blob: 8bde4f5b39218949da63c92a13c505444695e49a [file] [log] [blame]
type hal_wifi_ext, domain;
hal_server_domain(hal_wifi_ext, hal_wifi)
type hal_wifi_ext_exec, exec_type, vendor_file_type, file_type;
# Allow to start the IWifi:wifi_ext service
add_hwservice(hal_wifi_ext, hal_wifi_ext_hwservice);
# Allow wifi hal access to LOWI
allow hal_wifi_ext location:unix_stream_socket connectto;
allow hal_wifi_ext location:unix_dgram_socket sendto;
allow hal_wifi_ext wifihal_socket:dir rw_dir_perms;
allow hal_wifi_ext wifihal_socket:sock_file create_file_perms;
# write to files owned by location daemon
allow hal_wifi_ext location_socket:dir search;
allow hal_wifi_ext location_socket:sock_file write;
# Write wlan driver/fw version into property
set_prop(hal_wifi_ext, vendor_wifi_version)
# allow hal_wifi to write into /proc/debugdriver/driverdump
r_dir_file(hal_wifi_ext, proc_wifi_dbg)
# Allow wifi_ext to report callbacks to gril-service app
binder_call(hal_wifi_ext, grilservice_app)
# Allow hal_wifi to write into /dev/wlan
allow hal_wifi_ext wlan_device:chr_file w_file_perms;