Build crosvm+deps for aarch64 on x86-hosted docker

To build aarch64 binaries using docker on an x86 host:

./device/google/cuttlefish_vmm/ --docker --docker_arch aarch64

This will build a container image for aarch64; start it; and then log
into it with the same $USER as that of the caller, in order to build
crosvm and its dependencies.  By default, the output will be saved in

If you develop for aarch64 and want to use this script to build crosvm
as you develop, map the sources when you start the container, using
--docker_source.  Since the docker-image build takes a while for
aarch64, assuming you've built the docker image already, then you can
pass the option --nodocker_build_image to simply create a new container:

./device/google/cuttlefish_vmm/ \
	--docker --docker_arch aarch64 \
	--nodocker_build_image \
	--docker_source /path/to/source

This will skip the image-build step; it will create a new container from
scratch, sync the sources under /path/to/source (even if they were
synced there previously), build them, and copy the output.

On subsequent rebuilds, you can pass the --reuse flag to skip the image
biuld, container creation, and syncing of the sources, simply to rebuld
them.  This is the fastest way to use the script iteratively:

vim /path/to/source/some/
'#' hack hack hack
./device/google/cuttlefish_vmm/ \
	--docker --docker_arch aarch64 \

Note that you will need to move the built objects manually to your ARM
board before you can use them.

Bug: 148642775 Clean up the crosvm build
Test: built using gce, arm, docker targeting x86 and arm64

Change-Id: I36c31e77787b0990b9b537ad54b4dcfc3d5fb829
Signed-off-by: Iliyan Malchev <>
diff --git a/ b/
index ecf4a94..74bde8b 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -21,11 +21,12 @@
 DEFINE_boolean docker false "Build inside docker"
 DEFINE_string docker_arch "$(uname -m)" "Target architectre"
+DEFINE_boolean docker_build_image true "When --noreuse is specified, this flag controls building the docker image (else we assume it was built and reuse it)"
 DEFINE_string docker_image "docker_vmm" "Name of docker image to build"
 DEFINE_string docker_container "docker_vmm" "Name of docker container to create"
 DEFINE_string docker_source "" "Path to sources checked out using manifest"
 DEFINE_string docker_working "" "Path to working directory"
-DEFINE_string docker_output "${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/device/google/cuttlefish_vmm/$(uname -m)-linux-gnu" "Output directory"
+DEFINE_string docker_output "${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/device/google/cuttlefish_vmm/${FLAGS_docker_arch}-linux-gnu" "Output directory"
 DEFINE_string docker_user "${USER}" "Docker-container user"
 DEFINE_string docker_uid "${UID}" "Docker-container user ID"
@@ -190,12 +191,30 @@
     exit "${fail}"
   if [[ ${_reuse} -eq 0 ]]; then
-    docker build \
-      -f ${DIR}/Dockerfile \
-      -t ${FLAGS_docker_image}:latest \
-      ${DIR} \
-      --build-arg USER=${FLAGS_docker_user} \
-      --build-arg UID=${FLAGS_docker_uid}
+    local _docker_image=${FLAGS_docker_image}_${FLAGS_docker_arch};
+    if [[ ${FLAGS_docker_build_image} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
+      if [[ ${FLAGS_docker_arch} == aarch64 ]]; then
+        export DOCKER_CLI_EXPERIMENTAL=enabled
+        docker buildx create --name docker_vmm_${FLAGS_docker_arch}_builder --platform linux/arm64 --use
+        docker buildx build \
+          --platform linux/arm64 \
+          -f ${DIR}/Dockerfile \
+          -t ${_docker_image}:latest \
+          ${DIR} \
+          --build-arg USER=${FLAGS_docker_user} \
+          --build-arg UID=${FLAGS_docker_uid} \
+          --load
+        docker buildx rm docker_vmm_${FLAGS_docker_arch}_builder
+      else
+        docker build \
+          -f ${DIR}/Dockerfile \
+          -t ${_docker_image}:latest \
+          ${DIR} \
+          --build-arg USER=${FLAGS_docker_user} \
+          --build-arg UID=${FLAGS_docker_uid}
+      fi
+    fi
     if [ -n "${FLAGS_docker_source}" ]; then
       _docker_source+=("-v ${FLAGS_docker_source}:/source:rw")
@@ -207,15 +226,20 @@
     if [[ -n "$(container_exists ${FLAGS_docker_container})" ]]; then
       docker rm -f ${FLAGS_docker_container}
+    local _docker_output=${FLAGS_docker_output}
+    if [[ "${_docker_output}" == "${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/device/google/cuttlefish_vmm/$(uname -m)-linux-gnu" && \
+          "$(uname -m)" != ${FLAGS_docker_arch} ]]; then
+      _docker_output="${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/device/google/cuttlefish_vmm/${FLAGS_docker_arch}-linux-gnu"
+    fi
     docker run -d \
       --privileged \
       --name ${FLAGS_docker_container} \
       -h ${FLAGS_docker_container} \
       ${_docker_source} \
       ${_docker_working} \
-      -v "${FLAGS_docker_output}":/output \
+      -v "${_docker_output}":/output:rw \
       -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro \
-      ${FLAGS_docker_image}:latest
+      ${_docker_image}:latest
     docker unpause ${FLAGS_docker_container}