blob: d31918c767c57bff9e3763249dc061b67a98073d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "dumpstate_device"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <android-base/file.h>
#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
#include <android-base/properties.h>
#include <android-base/unique_fd.h>
#include <log/log.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "Dumpstate.h"
#include "DumpstateUtil.h"
#define MODEM_LOG_DIRECTORY "/data/vendor/radio/logs/always-on"
#define MODEM_EXTENDED_LOG_DIRECTORY "/data/vendor/radio/extended_logs"
#define RIL_LOG_DIRECTORY "/data/vendor/radio"
#define MODEM_LOGGING_PERSIST_PROPERTY "persist.vendor.sys.modem.logging.enable"
#define MODEM_LOGGING_PROPERTY "vendor.sys.modem.logging.enable"
#define MODEM_LOGGING_STATUS_PROPERTY "vendor.sys.modem.logging.status"
#define MODEM_LOGGING_NUMBER_BUGREPORT_PROPERTY "persist.vendor.sys.modem.logging.br_num"
#define MODEM_LOGGING_PATH_PROPERTY "vendor.sys.modem.logging.log_path"
#define GPS_LOG_DIRECTORY "/data/vendor/gps/logs"
#define TCPDUMP_LOG_DIRECTORY "/data/vendor/tcpdump_logger/logs"
#define TCPDUMP_NUMBER_BUGREPORT "persist.vendor.tcpdump.log.br_num"
#define TCPDUMP_PERSIST_PROPERTY "persist.vendor.tcpdump.log.alwayson"
#define HW_REVISION "ro.boot.hardware.revision"
using android::os::dumpstate::CommandOptions;
using android::os::dumpstate::DumpFileToFd;
using android::os::dumpstate::PropertiesHelper;
using android::os::dumpstate::RunCommandToFd;
namespace aidl {
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace dumpstate {
#define GPS_LOG_PREFIX "gl-"
#define GPS_MCU_LOG_PREFIX "esw-"
#define MODEM_LOG_PREFIX "sbuff_"
#define EXTENDED_LOG_PREFIX "extended_log_"
#define RIL_LOG_PREFIX "rild.log."
#define BUFSIZE 65536
#define TCPDUMP_LOG_PREFIX "tcpdump"
typedef std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> timepoint_t;
const char kVerboseLoggingProperty[] = "persist.vendor.verbose_logging_enabled";
void copyFile(std::string srcFile, std::string destFile) {
uint8_t buffer[BUFSIZE];
ssize_t size;
int fdSrc = open(srcFile.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
if (fdSrc < 0) {
ALOGD("Failed to open source file %s\n", srcFile.c_str());
int fdDest = open(destFile.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0666);
if (fdDest < 0) {
ALOGD("Failed to open destination file %s\n", destFile.c_str());
ALOGD("Copying %s to %s\n", srcFile.c_str(), destFile.c_str());
while ((size = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(fdSrc, buffer, BUFSIZE))) > 0) {
TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(write(fdDest, buffer, size));
void dumpLogs(int fd, std::string srcDir, std::string destDir, int maxFileNum,
const char *logPrefix) {
(void) fd;
struct dirent **dirent_list = NULL;
int num_entries = scandir(srcDir.c_str(),
(int (*)(const struct dirent **, const struct dirent **)) alphasort);
if (!dirent_list) {
} else if (num_entries <= 0) {
int copiedFiles = 0;
for (int i = num_entries - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ALOGD("Found %s\n", dirent_list[i]->d_name);
if (0 != strncmp(dirent_list[i]->d_name, logPrefix, strlen(logPrefix))) {
if ((copiedFiles >= maxFileNum) && (maxFileNum != -1)) {
ALOGD("Skipped %s\n", dirent_list[i]->d_name);
std::string srcLogFile = srcDir + "/" + dirent_list[i]->d_name;
std::string destLogFile = destDir + "/" + dirent_list[i]->d_name;
copyFile(srcLogFile, destLogFile);
ALOGD("Copying %s to %s\n", srcLogFile.c_str(), destLogFile.c_str());
while (num_entries--) {
void dumpRilLogs(int fd, std::string destDir) {
std::string rilLogDir =
int maxFileNum = ::android::base::GetIntProperty(RIL_LOG_NUMBER_PROPERTY, 50);
const std::string currentLogDir = rilLogDir + "/cur";
const std::string previousLogDir = rilLogDir + "/prev";
const std::string currentDestDir = destDir + "/cur";
const std::string previousDestDir = destDir + "/prev";
RunCommandToFd(fd, "MKDIR RIL CUR LOG", {"/vendor/bin/mkdir", "-p", currentDestDir.c_str()},
RunCommandToFd(fd, "MKDIR RIL PREV LOG", {"/vendor/bin/mkdir", "-p", previousDestDir.c_str()},
dumpLogs(fd, currentLogDir, currentDestDir, maxFileNum, RIL_LOG_PREFIX);
dumpLogs(fd, previousLogDir, previousDestDir, maxFileNum, RIL_LOG_PREFIX);
void dumpNetmgrLogs(std::string destDir) {
const std::vector <std::string> netmgrLogs
for (const auto& logFile : netmgrLogs) {
copyFile(logFile, destDir + "/" + basename(logFile.c_str()));
/** Dumps last synced NV data into bugreports */
void dumpModemEFS(std::string destDir) {
const std::string EFS_DIRECTORY = "/mnt/vendor/efs/";
const std::vector <std::string> nv_files
for (const auto& logFile : nv_files) {
copyFile(logFile, destDir + "/" + basename(logFile.c_str()));
void dumpGpsLogs(int fd, std::string destDir) {
const std::string gpsLogDir = GPS_LOG_DIRECTORY;
const std::string gpsTmpLogDir = gpsLogDir + "/.tmp";
const std::string gpsDestDir = destDir + "/gps";
int maxFileNum = ::android::base::GetIntProperty(GPS_LOG_NUMBER_PROPERTY, 20);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "MKDIR GPS LOG", {"/vendor/bin/mkdir", "-p", gpsDestDir.c_str()},
dumpLogs(fd, gpsTmpLogDir, gpsDestDir, 1, GPS_LOG_PREFIX);
dumpLogs(fd, gpsLogDir, gpsDestDir, 3, GPS_MCU_LOG_PREFIX);
dumpLogs(fd, gpsLogDir, gpsDestDir, maxFileNum, GPS_LOG_PREFIX);
void dumpCameraLogs(int fd, const std::string &destDir) {
static const std::string kCameraLogDir = "/data/vendor/camera/profiler";
const std::string cameraDestDir = destDir + "/camera";
RunCommandToFd(fd, "MKDIR CAMERA LOG", {"/vendor/bin/mkdir", "-p", cameraDestDir.c_str()},
// Attach multiple latest sessions (in case the user is running concurrent
// sessions or starts a new session after the one with performance issues).
