ctx.actions.declare_directory("{}/unstripped".format(
command = ctx.attr._hermetic_tools[HermeticToolsInfo].setup + """
tar xf {unstripped_modules_archive} -C $(dirname {unstripped_dir}) $(basename {unstripped_dir})
_debug_print_scripts(ctx, command, what = "unstripped_modules_archive")
command = command,
inputs = ctx.attr._hermetic_tools[HermeticToolsInfo].deps + [
outputs = [unstripped_dir],
progress_message = "Extracting unstripped_modules_archive {}".format(ctx.label),
mnemonic = "KernelFilegroupUnstrippedModulesArchive",
unstripped_modules_info = _KernelUnstrippedModulesInfo(directory = unstripped_dir)
return [
DefaultInfo(files = depset(ctx.files.srcs)),
# TODO(b/219112010): implement _KernelEnvInfo for _kernel_build
kernel_filegroup = rule(
implementation = _kernel_filegroup_impl,
doc = """Specify a list of kernel prebuilts.
This is similar to [`filegroup`](
that gives a convenient name to a collection of targets, which can be referenced from other rules.
It can be used in the `base_kernel` attribute of a [`kernel_build`](#kernel_build).
attrs = {
"srcs": attr.label_list(
allow_files = True,
doc = """The list of labels that are members of this file group.
This usually contains a list of prebuilts, e.g. `vmlinux`, `Image.lz4`, `kernel-headers.tar.gz`,
Not to be confused with [`kernel_srcs`](#kernel_filegroup-kernel_srcs).""",
"deps": attr.label_list(
allow_files = True,
doc = """A list of additional labels that participates in implementing the providers.
This usually contains a list of prebuilts.
Unlike srcs, these labels are NOT added to the [`DefaultInfo`](""",
"kernel_srcs": attr.label_list(
allow_files = True,
doc = """A list of files that would have been listed as `srcs` if this rule were a [`kernel_build`](#kernel_build).
This is usually a `glob()` of source files.
Not to be confused with [`srcs`](#kernel_filegroup-srcs).
"kernel_uapi_headers": attr.label(
allow_files = True,
doc = """The label pointing to `kernel-uapi-headers.tar.gz`.
This attribute should be set to the `kernel-uapi-headers.tar.gz` artifact built by the
[`kernel_build`](#kernel_build) macro if the `kernel_filegroup` rule were a `kernel_build`.
Setting this attribute allows [`merged_kernel_uapi_headers`](#merged_kernel_uapi_headers) to
work properly when this `kernel_filegroup` is set to the `base_kernel`.
For example:
name = "kernel_aarch64_prebuilts",
srcs = [
# ...
kernel_uapi_headers = "kernel-uapi-headers.tar.gz",
name = "tuna",
base_kernel = ":kernel_aarch64_prebuilts",
# ...
name = "tuna_merged_kernel_uapi_headers",
kernel_build = "tuna",
# ...
"collect_unstripped_modules": attr.bool(
default = True,
doc = """See [`kernel_build.collect_unstripped_modules`](#kernel_build-collect_unstripped_modules).
Unlike `kernel_build`, this has default value `True` because
[`kernel_build_abi`](#kernel_build_abi) sets
[`define_abi_targets`](#kernel_build_abi-define_abi_targets) to `True` by
default, which in turn sets `collect_unstripped_modules` to `True` by default.
"_hermetic_tools": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel:hermetic-tools", providers = [HermeticToolsInfo]),
def _kernel_compile_commands_impl(ctx):
interceptor_output = ctx.attr.kernel_build[_KernelBuildInfo].interceptor_output
if not interceptor_output:
fail("{}: kernel_build {} does not have enable_interceptor = True.".format(ctx.label, ctx.attr.kernel_build.label))
compile_commands = ctx.actions.declare_file( + "/compile_commands.json")
inputs = [interceptor_output]
inputs += ctx.attr.kernel_build[_KernelEnvInfo].dependencies
command = ctx.attr.kernel_build[_KernelEnvInfo].setup
command += """
# Generate compile_commands.json
interceptor_analysis -l {interceptor_output} -o {compile_commands} -t compdb_commands --relative
interceptor_output = interceptor_output.path,
compile_commands = compile_commands.path,
mnemonic = "KernelCompileCommands",
inputs = inputs,
outputs = [compile_commands],
command = command,
progress_message = "Building compile_commands.json {}".format(ctx.label),
return DefaultInfo(files = depset([compile_commands]))
kernel_compile_commands = rule(
implementation = _kernel_compile_commands_impl,
doc = """
Generate `compile_commands.json` from a `kernel_build`.
