gs101: move charger thermalHAL setup into common code

To aligned with P22 to move charger thermalHAL setup into common code

Bug: 200615564
Test: build pass and boot to home
Change-Id: Idfe47fe64e4c158f27cd587ca8d768e13292c361
diff --git a/conf/init.gs101.rc b/conf/init.gs101.rc
index 2d96e26..48d2e31 100644
--- a/conf/init.gs101.rc
+++ b/conf/init.gs101.rc
@@ -987,19 +987,10 @@
     chown system system /dev/thermal/cdev-by-name/wlc_fcc/cur_state
     chown system system /dev/thermal/cdev-by-name/usbc-port/cur_state
-# Create thermal symlink in off charging mode
 on charger
-    mkdir /dev/thermal 0750 system system
-    mkdir /dev/thermal/tz-by-name 0750 system system
-    mkdir /dev/thermal/cdev-by-name 0750 system system
-    start vendor.thermal.symlinks
     write /proc/vendor_sched/sys_uclamp_min 0
     write /proc/vendor_sched/sys_prefer_idle 0
-# Launch thermal hal in off charging mode
-on charger && property:vendor.thermal.link_ready=1
-    start vendor.thermal-hal-2-0
 on property:vendor.disable.bcl.control=1
     write /sys/devices/virtual/pmic/mitigation/instruction/enable_mitigation 0