dumpLogs(fd, kCameraLogDir, cameraDestDir, 10, "session-ended-");
dumpLogs(fd, kCameraLogDir, cameraDestDir, 5, "high-drop-rate-");
dumpLogs(fd, kCameraLogDir, cameraDestDir, 5, "watchdog-");
dumpLogs(fd, kCameraLogDir, cameraDestDir, 5, "camera-ended-");
timepoint_t startSection(int fd, const std::string &sectionName) {
"------ Section start: " + sectionName + " ------\n"
"\n", fd);
return std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
void endSection(int fd, const std::string &sectionName, timepoint_t startTime) {
auto endTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
auto elapsedMsec = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>
(endTime - startTime).count();
"------ Section end: " + sectionName + " ------\n"
"Elapsed msec: " + std::to_string(elapsedMsec) + "\n"
"\n", fd);
// If you are adding a single RunCommandToFd() or DumpFileToFd() call, please
// add it to dumpMiscSection(). But if you are adding multiple items that are
// related to each other - for instance, for a Foo peripheral - please add them
// to a new dump function and include it in this table so it can be accessed from the
// command line, e.g.:
// dumpsys android.hardware.dumpstate.IDumpstateDevice/default foo
// However, if your addition generates attachments and/or binary data for the
// bugreport (i.e. if it requires two file descriptors to execute), it must not be
// added to this table and should instead be added to dumpstateBoard() below.
: mTextSections{
{ "pre-touch", [this](int fd) { dumpPreTouchSection(fd); } },
{ "memory", [this](int fd) { dumpMemorySection(fd); } },
{ "Devfreq", [this](int fd) { dumpDevfreqSection(fd); } },
{ "cpu", [this](int fd) { dumpCpuSection(fd); } },
{ "power", [this](int fd) { dumpPowerSection(fd); } },
{ "thermal", [this](int fd) { dumpThermalSection(fd); } },
{ "touch", [this](int fd) { dumpTouchSection(fd); } },
{ "display", [this](int fd) { dumpDisplaySection(fd); } },
{ "sensors-usf", [this](int fd) { dumpSensorsUSFSection(fd); } },
{ "misc", [this](int fd) { dumpMiscSection(fd); } },
{ "camera", [this](int fd) { dumpCameraSection(fd); } },
} {
// Dump data requested by an argument to the "dump" interface, or help info
// if the specified section is not supported.
void Dumpstate::dumpTextSection(int fd, const std::string &sectionName) {
bool dumpAll = (sectionName == kAllSections);
std::string dumpFiles;
for (const auto &section : mTextSections) {
if (dumpAll || sectionName == section.first) {
auto startTime = startSection(fd, section.first);
endSection(fd, section.first, startTime);
if (!dumpAll) {
// Execute all or designated programs under vendor/bin/dump/
std::unique_ptr<DIR, decltype(&closedir)> dir(opendir("/vendor/bin/dump"), closedir);
if (!dir) {
ALOGE("Fail To Open Dir vendor/bin/dump/");
::android::base::WriteStringToFd("Fail To Open Dir vendor/bin/dump/\n", fd);
dirent *entry;
while ((entry = readdir(dir.get())) != nullptr) {
// Skip '.', '..'
