Assign easel related devices world rw

In 2018, easel is going to be open for more applications instead
of camera only. Change the permission of easel devices to world
rw to allow easel processors accessing the devices. The selinux
rules are still protecting the devices accessed by non-permitted

Test: GCA
Change-Id: I3a52f431452f6f0998cfbd7e38cf03378b048ef7
diff --git a/ueventd.hardware.rc b/ueventd.hardware.rc
index b640860..1a7fb35 100644
--- a/ueventd.hardware.rc
+++ b/ueventd.hardware.rc
@@ -104,11 +104,8 @@
 /sys/devices/soc/soc:fp_fpc*        wakeup_enable     0200  system system
 # Easel
-/dev/easelcomm-client     0660   cameraserver camera
-/dev/mnh_sm               0664   cameraserver camera
-# TODO (b/37941164): Temporary for easel
-/sys/devices/soc/c1b7000.i2c/i2c-9/9-0008* asr_dual_phase 0660 cameraserver camera
+/dev/easelcomm-client     0666   cameraserver camera
+/dev/mnh_sm               0666   cameraserver camera
 # Storage: for factory reset protection feature
 /dev/block/platform/soc/1da4000.ufshc/by-name/frp       0660   system     system