blob: ddf847bbe41f950235a7ab821ddde5510584fb6b [file] [log] [blame]
# in addition to ioctl commands granted to domain allow system_server to use:
allowxperm system_server self:udp_socket ioctl priv_sock_ioctls;
# At a minimum, used for GPS (b/32290392)
allow system_server self:socket ioctl; # create already in core policy
allowxperm system_server self:socket ioctl msm_sock_ipc_ioctls;
# /dev/uhid
allow system_server uhid_device:chr_file rw_file_perms;
# TODO(b/36613917): Remove this once system_server no longer communicates with netmgrd over sockets.
typeattribute netmgrd socket_between_core_and_vendor_violators;
allow system_server netmgrd_socket:dir search;
unix_socket_connect(system_server, netmgrd, netmgrd)
binder_call(system_server, hal_camera_default)
binder_call(system_server, location)
# interact with thermal_config
set_prop(system_server, thermal_prop)
# rpm
r_dir_file(system_server, debugfs_rpm)
# /vendor/usr/keylayout
r_dir_file(system_server, idc_file)
# /vendor/usr/idc
r_dir_file(system_server, keylayout_file)
# kgsl
allow system_server debugfs_kgsl:file { open read getattr };
allow system_server diag_device:chr_file rw_file_perms;