if (entry->d_name[0] == '.') {
std::string bin(entry->d_name);
dumpFiles = dumpFiles + " " + bin;
if (dumpAll || sectionName == bin) {
auto startTime = startSection(fd, bin);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "/vendor/bin/dump/"+bin, {"/vendor/bin/dump/"+bin});
endSection(fd, bin, startTime);
if (!dumpAll) {
if (dumpAll) {
// An unsupported section was requested on the command line
::android::base::WriteStringToFd("Unrecognized text section: " + sectionName + "\n", fd);
::android::base::WriteStringToFd("Try \"" + kAllSections + "\" or one of the following:", fd);
for (const auto &section : mTextSections) {
::android::base::WriteStringToFd(" " + section.first, fd);
::android::base::WriteStringToFd(dumpFiles, fd);
::android::base::WriteStringToFd("\nNote: sections with attachments (e.g. modem) are"
"not avalable from the command line.\n", fd);
// Dump items related to power and battery
void Dumpstate::dumpPowerSection(int fd) {
struct stat buffer;
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Power Stats Times", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c",
"echo -n \"Boot: \" && /vendor/bin/uptime -s && "
"echo -n \"Now: \" && date"});
RunCommandToFd(fd, "ACPM stats", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c",
"for f in /sys/devices/platform/acpm_stats/*_stats ; do "
"echo \"\\n\\n$f\" ; cat $f ; "
DumpFileToFd(fd, "CPU PM stats", "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpupm/cpupm/time_in_state");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "GENPD summary", "/d/pm_genpd/pm_genpd_summary");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "Power supply property battery", "/sys/class/power_supply/battery/uevent");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "Power supply property dc", "/sys/class/power_supply/dc/uevent");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "Power supply property gcpm", "/sys/class/power_supply/gcpm/uevent");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "Power supply property gcpm_pps", "/sys/class/power_supply/gcpm_pps/uevent");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "Power supply property main-charger", "/sys/class/power_supply/main-charger/uevent");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "Power supply property pca9486-mains", "/sys/class/power_supply/pca9468-mains/uevent");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "Power supply property tcpm", "/sys/class/power_supply/tcpm-source-psy-i2c-max77759tcpc/uevent");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "Power supply property usb", "/sys/class/power_supply/usb/uevent");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "Power supply property wireless", "/sys/class/power_supply/wireless/uevent");
if (!stat("/sys/class/power_supply/maxfg", &buffer)) {
DumpFileToFd(fd, "Power supply property maxfg", "/sys/class/power_supply/maxfg/uevent");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "m5_state", "/sys/class/power_supply/maxfg/m5_model_state");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "maxfg", "/dev/logbuffer_maxfg");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "maxfg", "/dev/logbuffer_maxfg_monitor");
} else {
DumpFileToFd(fd, "Power supply property maxfg_base", "/sys/class/power_supply/maxfg_base/uevent");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "Power supply property maxfg_flip", "/sys/class/power_supply/maxfg_flip/uevent");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "m5_state", "/sys/class/power_supply/maxfg_base/m5_model_state");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "maxfg_base", "/dev/logbuffer_maxfg_base");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "maxfg_flip", "/dev/logbuffer_maxfg_flip");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "maxfg_base", "/dev/logbuffer_maxfg_base_monitor");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "maxfg_flip", "/dev/logbuffer_maxfg_flip_monitor");
if (!stat("/sys/class/power_supply/dock", &buffer)) {
DumpFileToFd(fd, "Power supply property dock", "/sys/class/power_supply/dock/uevent");
if (!stat("/dev/logbuffer_tcpm", &buffer)) {
DumpFileToFd(fd, "Logbuffer TCPM", "/dev/logbuffer_tcpm");
} else if (!PropertiesHelper::IsUserBuild()) {
if (!stat("/sys/kernel/debug/tcpm", &buffer)) {
RunCommandToFd(fd, "TCPM logs", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", "cat /sys/kernel/debug/tcpm/*"});
} else {
RunCommandToFd(fd, "TCPM logs", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", "cat /sys/kernel/debug/usb/tcpm*"});
RunCommandToFd(fd, "TCPC", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c",
"for f in /sys/devices/platform/10d50000.hsi2c/i2c-*/i2c-max77759tcpc;"
"do echo \"registers:\"; cat $f/registers;"
"echo \"frs:\"; cat $f/frs;"
"echo \"auto_discharge:\"; cat $f/auto_discharge;"
"echo \"bc12_enabled:\"; cat $f/bc12_enabled;"
"echo \"cc_toggle_enable:\"; cat $f/cc_toggle_enable;"
"echo \"contaminant_detection:\"; cat $f/contaminant_detection;"
"echo \"contaminant_detection_status:\"; cat $f/contaminant_detection_status; done"});
DumpFileToFd(fd, "PD Engine", "/dev/logbuffer_usbpd");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "POGO Transport", "/dev/logbuffer_pogo_transport");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "PPS-google_cpm", "/dev/logbuffer_cpm");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "PPS-dc", "/dev/logbuffer_pca9468");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "Battery Health", "/sys/class/power_supply/battery/health_index_stats");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "BMS", "/dev/logbuffer_ssoc");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "TTF", "/dev/logbuffer_ttf");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "TTF details", "/sys/class/power_supply/battery/ttf_details");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "TTF stats", "/sys/class/power_supply/battery/ttf_stats");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "maxq", "/dev/logbuffer_maxq");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "aacr_state", "/sys/class/power_supply/battery/aacr_state");
RunCommandToFd(fd, "TRICKLE-DEFEND Config", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c",
" cd /sys/devices/platform/google,battery/power_supply/battery/;"
" for f in `ls bd_*` ; do echo \"$f: `cat $f`\" ; done"});