attrs = {
"kernel_build": attr.label(
mandatory = True,
doc = "The `kernel_build` rule to extract from.",
providers = [_KernelEnvInfo, _KernelBuildInfo],
def _kernel_kythe_impl(ctx):
compile_commands = ctx.file.compile_commands
all_kzip = ctx.actions.declare_file( + "/all.kzip")
runextractor_error = ctx.actions.declare_file( + "/runextractor_error.log")
intermediates_dir = utils.intermediates_dir(ctx)
kzip_dir = intermediates_dir + "/kzip"
extracted_kzip_dir = intermediates_dir + "/extracted"
transitive_inputs = [src.files for src in ctx.attr.kernel_build[_SrcsInfo].srcs]
inputs = [compile_commands]
inputs += ctx.attr.kernel_build[_KernelEnvInfo].dependencies
command = ctx.attr.kernel_build[_KernelEnvInfo].setup
command += """
# Copy compile_commands.json to root
cp {compile_commands} ${{ROOT_DIR}}
# Prepare directories
mkdir -p {kzip_dir} {extracted_kzip_dir} ${{OUT_DIR}}
# Define env variables
export KYTHE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY={kzip_dir}
export KYTHE_CORPUS="{corpus}"
# Generate kzips
runextractor compdb -extractor $(which cxx_extractor) 2> {runextractor_error} || true
# Package it all into a single .kzip, ignoring duplicates.
for zip in $(find {kzip_dir} -name '*.kzip'); do
unzip -qn "${{zip}}" -d {extracted_kzip_dir}
soong_zip -C {extracted_kzip_dir} -D {extracted_kzip_dir} -o {all_kzip}
# Clean up directories
rm -rf {kzip_dir}
rm -rf {extracted_kzip_dir}
compile_commands = compile_commands.path,
kzip_dir = kzip_dir,
extracted_kzip_dir = extracted_kzip_dir,
corpus = ctx.attr.corpus,
all_kzip = all_kzip.path,
runextractor_error = runextractor_error.path,
mnemonic = "KernelKythe",
inputs = depset(inputs, transitive = transitive_inputs),
outputs = [all_kzip, runextractor_error],
command = command,
progress_message = "Building Kythe source code index (kzip) {}".format(ctx.label),
return DefaultInfo(files = depset([
kernel_kythe = rule(
implementation = _kernel_kythe_impl,
doc = """
Extract Kythe source code index (kzip file) from a `kernel_build`.
attrs = {
"kernel_build": attr.label(
mandatory = True,
doc = "The `kernel_build` target to extract from.",
providers = [_KernelEnvInfo, _KernelBuildInfo],
aspects = [_srcs_aspect],
"compile_commands": attr.label(
mandatory = True,
allow_single_file = True,
doc = "The `compile_commands.json`, or a `kernel_compile_commands` target.",
"corpus": attr.string(
default = "",
doc = "The value of `KYTHE_CORPUS`. See [](",
def _kernel_extracted_symbols_impl(ctx):
if ctx.attr.kernel_build_notrim[_KernelBuildAbiInfo].trim_nonlisted_kmi:
fail("{}: Requires `kernel_build` {} to have `trim_nonlisted_kmi = False`.".format(
if ctx.attr.kmi_symbol_list_add_only and not ctx.file.src:
fail("{}: kmi_symbol_list_add_only requires kmi_symbol_list.".format(ctx.label))
out = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}/extracted_symbols".format(
intermediates_dir = utils.intermediates_dir(ctx)
vmlinux = find_file(name = "vmlinux", files = ctx.files.kernel_build_notrim, what = "{}: kernel_build_notrim".format(, required = True)
in_tree_modules = find_files(suffix = ".ko", files = ctx.files.kernel_build_notrim, what = "{}: kernel_build_notrim".format(
srcs = [vmlinux] + in_tree_modules
for kernel_module in ctx.attr.kernel_modules: # external modules
srcs += kernel_module[_KernelModuleInfo].files
inputs = [ctx.file._extract_symbols]
inputs += srcs
inputs += ctx.attr.kernel_build_notrim[_KernelEnvInfo].dependencies
cp_src_cmd = ""
flags = ["--symbol-list", out.path]
if not ctx.attr.module_grouping:
if ctx.attr.kmi_symbol_list_add_only:
