Separated server_loop.cpp into pieces

The file is to get longer. Separated the file proactively into:
  1. header
  2. The method implementation that existed
  3. The new methods for snapshot-related features

Bug: N/A
Test: m -j 50
      cvd start && cvd stop
Change-Id: I8e5b95f287011c39b7528160b1c24d0f06a88eb4
diff --git a/host/commands/run_cvd/Android.bp b/host/commands/run_cvd/Android.bp
index d6b9440..1269e87 100644
--- a/host/commands/run_cvd/Android.bp
+++ b/host/commands/run_cvd/Android.bp
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@
+        "server_loop_impl.cpp",
+        "server_loop_impl_snapshot.cpp",
     shared_libs: [
diff --git a/host/commands/run_cvd/server_loop.cpp b/host/commands/run_cvd/server_loop.cpp
index e137553..0f9c21e 100644
--- a/host/commands/run_cvd/server_loop.cpp
+++ b/host/commands/run_cvd/server_loop.cpp
@@ -16,384 +16,22 @@
 #include "host/commands/run_cvd/server_loop.h"
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
 #include <fruit/fruit.h>
-#include <gflags/gflags.h>
-#include "common/libs/fs/shared_buf.h"
-#include "common/libs/utils/files.h"
-#include "common/libs/utils/subprocess.h"
-#include "host/commands/run_cvd/runner_defs.h"
-#include "host/libs/command_util/util.h"
-#include "host/libs/config/command_source.h"
+#include "host/commands/run_cvd/server_loop_impl.h"
 #include "host/libs/config/cuttlefish_config.h"
-#include "host/libs/config/data_image.h"
 #include "host/libs/config/feature.h"
 #include "host/libs/config/inject.h"
-#include "run_cvd.pb.h"
 namespace cuttlefish {
-namespace {
-bool CreateQcowOverlay(const std::string& crosvm_path,
-                       const std::string& backing_file,
-                       const std::string& output_overlay_path) {
-  Command crosvm_qcow2_cmd(crosvm_path);
-  crosvm_qcow2_cmd.AddParameter("create_qcow2");
-  crosvm_qcow2_cmd.AddParameter("--backing-file");
-  crosvm_qcow2_cmd.AddParameter(backing_file);
-  crosvm_qcow2_cmd.AddParameter(output_overlay_path);
-  int success = crosvm_qcow2_cmd.Start().Wait();
-  if (success != 0) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to run crosvm create_qcow2. Exited with status "
-               << success;
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-class ServerLoopImpl : public ServerLoop,
-                       public SetupFeature,
-                       public LateInjected {
- public:
-  INJECT(ServerLoopImpl(const CuttlefishConfig& config,
-                        const CuttlefishConfig::InstanceSpecific& instance))
-      : config_(config), instance_(instance) {}
-  Result<void> LateInject(fruit::Injector<>& injector) override {
-    command_sources_ = injector.getMultibindings<CommandSource>();
-    return {};
-  }
-  // ServerLoop
-  Result<void> Run() override {
-    // Monitor and restart host processes supporting the CVD
-    ProcessMonitor::Properties process_monitor_properties;
-    process_monitor_properties.RestartSubprocesses(
-        instance_.restart_subprocesses());
-    for (auto& command_source : command_sources_) {
-      if (command_source->Enabled()) {
-        auto commands = CF_EXPECT(command_source->Commands());
-        process_monitor_properties.AddCommands(std::move(commands));
-      }
-    }
-    ProcessMonitor process_monitor(std::move(process_monitor_properties));
-    CF_EXPECT(process_monitor.StartAndMonitorProcesses());
-    while (true) {
-      // TODO: use select to handle simultaneous connections.
-      auto client = SharedFD::Accept(*server_);
-      while (client->IsOpen()) {
-        auto launcher_action_with_info_result =
-            ReadLauncherActionFromFd(client);
-        if (!launcher_action_with_info_result.ok()) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "Reading launcher command from monitor failed.";
-          LOG(DEBUG) << launcher_action_with_info_result.error().Trace();
-          break;
-        }
-        auto launcher_action = std::move(*launcher_action_with_info_result);
-        if (launcher_action.action != LauncherAction::kExtended) {
-          HandleActionWithNoData(launcher_action.action, client,
-                                 process_monitor);
-          continue;
-        }
-        auto result = HandleExtended(launcher_action, client);
-        if (!result.ok()) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to handle suspend request.";
-          LOG(DEBUG) << result.error().Trace();
-        }
-        // extended operations for now are 1 time request-response exchanges.
