blob: 1d72f3fa8e895a9ac86c3e43468f26ad89681c24 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2003 - 2011 Broadcom Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license
* agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, available at
* (the "GPL").
* Notwithstanding the above, under no circumstances may you combine this
* software in any way with any other Broadcom software provided under a
* license other than the GPL, without Broadcom's express prior written
* consent.
* @file frame_profiler
* @brief Keeps a history and statistics of the processing time of frames.
* To add another profiler, define another PROFILER variable and
* pointer to it. Export and extern the pointer.
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Include Files */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <linux/version.h>
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/sched.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/errno.h>
#include <linux/broadcom/knllog.h>
#include <linux/broadcom/timer.h>
#include <linux/kthread.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
#include <linux/sysctl.h>
#include <linux/broadcom/gos/gos.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
#include <linux/broadcom/gos/std/stdlib.h>
#include <linux/broadcom/frame_profiler.h>
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Private Constants and Types */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define HISTORY_SIZE 50
#define MAX_PROFILERS 10
typedef struct
unsigned int currTime;
unsigned int maxTime;
unsigned int avgPercentTime;
unsigned int maxAvgPercentTime;
unsigned int avgWeightedTime;
unsigned int maxAvgWeightedTime;
typedef struct
int enable;
int inuse;
unsigned int alphaFactor; /* Weightage of current value to the average (in %) */
unsigned int avgSum;
typedef struct
unsigned int history[HISTORY_SIZE];
timer_tick_count_t start[HISTORY_SIZE];
timer_tick_count_t end[HISTORY_SIZE];
timer_tick_count_t start_temp[HISTORY_SIZE];
timer_tick_count_t end_temp[HISTORY_SIZE];
timer_tick_count_t *pstart;
timer_tick_count_t *pend;
typedef struct
STATS profilerStats;
STATE profilerState;
DATA profilerData;
char procName[25];
struct task_struct *profilerTask;
struct proc_dir_entry *procDir;
struct proc_dir_entry *procEnable;
struct proc_dir_entry *procReset;
struct proc_dir_entry *procAlphafactor;
GOS_SEM semData;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Private Variables */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static PROFILER gProfilerArray[MAX_PROFILERS];
static int gInitializeProfilerArray = 0;
static GOS_SEM FP_semWrite;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Private Function Prototypes */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static int profilerThread( void *data );
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Private Function */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* microSec
unsigned int microSec( timer_tick_count_t ticks )
return ( ticks / (timer_get_tick_rate() / 1000000) );
* readProcHistory
static int readProcHistory( char *buf, char **start, off_t offset, int count, int *eof, void *data )
PROFILER *instance = ( PROFILER * )data;
int len = 0;
int i;
(void) start; (void) offset; (void) count; /* avoid compiler warning */
gosSemTake( instance->semData );
len += sprintf( buf+len, "\n********************* Summary of History ************************\n\n" );
len += sprintf( buf+len, "Processing Time Start Time End Time \n\n" );
for ( i = 0; i < HISTORY_SIZE; i++ )
