blob: 2c2670b4771e536466650b4639e3d963cb7df294 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <atomic>
#include <cstdint>
#include "common/vsoc/shm/base.h"
// Memory layout for a region that supports end-to-end (E2E) testing of
// shared memory regions. This verifies that all sorts of things work along the
// the path:
// host libraries <-> ivshmem server <-> kernel <-> guest libraries
// This is intentionally not a unit test. The primary source of errors along
// this path is a misunderstanding and/or inconsistency in one of the
// interfaces. Introducing mocks would allow these errors to go undetected.
// Another way of looking at it is that the mocks would end up being a
// a copy-and-paste job, making a series of change-detector tests.
// These tests are actually run on every device boot to verify that things are
// ok.
namespace vsoc {
namespace layout {
namespace e2e_test {
* Flags that are used to indicate test status. Some of the latter testing
* stages rely on initializion that must be done on the peer.
enum E2ETestStage : uint32_t {
// No tests have passed
// This side has finished writing its pattern to the region
// This side has confirmed that it can see its peer's writes to the region
static_assert(ShmTypeValidator<E2ETestStage, 4>::valid,
"Compilation error. Please fix above errors and retry.");
* Structure that grants permission to write in the region to either the guest
* or the host. This size of these fields is arbitrary.
struct E2EMemoryFill {
static constexpr size_t layout_size = 64;
static const std::size_t kOwnedFieldSize = 32;
// The compiler must not attempt to optimize away reads and writes to the
// shared memory window. This is pretty typical when dealing with devices
// doing memory mapped I/O.
char host_writable[kOwnedFieldSize];
char guest_writable[kOwnedFieldSize];
* Structure that grants permission to write in the region to either the guest
* or the host. This size of these fields is arbitrary.
class E2ETestStageRegister {
static constexpr size_t layout_size = 4;
E2ETestStage value() const {
return value_;
void set_value(E2ETestStage new_value) { value_ = new_value; }
// The compiler must not attempt to optimize away reads and writes to the
// shared memory window. This is pretty typical when dealing with devices
// doing memory mapped I/O.
E2ETestStage value_;
* Describes the layout of the regions used for the end-to-end test. There
* are multiple regions: primary and secondary, so some details like the region
* name must wait until later.
class E2ETestRegionLayout : public ::vsoc::layout::RegionLayout {
static constexpr size_t layout_size = 2 * E2ETestStageRegister::layout_size +
3 * 4 + E2EMemoryFill::layout_size;
* Computes how many E2EMemoryFill records we need to cover the region.
* Covering the entire region during the test ensures that everything is
* mapped and coherent between guest and host.
static std::size_t NumFillRecords(std::size_t region_size) {
if (region_size < sizeof(E2ETestRegionLayout)) {
return 0;
// 1 + ... An array of size 1 is allocated in the E2ETestRegion.
// TODO(ghartman): AddressSanitizer may find this sort of thing to be
// alarming.
return 1 +
(region_size - sizeof(E2ETestRegionLayout)) / sizeof(E2EMemoryFill);
// The number of test stages that have completed on the guest
// Later host tests will wait on this
E2ETestStageRegister guest_status;
// The number of test stages that have completed on the host
// Later guest tests will wait on this
E2ETestStageRegister host_status;
// These fields are used to test the signaling mechanism.
std::atomic<uint32_t> host_to_guest_signal;
std::atomic<uint32_t> guest_to_host_signal;
std::atomic<uint32_t> guest_self_register;
// There rest of the region will be filled by guest_host_strings.
// We actually use more than one of these, but we can't know how many
// until we examine the region.
E2EMemoryFill data[1];
struct E2EPrimaryTestRegionLayout : public E2ETestRegionLayout {
static constexpr size_t layout_size = E2ETestRegionLayout::layout_size;
static const char* region_name;
static const char guest_pattern[E2EMemoryFill::kOwnedFieldSize];
static const char host_pattern[E2EMemoryFill::kOwnedFieldSize];
struct E2ESecondaryTestRegionLayout : public E2ETestRegionLayout {
static constexpr size_t layout_size = E2ETestRegionLayout::layout_size;
static const char* region_name;
static const char guest_pattern[E2EMemoryFill::kOwnedFieldSize];
static const char host_pattern[E2EMemoryFill::kOwnedFieldSize];
* Defines an end-to-end region with a name that should never be configured.
struct E2EUnfindableRegionLayout : public E2ETestRegionLayout {
static constexpr size_t layout_size = E2ETestRegionLayout::layout_size;
static const char* region_name;
struct E2EManagedTestRegionLayout : public RegionLayout {
static constexpr size_t layout_size = 4;
static const char* region_name;
uint32_t val; // Not needed, here only to avoid an empty struct.
struct E2EManagerTestRegionLayout : public RegionLayout {
static constexpr size_t layout_size = 4 * 4;
static const char* region_name;
typedef E2EManagedTestRegionLayout ManagedRegion;
uint32_t data[4]; // We don't need more than 4 for the tests
} // namespace e2e_test
} // namespace layout
} // namespace vsoc