-        // thus, we will close the client FD.
-        client->Close();
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // SetupFeature
-  std::string Name() const override { return "ServerLoop"; }
- private:
-  bool Enabled() const override { return true; }
-  std::unordered_set<SetupFeature*> Dependencies() const override { return {}; }
-  Result<void> ResultSetup() override {
-    auto launcher_monitor_path = instance_.launcher_monitor_socket_path();
-    server_ = SharedFD::SocketLocalServer(launcher_monitor_path.c_str(), false,
-                                          SOCK_STREAM, 0666);
-    CF_EXPECTF(server_->IsOpen(), "Error when opening launcher server: {}",
-               server_->StrError());
-    return {};
-  }
-  Result<void> HandleExtended(const LauncherActionInfo& action_info,
-                              const SharedFD& client) {
-    CF_EXPECT(action_info.action == LauncherAction::kExtended);
-    switch (action_info.type) {
-      case ExtendedActionType::kSuspend: {
-        CF_EXPECT(HandleSuspend(action_info.serialized_data, client));
-        return {};
-      }
-      case ExtendedActionType::kResume: {
-        CF_EXPECT(HandleResume(action_info.serialized_data, client));
-        return {};
-      }
-      default:
-        return CF_ERR("Unsupported ExtendedActionType");
-    }
-  }
-  Result<void> HandleSuspend(const std::string& serialized_data,
-                             const SharedFD& client) {
-    run_cvd::ExtendedLauncherAction extended_action;
-    CF_EXPECT(extended_action.ParseFromString(serialized_data),
-              "Failed to load ExtendedLauncherAction proto.");
-    CF_EXPECT_EQ(extended_action.actions_case(),
-                 run_cvd::ExtendedLauncherAction::ActionsCase::kSuspend);
-    LOG(INFO) << "Suspend is requested but not yet implemented.";
-    auto response = LauncherResponse::kSuccess;
-    CF_EXPECT_EQ(client->Write(&response, sizeof(response)), sizeof(response),
-                 "Failed to wrote the suspend response.");
-    return {};
-  }
-  Result<void> HandleResume(const std::string& serialized_data,
-                            const SharedFD& client) {
-    run_cvd::ExtendedLauncherAction extended_action;
-    CF_EXPECT(extended_action.ParseFromString(serialized_data),
-              "Failed to load ExtendedLauncherAction proto.");
-    CF_EXPECT_EQ(extended_action.actions_case(),
-                 run_cvd::ExtendedLauncherAction::ActionsCase::kResume);
-    LOG(INFO) << "Resume is requested but not yet implemented.";
-    auto response = LauncherResponse::kSuccess;
-    CF_EXPECT_EQ(client->Write(&response, sizeof(response)), sizeof(response),
-                 "Failed to wrote the suspend response.");
-    return {};
-  }
-  void HandleActionWithNoData(const LauncherAction action,
-                              const SharedFD& client,
-                              ProcessMonitor& process_monitor) {
-    switch (action) {
-      case LauncherAction::kStop: {
-        auto stop = process_monitor.StopMonitoredProcesses();
-        if (stop.ok()) {
-          auto response = LauncherResponse::kSuccess;
-          client->Write(&response, sizeof(response));
-          std::exit(0);
-        } else {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to stop subprocesses:\n"
-                     << stop.error().Message();
-          LOG(DEBUG) << "Failed to stop subprocesses:\n"
-                     << stop.error().Trace();
-          auto response = LauncherResponse::kError;
-          client->Write(&response, sizeof(response));
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-      case LauncherAction::kStatus: {
-        // TODO(schuffelen): Return more information on a side channel
-        auto response = LauncherResponse::kSuccess;
-        client->Write(&response, sizeof(response));
-        break;
-      }
-      case LauncherAction::kPowerwash: {
-        LOG(INFO) << "Received a Powerwash request from the monitor socket";
-        const auto& disks = instance_.virtual_disk_paths();
-        auto overlay = instance_.PerInstancePath("overlay.img");
-        if (std::find(disks.begin(), disks.end(), overlay) == disks.end()) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "Powerwash unsupported with --use_overlay=false";
-          auto response = LauncherResponse::kError;
-          client->Write(&response, sizeof(response));
-          break;
-        }
-        auto stop = process_monitor.StopMonitoredProcesses();
-        if (!stop.ok()) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "Stopping processes failed:\n"
-                     << stop.error().Message();
-          LOG(DEBUG) << "Stopping processes failed:\n" << stop.error().Trace();
-          auto response = LauncherResponse::kError;
-          client->Write(&response, sizeof(response));
-          break;
-        }
-        if (!PowerwashFiles()) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "Powerwashing files failed.";
-          auto response = LauncherResponse::kError;
-          client->Write(&response, sizeof(response));
-          break;
-        }
-        auto response = LauncherResponse::kSuccess;
-        client->Write(&response, sizeof(response));
-        RestartRunCvd(client->UNMANAGED_Dup());
-        // RestartRunCvd should not return, so something went wrong.
