blob: 7c9837a655fba154108e4bd9b8753c0b2e29acbc [file] [log] [blame]
# These are the permissions required to use the boot_control HAL implemented
# here: hardware/qcom/bootctrl/boot_control.c
# Getting and setting GPT attributes for the bootloader iterates over all the
# partition names in the block_device directory /dev/block/.../by-name
allow hal_bootctl_default block_device:dir r_dir_perms;
# Edit the attributes stored in the GPT.
allow hal_bootctl_default boot_block_device:blk_file rw_file_perms;
allow hal_bootctl_default gpt_block_device:blk_file rw_file_perms;
allow hal_bootctl_default custom_ab_block_device:blk_file getattr;
allow hal_bootctl_default modem_block_device:blk_file getattr;
allow hal_bootctl_default dp_block_device:blk_file getattr;
# Access /dev/sgN devices (generic SCSI) to write the
# A/B slot selection for the XBL partition. Allow also to issue a
allow hal_bootctl_default sg_device:chr_file rw_file_perms;
allow hal_bootctl_default sysfs_scsi_devices_0000:dir r_dir_perms;
# Write to the XBL devices.
allow hal_bootctl_default xbl_block_device:blk_file rw_file_perms;
# We never apply OTAs when GSI is running
dontaudit hal_bootctl_default gsi_metadata_file:dir search;
# Allow bootctl HAL to read ro.boot.hardware.platform
get_prop(hal_bootctl_default, vendor_hw_plat_prop)