blob: c6d6294a4e6b5fec1f151ecd49a1d0dd747c9692 [file] [log] [blame]
* RPC module header file
* Copyright (C) 1999-2015, Broadcom Corporation
* Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license
* agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"),
* available at, with the
* following added to such license:
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you
* permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and
* distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that
* you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of
* the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
* derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any
* modifications of the software.
* Notwithstanding the above, under no circumstances may you combine this
* software in any way with any other Broadcom software provided under a license
* other than the GPL, without Broadcom's express prior written consent.
* $Id: bcm_rpc.h 319426 2012-03-08 01:36:03Z $
#ifndef _BCM_RPC_H_
#define _BCM_RPC_H_
#include <typedefs.h>
#include <rpc_osl.h>
typedef struct rpc_info rpc_info_t;
typedef struct rpc_buf rpc_buf_t;
struct rpc_transport_info;
typedef void (*rpc_dispatch_cb_t)(void *ctx, struct rpc_buf* buf);
typedef void (*rpc_resync_cb_t)(void *ctx);
typedef void (*rpc_down_cb_t)(void *ctx);
typedef void (*rpc_txdone_cb_t)(void *ctx, struct rpc_buf* buf);
extern struct rpc_info *bcm_rpc_attach(void *pdev, osl_t *osh, struct rpc_transport_info *rpc_th,
uint16 *devid);
extern bool bcm_rpc_sleep(struct rpc_info *rpc);
extern bool bcm_rpc_resume(struct rpc_info *rpc, int *fw_reload);
extern void bcm_rpc_detach(struct rpc_info *rpc);
extern void bcm_rpc_down(struct rpc_info *rpc);
extern void bcm_rpc_watchdog(struct rpc_info *rpc);
extern int bcm_rpc_is_asleep(struct rpc_info *rpc);
extern void bcm_rpc_dngl_suspend_enable_set(rpc_info_t *rpc, uint32 val);
extern void bcm_rpc_dngl_suspend_enable_get(rpc_info_t *rpc, uint32 *pval);
extern struct rpc_buf *bcm_rpc_buf_alloc(struct rpc_info *rpc, int len);
extern void bcm_rpc_buf_free(struct rpc_info *rpc, struct rpc_buf *b);
/* get rpc transport handle */
extern struct rpc_transport_info *bcm_rpc_tp_get(struct rpc_info *rpc);
/* get original os handle */
extern osl_t* bcm_rpc_osh_get(struct rpc_info *rpci);
/* callback for: data_rx, down, resync */
extern void bcm_rpc_rxcb_init(struct rpc_info *rpc, void *ctx, rpc_dispatch_cb_t cb,
void *dnctx, rpc_down_cb_t dncb, rpc_resync_cb_t resync_cb,
extern void bcm_rpc_rxcb_deinit(struct rpc_info *rpci);
/* HOST or CLIENT rpc call, requiring no return value */
extern int bcm_rpc_call(struct rpc_info *rpc, struct rpc_buf *b);
/* HOST rpc call, demanding return.
* The thread may be suspended and control returns back to OS
* The thread will resume(waked up) on either the return signal received or timeout
* The implementation details depend on OS
extern struct rpc_buf *bcm_rpc_call_with_return(struct rpc_info *rpc, struct rpc_buf *b);
/* CLIENT rpc call to respond to bcm_rpc_call_with_return, requiring no return value */
extern int bcm_rpc_call_return(struct rpc_info *rpc, struct rpc_buf *retb);
extern uint bcm_rpc_buf_header_len(struct rpc_info *rpci);
#define RPC_PKTLOG_SIZE 50 /* Depth of the history */
#define RPC_PKTLOG_DUMP_SIZE 150 /* dump size should be more than the product of above two */
/* HIGH/BMAC: bit 15-8: RPC module, bit 7-0: TP module */
#define RPC_ERROR_VAL 0x0001
#define RPC_TRACE_VAL 0x0002
#define RPC_PKTTRACE_VAL 0x0004
#define RPC_PKTLOG_VAL 0x0008
extern void bcm_rpc_msglevel_set(struct rpc_info *rpci, uint16 msglevel, bool high_low);
/* USB device BULK IN endpoint index */
#define USBDEV_BULK_IN_EP1 0
#define USBDEV_BULK_IN_EP2 1
#endif /* _BCM_RPC_H_ */