Fixes VNC server instantiation.

Now vnc servers actually connect to the proper shared memory window
associated with the current instance.

Bug: 77723593
Test: manually
Change-Id: I5e5886a95572b56bf843e7e0a4fe04d930f9853e
diff --git a/host/commands/launch/ b/host/commands/launch/
index eacd5da..e14d827 100644
--- a/host/commands/launch/
+++ b/host/commands/launch/
@@ -490,8 +490,13 @@
   if (FLAGS_start_vnc_server) {
     // Launch the vnc server, don't wait for it to complete
     auto port_options = "-port=" + std::to_string(FLAGS_vnc_server_port);
+    auto domain_options = "--domain=" + vsoc::GetDomain();
     const char* vnc_command[] = {FLAGS_vnc_server_binary.c_str(),
-                                 port_options.c_str(), NULL};
+                                 port_options.c_str(),
+                                 domain_options.c_str(),
+                                 NULL};
     subprocess(vnc_command, NULL, false);