-        response = LauncherResponse::kError;
-        client->Write(&response, sizeof(response));
-        LOG(FATAL) << "run_cvd in a bad state";
-        break;
-      }
-      case LauncherAction::kRestart: {
-        auto stop = process_monitor.StopMonitoredProcesses();
-        if (!stop.ok()) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "Stopping processes failed:\n"
-                     << stop.error().Message();
-          LOG(DEBUG) << "Stopping processes failed:\n" << stop.error().Trace();
-          auto response = LauncherResponse::kError;
-          client->Write(&response, sizeof(response));
-          break;
-        }
-        DeleteFifos();
-        auto response = LauncherResponse::kSuccess;
-        client->Write(&response, sizeof(response));
-        RestartRunCvd(client->UNMANAGED_Dup());
-        // RestartRunCvd should not return, so something went wrong.
-        response = LauncherResponse::kError;
-        client->Write(&response, sizeof(response));
-        LOG(FATAL) << "run_cvd in a bad state";
-        break;
-      }
-      default:
-        LOG(ERROR) << "Unrecognized launcher action: "
-                   << static_cast<char>(action);
-        auto response = LauncherResponse::kError;
-        client->Write(&response, sizeof(response));
-        break;
-    }
-  }
-  void DeleteFifos() {
-    // TODO(schuffelen): Create these FIFOs in assemble_cvd instead of run_cvd.
-    std::vector<std::string> pipes = {
-        instance_.kernel_log_pipe_name(),
-        instance_.console_in_pipe_name(),
-        instance_.console_out_pipe_name(),
-        instance_.logcat_pipe_name(),
-        instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath(""),
-        instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath("keymaster_fifo_vm.out"),
-        instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath(""),
-        instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath("keymint_fifo_vm.out"),
-        instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath(""),
-        instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath("gatekeeper_fifo_vm.out"),
-        instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath(""),
-        instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath("oemlock_fifo_vm.out"),
-        instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath(""),
-        instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath("bt_fifo_vm.out"),
-        instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath(""),
-        instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath("uwb_fifo_vm.out"),
-        instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath(""),
-        instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath("gnsshvc_fifo_vm.out"),
-        instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath(""),
-        instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath("locationhvc_fifo_vm.out"),
-        instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath(""),
-        instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath("confui_fifo_vm.out"),
-    };
-    for (const auto& pipe : pipes) {
-      unlink(pipe.c_str());
-    }
-  }
-  bool PowerwashFiles() {
-    DeleteFifos();
-    // TODO(b/269669405): Figure out why this file is not being deleted
-    unlink(instance_.PerInstanceInternalUdsPath("crosvm_control.sock").c_str());
-    // TODO(schuffelen): Clean up duplication with assemble_cvd
-    unlink(instance_.PerInstancePath("NVChip").c_str());
-    auto kregistry_path = instance_.access_kregistry_path();
-    unlink(kregistry_path.c_str());
