Revert "hikey: Create PDX socket dirs"

This reverts commit ad4b0cc47f80b71e2bc58a31f775332c5626b369.

We seem to only see errors about pdx sockets and I'm not sure
we have any actual VR users, so I think its safe to drop these.

Change-Id: I724984e3dd961f7989e1c3d22dcfe198777ac418
Reported-by: Robert Foss <>
Signed-off-by: John Stultz <>
diff --git a/init.common.rc b/init.common.rc
index 04783a8..53f446c 100644
--- a/init.common.rc
+++ b/init.common.rc
@@ -14,16 +14,6 @@
     write /dev/cpuset/system-background/cpus 0-7
     write /dev/cpuset/top-app/cpus 0-7
-    # Create UDS structure for base VR services
-    mkdir /dev/socket/pdx 0775 system system
-    mkdir /dev/socket/pdx/system 0775 system system
-    mkdir /dev/socket/pdx/system/buffer_hub 0775 system system
-    mkdir /dev/socket/pdx/system/performance 0775 system system
-    mkdir /dev/socket/pdx/system/vr 0775 system system
-    mkdir /dev/socket/pdx/system/vr/display 0775 system system
-    mkdir /dev/socket/pdx/system/vr/pose 0775 system system
-    mkdir /dev/socket/pdx/system/vr/sensors 0775 system system
     start watchdogd
 on fs