# Follow symlinks because we are in the execroot.
# Do not preserve permissions because we are overwriting the file immediately.
cp_src_cmd = "cp -L {src} {out}".format(
src = ctx.file.src.path,
out = out.path,
# Always consider symbols exported by modules
command = ctx.attr.kernel_build_notrim[_KernelEnvInfo].setup
command += """
mkdir -p {intermediates_dir}
cp -pl {srcs} {intermediates_dir}
{extract_symbols} {flags} {intermediates_dir}
rm -rf {intermediates_dir}
srcs = " ".join([file.path for file in srcs]),
intermediates_dir = intermediates_dir,
extract_symbols = ctx.file._extract_symbols.path,
flags = " ".join(flags),
cp_src_cmd = cp_src_cmd,
_debug_print_scripts(ctx, command)
inputs = inputs,
outputs = [out],
command = command,
progress_message = "Extracting symbols {}".format(ctx.label),
mnemonic = "KernelExtractedSymbols",
return DefaultInfo(files = depset([out]))
_kernel_extracted_symbols = rule(
implementation = _kernel_extracted_symbols_impl,
attrs = {
# We can't use kernel_filegroup + hermetic_tools here because
# - extract_symbols depends on the clang toolchain, which requires us to
# know the toolchain_version ahead of time.
# - We also don't have the necessity to extract symbols from prebuilts.
"kernel_build_notrim": attr.label(providers = [_KernelEnvInfo, _KernelBuildAbiInfo]),
"kernel_modules": attr.label_list(providers = [_KernelModuleInfo]),
"module_grouping": attr.bool(default = True),
"src": attr.label(doc = "Source `abi_gki_*` file. Used when `kmi_symbol_list_add_only`.", allow_single_file = True),
"kmi_symbol_list_add_only": attr.bool(),
"_extract_symbols": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel:abi/extract_symbols", allow_single_file = True),
"_debug_print_scripts": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel/kleaf:debug_print_scripts"),
def _kernel_abi_dump_impl(ctx):
full_abi_out_file = _kernel_abi_dump_full(ctx)
abi_out_file = _kernel_abi_dump_filtered(ctx, full_abi_out_file)
return [
DefaultInfo(files = depset([full_abi_out_file, abi_out_file])),
OutputGroupInfo(abi_out_file = depset([abi_out_file])),
def _kernel_abi_dump_epilog_cmd(path, append_version):
ret = ""
if append_version:
ret += """
# Append debug information to abi file
echo "
libabigail: $(abidw --version)
-->" >> {path}
""".format(path = path)
return ret
def _kernel_abi_dump_full(ctx):
abi_linux_tree = utils.intermediates_dir(ctx) + "/abi_linux_tree"
full_abi_out_file = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}/abi-full.xml".format(
vmlinux = find_file(name = "vmlinux", files = ctx.files.kernel_build, what = "{}: kernel_build".format(, required = True)
unstripped_dir_provider_targets = [ctx.attr.kernel_build] + ctx.attr.kernel_modules
unstripped_dir_providers = [target[_KernelUnstrippedModulesInfo] for target in unstripped_dir_provider_targets]
for prov, target in zip(unstripped_dir_providers, unstripped_dir_provider_targets):
if not
fail("{}: Requires dep {} to set collect_unstripped_modules = True".format(ctx.label, target.label))
unstripped_dirs = [ for prov in unstripped_dir_providers]
inputs = [vmlinux, ctx.file._dump_abi]
inputs += ctx.files._dump_abi_scripts
inputs += unstripped_dirs
inputs += ctx.attr._hermetic_tools[HermeticToolsInfo].deps
# Directories could be empty, so use a find + cp
command = ctx.attr._hermetic_tools[HermeticToolsInfo].setup + """
mkdir -p {abi_linux_tree}
find {unstripped_dirs} -type f -name '*.ko' -exec cp -pl -t {abi_linux_tree} {{}} +
cp -pl {vmlinux} {abi_linux_tree}
{dump_abi} --linux-tree {abi_linux_tree} --out-file {full_abi_out_file}
rm -rf {abi_linux_tree}
abi_linux_tree = abi_linux_tree,
unstripped_dirs = " ".join([unstripped_dir.path for unstripped_dir in unstripped_dirs]),
dump_abi = ctx.file._dump_abi.path,