RunCommandToFd(fd, "DWELL-DEFEND Config", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c",
" cd /sys/devices/platform/google,charger/;"
" for f in `ls charge_s*` ; do echo \"$f: `cat $f`\" ; done"});
RunCommandToFd(fd, "TEMP-DEFEND Config", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c",
" cd /sys/devices/platform/google,charger/;"
" for f in `ls bd_*` ; do echo \"$f: `cat $f`\" ; done"});
if (!PropertiesHelper::IsUserBuild()) {
DumpFileToFd(fd, "DC_registers dump", "/sys/class/power_supply/pca9468-mains/device/registers_dump");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "max77759_chg registers dump", "/d/max77759_chg/registers");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "max77729_pmic registers dump", "/d/max77729_pmic/registers");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "Charging table dump", "/d/google_battery/chg_raw_profile");
RunCommandToFd(fd, "fg_model", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c",
"for f in /d/maxfg* ; do "
"regs=`cat $f/fg_model`; echo $f: ;"
"echo \"$regs\"; done"});
RunCommandToFd(fd, "fg_alo_ver", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c",
"for f in /d/maxfg* ; do "
"regs=`cat $f/algo_ver`; echo $f: ;"
"echo \"$regs\"; done"});
RunCommandToFd(fd, "fg_model_ok", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c",
"for f in /d/maxfg* ; do "
"regs=`cat $f/model_ok`; echo $f: ;"
"echo \"$regs\"; done"});
/* FG Registers */
RunCommandToFd(fd, "fg registers", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c",
"for f in /d/maxfg* ; do "
"regs=`cat $f/registers`; echo $f: ;"
"echo \"$regs\"; done"});
/* EEPROM State */
if (!stat("/sys/devices/platform/10970000.hsi2c/i2c-4/4-0050/eeprom", &buffer)) {
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Battery EEPROM", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", "xxd /sys/devices/platform/10970000.hsi2c/i2c-4/4-0050/eeprom"});
} else if(!stat("/sys/devices/platform/10970000.hsi2c/i2c-5/5-0050/eeprom", &buffer)) {
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Battery EEPROM", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", "xxd /sys/devices/platform/10970000.hsi2c/i2c-5/5-0050/eeprom"});
} else if(!stat("/sys/devices/platform/10970000.hsi2c/i2c-6/6-0050/eeprom", &buffer)) {
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Battery EEPROM", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", "xxd /sys/devices/platform/10970000.hsi2c/i2c-6/6-0050/eeprom"});
} else if(!stat("/sys/devices/platform/10970000.hsi2c/i2c-7/7-0050/eeprom", &buffer)) {
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Battery EEPROM", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", "xxd /sys/devices/platform/10970000.hsi2c/i2c-7/7-0050/eeprom"});
} else {
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Battery EEPROM", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", "xxd /sys/devices/platform/10970000.hsi2c/i2c-8/8-0050/eeprom"});
DumpFileToFd(fd, "Charger Stats", "/sys/class/power_supply/battery/charge_details");
if (!PropertiesHelper::IsUserBuild()) {
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Google Charger", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", "cd /sys/kernel/debug/google_charger/; "
"for f in `ls pps_*` ; do echo \"$f: `cat $f`\" ; done"});
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Google Battery", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", "cd /sys/kernel/debug/google_battery/; "
"for f in `ls ssoc_*` ; do echo \"$f: `cat $f`\" ; done"});
DumpFileToFd(fd, "WLC logs", "/dev/logbuffer_wireless");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "WLC VER", "/sys/class/power_supply/wireless/device/version");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "WLC STATUS", "/sys/class/power_supply/wireless/device/status");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "WLC FW Version", "/sys/class/power_supply/wireless/device/fw_rev");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "RTX", "/dev/logbuffer_rtx");
if (!PropertiesHelper::IsUserBuild()) {
RunCommandToFd(fd, "gvotables", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", "cat /sys/kernel/debug/gvotables/*/status"});
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Mitigation Stats", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", "echo \"Source\\t\\tCount\\tSOC\\tTime\\tVoltage\"; "
"for f in `ls /sys/devices/virtual/pmic/mitigation/last_triggered_count/*` ; "
"do count=`cat $f`; "
"a=${f/\\/sys\\/devices\\/virtual\\/pmic\\/mitigation\\/last_triggered_count\\//}; "
"b=${f/last_triggered_count/last_triggered_capacity}; "
"c=${f/last_triggered_count/last_triggered_timestamp/}; "
"d=${f/last_triggered_count/last_triggered_voltage/}; "
"cnt=`cat $f`; "
"cap=`cat ${b/count/cap}`; "
"ti=`cat ${c/count/time}`; "
"volt=`cat ${d/count/volt}`; "
"echo \"${a/_count/} "
"\\t$cnt\\t$cap\\t$ti\\t$volt\" ; done"});
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Clock Divider Ratio", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", "echo \"Source\\t\\tRatio\"; "
"for f in `ls /sys/devices/virtual/pmic/mitigation/clock_ratio/*` ; "
"do ratio=`cat $f`; "
"a=${f/\\/sys\\/devices\\/virtual\\/pmic\\/mitigation\\/clock_ratio\\//}; "
"echo \"${a/_ratio/} \\t$ratio\" ; done"});
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Clock Stats", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", "echo \"Source\\t\\tStats\"; "
"for f in `ls /sys/devices/virtual/pmic/mitigation/clock_stats/*` ; "
"do stats=`cat $f`; "
"a=${f/\\/sys\\/devices\\/virtual\\/pmic\\/mitigation\\/clock_stats\\//}; "
"echo \"${a/_stats/} \\t$stats\" ; done"});
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Triggered Level", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", "echo \"Source\\t\\tLevel\"; "
"for f in `ls /sys/devices/virtual/pmic/mitigation/triggered_lvl/*` ; "
"do lvl=`cat $f`; "
"a=${f/\\/sys\\/devices\\/virtual\\/pmic\\/mitigation\\/triggered_lvl\\//}; "
"echo \"${a/_lvl/} \\t$lvl\" ; done"});
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Instruction", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c",
"for f in `ls /sys/devices/virtual/pmic/mitigation/instruction/*` ; "
"do val=`cat $f` ; "
"a=${f/\\/sys\\/devices\\/virtual\\/pmic\\/mitigation\\/instruction\\//}; "