-    CreateBlankImage(kregistry_path, 2 /* mb */, "none");
-    auto hwcomposer_pmem_path = instance_.hwcomposer_pmem_path();
-    unlink(hwcomposer_pmem_path.c_str());
-    CreateBlankImage(hwcomposer_pmem_path, 2 /* mb */, "none");
-    auto pstore_path = instance_.pstore_path();
-    unlink(pstore_path.c_str());
-    CreateBlankImage(pstore_path, 2 /* mb */, "none");
-    auto sdcard_path = instance_.sdcard_path();
-    auto sdcard_size = FileSize(sdcard_path);
-    unlink(sdcard_path.c_str());
-    // round up
-    auto sdcard_mb_size = (sdcard_size + (1 << 20) - 1) / (1 << 20);
-    LOG(DEBUG) << "Size in mb is " << sdcard_mb_size;
-    CreateBlankImage(sdcard_path, sdcard_mb_size, "sdcard");
-    struct OverlayFile {
-      std::string name;
-      std::string composite_disk_path;
-      OverlayFile(std::string name, std::string composite_disk_path)
-          : name(std::move(name)), composite_disk_path(std::move(composite_disk_path)) {}
-    };
-    std::vector<OverlayFile> overlay_files{
-      OverlayFile("overlay.img", instance_.os_composite_disk_path())
-    };
-    if (instance_.ap_boot_flow() != CuttlefishConfig::InstanceSpecific::APBootFlow::None) {
-      overlay_files.emplace_back(
-        OverlayFile("ap_overlay.img", instance_.ap_composite_disk_path()));
-    }
-    for (const auto& overlay_file : overlay_files) {
-      auto overlay_path = instance_.PerInstancePath(;
-      auto composite_disk_path = overlay_file.composite_disk_path.c_str();
-      unlink(overlay_path.c_str());
-      if (!CreateQcowOverlay(instance_.crosvm_binary(), composite_disk_path, overlay_path)) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "CreateQcowOverlay failed";
-        return false;
-      }
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  void RestartRunCvd(int notification_fd) {
-    auto config_path = config_.AssemblyPath("cuttlefish_config.json");
-    auto followup_stdin = SharedFD::MemfdCreate("pseudo_stdin");
-    WriteAll(followup_stdin, config_path + "\n");
-    followup_stdin->LSeek(0, SEEK_SET);
-    followup_stdin->UNMANAGED_Dup2(0);
-    auto argv_vec = gflags::GetArgvs();
-    std::unique_ptr<char*[]> argv(new char*[argv_vec.size() + 2]);
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < argv_vec.size(); i++) {
-      argv[i] = argv_vec[i].data();
-    }
-    // Will take precedence over any earlier arguments.
-    std::string reboot_notification =
-        "-reboot_notification_fd=" + std::to_string(notification_fd);
-    argv[argv_vec.size()] =;
-    argv[argv_vec.size() + 1] = nullptr;
-    execv("/proc/self/exe", argv.get());
-    // execve should not return, so something went wrong.
-    PLOG(ERROR) << "execv returned: ";
-  }
-  const CuttlefishConfig& config_;
-  const CuttlefishConfig::InstanceSpecific& instance_;
-  std::vector<CommandSource*> command_sources_;
-  SharedFD server_;
-}  // namespace
 ServerLoop::~ServerLoop() = default;
 fruit::Component<fruit::Required<const CuttlefishConfig,
                                  const CuttlefishConfig::InstanceSpecific>,
 serverLoopComponent() {
+  using run_cvd_impl::ServerLoopImpl;
   return fruit::createComponent()
       .bind<ServerLoop, ServerLoopImpl>()
       .addMultibinding<LateInjected, ServerLoopImpl>()
diff --git a/host/commands/run_cvd/server_loop.h b/host/commands/run_cvd/server_loop.h
index 9a116d2..b8ae076 100644
--- a/host/commands/run_cvd/server_loop.h
+++ b/host/commands/run_cvd/server_loop.h
@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@
 #include <fruit/fruit.h>
-#include "common/libs/fs/shared_fd.h"
-#include "host/commands/run_cvd/process_monitor.h"
 #include "host/libs/config/cuttlefish_config.h"
 namespace cuttlefish {
