blob: 3f0a15ca85c796135dea94bfac4b70049168a3a9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Network utilities (radio process)
type netmgrd, domain;
type netmgrd_exec, exec_type, file_type;
# Started by init
permissive netmgrd;
# Starts as (root,radio) changes to (radio,radio)
allow netmgrd self:capability { setuid setgid net_admin net_raw };
dontaudit netmgrd self:capability fsetid;
# Support modprobe??
dontaudit netmgrd self:capability sys_module;
allow netmgrd self:udp_socket { create ioctl };
allow netmgrd self:netlink_socket create_socket_perms;
allow netmgrd self:netlink_route_socket { create_socket_perms nlmsg_write nlmsg_read };
# Talk to qmuxd (qmux_radio)
# Tries to access /data/data_test/ with toolbox. The data_test
# directory doesn't exist so deny access.
dontaudit netmgrd shell_exec:file rx_file_perms;
dontaudit netmgrd system_file:file execute_no_trans;
# Talk to init over the property socket
unix_socket_connect(netmgrd, property, init)
# Set net.rmnet0.* values
allow netmgrd radio_prop:property_service set;
# Access to /proc/sys/net/*
allow netmgrd proc_net:file write;