vmlinux = vmlinux.path,
full_abi_out_file = full_abi_out_file.path,
epilog = _kernel_abi_dump_epilog_cmd(full_abi_out_file.path, True),
_debug_print_scripts(ctx, command)
inputs = inputs,
outputs = [full_abi_out_file],
command = command,
mnemonic = "AbiDumpFull",
progress_message = "Extracting ABI {}".format(ctx.label),
return full_abi_out_file
def _kernel_abi_dump_filtered(ctx, full_abi_out_file):
abi_out_file = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}/abi.xml".format(
inputs = [full_abi_out_file]
inputs += ctx.attr._hermetic_tools[HermeticToolsInfo].deps
command = ctx.attr._hermetic_tools[HermeticToolsInfo].setup
combined_abi_symbollist = ctx.attr.kernel_build[_KernelBuildAbiInfo].combined_abi_symbollist
if combined_abi_symbollist:
inputs += [
command += """
{filter_abi} --in-file {full_abi_out_file} --out-file {abi_out_file} --kmi-symbol-list {abi_symbollist}
abi_out_file = abi_out_file.path,
full_abi_out_file = full_abi_out_file.path,
filter_abi = ctx.file._filter_abi.path,
abi_symbollist = combined_abi_symbollist.path,
epilog = _kernel_abi_dump_epilog_cmd(abi_out_file.path, False),
command += """
cp -p {full_abi_out_file} {abi_out_file}
abi_out_file = abi_out_file.path,
full_abi_out_file = full_abi_out_file.path,
_debug_print_scripts(ctx, command)
inputs = inputs,
outputs = [abi_out_file],
command = command,
mnemonic = "AbiDumpFiltered",
progress_message = "Filtering ABI dump {}".format(ctx.label),
return abi_out_file
_kernel_abi_dump = rule(
implementation = _kernel_abi_dump_impl,
doc = "Extracts the ABI.",
attrs = {
"kernel_build": attr.label(providers = [_KernelEnvInfo, _KernelBuildAbiInfo, _KernelUnstrippedModulesInfo]),
"kernel_modules": attr.label_list(providers = [_KernelUnstrippedModulesInfo]),
"_dump_abi_scripts": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel:dump-abi-scripts"),
"_dump_abi": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel:abi/dump_abi", allow_single_file = True),
"_filter_abi": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel:abi/filter_abi", allow_single_file = True),
"_hermetic_tools": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel:hermetic-tools", providers = [HermeticToolsInfo]),
"_debug_print_scripts": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel/kleaf:debug_print_scripts"),
def _kernel_abi_prop_impl(ctx):
content = []
if ctx.file.kmi_definition:
if ctx.attr.kmi_enforced:
combined_abi_symbollist = ctx.attr.kernel_build[_KernelBuildAbiInfo].combined_abi_symbollist
if combined_abi_symbollist:
# This just appends `KERNEL_BINARY=vmlinux`, but find_file additionally ensures that
# we are building vmlinux.
vmlinux = find_file(name = "vmlinux", files = ctx.files.kernel_build, what = "{}: kernel_build".format(, required = True)
if ctx.file.modules_archive:
out = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}/abi.prop".format(
output = out,
content = "\n".join(content) + "\n",
return DefaultInfo(files = depset([out]))
_kernel_abi_prop = rule(
implementation = _kernel_abi_prop_impl,
doc = "Create `abi.prop`",
attrs = {
"kernel_build": attr.label(providers = [_KernelBuildAbiInfo]),
"modules_archive": attr.label(allow_single_file = True),
"kmi_definition": attr.label(allow_single_file = True),
"kmi_enforced": attr.bool(),
def kernel_build_abi(
define_abi_targets = None,
# for kernel_abi
kernel_modules = None,
module_grouping = None,
abi_definition = None,
kmi_enforced = None,
unstripped_modules_archive = None,
kmi_symbol_list_add_only = None,
# for kernel_build
"""Declare multiple targets to support ABI monitoring.
This macro is meant to be used in place of the [`kernel_build`](#kernel_build)
marco. All arguments in `kwargs` are passed to `kernel_build` directly.