diff --git a/host/commands/run_cvd/server_loop_impl.cpp b/host/commands/run_cvd/server_loop_impl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57f4274
--- /dev/null
+++ b/host/commands/run_cvd/server_loop_impl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "host/commands/run_cvd/server_loop_impl.h"
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <android-base/logging.h>
+#include <gflags/gflags.h>
+#include "common/libs/fs/shared_buf.h"
+#include "common/libs/fs/shared_fd.h"
+#include "common/libs/utils/files.h"
+#include "common/libs/utils/result.h"
+#include "common/libs/utils/subprocess.h"
+#include "host/commands/run_cvd/process_monitor.h"
+#include "host/commands/run_cvd/runner_defs.h"
+#include "host/libs/command_util/util.h"
+#include "host/libs/config/command_source.h"
+#include "host/libs/config/cuttlefish_config.h"
+#include "host/libs/config/data_image.h"
+#include "host/libs/config/inject.h"
+namespace cuttlefish {
+namespace run_cvd_impl {
+bool ServerLoopImpl::CreateQcowOverlay(const std::string& crosvm_path,
+                                       const std::string& backing_file,
+                                       const std::string& output_overlay_path) {
+  Command crosvm_qcow2_cmd(crosvm_path);
+  crosvm_qcow2_cmd.AddParameter("create_qcow2");
+  crosvm_qcow2_cmd.AddParameter("--backing-file");
+  crosvm_qcow2_cmd.AddParameter(backing_file);
+  crosvm_qcow2_cmd.AddParameter(output_overlay_path);
+  int success = crosvm_qcow2_cmd.Start().Wait();
+  if (success != 0) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to run crosvm create_qcow2. Exited with status "
+               << success;
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+    const CuttlefishConfig& config,
+    const CuttlefishConfig::InstanceSpecific& instance)
+    : config_(config), instance_(instance) {}
+Result<void> ServerLoopImpl::LateInject(fruit::Injector<>& injector) {
+  command_sources_ = injector.getMultibindings<CommandSource>();
+  return {};
+Result<void> ServerLoopImpl::Run() {
+  // Monitor and restart host processes supporting the CVD
+  ProcessMonitor::Properties process_monitor_properties;
+  process_monitor_properties.RestartSubprocesses(
+      instance_.restart_subprocesses());
+  for (auto& command_source : command_sources_) {
+    if (command_source->Enabled()) {
+      auto commands = CF_EXPECT(command_source->Commands());
+      process_monitor_properties.AddCommands(std::move(commands));
+    }
+  }
+  ProcessMonitor process_monitor(std::move(process_monitor_properties));
+  CF_EXPECT(process_monitor.StartAndMonitorProcesses());
+  while (true) {
+    // TODO: use select to handle simultaneous connections.
+    auto client = SharedFD::Accept(*server_);
+    while (client->IsOpen()) {
+      auto launcher_action_with_info_result = ReadLauncherActionFromFd(client);
+      if (!launcher_action_with_info_result.ok()) {
+        LOG(ERROR) << "Reading launcher command from monitor failed.";
+        LOG(DEBUG) << launcher_action_with_info_result.error().Trace();
+        break;
+      }
+      auto launcher_action = std::move(*launcher_action_with_info_result);
+      if (launcher_action.action != LauncherAction::kExtended) {
+        HandleActionWithNoData(launcher_action.action, client, process_monitor);
+        continue;
+      }
+      auto result = HandleExtended(launcher_action, client);
+      if (!result.ok()) {
+        LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to handle suspend request.";
+        LOG(DEBUG) << result.error().Trace();
+      }
+      // extended operations for now are 1 time request-response exchanges.
+      // thus, we will close the client FD.
