wahoo(init.rc): Don't start supplicant with interfaces

Framework will now add interface to supplicant (via HIDL) when it
needs to control an interface, so don't specify them in the startup

Bug: 69426063
Test: Device boots up and able to connect to wifi.
Change-Id: I817d28093f8b982e3806c212babd888c0f5eb7c0
diff --git a/init.hardware.rc b/init.hardware.rc
index 2d92975..d4693aa 100644
--- a/init.hardware.rc
+++ b/init.hardware.rc
@@ -672,10 +672,6 @@
    group root system
 service wpa_supplicant /vendor/bin/hw/wpa_supplicant \
-    -ip2p0 -Dnl80211 -c/data/misc/wifi/p2p_supplicant.conf \
-    -I/vendor/etc/wifi/p2p_supplicant_overlay.conf -N \
-    -iwlan0 -Dnl80211 -c/data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf \
-    -I/vendor/etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant_overlay.conf \
     -O/data/misc/wifi/sockets -puse_p2p_group_interface=1 -dd \
     #   we will start as root and wpa_supplicant will switch to user wifi