For example, you may have the following declaration. (For actual definition
of `kernel_aarch64`, see
kernel_build_abi(name = "kernel_aarch64", **kwargs)
_dist_targets = ["kernel_aarch64", ...]
copy_to_dist_dir(name = "kernel_aarch64_dist", data = _dist_targets)
name = "kernel_aarch64_abi_dist",
kernel_build_abi = "kernel_aarch64",
data = _dist_targets,
The `kernel_build_abi` invocation is equivalent to the following:
kernel_build(name = "kernel_aarch64", **kwargs)
# if define_abi_targets, also define some other targets
See [`kernel_build`](#kernel_build) for the targets defined.
In addition, the following targets are defined:
- `kernel_aarch64_abi_dump`
- Building this target extracts the ABI.
- Include this target in a [`kernel_build_abi_dist`](#kernel_build_abi_dist)
target to copy ABI dump to `--dist-dir`.
- `kernel_aarch64_abi`
- A filegroup that contains `kernel_aarch64_abi_dump`. It also contains other targets
if `define_abi_targets = True`; see below.
In addition, the following targets are defined if `define_abi_targets = True`:
- `kernel_aarch64_abi_update_symbol_list`
- Running this target updates `kmi_symbol_list`.
- `kernel_aarch64_abi_update`
- Running this target updates `abi_definition`.
- `kernel_aarch64_abi_dump`
- Building this target extracts the ABI.
- Include this target in a [`kernel_build_abi_dist`](#kernel_build_abi_dist)
target to copy ABI dump to `--dist-dir`.
See build/kernel/kleaf/ for a conversion chart from ``
commands to Bazel commands.
name: Name of the main `kernel_build`.
define_abi_targets: Whether the `<name>_abi` target contains other
files to support ABI monitoring. If `None`, defaults to `True`.
If `False`, this macro is equivalent to just calling
kernel_build(name = name, **kwargs)
filegroup(name = name + "_abi", data = [name, abi_dump_target])
If `True`, implies `collect_unstripped_modules = True`. See
kernel_modules: A list of external [`kernel_module()`](#kernel_module)s
to extract symbols from.
module_grouping: If unspecified or `None`, it is `True` by default.
If `True`, then the symbol list will group symbols based
on the kernel modules that reference the symbol. Otherwise the symbol
list will simply be a sorted list of symbols used by all the kernel
abi_definition: Location of the ABI definition.
kmi_enforced: This is an indicative option to signal that KMI is enforced.
If set to `True`, KMI checking tools respects it and
reacts to it by failing if KMI differences are detected.
unstripped_modules_archive: A [`kernel_unstripped_modules_archive`](#kernel_unstripped_modules_archive)
which name is specified in `abi.prop`.
kmi_symbol_list_add_only: If unspecified or `None`, it is `False` by
default. If `True`,
then any symbols in the symbol list that would have been
removed are preserved (at the end of the file). Symbol list update will
fail if there is no pre-existing symbol list file to read from. This
property is intended to prevent unintentional shrinkage of a stable ABI.
This should be set to `True` if `KMI_SYMBOL_LIST_ADD_ONLY=1`.
kwargs: See [`kernel_build.kwargs`](#kernel_build-kwargs)
if define_abi_targets == None:
define_abi_targets = True
kwargs = dict(kwargs)
if define_abi_targets and kwargs.get("collect_unstripped_modules") == None:
kwargs["collect_unstripped_modules"] = True
name = name,
define_abi_targets = define_abi_targets,
kernel_modules = kernel_modules,
module_grouping = module_grouping,
kmi_symbol_list_add_only = kmi_symbol_list_add_only,
abi_definition = abi_definition,
kmi_enforced = kmi_enforced,
unstripped_modules_archive = unstripped_modules_archive,
kernel_build_kwargs = kwargs,
kernel_build(name = name, **kwargs)
def _kernel_build_abi_define_other_targets(
"""Helper to `kernel_build_abi`.
Defines targets other than the main `kernel_build()`.