+      client->Close();
+    }
+  }
+Result<void> ServerLoopImpl::ResultSetup() {
+  auto launcher_monitor_path = instance_.launcher_monitor_socket_path();
+  server_ = SharedFD::SocketLocalServer(launcher_monitor_path.c_str(), false,
+                                        SOCK_STREAM, 0666);
+  CF_EXPECTF(server_->IsOpen(), "Error when opening launcher server: {}",
+             server_->StrError());
+  return {};
+void ServerLoopImpl::HandleActionWithNoData(const LauncherAction action,
+                                            const SharedFD& client,
+                                            ProcessMonitor& process_monitor) {
+  switch (action) {
+    case LauncherAction::kStop: {
+      auto stop = process_monitor.StopMonitoredProcesses();
+      if (stop.ok()) {
+        auto response = LauncherResponse::kSuccess;
+        client->Write(&response, sizeof(response));
+        std::exit(0);
+      } else {
+        LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to stop subprocesses:\n"
+                   << stop.error().Message();
+        LOG(DEBUG) << "Failed to stop subprocesses:\n" << stop.error().Trace();
+        auto response = LauncherResponse::kError;
+        client->Write(&response, sizeof(response));
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case LauncherAction::kStatus: {
+      // TODO(schuffelen): Return more information on a side channel
+      auto response = LauncherResponse::kSuccess;
+      client->Write(&response, sizeof(response));
+      break;
+    }
+    case LauncherAction::kPowerwash: {
+      LOG(INFO) << "Received a Powerwash request from the monitor socket";
+      const auto& disks = instance_.virtual_disk_paths();
+      auto overlay = instance_.PerInstancePath("overlay.img");
+      if (std::find(disks.begin(), disks.end(), overlay) == disks.end()) {
+        LOG(ERROR) << "Powerwash unsupported with --use_overlay=false";
+        auto response = LauncherResponse::kError;
+        client->Write(&response, sizeof(response));
+        break;
+      }
+      auto stop = process_monitor.StopMonitoredProcesses();
+      if (!stop.ok()) {
+        LOG(ERROR) << "Stopping processes failed:\n" << stop.error().Message();
+        LOG(DEBUG) << "Stopping processes failed:\n" << stop.error().Trace();
+        auto response = LauncherResponse::kError;
+        client->Write(&response, sizeof(response));
+        break;
+      }
+      if (!PowerwashFiles()) {
+        LOG(ERROR) << "Powerwashing files failed.";
+        auto response = LauncherResponse::kError;
+        client->Write(&response, sizeof(response));
+        break;
+      }
+      auto response = LauncherResponse::kSuccess;
+      client->Write(&response, sizeof(response));
+      RestartRunCvd(client->UNMANAGED_Dup());
+      // RestartRunCvd should not return, so something went wrong.
+      response = LauncherResponse::kError;
+      client->Write(&response, sizeof(response));
+      LOG(FATAL) << "run_cvd in a bad state";
+      break;
+    }
+    case LauncherAction::kRestart: {
+      auto stop = process_monitor.StopMonitoredProcesses();
+      if (!stop.ok()) {
+        LOG(ERROR) << "Stopping processes failed:\n" << stop.error().Message();
+        LOG(DEBUG) << "Stopping processes failed:\n" << stop.error().Trace();
+        auto response = LauncherResponse::kError;
+        client->Write(&response, sizeof(response));
+        break;
+      }
+      DeleteFifos();
+      auto response = LauncherResponse::kSuccess;
+      client->Write(&response, sizeof(response));
+      RestartRunCvd(client->UNMANAGED_Dup());
+      // RestartRunCvd should not return, so something went wrong.
+      response = LauncherResponse::kError;
+      client->Write(&response, sizeof(response));
+      LOG(FATAL) << "run_cvd in a bad state";
+      break;
+    }
+    default:
+      LOG(ERROR) << "Unrecognized launcher action: "
+                 << static_cast<char>(action);
+      auto response = LauncherResponse::kError;
+      client->Write(&response, sizeof(response));
+      break;
+  }
+void ServerLoopImpl::DeleteFifos() {
+  // TODO(schuffelen): Create these FIFOs in assemble_cvd instead of run_cvd.
+  std::vector<std::string> pipes = {
+      instance_.kernel_log_pipe_name(),
+      instance_.console_in_pipe_name(),
+      instance_.console_out_pipe_name(),
+      instance_.logcat_pipe_name(),
+      instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath(""),