len += sprintf( buf+len, "%15u %22u %22u \n", instance->profilerData.history[i], \
microSec(instance->profilerData.start[HISTORY_SIZE-1-i]), microSec(instance->profilerData.end[HISTORY_SIZE-1-i]) );
gosSemGive( instance->semData );
*eof = 1;
return len+1;
* readProcStats
static int readProcStats( char *buf, char **start, off_t offset, int count, int *eof, void *data )
PROFILER *instance = ( PROFILER * )data;
int len = 0;
(void) start; (void) offset; (void) count; /* avoid compiler warning */
len += sprintf( buf+len, "\n********************* Summary of Statistics *********************\n\n" );
len += sprintf( buf+len, "Statistic Current Maximum \n\n" );
len += sprintf( buf+len, "%-27s: %15u %15u \n", "Processing Time (us)", instance->profilerStats.currTime, instance->profilerStats.maxTime );
len += sprintf( buf+len, "%-27s: %15u %15u \n", "Average Percent Time (us)", instance->profilerStats.avgPercentTime, instance->profilerStats.maxAvgPercentTime );
len += sprintf( buf+len, "%-27s: %15u %15u \n", "Average Weighted Time (us)", instance->profilerStats.avgWeightedTime, instance->profilerStats.maxAvgWeightedTime );
*eof = 1;
return len+1;
* readProcEnable
int readProcEnable( char *buf, char **start, off_t offset, int count, int *eof, void *data )
PROFILER *instance = ( PROFILER * )data;
int len = 0;
(void) start; (void) offset; (void) count; /* avoid compiler warning */
len = sprintf( buf+len, "Enable: %d \n", instance->profilerState.enable );
return len;
* readProcAlphafactor
int readProcAlphafactor( char *buf, char **start, off_t offset, int count, int *eof, void *data )
PROFILER *instance = ( PROFILER * )data;
int len = 0;
(void) start; (void) offset; (void) count; /* avoid compiler warning */
len = sprintf( buf+len, "Alpha-factor: %d \n", instance->profilerState.alphaFactor );
return len;
* writeProcEnable
int writeProcEnable( struct file *file, const char *buf, int count, void *data )
PROFILER *instance = ( PROFILER * )data;
char input;
if ( count > sizeof( instance->profilerState.enable ) )
count = sizeof( instance->profilerState.enable );
if ( copy_from_user( &input, buf, count ) )
return -EFAULT;
gosSemTake( instance->semData );
instance->profilerState.enable = atoi(&input);
gosSemGive( instance->semData );
return count;
* writeProcAlphafactor
int writeProcAlphafactor( struct file *file, const char *buf, int count, void *data )
PROFILER *instance = ( PROFILER * )data;
char input[5];
if ( count > sizeof( instance->profilerState.alphaFactor ) )
count = sizeof( instance->profilerState.alphaFactor );
if ( copy_from_user( input, buf, count ) )
return -EFAULT;
gosSemTake( instance->semData );
instance->profilerState.alphaFactor = atoi(&input[0]);
gosSemGive( instance->semData );
return count;
* writeProcReset
int writeProcReset( struct file *file, const char *buf, int count, void *data )
PROFILER *instance = ( PROFILER * )data;
char input;
if ( count > sizeof( int ) )
count = sizeof( int );
if ( copy_from_user( &input, buf, count ) )
return -EFAULT;
gosSemTake( instance->semData );
if ( atoi(&input) )
memset( &instance->profilerStats, 0, sizeof( STATS ));
memset( &instance->profilerData, 0, sizeof( DATA ));
instance->profilerState.alphaFactor = ( 1<< 4 ); /* 1/16 in Q8 number */
instance->profilerData.pstart = instance->profilerData.start_temp;
instance->profilerData.pend = instance->profilerData.end_temp;
instance->profilerState.avgSum = 0;
gosSemGive( instance->semData );
return count;
* create_profiler_proc
int create_profiler_proc( PROFILER *instance )
instance->procDir = proc_mkdir( instance->procName, NULL );