* `{name}_with_vmlinux`
* `{name}_notrim` (if `define_abi_targets`)
* `{name}_abi_diff_executable`
* `{name}_abi`
new_outs, outs_changed = _kernel_build_outs_add_vmlinux(name, kernel_build_kwargs.get("outs"))
# with_vmlinux: outs += [vmlinux]
if outs_changed or kernel_build_kwargs.get("base_kernel"):
with_vmlinux_kwargs = dict(kernel_build_kwargs)
with_vmlinux_kwargs["outs"] = _transform_kernel_build_outs(name + "_with_vmlinux", "outs", new_outs)
with_vmlinux_kwargs.pop("base_kernel", default = None)
kernel_build(name = name + "_with_vmlinux", **with_vmlinux_kwargs)
native.alias(name = name + "_with_vmlinux", actual = name)
name = name + "_abi_dump",
kernel_build = name + "_with_vmlinux",
kernel_modules = [module + "_with_vmlinux" for module in kernel_modules] if kernel_modules else kernel_modules,
if not define_abi_targets:
name = name,
abi_dump_target = name + "_abi_dump",
name = name,
kernel_modules = kernel_modules,
module_grouping = module_grouping,
kmi_symbol_list_add_only = kmi_symbol_list_add_only,
abi_definition = abi_definition,
kmi_enforced = kmi_enforced,
unstripped_modules_archive = unstripped_modules_archive,
outs_changed = outs_changed,
new_outs = new_outs,
abi_dump_target = name + "_abi_dump",
kernel_build_with_vmlinux_target = name + "_with_vmlinux",
kernel_build_kwargs = kernel_build_kwargs,
def _kernel_build_abi_not_define_abi_targets(
"""Helper to `_kernel_build_abi_define_other_targets` when `define_abi_targets = False.`
Defines `{name}_abi` filegroup that only contains the ABI dump, provided
in `abi_dump_target`.
* `{name}_abi_diff_executable`
* `{name}_abi`
name = name + "_abi",
srcs = [abi_dump_target],
# For kernel_build_abi_dist to use when define_abi_targets is not set.
name = name + "_abi_diff_executable",
script = "",
def _kernel_build_abi_define_abi_targets(
"""Helper to `_kernel_build_abi_define_other_targets` when `define_abi_targets = True.`
Define targets to extract symbol list, extract ABI, update them, etc.
* `{name}_notrim`
* `{name}_abi_diff_executable`
* `{name}_abi`
default_outputs = [abi_dump_target]
# notrim: outs += [vmlinux], trim_nonlisted_kmi = False
if kernel_build_kwargs.get("trim_nonlisted_kmi") or outs_changed or kernel_build_kwargs.get("base_kernel"):
notrim_kwargs = dict(kernel_build_kwargs)
notrim_kwargs["outs"] = _transform_kernel_build_outs(name + "_notrim", "outs", new_outs)
notrim_kwargs["trim_nonlisted_kmi"] = False
notrim_kwargs["kmi_symbol_list_strict_mode"] = False
notrim_kwargs.pop("base_kernel", default = None)
kernel_build(name = name + "_notrim", **notrim_kwargs)
native.alias(name = name + "_notrim", actual = name)
# extract_symbols ...
name = name + "_abi_extracted_symbols",
kernel_build_notrim = name + "_notrim",
kernel_modules = [module + "_notrim" for module in kernel_modules] if kernel_modules else kernel_modules,
module_grouping = module_grouping,
src = kernel_build_kwargs.get("kmi_symbol_list"),
kmi_symbol_list_add_only = kmi_symbol_list_add_only,
name = name + "_abi_update_symbol_list",
src = name + "_abi_extracted_symbols",
dst = kernel_build_kwargs.get("kmi_symbol_list"),
default_outputs += _kernel_build_abi_define_abi_definition_targets(
name = name,
abi_definition = abi_definition,
kmi_enforced = kmi_enforced,
kmi_symbol_list = kernel_build_kwargs.get("kmi_symbol_list"),
name = name + "_abi_prop",
kmi_definition = name + "_abi_out_file" if abi_definition else None,
kmi_enforced = kmi_enforced,
kernel_build = kernel_build_with_vmlinux_target,
modules_archive = unstripped_modules_archive,
default_outputs.append(name + "_abi_prop")
name = name + "_abi",
srcs = default_outputs,
def _kernel_build_abi_define_abi_definition_targets(
"""Helper to `_kernel_build_abi_define_abi_targets`.
Defines targets to extract ABI, update ABI, compare ABI, etc. etc.
