blob: 0e3471170618d4af228411cb574ce9c7b0529051 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright 2018, The Android Open Source Project
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
<!-- These resources are around just to allow their values to be customized
for different hardware and product builds. -->
<!-- Doze: does this device support STATE_DOZE? -->
<bool name="doze_display_state_supported">true</bool>
<!-- Doze: does this device support STATE_DOZE_SUSPEND? -->
<bool name="doze_suspend_display_state_supported">false</bool>
<!-- Type of a sensor that provides a low-power estimate of the desired display
brightness, suitable to listen to while the device is asleep (e.g. during
always-on display) -->
<string name="doze_brightness_sensor_type" translatable="false"></string>
<!-- Override value to use for proximity sensor. -->
<string name="proximity_sensor_type" translatable="false">android.sensor.light</string>
<!-- If using proximity_sensor_type, specifies a threshold value to distinguish near and
far break points. A sensor value less than this is considered "near". -->
<item name="proximity_sensor_threshold" translatable="false" format="float" type="dimen">12</item>
<!-- If using proximity_sensor_type, specifies a threshold value to distinguish near and
far break points. A sensor value more than this is considered "far". If not set,
proximity_sensor_threshold is used. This allows one to implement a latching mechanism for
noisy sensors. -->
<item name="proximity_sensor_threshold_latch" translatable="false" format="float" type="dimen">24</item>
<string name="proximity_sensor_secondary_type" translatable="false"></string>
<item name="proximity_sensor_secondary_threshold" translatable="false" format="float"
<!-- Doze: can we assume the pickup sensor includes a proximity check? -->
<bool name="doze_pickup_performs_proximity_check">true</bool>
<!-- Doze: whether the double tap sensor reports 2D touch coordinates -->
<bool name="doze_double_tap_reports_touch_coordinates">true</bool>
<!-- Height of the status bar header bar when on Keyguard (match status_bar_portrait) -->
<dimen name="status_bar_header_height_keyguard">@*android:dimen/status_bar_height_portrait</dimen>
<!-- Doze: Table that translates sensor values from the doze_brightness_sensor_type sensor
to brightness values; -1 means keeping the current brightness. -->
<integer-array name="config_doze_brightness_sensor_to_brightness">
<item>-1</item> <!-- 0: OFF -->
<item>5</item> <!-- 1: NIGHT -->
<item>5</item> <!-- 2: LOW -->
<item>27</item> <!-- 3: HIGH -->
<item>27</item> <!-- 4: SUN -->
<!-- Doze: Table that translates sensor values from the doze_brightness_sensor_type sensor
to an opacity value for a black scrim that is overlayed in AOD1.
Valid range is from 0 (transparent) to 255 (opaque).
-1 means keeping the current opacity. -->
<integer-array name="config_doze_brightness_sensor_to_scrim_opacity">
<item>-1</item> <!-- 0: OFF -->
<item>133</item> <!-- 1: NIGHT -->
<item>0</item> <!-- 2: LOW -->
<item>0</item> <!-- 3: HIGH -->
<item>0</item> <!-- 4: SUN -->
<!-- Default rounded corner curve (a Bezier). Must match (the curved path in) rounded.xml.
Note that while rounded.xml includes the entire path (including the horizontal and vertical
corner edges), this pulls out just the curve.
<string name="config_rounded_mask" translatable="false">M156,0 C76,4 58,5 31,31 5,58 4,76 0,156</string>
<bool name="config_roundedCornerMultipleRadius">true</bool>
<!-- Configure 13px of extra protection around the front-facing camera -->
<string translatable="false" name="config_frontBuiltInDisplayCutoutProtection">
M 29,77
a 52,52 0 1 0 104,0
a 52,52 0 1 0 -104,0
<!-- Camera 1 is the front camera on bramble -->
<string translatable="false" name="config_protectedCameraId">1</string>
<!-- Comma-separated list of packages to exclude from camera protection. In our case,
ignore the gaze detection package -->
<string translatable="false" name="config_cameraProtectionExcludedPackages"></string>
<bool name="config_enableDisplayCutoutProtection">true</bool>