"echo \"$a=$val\" ; done"});
// Dump items related to thermal
void Dumpstate::dumpThermalSection(int fd) {
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Temperatures", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c",
"for f in /sys/class/thermal/thermal* ; do "
"type=`cat $f/type` ; temp=`cat $f/temp` ; echo \"$type: $temp\" ; "
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Cooling Device Current State", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c",
"for f in /sys/class/thermal/cooling* ; do "
"type=`cat $f/type` ; temp=`cat $f/cur_state` ; echo \"$type: $temp\" ; "
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Cooling Device User Vote State", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c",
"for f in /sys/class/thermal/cooling* ; do "
"if [ ! -f $f/user_vote ]; then continue; fi; "
"type=`cat $f/type` ; temp=`cat $f/user_vote` ; echo \"$type: $temp\" ; "
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Cooling Device Time in State", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", "for f in /sys/class/thermal/cooling* ; "
"do type=`cat $f/type` ; temp=`cat $f/stats/time_in_state_ms` ; echo \"$type:\n$temp\" ; done"});
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Cooling Device Trans Table", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", "for f in /sys/class/thermal/cooling* ; "
"do type=`cat $f/type` ; temp=`cat $f/stats/trans_table` ; echo \"$type:\n$temp\" ; done"});
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Cooling Device State2Power Table", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c",
"for f in /sys/class/thermal/cooling* ; do "
"if [ ! -f $f/state2power_table ]; then continue; fi; "
"type=`cat $f/type` ; state2power_table=`cat $f/state2power_table` ; echo \"$type: $state2power_table\" ; "
DumpFileToFd(fd, "TMU state:", "/sys/module/gs101_thermal/parameters/tmu_reg_dump_state");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "TMU current temperature:", "/sys/module/gs101_thermal/parameters/tmu_reg_dump_current_temp");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "TMU_TOP rise thresholds:", "/sys/module/gs101_thermal/parameters/tmu_top_reg_dump_rise_thres");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "TMU_TOP fall thresholds:", "/sys/module/gs101_thermal/parameters/tmu_top_reg_dump_fall_thres");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "TMU_SUB rise thresholds:", "/sys/module/gs101_thermal/parameters/tmu_sub_reg_dump_rise_thres");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "TMU_SUB fall thresholds:", "/sys/module/gs101_thermal/parameters/tmu_sub_reg_dump_fall_thres");
// Dump items related to touch
void Dumpstate::dumpPreTouchSection(int fd) {
const char nvt_spi_path[] = "/sys/class/spi_master/spi11/spi11.0/input/nvt_touch";
char cmd[256];
/* NVT touch */
if (!access(nvt_spi_path, R_OK)) {
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd),
"echo %s > %s/%s",
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Force Touch Active(Enable)", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "/proc/nvt_fw_version");
if (!access(cmd, R_OK))
DumpFileToFd(fd, "FW version", cmd);
#if 0 /* b/193467774: remove this temporarily */
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "/proc/nvt_diff");
if (!access(cmd, R_OK))
DumpFileToFd(fd, "Diff", cmd);
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s/nvt_fw_history", nvt_spi_path);
if (!access(nvt_spi_path, R_OK))
DumpFileToFd(fd, "FW History", cmd);
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd),
"echo %s > %s/%s",
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Force Touch Active(Disable)", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
void Dumpstate::dumpTouchSection(int fd) {
const char stm_cmd_path[4][50] = {"/sys/class/spi_master/spi11/spi11.0",
const char lsi_spi_path[] = "/sys/devices/virtual/sec/tsp";
char cmd[256];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i+=2) {
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s", stm_cmd_path[i + 1]);
if (!access(cmd, R_OK)) {
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "echo A0 01 01 > %s", stm_cmd_path[i + 1]);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Force Set AP as Bus Owner with Bugreport Flag",
{"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s/appid", stm_cmd_path[i]);
if (!access(cmd, R_OK)) {
// Touch firmware version
DumpFileToFd(fd, "STM touch firmware version", cmd);
// Touch controller status
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s/status", stm_cmd_path[i]);
DumpFileToFd(fd, "STM touch status", cmd);
// Mutual raw data
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd),
"echo 13 00 01 > %s/stm_fts_cmd && cat %s/stm_fts_cmd",
stm_cmd_path[i], stm_cmd_path[i]);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Mutual Raw", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
// Mutual strength data
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd),
"echo 17 01 > %s/stm_fts_cmd && cat %s/stm_fts_cmd",
stm_cmd_path[i], stm_cmd_path[i]);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Mutual Strength", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
// Self raw data
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd),
"echo 15 00 01 > %s/stm_fts_cmd && cat %s/stm_fts_cmd",
stm_cmd_path[i], stm_cmd_path[i]);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Self Raw", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s", stm_cmd_path[i + 1]);
if (!access(cmd, R_OK)) {
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd),
"echo 01 A4 06 C3 > %s; echo 02 A7 00 00 00 40 00 > %s && cat %s",
stm_cmd_path[i + 1], stm_cmd_path[i + 1], stm_cmd_path[i + 1]);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "HDM debug information (32 bytes)",
{"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "echo 23 00 > %s && cat %s",
stm_cmd_path[i + 1], stm_cmd_path[i + 1]);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Mutual Raw Data",
{"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "echo 23 03 > %s && cat %s",
stm_cmd_path[i + 1], stm_cmd_path[i + 1]);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Mutual Baseline Data",
{"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "echo 23 02 > %s && cat %s",
stm_cmd_path[i + 1], stm_cmd_path[i + 1]);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Mutual Strength Data",
