blob: 34ee5b4444a1cc9868a9add68bcfea3546027c49 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include "common/libs/fs/shared_select.h"
#include "host/commands/virtual_usb_manager/vadb/usb_cmd_attach.h"
#include "host/commands/virtual_usb_manager/vadb/usb_cmd_control_transfer.h"
#include "host/commands/virtual_usb_manager/vadb/usb_cmd_data_transfer.h"
#include "host/commands/virtual_usb_manager/vadb/usb_cmd_device_list.h"
#include "host/commands/virtual_usb_manager/vadb/usb_cmd_heartbeat.h"
#include "host/commands/virtual_usb_manager/vadb/virtual_adb_client.h"
DEFINE_bool(debug_adb_client, false, "Turn on verbose logging in the virtual_adb_client.cpp");
#define VLOG(X) if (FLAGS_debug_adb_client) LOG(VERBOSE)
namespace vadb {
namespace {
constexpr int kHeartbeatTimeoutSeconds = 3;
} // namespace
VirtualADBClient::VirtualADBClient(usbip::DevicePool* pool, cvd::SharedFD fd,
int vhci_port,
const std::string& usbip_socket_name)
: pool_{pool}, fd_{fd}, vhci_{vhci_port, usbip_socket_name} {
timer_ = cvd::SharedFD::TimerFD(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 0);
void VirtualADBClient::RegisterDevice(
const usb_forward::DeviceInfo& dev,
const std::vector<usb_forward::InterfaceInfo>& ifaces) {
auto d = std::unique_ptr<usbip::Device>(new usbip::Device);
d->vendor_id = dev.vendor_id;
d->product_id = dev.product_id;
d->dev_version = dev.dev_version;
d->dev_class = dev.dev_class;
d->dev_subclass = dev.dev_subclass;
d->dev_protocol = dev.dev_protocol;
d->speed = dev.speed;
d->configurations_count = dev.num_configurations;
d->configuration_number = dev.cur_configuration;
for (const auto& iface : ifaces) {
iface.if_class, iface.if_subclass, iface.if_protocol});
uint8_t bus_id = dev.bus_id;
uint8_t dev_id = dev.dev_id;
d->handle_attach = [this, bus_id, dev_id]() -> bool {
return HandleAttach(bus_id, dev_id);
d->handle_control_transfer =
[this, bus_id, dev_id](
const usbip::CmdRequest& r, uint32_t deadline,
std::vector<uint8_t> data,
usbip::Device::AsyncTransferReadyCB callback) -> bool {
return HandleDeviceControlRequest(bus_id, dev_id, r, deadline,
std::move(data), std::move(callback));
d->handle_data_transfer =
[this, bus_id, dev_id](
uint8_t endpoint, bool is_host_to_device, uint32_t deadline,
std::vector<uint8_t> data,
usbip::Device::AsyncTransferReadyCB callback) -> bool {
return HandleDeviceDataRequest(bus_id, dev_id, endpoint, is_host_to_device,
deadline, std::move(data),
pool_->AddDevice(usbip::DevicePool::BusDevNumber{bus_id, dev_id},
// Attach this device.
