blob: 6aaa7513d7fae0865662e79f6f470548471dc408 [file] [log] [blame]
# Allow VrCore to be put in an app-specific SELinux domain.
ALL : device/google/vrservices/vrcore/sepolicy/certs/vrcore-release.x509.pem
# Release builds of Android should not trust development builds of VrCore.
# Unfortnately the infrastructure requires a certificate for each build variant,
# so switch to a bogus, unused cert for user builds.
ENG : device/google/vrservices/vrcore/sepolicy/certs/vrcore.x509.pem
USERDEBUG : device/google/vrservices/vrcore/sepolicy/certs/vrcore.x509.pem
USER : device/google/vrservices/vrcore/sepolicy/certs/vrcore-dummy.x509.pem