radio and cameraserver are breaking socket comms rules

This does not change their behavior. This only relaxes neverallow

Test: mmm system/sepolicy
Bug: 36577153
Change-Id: I1789e0d97e41327b0d58e8ef1124f3577112bb37
diff --git a/sepolicy/hal_camera.te b/sepolicy/hal_camera.te
index cbe9d1f..30c339c 100644
--- a/sepolicy/hal_camera.te
+++ b/sepolicy/hal_camera.te
@@ -40,6 +40,10 @@
 # Grant access to Qualcomm MSM Interface (QMI) radio sockets
+# TODO(b/34274385): Remove this once Camera HAL is guaranteed to be binderized on full Treble
+# devices. Passthrough Camera HAL makes cameraserver use qmux socket which is a vendor socket.
+# cameraserver, being a non-vendor component, is not permitted to use that socket.
+typeattribute cameraserver socket_between_core_and_vendor_violators;
 # allow hal_camera to call some socket ioctls
 allowxperm hal_camera self:socket ioctl { IPC_ROUTER_IOCTL_LOOKUP_SERVER IPC_ROUTER_IOCTL_BIND_CONTROL_PORT };
diff --git a/sepolicy/radio.te b/sepolicy/radio.te
index 767e0a7..666590e 100644
--- a/sepolicy/radio.te
+++ b/sepolicy/radio.te
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+# TODO(b/36791780): Remove this once radio no longer communicates with qmuxd over sockets
+typeattribute radio socket_between_core_and_vendor_violators;
 # Grant access to Qualcomm MSM Interface (QMI) radio sockets