Defines `{name}_abi_diff_executable`.
if not abi_definition:
# For kernel_build_abi_dist to use when abi_definition is empty.
name = name + "_abi_diff_executable",
script = "",
return []
default_outputs = []
name = name + "_abi_out_file",
srcs = [name + "_abi_dump"],
output_group = "abi_out_file",
name = name + "_abi_diff",
baseline = abi_definition,
new = name + "_abi_out_file",
kmi_enforced = kmi_enforced,
default_outputs.append(name + "_abi_diff")
# The default outputs of _abi_diff does not contain the executable,
# but the reports. Use this filegroup to select the executable
# so rootpath in _abi_update works.
name = name + "_abi_diff_executable",
srcs = [name + "_abi_diff"],
output_group = "executable",
name = name + "_abi_update_definition",
src = name + "_abi_out_file",
dst = abi_definition,
name = name + "_abi_nodiff_update",
data = [
name + "_abi_extracted_symbols",
name + "_abi_update_definition",
script = """
# Ensure that symbol list is updated
if ! diff -q $(rootpath {src_symbol_list}) $(rootpath {dst_symbol_list}); then
echo "ERROR: symbol list must be updated before updating ABI definition. To update, execute 'tools/bazel run //{package}:{update_symbol_list_label}'." >&2
exit 1
# Update abi_definition
$(rootpath {update_definition})
src_symbol_list = name + "_abi_extracted_symbols",
dst_symbol_list = kmi_symbol_list,
package = native.package_name(),
update_symbol_list_label = name + "_abi_update_symbol_list",
update_definition = name + "_abi_update_definition",
name = name + "_abi_update",
data = [
name + "_abi_diff_executable",
name + "_abi_nodiff_update",
script = """
# Update abi_definition
$(rootpath {nodiff_update})
# Check return code of diff_abi and kmi_enforced
$(rootpath {diff})
diff = name + "_abi_diff_executable",
nodiff_update = name + "_abi_nodiff_update",
return default_outputs
def kernel_build_abi_dist(
"""A wrapper over `copy_to_dist_dir` for [`kernel_build_abi`](#kernel_build_abi).
After copying all files to dist dir, return the exit code from `diff_abi`.
name: name of the dist target
kernel_build_abi: name of the [`kernel_build_abi`](#kernel_build_abi)
# TODO(b/231647455): Clean up hard-coded name "_abi" and "_abi_diff_executable".
if kwargs.get("data") == None:
kwargs["data"] = []
# Use explicit + to prevent modifying the original list.
kwargs["data"] = kwargs["data"] + [kernel_build_abi + "_abi"]
name = name + "_copy_to_dist_dir",
name = name,
data = [
name + "_copy_to_dist_dir",
kernel_build_abi + "_abi_diff_executable",
script = """
# Copy to dist dir
$(rootpath {copy_to_dist_dir}) $@
# Check return code of diff_abi and kmi_enforced
$(rootpath {diff})
copy_to_dist_dir = name + "_copy_to_dist_dir",
diff = kernel_build_abi + "_abi_diff_executable",
def _kernel_abi_diff_impl(ctx):
inputs = [
inputs += ctx.attr._hermetic_tools[HermeticToolsInfo].deps
inputs += ctx.files._diff_abi_scripts
output_dir = ctx.actions.declare_directory("{}/abi_diff".format(
error_msg_file = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}/error_msg_file".format(
exit_code_file = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}/exit_code_file".format(
default_outputs = [output_dir]
command_outputs = default_outputs + [
command = ctx.attr._hermetic_tools[HermeticToolsInfo].setup + """
set +e
{diff_abi} --baseline {baseline} \\
--new {new} \\
--report {output_dir}/ \\
--abi-tool delegated > {error_msg_file} 2>&1
set -e
echo $rc > {exit_code_file}
if [[ $rc == 0 ]]; then
echo "INFO: $(cat {error_msg_file})"
echo "ERROR: $(cat {error_msg_file})" >&2
echo "INFO: exit code is not checked. 'tools/bazel run {label}' to check the exit code." >&2
diff_abi = ctx.file._diff_abi.path,
baseline = ctx.file.baseline.path,
new =,
output_dir = output_dir.path,
exit_code_file = exit_code_file.path,
error_msg_file = error_msg_file.path,
label = ctx.label,
_debug_print_scripts(ctx, command)
inputs = inputs,
outputs = command_outputs,
command = command,
mnemonic = "KernelDiffAbi",
progress_message = "Comparing ABI {}".format(ctx.label),
script = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}/".format(
script_content = """#!/bin/bash -e
rc=$(cat {exit_code_file})
if [[ $rc == 0 ]]; then
