blob: 7b7c402767c036a62f27c9eeea40f908228aa8a6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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// Google Compute Engine (GCE) Sensors HAL - Sensors HAL State
#include <api_level_fixes.h>
#include "MonotonicTime.h"
#include "sensors_hal.h"
namespace avd {
// Stores static information about a sensor.
// Must be completely compatible with sensor_t (i.e. no additional
// information or virtual functions)
// so we can cast a list of SensorInfo to a list of sensor_t.
class SensorInfo : public sensor_t {
// Dummy, empty set of sensor information (value-initialized).
SensorInfo() : sensor_t() {}
SensorInfo(const char* name, const char* vendor, int version, int handle,
int type, float max_range, float resolution, float power,
int32_t min_delay, uint32_t fifo_reserved_event_count,
uint32_t fifo_max_event_count, const char* string_type,
const char* required_permission, int32_t max_delay,
uint32_t reporting_mode);
friend SensorInfo AccelerometerSensor();
friend SensorInfo GyroscopeSensor();
friend SensorInfo LightSensor();
friend SensorInfo MagneticFieldSensor();
friend SensorInfo PressureSensor();
friend SensorInfo ProximitySensor();
friend SensorInfo AmbientTempSensor();
friend SensorInfo DeviceTempSensor();
friend SensorInfo RelativeHumiditySensor();
SensorInfo AccelerometerSensor();
SensorInfo GyroscopeSensor();
SensorInfo LightSensor();
SensorInfo MagneticFieldSensor();
SensorInfo PressureSensor();
SensorInfo ProximitySensor();
SensorInfo AmbientTempSensor();
SensorInfo DeviceTempSensor();
SensorInfo RelativeHumiditySensor();
// Stores the current state of a sensor.
class SensorState {
SensorState(SensorInfo info);
virtual ~SensorState() {}
// What this sensor is activated or not.
bool enabled_;
// Buffer of incoming events.
sensors_event_t event_;
// The deadline at which we should report the next sensor event
// to the framework in order to meet our frequency constraints.
// For disabled sensors, should be 'infinity'.
avd::time::MonotonicTimePoint deadline_;
// Delay time between consecutive sensor samples, in ns.
avd::time::Nanoseconds sampling_period_;
// Time 'infinity'.
static const avd::time::MonotonicTimePoint kInfinity;
namespace sensors_constants {
// TODO: Verify these numbers.
// Vendor of the hardware part.
const char kVendor[] = "Google";
// Version of the hardware part + driver. The value of this field
// must increase when the driver is updated in a way that
// changes the output of the sensor.
const int kVersion = GCE_SENSOR_DEVICE_VERSION;
// Number of events reserved for this sensor in batch mode FIFO.
// If it has its own FIFO, the size of that FIFO.
const uint32_t kFifoReservedEventCount = 15;
// Maximum events that can be batched. In a shared FIFO,
// the size of that FIFO.
const uint32_t kFifoMaxEventCount = 15;
// Permission required to use this sensor, or empty string
// if none required.
const char kRequiredPermission[] = "";
// Defined only for continuous mode and on-change sensors.
// Delay corresponding with lowest frequency supported.
const int32_t kMaxDelay = 5000000;
// Name of this sensor. Must be unique.
const char kAccelerometerName[] = "acceleration";
const char kGyroscopeName[] = "gyroscope";
const char kLightName[] = "light";
const char kMagneticFieldName[] = "magnetic_field";
const char kPressureName[] = "pressure";
const char kProximityName[] = "proximity";
const char kAmbientTempName[] = "ambient_temp";
const char kDeviceTempName[] = "device_temp";
const char kRelativeHumidityName[] = "relative_humidity";
// Handle that identifies the sensor. This is used as an array index,
// so must be unique in the range [0, # sensors)
const int kAccelerometerHandle = 0;
const int kGyroscopeHandle = 1;
const int kLightHandle = 2;
const int kMagneticFieldHandle = 3;
const int kPressureHandle = 4;
const int kProximityHandle = 5;
const int kAmbientTempHandle = 6;
const int kDeviceTempHandle = 7;
const int kRelativeHumidityHandle = 8;
// For continuous sensors, minimum sample period (in microseconds).