{"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "echo 24 00 > %s && cat %s",
stm_cmd_path[i + 1], stm_cmd_path[i + 1]);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Self Raw Data",
{"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "echo 24 03 > %s && cat %s",
stm_cmd_path[i + 1], stm_cmd_path[i + 1]);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Self Baseline Data",
{"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "echo 24 02 > %s && cat %s",
stm_cmd_path[i + 1], stm_cmd_path[i + 1]);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Self Strength Data",
{"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "echo 32 10 > %s && cat %s",
stm_cmd_path[i + 1], stm_cmd_path[i + 1]);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Mutual Compensation",
{"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "echo 32 11 > %s && cat %s",
stm_cmd_path[i + 1], stm_cmd_path[i + 1]);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Mutual Low Power Compensation",
{"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "echo 33 12 > %s && cat %s",
stm_cmd_path[i + 1], stm_cmd_path[i + 1]);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Self Compensation",
{"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "echo 34 > %s && cat %s",
stm_cmd_path[i + 1], stm_cmd_path[i + 1]);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Golden Mutual Raw Data",
{"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "echo 01 FA 20 00 00 24 80 > %s",
stm_cmd_path[i + 1]);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Packaging Plant - HW reset",
{"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "echo 01 FA 20 00 00 68 08 > %s",
stm_cmd_path[i + 1]);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Packaging Plant - Hibernate Memory",
{"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd),
"echo 02 FB 00 04 3F D8 00 10 01 > %s && cat %s",
stm_cmd_path[i + 1], stm_cmd_path[i + 1]);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Packaging Plant - Read 16 bytes from Address 0x00041FD8",
{"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd),
"echo 01 A4 06 C3 > %s; echo 02 A7 00 00 00 40 00 > %s && cat %s",
stm_cmd_path[i + 1], stm_cmd_path[i + 1], stm_cmd_path[i + 1]);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "HDM debug information (32 bytes)",
{"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s/stm_fts_cmd", stm_cmd_path[i]);
if (!access(cmd, R_OK)) {
// ITO raw data
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd),
"echo 01 > %s/stm_fts_cmd && cat %s/stm_fts_cmd",
stm_cmd_path[i], stm_cmd_path[i]);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "ITO Raw", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s", stm_cmd_path[i + 1]);
if (!access(cmd, R_OK)) {
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "echo A0 00 01 > %s", stm_cmd_path[i + 1]);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Restore Bus Owner",
{"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
if (!access(lsi_spi_path, R_OK)) {
// Enable: force touch active
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd),
"echo %s > %s/cmd && cat %s/cmd_result",
lsi_spi_path, lsi_spi_path);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Force Touch Active", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
// Firmware info
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s/fw_version", lsi_spi_path);
DumpFileToFd(fd, "LSI firmware version", cmd);
// Touch status
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s/status", lsi_spi_path);
DumpFileToFd(fd, "LSI touch status", cmd);
// Calibration info
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd),
"echo %s > %s/cmd && cat %s/cmd_result",
lsi_spi_path, lsi_spi_path);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Calibration info", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
// Mutual strength
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd),
"echo %s > %s/cmd && cat %s/cmd_result",
lsi_spi_path, lsi_spi_path);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Mutual Strength", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
// Self strength
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd),
"echo %s > %s/cmd && cat %s/cmd_result",
lsi_spi_path, lsi_spi_path);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Self Strength", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd),
"echo %s > %s/cmd && cat %s/cmd_result",
lsi_spi_path, lsi_spi_path);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "TYPE_AMBIENT_DATA", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd),
"echo %s > %s/cmd && cat %s/cmd_result",
lsi_spi_path, lsi_spi_path);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "TYPE_DECODED_DATA", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd),
"echo %s > %s/cmd && cat %s/cmd_result",
lsi_spi_path, lsi_spi_path);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "TYPE_OFFSET_DATA_SEC", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd),
"echo %s > %s/cmd && cat %s/cmd_result",
lsi_spi_path, lsi_spi_path);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "TYPE_NOI_P2P_MIN", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd),
"echo %s > %s/cmd && cat %s/cmd_result",
lsi_spi_path, lsi_spi_path);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "TYPE_NOI_P2P_MAX", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
// Raw cap
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd),
"echo %s > %s/cmd && cat %s/cmd_result",
lsi_spi_path, lsi_spi_path);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Mutual Raw Cap", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
// Self raw cap
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd),
"echo %s > %s/cmd && cat %s/cmd_result",
lsi_spi_path, lsi_spi_path);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Self Raw Cap", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
// CM2
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd),
"echo %s > %s/cmd && cat %s/cmd_result",
lsi_spi_path, lsi_spi_path);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "CM2", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
// Disable: force touch active
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd),
"echo %s > %s/cmd && cat %s/cmd_result",