if ( instance->procDir == NULL )
printk( KERN_ERR "%s: Failed to create main directory for proc entries\n", __FUNCTION__ );
return 1;
create_proc_read_entry( "history", 0, instance->procDir, readProcHistory, (void *)instance );
create_proc_read_entry( "stats", 0, instance->procDir, readProcStats, (void *)instance );
/********** Creating Enable Proc **********/
instance->procEnable = create_proc_entry( "enable", 0644, instance->procDir );
if ( instance->procEnable == NULL)
printk( KERN_ERR "%s: Failed to create Enable directory for proc entries\n", __FUNCTION__ );
return 1;
instance->procEnable->data = instance;
instance->procEnable->write_proc = (write_proc_t *)writeProcEnable;
instance->procEnable->read_proc = (read_proc_t *)readProcEnable;
/********** Creating Reset Proc **********/
instance->procReset = create_proc_entry( "reset", 0644, instance->procDir );
if ( instance->procReset == NULL)
printk( KERN_ERR "%s: Failed to create Reset directory for proc entries\n", __FUNCTION__ );
return 1;
instance->procReset->data = instance;
instance->procReset->write_proc = (write_proc_t *)writeProcReset;
/********** Creating Alphafactor Proc **********/
instance->procAlphafactor = create_proc_entry( "alpha-factor", 0644, instance->procDir );
if ( instance->procAlphafactor == NULL)
printk( KERN_ERR "%s: Failed to create Alphafactor directory for proc entries\n", __FUNCTION__ );
return 1;
instance->procAlphafactor->data = instance;
instance->procAlphafactor->write_proc = (write_proc_t *)writeProcAlphafactor;
instance->procAlphafactor->read_proc = (read_proc_t *)readProcAlphafactor;
return 0;
* remove_profiler_proc
void remove_profiler_proc( PROFILER *instance )
remove_proc_entry( "stats", instance->procDir );
remove_proc_entry( "history", instance->procDir );
remove_proc_entry( "enable", instance->procDir );
remove_proc_entry( "reset", instance->procDir );
remove_proc_entry( "alpha-factor", instance->procDir );
remove_proc_entry( instance->procName, NULL );
* getFrameProfiler
FRAME_PROFILER_HANDLE getFrameProfiler( void )
int rc;
PROFILER *profiler_ptr;
if ( !gInitializeProfilerArray )
memset( &gProfilerArray, 0, MAX_PROFILERS*sizeof( PROFILER ));
gInitializeProfilerArray = 1;
rc = gosSemAlloc( "FP_semWrite", 1, &FP_semWrite );
if ( rc )
printk( KERN_ERR "Failed to create profiler thread semaphore\n" );
return 0;
gosSemTake( FP_semWrite );
for ( profiler_ptr = gProfilerArray; profiler_ptr < gProfilerArray + MAX_PROFILERS; profiler_ptr++ )
if ( !profiler_ptr->profilerState.inuse )
profiler_ptr->profilerState.inuse = 1;
gosSemGive( FP_semWrite );
return profiler_ptr;
gosSemGive( FP_semWrite );
return 0;
* removeFrameProfiler
void removeFrameProfiler( PROFILER *instance )
memset( instance, 0, sizeof( PROFILER ));
instance = NULL;
* frame_profiler_init
FRAME_PROFILER_HANDLE frame_profiler_init( char proc_name[] )
int rc;
PROFILER *instance = getFrameProfiler();
if ( instance == NULL )
printk( KERN_ERR "ERROR allocating profilers\n" );
return 0;
strcpy( instance->procName, proc_name );
instance->profilerState.enable = 1;
instance->profilerState.alphaFactor = ( 1<< 4 ); /* 1/16 in Q8 number */
instance->profilerData.pstart = instance->profilerData.start_temp;
instance->profilerData.pend = instance->profilerData.end_temp;
rc = create_profiler_proc( instance );
if ( rc )
printk( KERN_ERR "Failed to create profiler procs\n");
return 0;
if (( instance->profilerTask == NULL ) || IS_ERR( instance->profilerTask ))
instance->profilerTask = kthread_run( profilerThread, instance, instance->procName );
if ( IS_ERR( instance->profilerTask ))