+      instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath("keymaster_fifo_vm.out"),
+      instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath(""),
+      instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath("keymint_fifo_vm.out"),
+      instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath(""),
+      instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath("gatekeeper_fifo_vm.out"),
+      instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath(""),
+      instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath("oemlock_fifo_vm.out"),
+      instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath(""),
+      instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath("bt_fifo_vm.out"),
+      instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath(""),
+      instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath("uwb_fifo_vm.out"),
+      instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath(""),
+      instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath("gnsshvc_fifo_vm.out"),
+      instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath(""),
+      instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath("locationhvc_fifo_vm.out"),
+      instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath(""),
+      instance_.PerInstanceInternalPath("confui_fifo_vm.out"),
+  };
+  for (const auto& pipe : pipes) {
+    unlink(pipe.c_str());
+  }
+bool ServerLoopImpl::PowerwashFiles() {
+  DeleteFifos();
+  // TODO(b/269669405): Figure out why this file is not being deleted
+  unlink(instance_.PerInstanceInternalUdsPath("crosvm_control.sock").c_str());
+  // TODO(schuffelen): Clean up duplication with assemble_cvd
+  unlink(instance_.PerInstancePath("NVChip").c_str());
+  auto kregistry_path = instance_.access_kregistry_path();
+  unlink(kregistry_path.c_str());
+  CreateBlankImage(kregistry_path, 2 /* mb */, "none");
+  auto hwcomposer_pmem_path = instance_.hwcomposer_pmem_path();
+  unlink(hwcomposer_pmem_path.c_str());
+  CreateBlankImage(hwcomposer_pmem_path, 2 /* mb */, "none");
+  auto pstore_path = instance_.pstore_path();
+  unlink(pstore_path.c_str());
+  CreateBlankImage(pstore_path, 2 /* mb */, "none");
+  auto sdcard_path = instance_.sdcard_path();
+  auto sdcard_size = FileSize(sdcard_path);
+  unlink(sdcard_path.c_str());
+  // round up
+  auto sdcard_mb_size = (sdcard_size + (1 << 20) - 1) / (1 << 20);
+  LOG(DEBUG) << "Size in mb is " << sdcard_mb_size;
+  CreateBlankImage(sdcard_path, sdcard_mb_size, "sdcard");
+  struct OverlayFile {
+    std::string name;
+    std::string composite_disk_path;
+    OverlayFile(std::string name, std::string composite_disk_path)
+        : name(std::move(name)),
+          composite_disk_path(std::move(composite_disk_path)) {}
+  };
+  std::vector<OverlayFile> overlay_files{
+      OverlayFile("overlay.img", instance_.os_composite_disk_path())};
+  if (instance_.ap_boot_flow() !=
+      CuttlefishConfig::InstanceSpecific::APBootFlow::None) {
+    overlay_files.emplace_back(
+        OverlayFile("ap_overlay.img", instance_.ap_composite_disk_path()));
+  }
+  for (const auto& overlay_file : overlay_files) {
+    auto overlay_path = instance_.PerInstancePath(;
+    auto composite_disk_path = overlay_file.composite_disk_path.c_str();
+    unlink(overlay_path.c_str());
+    if (!CreateQcowOverlay(instance_.crosvm_binary(), composite_disk_path,
+                           overlay_path)) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "CreateQcowOverlay failed";
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+void ServerLoopImpl::RestartRunCvd(int notification_fd) {
+  auto config_path = config_.AssemblyPath("cuttlefish_config.json");
+  auto followup_stdin = SharedFD::MemfdCreate("pseudo_stdin");
+  WriteAll(followup_stdin, config_path + "\n");
+  followup_stdin->LSeek(0, SEEK_SET);
+  followup_stdin->UNMANAGED_Dup2(0);
+  auto argv_vec = gflags::GetArgvs();
+  std::unique_ptr<char*[]> argv(new char*[argv_vec.size() + 2]);
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < argv_vec.size(); i++) {
+    argv[i] = argv_vec[i].data();
+  }
+  // Will take precedence over any earlier arguments.
+  std::string reboot_notification =
+      "-reboot_notification_fd=" + std::to_string(notification_fd);
+  argv[argv_vec.size()] =;
+  argv[argv_vec.size() + 1] = nullptr;
+  execv("/proc/self/exe", argv.get());
+  // execve should not return, so something went wrong.