lsi_spi_path, lsi_spi_path);
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Force Touch Active", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", cmd});
// Dump items related to CPUs
void Dumpstate::dumpCpuSection(int fd) {
DumpFileToFd(fd, "CPU present", "/sys/devices/system/cpu/present");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "CPU online", "/sys/devices/system/cpu/online");
RunCommandToFd(fd, "CPU time-in-state", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c",
"for cpu in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*; do "
"f=$cpu/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state; "
"if [ ! -f $f ]; then continue; fi; "
"echo $f:; cat $f; "
RunCommandToFd(fd, "CPU cpuidle", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c",
"for cpu in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*; do "
"for d in $cpu/cpuidle/state*; do "
"if [ ! -d $d ]; then continue; fi; "
"echo \"$d: `cat $d/name` `cat $d/desc` `cat $d/time` `cat $d/usage`\"; "
"done; "
DumpFileToFd(fd, "INTERRUPTS", "/proc/interrupts");
// Dump items related to Devfreq & BTS
void Dumpstate::dumpDevfreqSection(int fd) {
DumpFileToFd(fd, "MIF DVFS",
DumpFileToFd(fd, "INT DVFS",
DumpFileToFd(fd, "INTCAM DVFS",
DumpFileToFd(fd, "DISP DVFS",
DumpFileToFd(fd, "CAM DVFS",
DumpFileToFd(fd, "TNR DVFS",
DumpFileToFd(fd, "MFC DVFS",
DumpFileToFd(fd, "BO DVFS",
DumpFileToFd(fd, "BTS stats", "/sys/devices/platform/exynos-bts/bts_stats");
// Dump items related to memory
void Dumpstate::dumpMemorySection(int fd) {
RunCommandToFd(fd, "ION HEAPS", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c",
"for d in $(ls -d /d/ion/*); do "
"if [ -f $d ]; then "
"echo --- $d; cat $d; "
"else "
"for f in $(ls $d); do "
"echo --- $d/$f; cat $d/$f; "
"done; "
"fi; "
DumpFileToFd(fd, "dmabuf info", "/d/dma_buf/bufinfo");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "Page Pinner - longterm pin", "/sys/kernel/debug/page_pinner/buffer");
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Pixel CMA stat", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c",
"for d in $(ls -d /sys/kernel/pixel_stat/mm/cma/*); do "
"if [ -f $d ]; then "
"echo --- $d; cat $d; "
"else "
"for f in $(ls $d); do "
"echo --- $d/$f; cat $d/$f; "
"done; "
"fi; "
// Dump items related to display
void Dumpstate::dumpDisplaySection(int fd) {
DumpFileToFd(fd, "CRTC-0 underrun count", "/sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/crtc-0/underrun_cnt");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "CRTC-0 crc count", "/sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/crtc-0/crc_cnt");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "CRTC-0 ecc count", "/sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/crtc-0/ecc_cnt");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "CRTC-0 idma err count", "/sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/crtc-0/idma_err_cnt");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "CRTC-0 event log", "/sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/crtc-0/event");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "CRTC-1 underrun count", "/sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/crtc-1/underrun_cnt");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "CRTC-1 crc count", "/sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/crtc-1/crc_cnt");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "CRTC-1 ecc count", "/sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/crtc-1/ecc_cnt");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "CRTC-1 idma err count", "/sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/crtc-1/idma_err_cnt");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "CRTC-1 event log", "/sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/crtc-1/event");
RunCommandToFd(fd, "libdisplaycolor", {"/vendor/bin/dumpsys", "displaycolor", "-v"},
DumpFileToFd(fd, "Primary panel extra info", "/sys/devices/platform/exynos-drm/primary-panel/panel_extinfo");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "secondary panel extra info", "/sys/devices/platform/exynos-drm/secondary-panel/panel_extinfo");
if (!PropertiesHelper::IsUserBuild()) {
DumpFileToFd(fd, "HWC Fence State", "/data/vendor/log/hwc/hwc_fence_state.txt");
DumpFileToFd(fd, "HWC Error Log", "/data/vendor/log/hwc/hwc_error_log.txt");
RunCommandToFd(fd, "HWC Debug Dumps", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c",
"for f in $(ls /data/vendor/log/hwc/*_hwc_debug*.dump); do "
"echo $f ; cat $f ; done"},
// Dump items related to sensors usf.
void Dumpstate::dumpSensorsUSFSection(int fd) {
CommandOptions options = CommandOptions::WithTimeout(2).Build();
RunCommandToFd(fd, "USF statistics",
{"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", "usf_stats get --all"},
if (!PropertiesHelper::IsUserBuild()) {
// Not a user build, if this is also not a production device dump the USF registry.
std::string hwRev = ::android::base::GetProperty(HW_REVISION, "");
if (hwRev.find("PROTO") != std::string::npos ||
hwRev.find("EVT") != std::string::npos ||
hwRev.find("DVT") != std::string::npos) {
RunCommandToFd(fd, "USF Registry",
{"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", "usf_reg_edit save -"},
RunCommandToFd(fd, "USF Last Stat Buffer",
{"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c", "cat /data/vendor/sensors/debug/stats.history"},
// Dump items that don't fit well into any other section
void Dumpstate::dumpMiscSection(int fd) {
RunCommandToFd(fd, "VENDOR PROPERTIES", {"/vendor/bin/getprop"});
DumpFileToFd(fd, "VENDOR PROC DUMP", "/proc/vendor_sched/dump_task");
// Dump essential camera debugging logs
void Dumpstate::dumpCameraSection(int fd) {
RunCommandToFd(fd, "Camera HAL Graph State Dump", {"/vendor/bin/sh", "-c",
"for f in $(ls -t /data/vendor/camera/hal_graph_state*.txt |head -1); do "
"echo $f ; cat $f ; done"},
static void *dumpModemThread(void *data) {
std::string modemLogDir = MODEM_LOG_DIRECTORY;
std::string extendedLogDir = MODEM_EXTENDED_LOG_DIRECTORY;
std::string tcpdumpLogDir = TCPDUMP_LOG_DIRECTORY;
static const std::string sectionName = "modem";
const std::string modemLogCombined = modemLogDir + "/modem_log_all.tar";
const std::string modemLogAllDir = modemLogDir + "/modem_log";
long fdModem = (long)data;