printk( KERN_ERR "Failed to start profiler thread: %ld\n", PTR_ERR( instance->profilerTask ));
remove_profiler_proc( instance );
return 0;
rc = gosSemAlloc( "FP_semData", 1, &instance->semData );
if ( rc )
printk( KERN_ERR "Failed to create profiler thread semaphore\n" );
remove_profiler_proc( instance );
kthread_stop( instance->profilerTask );
return 0;
return instance;
* frame_profiler_exit
int frame_profiler_exit( FRAME_PROFILER_HANDLE profilerHandle )
PROFILER *instance = (PROFILER *) profilerHandle;
int rc = 0;
remove_profiler_proc( instance );
rc = gosSemFree( instance->semData );
if ( rc )
printk( KERN_ERR "Failed to delete profiler thread semaphore\n" );
kthread_stop( instance->profilerTask );
removeFrameProfiler( instance );
return rc;
* FP_startProfiling
void FP_startProfiling( FRAME_PROFILER_HANDLE profilerHandle )
PROFILER *instance = (PROFILER *) profilerHandle;
if ( instance->profilerState.enable )
*instance->profilerData.pstart = timer_get_tick_count();
if ( instance->profilerData.pstart == ( instance->profilerData.start_temp + HISTORY_SIZE ))
instance->profilerData.pstart = instance->profilerData.start_temp;
gosSemTake( instance->semData );
memcpy( &instance->profilerData.start[0], &instance->profilerData.start_temp[0], HISTORY_SIZE*sizeof( &instance->profilerData.start_temp[0]) );
gosSemGive( instance->semData );
* FP_stopProfiling
void FP_stopProfiling( FRAME_PROFILER_HANDLE profilerHandle )
PROFILER *instance = (PROFILER *) profilerHandle;
if ( instance->profilerState.enable )
*instance->profilerData.pend = timer_get_tick_count();
if ( instance->profilerData.pend == ( instance->profilerData.end_temp + HISTORY_SIZE ))
instance->profilerData.pend = instance->profilerData.end_temp;
gosSemTake( instance->semData );
memcpy( &instance->profilerData.end[0], &instance->profilerData.end_temp[0], HISTORY_SIZE*sizeof( &instance->profilerData.end_temp[0]) );
gosSemGive( instance->semData );
wake_up_process( instance->profilerTask );
* percentAvg - Numerator is the sum of AVG_RANGE elements processing times.
* When a new time is added, the oldest time is deleted.
* Denominator is the time it takes to processes first element to the last element.
unsigned int percentAvg( PROFILER *instance, int index )
instance->profilerState.avgSum += instance->profilerData.history[1] - instance->profilerData.history[AVG_RANGE];
if ( (index - AVG_RANGE + 1) < 0 )
return (( instance->profilerState.avgSum*10000 ) / ( microSec(instance->profilerData.start[index] - instance->profilerData.start[index - AVG_RANGE + 1 + HISTORY_SIZE] ) + 1));
return (( instance->profilerState.avgSum*10000 ) / ( microSec(instance->profilerData.start[index] - instance->profilerData.start[index - AVG_RANGE + 1] ) + 1));
* weightedAvg
unsigned int weightedAvg( PROFILER *instance )
if ( !instance->profilerStats.avgWeightedTime )
return instance->profilerStats.currTime;
return ((instance->profilerStats.currTime * instance->profilerState.alphaFactor) + (instance->profilerStats.avgWeightedTime * ((1 << 8) - instance->profilerState.alphaFactor))) >> 8;
* FP_setEnable
void FP_setEnable( FRAME_PROFILER_HANDLE profilerHandle, int enable )
PROFILER *instance = (PROFILER *) profilerHandle;
gosSemTake( instance->semData );
instance->profilerState.enable = enable;
gosSemGive( instance->semData );
* FP_setReset
void FP_setReset( FRAME_PROFILER_HANDLE profilerHandle, int reset )
PROFILER *instance = (PROFILER *) profilerHandle;
gosSemTake( instance->semData );
if ( reset )
memset( &instance->profilerStats, 0, sizeof( STATS ));