+  PLOG(ERROR) << "execv returned: ";
+}  // namespace run_cvd_impl
+}  // namespace cuttlefish
diff --git a/host/commands/run_cvd/server_loop_impl.h b/host/commands/run_cvd/server_loop_impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80770fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/host/commands/run_cvd/server_loop_impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include <vector>
+#include <fruit/fruit.h>
+#include "common/libs/fs/shared_fd.h"
+#include "common/libs/utils/result.h"
+#include "host/commands/run_cvd/process_monitor.h"
+#include "host/commands/run_cvd/runner_defs.h"
+#include "host/commands/run_cvd/server_loop.h"
+#include "host/libs/command_util/util.h"
+#include "host/libs/config/command_source.h"
+#include "host/libs/config/cuttlefish_config.h"
+#include "host/libs/config/feature.h"
+#include "host/libs/config/inject.h"
+namespace cuttlefish {
+namespace run_cvd_impl {
+class ServerLoopImpl : public ServerLoop,
+                       public SetupFeature,
+                       public LateInjected {
+ public:
+  INJECT(ServerLoopImpl(const CuttlefishConfig& config,
+                        const CuttlefishConfig::InstanceSpecific& instance));
+  Result<void> LateInject(fruit::Injector<>& injector) override;
+  // ServerLoop
+  Result<void> Run() override;
+  // SetupFeature
+  std::string Name() const override { return "ServerLoop"; }
+ private:
+  bool Enabled() const override { return true; }
+  std::unordered_set<SetupFeature*> Dependencies() const override { return {}; }
+  Result<void> ResultSetup() override;
+  Result<void> HandleExtended(const LauncherActionInfo& action_info,
+                              const SharedFD& client);
+  Result<void> HandleSuspend(const std::string& serialized_data,
+                             const SharedFD& client);
+  Result<void> HandleResume(const std::string& serialized_data,
+                            const SharedFD& client);
+  void HandleActionWithNoData(const LauncherAction action,
+                              const SharedFD& client,
+                              ProcessMonitor& process_monitor);
+  void DeleteFifos();
+  bool PowerwashFiles();
+  void RestartRunCvd(int notification_fd);
+  static bool CreateQcowOverlay(const std::string& crosvm_path,
+                                const std::string& backing_file,
+                                const std::string& output_overlay_path);
+  const CuttlefishConfig& config_;
+  const CuttlefishConfig::InstanceSpecific& instance_;
+  std::vector<CommandSource*> command_sources_;
+  SharedFD server_;
+}  // namespace run_cvd_impl
+}  // namespace cuttlefish
diff --git a/host/commands/run_cvd/server_loop_impl_snapshot.cpp b/host/commands/run_cvd/server_loop_impl_snapshot.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddd31d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/host/commands/run_cvd/server_loop_impl_snapshot.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "host/commands/run_cvd/server_loop_impl.h"
+#include "common/libs/fs/shared_fd.h"
+#include "common/libs/utils/result.h"
+#include "host/commands/run_cvd/runner_defs.h"
+#include "host/libs/command_util/util.h"
+#include "run_cvd.pb.h"
+namespace cuttlefish {
+namespace run_cvd_impl {
+Result<void> ServerLoopImpl::HandleExtended(
+    const LauncherActionInfo& action_info, const SharedFD& client) {
+  CF_EXPECT(action_info.action == LauncherAction::kExtended);
+  switch (action_info.type) {
+    case ExtendedActionType::kSuspend: {
+      CF_EXPECT(HandleSuspend(action_info.serialized_data, client));
+      return {};
+    }
+    case ExtendedActionType::kResume: {
+      CF_EXPECT(HandleResume(action_info.serialized_data, client));
+      return {};
+    }
+    default:
+      return CF_ERR("Unsupported ExtendedActionType");
+  }
+Result<void> ServerLoopImpl::HandleSuspend(const std::string& serialized_data,
+                                           const SharedFD& client) {
+  run_cvd::ExtendedLauncherAction extended_action;
+  CF_EXPECT(extended_action.ParseFromString(serialized_data),
+            "Failed to load ExtendedLauncherAction proto.");
+  CF_EXPECT_EQ(extended_action.actions_case(),
+               run_cvd::ExtendedLauncherAction::ActionsCase::kSuspend);
+  LOG(INFO) << "Suspend is requested but not yet implemented.";
+  auto response = LauncherResponse::kSuccess;
+  CF_EXPECT_EQ(client->Write(&response, sizeof(response)), sizeof(response),
+               "Failed to wrote the suspend response.");
+  return {};
+Result<void> ServerLoopImpl::HandleResume(const std::string& serialized_data,
+                                          const SharedFD& client) {
+  run_cvd::ExtendedLauncherAction extended_action;
+  CF_EXPECT(extended_action.ParseFromString(serialized_data),
+            "Failed to load ExtendedLauncherAction proto.");
+  CF_EXPECT_EQ(extended_action.actions_case(),
+               run_cvd::ExtendedLauncherAction::ActionsCase::kResume);
+  LOG(INFO) << "Resume is requested but not yet implemented.";
+  auto response = LauncherResponse::kSuccess;
+  CF_EXPECT_EQ(client->Write(&response, sizeof(response)), sizeof(response),
+               "Failed to wrote the suspend response.");
+  return {};
+}  // namespace run_cvd_impl
+}  // namespace cuttlefish