echo "INFO: $(cat {error_msg_file})"
echo "ERROR: $(cat {error_msg_file})" >&2
exit_code_file = exit_code_file.short_path,
error_msg_file = error_msg_file.short_path,
if ctx.attr.kmi_enforced:
script_content += """
exit $rc
ctx.actions.write(script, script_content, is_executable = True)
return [
files = depset(default_outputs),
executable = script,
runfiles = ctx.runfiles(files = command_outputs),
OutputGroupInfo(executable = depset([script])),
_kernel_abi_diff = rule(
implementation = _kernel_abi_diff_impl,
doc = "Run `diff_abi`",
attrs = {
"baseline": attr.label(allow_single_file = True),
"new": attr.label(allow_single_file = True),
"kmi_enforced": attr.bool(),
"_hermetic_tools": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel:hermetic-tools", providers = [HermeticToolsInfo]),
"_diff_abi_scripts": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel:diff-abi-scripts"),
"_diff_abi": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel:abi/diff_abi", allow_single_file = True),
"_debug_print_scripts": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel/kleaf:debug_print_scripts"),
executable = True,
def _kernel_unstripped_modules_archive_impl(ctx):
kernel_build = ctx.attr.kernel_build
base_kernel = kernel_build[_KernelUnstrippedModulesInfo].base_kernel if kernel_build else None
# Early elements = higher priority. In-tree modules from base_kernel has highest priority,
# then in-tree modules of the device kernel_build, then external modules (in an undetermined
# order).
# TODO(b/228557644): kernel module names should not collide. Detect collsions.
srcs = []
for kernel_build_object in (base_kernel, kernel_build):
if not kernel_build_object:
directory = kernel_build_object[_KernelUnstrippedModulesInfo].directory
if not directory:
fail("{} does not have collect_unstripped_modules = True.".format(kernel_build_object.label))
for kernel_module in ctx.attr.kernel_modules:
inputs = ctx.attr._hermetic_tools[HermeticToolsInfo].deps + srcs
out_file = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}/unstripped_modules.tar.gz".format(
unstripped_dir = ctx.genfiles_dir.path + "/unstripped"
command = ""
command += ctx.attr._hermetic_tools[HermeticToolsInfo].setup
command += """
mkdir -p {unstripped_dir}
""".format(unstripped_dir = unstripped_dir)
# Copy the source ko files in low to high priority order.
for src in reversed(srcs):
# src could be empty, so use find + cp
command += """
find {src} -name '*.ko' -exec cp -l -t {unstripped_dir} {{}} +
src = src.path,
unstripped_dir = unstripped_dir,
command += """
tar -czhf {out_file} -C $(dirname {unstripped_dir}) $(basename {unstripped_dir})
out_file = out_file.path,
unstripped_dir = unstripped_dir,
_debug_print_scripts(ctx, command)
inputs = inputs,
outputs = [out_file],
progress_message = "Compressing unstripped modules {}".format(ctx.label),
command = command,
mnemonic = "KernelUnstrippedModulesArchive",
return DefaultInfo(files = depset([out_file]))
kernel_unstripped_modules_archive = rule(
implementation = _kernel_unstripped_modules_archive_impl,
doc = """Compress the unstripped modules into a tarball.
This is the equivalent of `COMPRESS_UNSTRIPPED_MODULES=1` in ``.
Add this target to a `copy_to_dist_dir` rule to copy it to the distribution
directory, or `DIST_DIR`.
attrs = {
"kernel_build": attr.label(
doc = """A [`kernel_build`](#kernel_build) to retrieve unstripped in-tree modules from.
It requires `collect_unstripped_modules = True`. If the `kernel_build` has a `base_kernel`, the rule
also retrieves unstripped in-tree modules from the `base_kernel`, and requires the
`base_kernel` has `collect_unstripped_modules = True`.
providers = [_KernelUnstrippedModulesInfo],
"kernel_modules": attr.label_list(
doc = """A list of external [`kernel_module`](#kernel_module)s to retrieve unstripped external modules from.
It requires that the base `kernel_build` has `collect_unstripped_modules = True`.
providers = [_KernelUnstrippedModulesInfo],
"_hermetic_tools": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel:hermetic-tools", providers = [HermeticToolsInfo]),
"_debug_print_scripts": attr.label(default = "//build/kernel/kleaf:debug_print_scripts"),