memset( &instance->profilerData, 0, sizeof( DATA ));
instance->profilerState.alphaFactor = ( 1<< 4 ); /* 1/16 in Q8 number */
instance->profilerData.pstart = instance->profilerData.start_temp;
instance->profilerData.pend = instance->profilerData.end_temp;
instance->profilerState.avgSum = 0;
gosSemGive( instance->semData );
* FP_setAlphaFactor
void FP_setAlphaFactor( FRAME_PROFILER_HANDLE profilerHandle, int alphafactor )
PROFILER *instance = (PROFILER *) profilerHandle;
gosSemTake( instance->semData );
instance->profilerState.alphaFactor= alphafactor;
gosSemGive( instance->semData );
* FP_getCurrTime
unsigned int FP_getCurrTime( FRAME_PROFILER_HANDLE profilerHandle )
PROFILER *instance = (PROFILER *) profilerHandle;
return instance->profilerStats.currTime;
* FP_getMaxTime
unsigned int FP_getMaxTime( FRAME_PROFILER_HANDLE profilerHandle )
PROFILER *instance = (PROFILER *) profilerHandle;
return instance->profilerStats.maxTime;
* FP_getAvgPercentTime
unsigned int FP_getAvgPercentTime( FRAME_PROFILER_HANDLE profilerHandle )
PROFILER *instance = (PROFILER *) profilerHandle;
return instance->profilerStats.avgPercentTime;
* FP_getMaxAvgPercentTime
unsigned int FP_getMaxAvgPercentTime( FRAME_PROFILER_HANDLE profilerHandle )
PROFILER *instance = (PROFILER *) profilerHandle;
return instance->profilerStats.maxAvgPercentTime;
* FP_getAvgWeightedTime
unsigned int FP_getAvgWeightedTime( FRAME_PROFILER_HANDLE profilerHandle )
PROFILER *instance = (PROFILER *) profilerHandle;
return instance->profilerStats.avgWeightedTime;
* FP_getMaxAvgWeightedTime
unsigned int FP_getMaxAvgWeightedTime( FRAME_PROFILER_HANDLE profilerHandle )
PROFILER *instance = (PROFILER *) profilerHandle;
return instance->profilerStats.maxAvgWeightedTime;
* profilerThread
int profilerThread( void *data )
PROFILER *instance = ( PROFILER * )data;
int index;
int i;
KNLLOG( "************* Starting Profiler Thread **************\n" );
while ( 1 )
set_current_state( TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE );
if ( kthread_should_stop() )
gosSemTake( instance->semData );
for ( index = 0; index < (HISTORY_SIZE); index++ )
instance->profilerStats.currTime = microSec( instance->profilerData.end[index] - instance->profilerData.start[index] );
for ( i = (HISTORY_SIZE-1); i > 0; i-- )
instance->profilerData.history[i] = instance->profilerData.history[i-1];
instance->profilerData.history[0] = instance->profilerStats.currTime;
if ( instance->profilerStats.maxTime < instance->profilerStats.currTime )
instance->profilerStats.maxTime = instance->profilerStats.currTime;
instance->profilerStats.avgPercentTime = percentAvg(instance, index);
if ( instance->profilerStats.maxAvgPercentTime < instance->profilerStats.avgPercentTime )
instance->profilerStats.maxAvgPercentTime = instance->profilerStats.avgPercentTime;
instance->profilerStats.avgWeightedTime = weightedAvg(instance);
if ( instance->profilerStats.maxAvgWeightedTime < instance->profilerStats.avgWeightedTime )
instance->profilerStats.maxAvgWeightedTime = instance->profilerStats.avgWeightedTime;
gosSemGive( instance->semData );
KNLLOG( "************* Exiting Profiler Thread **************\n" );
return 0;
EXPORT_SYMBOL( frame_profiler_init );
EXPORT_SYMBOL( frame_profiler_exit );
EXPORT_SYMBOL( FP_startProfiling );
EXPORT_SYMBOL( FP_stopProfiling );
EXPORT_SYMBOL( FP_setEnable );
EXPORT_SYMBOL( FP_setAlphaFactor );
EXPORT_SYMBOL( FP_getCurrTime );
EXPORT_SYMBOL( FP_getAvgPercentTime );
EXPORT_SYMBOL( FP_getMaxAvgPercentTime );
EXPORT_SYMBOL( FP_getAvgWeightedTime );
EXPORT_SYMBOL( FP_getMaxAvgWeightedTime );