Clean up obsolete README files

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Change-Id: I25d9ba4059a335008998c91b3f6e9fb57c0f7ed7
(cherry picked from commit 39c5d3592b8dfa2ef0f843f71f5f7a769326f64e)
diff --git a/host/commands/launch/ b/host/commands/launch/
deleted file mode 100644
index 05bb716..0000000
--- a/host/commands/launch/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-# Host-side binary for Android Virtual Device
-## Launcher package
-This is the cuttlefish launcher implementation, that integrates following
-* `libvirt` domain configuration,
-* `ivshmem` server,
-* USB forwarding.
-## Overview
-### ivshmem
-We are breaking from the general philosophy of ivshmem-server inter-vm
-communication. In this prototype there is no concept of inter-vm communication;
-guests can only talk to daemons running on host.
-### Requirements
-Cuttlefish requires the following packages to be installed on your system:
-* `libjsoncpp-dev`
-* `libudev-dev`,
-* `libvirt-dev`,
-* `libxml2-dev`
-* `linux-image-extra-virtual` to supply `vhci-hcd` module (module must be
-  loaded manually)
-* `libvirt-bin`
-* `libxml2`
-* `qemu-2.8` (or newer)
-### Building and Installing debian package
-To build debian package:
-host$ cd dist
-host$ debuild --no-tgz-check -us -uc
-host$ cd ..
-host$ scp cuttlefish-common*.deb ${USER}@
-This will create file named `cuttlefish-common_0.1-1_amd64.deb` in the root
-folder of your workspace. You will have to manually upload this file to
-your remote instance and install it as:
-host$ ssh
-gce$ sudo apt install -f --reinstall ./cuttlefish-common*.deb
-`apt` will pull in all necessary dependencies. After it's done, support files
-will be ready to use.
-### Host Configuration
-All configuration and basic deployment is covered by scripts in the
-`host/deploy` folder. To configure remote instance for cuttlefish, execute:
-host$ cd host/deploy
-host$ python config -i
-The script will automatically update libvirt configuration files and user group
-membership, as well as create necessary folder for Cuttlefish images.
-### Uploading images
-To deploy cuttlefish images from build server, execute:
-host$ cd host/deploy
-host$ python deploy -i
-By default, the script will pull the latest build of `cf_x86_phone-userdebug`
-target from `oc-gce-dev` branch, and latest kernel from cuttlefish kernel
-target and branch. Both system and kernel locations can be tuned by supplying
-relevant arguments via command line.
-Optionally, files can be populated and uploaded manually. Please ensure that
-at all times user `libvirt-qemu` can access each of these files by specifying
-correct ACL permissions using `setfacl` command, eg:
-gce$ setfacl -m u:libvirt-qemu:rw /path/to/system.img
-### Starting Cuttlefish
-To start cuttlefish, assuming you executed all the above:
-gce$ sudo modprobe vhci-hcd
-gce$ sudo cf -system_image_dir /srv/cf/latest/ \
-        -kernel /srv/cf/latest/kernel \
-        -data_image /srv/cf/latest/data.img \
-        -cache_image /srv/cf/latest/cache.img \
-        --logtostderr
-Shortly after, you should be able to execute `adb devices` and see your device
-listed. If device is reported as `????????`, or as:
-CUTTLEFISHCVD01 no permissions (verify udev rules); see []
-you may have to re-start adb as root (we don't have udev rules updating virtual
-usb permissions yet):
-gce$ adb kill-server
-gce$ sudo adb devices
diff --git a/host/frontend/vnc_server/ b/host/frontend/vnc_server/
deleted file mode 100644
index a702303..0000000
--- a/host/frontend/vnc_server/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# Host side VNC server
-## Build instructions
-bazel build host/frontend/vnc_server/:vnc_server
-### Requirements
-* libjpeg-turbo8-dev
-## Run Instructions
-The vnc server receives frame updates from the hwcomposer through the shared
-memory, for which it needs to connect to the ivserver. To send input to the
-instance it temporarily connects to monkey, which is set up to run on the
-instance as a service and listens on port 6445, so you need to forward that port
-to a local socket.