// On-Change (0), One-shot (-1), and special (0).
const int32_t kAccelerometerMinDelay = 4444;
const int32_t kGyroscopeMinDelay = 4444;
const int32_t kLightMinDelay = 0;
const int32_t kMagneticFieldMinDelay = 14285;
const int32_t kPressureMinDelay = 28571;
const int32_t kProximityMinDelay = 0;
const int32_t kAmbientTempMinDelay = 4444;
const int32_t kDeviceTempMinDelay = 4444;
const int32_t kRelativeHumidityMinDelay = 4444;
// Maximum range of this sensor's value in SI units.
const float kAccelerometerMaxRange = 39.226593f;
const float kGyroscopeMaxRange = 8.726639f;
const float kLightMaxRange = 10000.0f;
const float kMagneticFieldMaxRange = 4911.9995f;
const float kPressureMaxRange = 1100.0f;
const float kProximityMaxRange = 5.0f;
const float kAmbientTempMaxRange = 80.0f;
const float kDeviceTempMaxRange = 80.0f;
const float kRelativeHumidityMaxRange = 100;
// Smallest difference between two values reported by this sensor.
const float kAccelerometerResolution = 0.45f;
const float kGyroscopeResolution = 10.0f;
const float kLightResolution = 10.0f;
const float kMagneticFieldResolution = 1.0f;
const float kPressureResolution = 1.0f;
const float kProximityResolution = 1.0f;
const float kAmbientTempResolution = 1.0f;
const float kDeviceTempResolution = 1.0f;
const float kRelativeHumidityResolution = 1.0f;
// Rough estimate of this sensor's power consumption in mA.
const float kAccelerometerPower = 0.45f;
const float kGyroscopePower = 3.6f;
const float kLightPower = 0.175f;
const float kMagneticFieldPower = 5.0f;
const float kPressurePower = 0.004f;
const float kProximityPower = 12.675f;
const float kAmbientTempPower = 1.0f;
const float kDeviceTempPower = 1.0f;
const float kRelativeHumidityPower = 1.0f;
// Type of this sensor, represented as a string.
const char kAccelerometerStringType[] = SENSOR_STRING_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER;
const char kGyroscopeStringType[] = SENSOR_STRING_TYPE_GYROSCOPE;
const char kLightStringType[] = SENSOR_STRING_TYPE_LIGHT;
const char kMagneticFieldStringType[] = SENSOR_STRING_TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD;
const char kPressureStringType[] = SENSOR_STRING_TYPE_PRESSURE;
const char kProximityStringType[] = SENSOR_STRING_TYPE_PROXIMITY;
const char kAmbientTempStringType[] = SENSOR_STRING_TYPE_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE;
const char kDeviceTempStringType[] = SENSOR_STRING_TYPE_TEMPERATURE;
const char kRelativeHumidityStringType[] = SENSOR_STRING_TYPE_RELATIVE_HUMIDITY;
const char kAccelerometerStringType[] = "";
const char kGyroscopeStringType[] = "";
const char kLightStringType[] = "";
const char kMagneticFieldStringType[] = "";
const char kPressureStringType[] = "";
const char kProximityStringType[] = "";
const char kAmbientTempStringType[] = "";
const char kDeviceTempStringType[] = "";
const char kRelativeHumidityStringType[] = "";
const uint32_t kAccelerometerReportingMode = SENSOR_FLAG_CONTINUOUS_MODE;
const uint32_t kGyroscopeReportingMode = SENSOR_FLAG_CONTINUOUS_MODE;
const uint32_t kLightReportingMode = SENSOR_FLAG_ON_CHANGE_MODE;
const uint32_t kMagneticFieldReportingMode = SENSOR_FLAG_CONTINUOUS_MODE;
const uint32_t kPressureReportingMode = SENSOR_FLAG_CONTINUOUS_MODE;
const uint32_t kProximityReportingMode = SENSOR_FLAG_ON_CHANGE_MODE;
const uint32_t kAmbientTempReportingMode = SENSOR_FLAG_ON_CHANGE_MODE;
const uint32_t kDeviceTempReportingMode = SENSOR_FLAG_ON_CHANGE_MODE;
const uint32_t kRelativeHumidityReportingMode = SENSOR_FLAG_ON_CHANGE_MODE;
const uint32_t kAccelerometerReportingMode = 0;
const uint32_t kGyroscopeReportingMode = 0;
const uint32_t kLightReportingMode = 0;
const uint32_t kMagneticFieldReportingMode = 0;
const uint32_t kPressureReportingMode = 0;
const uint32_t kProximityReportingMode = 0;
const uint32_t kAmbientTempReportingMode = 0;
const uint32_t kDeviceTempReportingMode = 0;
const uint32_t kRelativeHumidityReportingMode = 0;
const bool kAccelerometerIsWakeup = false;
const bool kGyroscopeIsWakeup = false;
const bool kLightIsWakeup = false;
const bool kMagneticFieldIsWakeup = false;
const bool kPressureIsWakeup = false;
const bool kProximityIsWakeup = true;
const bool kAmbientTempIsWakeup = false;
const bool kDeviceTempIsWakeup = false;
const bool kRelativeHumidityIsWakeup = false;
} // namespace sensors_constants
} // namespace avd