HandleAttach(bus_id, dev_id);
bool VirtualADBClient::PopulateRemoteDevices() {
return ExecuteCommand(std::unique_ptr<USBCommand>(new USBCmdDeviceList(
[this](const usb_forward::DeviceInfo& info,
const std::vector<usb_forward::InterfaceInfo>& ifaces) {
RegisterDevice(info, ifaces);
bool VirtualADBClient::HandleDeviceControlRequest(
uint8_t bus_id, uint8_t dev_id, const usbip::CmdRequest& r,
uint32_t timeout, std::vector<uint8_t> data,
usbip::Device::AsyncTransferReadyCB callback) {
return ExecuteCommand(std::unique_ptr<USBCommand>(new USBCmdControlTransfer(
bus_id, dev_id, r.type, r.cmd, r.value, r.index, timeout, std::move(data),
bool VirtualADBClient::HandleDeviceDataRequest(
uint8_t bus_id, uint8_t dev_id, uint8_t endpoint, bool is_host_to_device,
uint32_t deadline, std::vector<uint8_t> data,
usbip::Device::AsyncTransferReadyCB callback) {
return ExecuteCommand(std::unique_ptr<USBCommand>(
new USBCmdDataTransfer(bus_id, dev_id, endpoint, is_host_to_device,
deadline, std::move(data), std::move(callback))));
bool VirtualADBClient::HandleAttach(uint8_t bus_id, uint8_t dev_id) {
return ExecuteCommand(
std::unique_ptr<USBCommand>(new USBCmdAttach(bus_id, dev_id)));
bool VirtualADBClient::SendHeartbeat() {
VLOG(1) << "Sending heartbeat...";
struct itimerspec spec {};
spec.it_value.tv_sec = kHeartbeatTimeoutSeconds;
timer_->TimerSet(0, &spec, nullptr);
heartbeat_tag_ = tag_;
return ExecuteCommand(std::unique_ptr<USBCommand>(
new USBCmdHeartbeat([this](bool success) { HandleHeartbeat(success); })));
void VirtualADBClient::HandleHeartbeat(bool is_ready) {
VLOG(1) << "Remote server status: " << is_ready;
if (is_ready && !is_remote_server_ready_) {
LOG(INFO) << "Remote server is now ready.";
} else if (is_remote_server_ready_ && !is_ready) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Remote server connection lost.";
// It makes perfect sense to cancel all outstanding USB requests, as device
// is not going to answer any of these anyway.
for (const auto& pair : commands_) {
pair.second->OnResponse(false, fd_);
is_remote_server_ready_ = is_ready;
bool VirtualADBClient::HandleHeartbeatTimeout() {
uint64_t timer_result;
timer_->Read(&timer_result, sizeof(timer_result));
auto iter = commands_.find(heartbeat_tag_);
if (iter != commands_.end()) {
// Make sure to erase the value from list of commands prior to running
// callback. Particularly important for heartbeat, which cancels all
// outstanding USB commands (including self, if found), if device goes
// away (eg. reboots).
auto command = std::move(iter->second);
command->OnResponse(false, fd_);
return SendHeartbeat();
bool VirtualADBClient::ExecuteCommand(std::unique_ptr<USBCommand> cmd) {
uint32_t this_tag = tag_;
usb_forward::RequestHeader hdr{cmd->Command(), this_tag};
if (fd_->Write(&hdr, sizeof(hdr)) != sizeof(hdr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not contact USB Forwarder: " << fd_->StrError();
return false;
if (!cmd->OnRequest(fd_)) return false;
commands_[this_tag] = std::move(cmd);
return true;
// BeforeSelect is Called right before Select() to populate interesting
// SharedFDs.
void VirtualADBClient::BeforeSelect(cvd::SharedFDSet* fd_read) const {
// AfterSelect is Called right after Select() to detect and respond to changes
// on affected SharedFDs.
// Return value indicates whether this client is still valid.
bool VirtualADBClient::AfterSelect(const cvd::SharedFDSet& fd_read) {
if (fd_read.IsSet(timer_)) {
if (fd_read.IsSet(fd_)) {
usb_forward::ResponseHeader rhdr;
if (fd_->Read(&rhdr, sizeof(rhdr)) != sizeof(rhdr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not read from USB Forwarder: " << fd_->StrError();
// TODO(ender): it is very likely the connection has been dropped by QEmu.
// Should we cancel all pending commands now?
return false;
auto iter = commands_.find(rhdr.tag);
if (iter == commands_.end()) {
// This is likely a late heartbeat response, but could very well be any of
// the remaining commands.
LOG(INFO) << "Received response for discarded tag " << rhdr.tag;
} else {
// Make sure to erase the value from list of commands prior to running
// callback. Particularly important for heartbeat, which cancels all
// outstanding USB commands (including self, if found), if device goes
// away (eg. reboots).
auto command = std::move(iter->second);
command->OnResponse(rhdr.status == usb_forward::StatusSuccess, fd_);
return true;
} // namespace vadb