Enforce RRO on framework-res

Overlays only for framework-res will be converted into RROs.

Other overlays can't be converted due to some known issues on app RRO.

Test: building succeeded on userdebug of the following products.
  - marlin, marlinf, marlinw, marlin_cc, marlin_sesame, marlin_cfi,
    marlin_asan, marlin_l10n, marlin_kasan, marlin_svelte,
    marlin_coverage, marlin_asan_coverage
  - sailfish, sailfishf, sailfishw, sailfish_cc, sailfish_sesame,
    sailfish_asan, sailfish_l10n, sailfish_kasan, sailfish_corp,
    sailfish_coverage, sailfish_asan_coverage, sailfish_bootpreopt,
  - aosp_marlin, aosp_marlin_svelte, aosp_sailfish
  - sailfish-userdebug_P
And tested sailfish-userdebug on a sailfish device.

Bug: 36231603
Change-Id: Idca30fdbbcc990fd124de16a06a112a346612a61
diff --git a/device-common.mk b/device-common.mk
index 216dc73..dd32e5e 100644
--- a/device-common.mk
+++ b/device-common.mk
@@ -31,6 +31,9 @@
 DEVICE_PACKAGE_OVERLAYS += device/google/marlin/overlay
+    framework-res
 # Input device files
     device/google/marlin/gpio-keys.kl:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/usr/keylayout/gpio-keys.kl \