-* Make sure to wait for monkey to start (about 16s), it's one of the last
-services to start since it's started by the zygote:
-adb shell ps -e | grep monkey
-* Forward the port to a local socket:
-adb forward localfilesystem:/tmp/android-cuttlefish-1-input tcp:6445
-* Run the server:
-bazel-bin/host/vnc_server/vnc_server --port=6444 --input_socket=/tmp/android-cuttlefish-1-input
-The VNC server will then be listening for connections on port 6444 on the host.
diff --git a/host/libs/ivserver/ b/host/libs/ivserver/
deleted file mode 100644
index ea1d2c2..0000000
--- a/host/libs/ivserver/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-## Overview
-This is the native ivshmem-server implementation catering to the GCE CVD
-vSoC project.
-We are breaking from the general philosophy of ivshmem-server inter-vm
-There is no concept of inter-vm communication. The server itself is meant to
-run on the L1 Guest (or L0 even). We will call this domain as 'host-side'. The
-following functions are envisoned:
-* Create the shared-memory window, listen for VM connection (and subsequent
-  disconnection). Note that the server can only accomodate one VM connection at
-  a time. This may need to be enforced as there may be mulitple VMs (but each
-  of them need a dedicated shared_memory and VM <--> server UNIX Domain
-  sockets).
-* Parse a JSON file describing memory layout and other information. Use
-  this information to initialize the shared memory.
-* Create two UNIX Domain sockets. One to communicate with QEMU and the other
-  to communicate with host clients.
-* For QEMU, speak the ivshmem protocol, i.e. pass a vmid, pass the shm fd
-  to the qemu VM along with event fds. One for host to guest signalling and the
-  other for guest to host signalling. Please see:
-  QEMU_SRC/docs/specs/ivshmem-spec.txt. The only twist is that the server
-  pretends to be another peer VM to comply to the ivshmem protocol.
-* For the client, speak the ad-hoc client protocol:
-   ivshmem_client <--> ivshmem_server handshake.
-   Client -> 'GET PROTOCOL_VER'
-   Server -> 'PROTOCOL_VER 0'
-   Client -> INFORM REGION_NAME_LEN: 0x0000000a
-   Server -> 0xffffffff(If region name not found)
-   Server -> 0xAABBC000 (region start offset)
-   Server -> 0xAABBC0000 (region end offset)
-   Server -> <Send cmsg with guest_to_host eventfd>
-   Server -> <Send cmsg with host_to_guest eventfd>
-   Server -> <Send cmsg with shmfd>
- * This also launches QEMU with the appropriate parameters
-  From this directory issue the following in the command line
-  `bazel build src:ivserver`
-  Once the binary is built using bazel. Just run it from this directory
-  as the default options expect the JSON files under conf directory.
-  e.g.
-  `./bazel-bin/src/ivserver`
-  If you encounter either
-  * Error in creating shared_memory file: File exists
-  * Bind failed: Address already in use
-  Please run the following commands and retry launching.
-  `rm /dev/shm/ivshmem`
-  `rm /tmp/ivsh*`
- * Refactor.
- * Separate the JSON configuration into QEMU and mem-layout specific files.
- * Conform to Google coding standards.
- * Add some documentation on the default options.
- * Fault Tolerance.
diff --git a/host/libs/vadb/ b/host/libs/vadb/
deleted file mode 100644
index 432fa2e..0000000
--- a/host/libs/vadb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# Virtual ADB
-VirtualADB serves the purpose of making Cuttlefish device available locally as a
-USB device. VirtualADB uses USB/IP protocol to forward USB gadget from
-Cuttlefish to localhost.
-## Requirements
-To compile the VirtualADB package you need to install:
-sudo apt-get install libudev-dev
-VirtualADB requires `vhci-hcd` kernel module to be loaded. Module is part of
-kernel extra modules package:
-sudo apt-get install linux-image-extra-`uname -r`
-## Usage
-VirtualADB uses currently `virtio channel` to communicate with usb forwarder on
-`cuttlefish`. The tool instruments kernel to attach remote USB device directly.
-To do that, it requires super-user privileges - primarily because it's adding a
-new device to your system.
-To start VirtualADB simply execute:
-sudo vadb /path/to/usb_forwarder_socket
-where `usb_forwarder_socket` is the socket used by usb forwarder to communicate.