blob: a90d3fd984dc8dd3a79d6bfba96e577e5ae0df0f [file] [log] [blame]
# EdgeTPU server process which runs the EdgeTPU binder service.
type edgetpu_server, coredomain, domain;
type edgetpu_server_exec, exec_type, system_file_type, file_type;
# The server will use binder calls.
# The server will serve a binder service.
# EdgeTPU binder service type declaration.
type edgetpu_service, service_manager_type;
# EdgeTPU server to register the service to service_manager.
add_service(edgetpu_server, edgetpu_service);
# EdgeTPU service needs to access /dev/abrolhos.
allow edgetpu_server edgetpu_device:chr_file rw_file_perms;
allow edgetpu_server sysfs_edgetpu:dir r_dir_perms;
allow edgetpu_server sysfs_edgetpu:file rw_file_perms;
# Applications are not allowed to open the EdgeTPU device directly.
neverallow appdomain edgetpu_device:chr_file { open };
# Allow EdgeTPU service to access the Package Manager service.
allow edgetpu_server package_native_service:service_manager find;
binder_call(edgetpu_server, system_server);
# Allow EdgeTPU service to read EdgeTPU service related system properties.
get_prop(edgetpu_server, vendor_edgetpu_service_prop);
# Allow EdgeTPU service to generate Perfetto traces.
# Allow EdgeTPU service to connect to the EdgeTPU vendor version of the service.
allow edgetpu_server edgetpu_vendor_service:service_manager find;
binder_call(edgetpu_server, edgetpu_vendor_server);
# Allow EdgeTPU service to log to stats service. (metrics)
allow edgetpu_server fwk_stats_service:service_manager find;