ALOGD("dumpModemThread started\n");
RunCommandToFd(STDOUT_FILENO, "MKDIR MODEM LOG", {"/vendor/bin/mkdir", "-p", modemLogAllDir.c_str()}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(2).Build());
bool modemLogEnabled = ::android::base::GetBoolProperty(MODEM_LOGGING_PERSIST_PROPERTY, false);
if (modemLogEnabled && ::android::base::GetProperty(MODEM_LOGGING_PATH_PROPERTY, "") == MODEM_LOG_DIRECTORY) {
bool modemLogStarted = ::android::base::GetBoolProperty(MODEM_LOGGING_STATUS_PROPERTY, false);
int maxFileNum = ::android::base::GetIntProperty(MODEM_LOGGING_NUMBER_BUGREPORT_PROPERTY, 100);
if (modemLogStarted) {
::android::base::SetProperty(MODEM_LOGGING_PROPERTY, "false");
ALOGD("Stopping modem logging...\n");
} else {
ALOGD("modem logging is not running\n");
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
if (!::android::base::GetBoolProperty(MODEM_LOGGING_STATUS_PROPERTY, false)) {
ALOGD("modem logging stopped\n");
dumpLogs(STDOUT_FILENO, modemLogDir, modemLogAllDir, maxFileNum, MODEM_LOG_PREFIX);
if (modemLogStarted) {
ALOGD("Restarting modem logging...\n");
::android::base::SetProperty(MODEM_LOGGING_PROPERTY, "true");
if (!PropertiesHelper::IsUserBuild()) {
bool gpsLogEnabled = ::android::base::GetBoolProperty(GPS_LOGGING_STATUS_PROPERTY, false);
bool tcpdumpEnabled = ::android::base::GetBoolProperty(TCPDUMP_PERSIST_PROPERTY, false);
bool cameraLogsEnabled = ::android::base::GetBoolProperty(
"", true);
if (tcpdumpEnabled) {
dumpLogs(STDOUT_FILENO, tcpdumpLogDir, modemLogAllDir, ::android::base::GetIntProperty(TCPDUMP_NUMBER_BUGREPORT, 5), TCPDUMP_LOG_PREFIX);
if (gpsLogEnabled) {
dumpGpsLogs(STDOUT_FILENO, modemLogAllDir);
} else {
ALOGD("gps logging is not running\n");
if (cameraLogsEnabled) {
dumpCameraLogs(STDOUT_FILENO, modemLogAllDir);
dumpLogs(STDOUT_FILENO, extendedLogDir, modemLogAllDir, 50, EXTENDED_LOG_PREFIX);
dumpRilLogs(STDOUT_FILENO, modemLogAllDir);
ALOGD("Going to compress logs\n");
RunCommandToFd(STDOUT_FILENO, "TAR LOG", {"/vendor/bin/tar", "cvf", modemLogCombined.c_str(), "-C", modemLogAllDir.c_str(), "."}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(25).Build());
RunCommandToFd(STDOUT_FILENO, "CHG PERM", {"/vendor/bin/chmod", "a+w", modemLogCombined.c_str()}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(2).Build());
std::vector<uint8_t> buffer(65536);
::android::base::unique_fd fdLog(TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(open(modemLogCombined.c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC | O_NONBLOCK)));
ALOGD("Going to write to dumpstate board binary\n");
if (fdLog >= 0) {
while (1) {
ssize_t bytes_read = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(fdLog,, buffer.size()));
if (bytes_read == 0) {
} else if (bytes_read < 0) {
ALOGD("read(%s): %s\n", modemLogCombined.c_str(), strerror(errno));
ssize_t result = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(write(fdModem,, bytes_read));
if (result != bytes_read) {
ALOGD("Failed to write %ld bytes, actually written: %ld", bytes_read, result);
ALOGD("Going to remove logs\n");
RunCommandToFd(STDOUT_FILENO, "RM MODEM DIR", { "/vendor/bin/rm", "-r", modemLogAllDir.c_str()}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(2).Build());
RunCommandToFd(STDOUT_FILENO, "RM LOG", { "/vendor/bin/rm", modemLogCombined.c_str()}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(2).Build());
ALOGD("dumpModemThread finished\n");
return NULL;
ndk::ScopedAStatus Dumpstate::dumpstateBoard(const std::vector<::ndk::ScopedFileDescriptor>& in_fds,
IDumpstateDevice::DumpstateMode in_mode,
int64_t in_timeoutMillis) {
// Unused arguments.
(void) in_timeoutMillis;
if (in_fds.size() < 1) {
ALOGE("no FDs\n");
return ndk::ScopedAStatus::fromExceptionCodeWithMessage(EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT,
"No file descriptor");
int fd = in_fds[0].get();
if (fd < 0) {
ALOGE("invalid FD: %d\n", fd);
return ndk::ScopedAStatus::fromExceptionCodeWithMessage(EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT,
"Invalid file descriptor");
if (in_mode == IDumpstateDevice::DumpstateMode::WEAR) {
// We aren't a Wear device.
ALOGE("Unsupported mode: %d\n", in_mode);
return ndk::ScopedAStatus::fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_MODE,
"Unsupported mode");
} else if (in_mode < IDumpstateDevice::DumpstateMode::FULL || in_mode > IDumpstateDevice::DumpstateMode::PROTO) {
ALOGE("Invalid mode: %d\n", in_mode);
return ndk::ScopedAStatus::fromExceptionCodeWithMessage(EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT,
"Invalid mode");
// Create thread to collect modem related logs
bool VerboseLogging;
pthread_t modemThreadHandle = 0;
if (VerboseLogging && in_fds.size() > 1) {
int fdModem = in_fds[1].get();
if (pthread_create(&modemThreadHandle, NULL, dumpModemThread, (void *)((long)fdModem)) != 0) {
ALOGE("could not create thread for dumpModem\n");
} else {
ALOGD("Verbose logging is not enabled or no fd for modem.\n");
dumpTextSection(fd, kAllSections);
if (modemThreadHandle) {
pthread_join(modemThreadHandle, NULL);
return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok();
ndk::ScopedAStatus Dumpstate::setVerboseLoggingEnabled(bool in_enable) {
::android::base::SetProperty(kVerboseLoggingProperty, in_enable ? "true" : "false");
return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok();
ndk::ScopedAStatus Dumpstate::getVerboseLoggingEnabled(bool* _aidl_return) {
*_aidl_return = ::android::base::GetBoolProperty(kVerboseLoggingProperty, false);
return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok();
// Since AIDLs that support the dump() interface are automatically invoked during
// bugreport generation and we don't want to generate a second copy of the same
// data that will go into dumpstate_board.txt, this function will only do
// something if it is called with an option, e.g.
// dumpsys android.hardware.dumpstate.IDumpstateDevice/default all
// Also, note that sections which generate attachments and/or binary data when
// included in a bugreport are not available through the dump() interface.
binder_status_t Dumpstate::dump(int fd, const char** args, uint32_t numArgs) {
if (numArgs != 1) {
return STATUS_OK;
dumpTextSection(fd, static_cast<std::string>(args[0]));
return STATUS_OK;
} // namespace dumpstate
} // namespace hardware
} // namespace android
} // namespace aidl