Clean up project and zone handling

BUG: 129569857
Change-Id: I74419ff0e37c46d1cdb128f5b890ffbcd64e7e99
Test: Ran AOSP image build
(cherry picked from commit 2cc6a59f44da0f682186e18a17b58eef63e78f05)
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index abc2fd8..d8e583c 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -12,9 +12,14 @@
 DEFINE_string build_instance \
   "${USER}-build" "Instance name to create for the build" "i"
+DEFINE_string build_project "$(gcloud config get-value project)" \
+  "Project to use for scratch"
+DEFINE_string build_zone "$(gcloud config get-value compute/zone)" \
+  "Zone to use for scratch resources"
 DEFINE_string dest_image "vsoc-host-scratch-${USER}" "Image to create" "o"
 DEFINE_string dest_family "" "Image family to add the image to" "f"
-DEFINE_string dest_project "" "Project to use for the new image" "p"
+DEFINE_string dest_project "$(gcloud config get-value project)" \
+  "Project to use for the new image" "p"
 DEFINE_string launch_instance "" \
   "Name of the instance to launch with the new image" "l"
 DEFINE_string source_image_family debian-9 "Image familty to use as the base" \
@@ -29,6 +34,7 @@
 DEFINE_string variant master \
   "Variant to build: generally master or stable"
 wait_for_instance() {
@@ -55,11 +61,7 @@
 main() {
   set -o errexit
   set -x
-  if [[ -n "${FLAGS_dest_project}" ]]; then
-    dest_project_flag=("--project=${FLAGS_dest_project}")
-  else
-    dest_project_flag=()
-  fi
+  PZ=(--project=${FLAGS_build_project} --zone=${FLAGS_build_zone})
   if [[ -n "${FLAGS_dest_family}" ]]; then
@@ -83,51 +85,64 @@
   gcloud compute instances delete -q \
-    "${dest_project_flag[@]}" "${delete_instances[@]}" || \
+    "${PZ[@]}" "${delete_instances[@]}" || \
       echo Not running
   gcloud compute disks delete -q \
-    "${dest_project_flag[@]}" "${FLAGS_dest_image}" || echo No scratch disk
+    "${PZ[@]}" "${FLAGS_dest_image}" || echo No scratch disk
   gcloud compute images delete -q \
-    "${dest_project_flag[@]}" "${FLAGS_dest_image}" || echo Not respinning
+    --project="${FLAGS_build_project}" "${FLAGS_dest_image}" || echo Not respinning
   gcloud compute disks create \
-    "${dest_project_flag[@]}" \
+    "${PZ[@]}" \
     --image-family="${FLAGS_source_image_family}" \
     --image-project="${FLAGS_source_image_project}" \
   gcloud compute instances create \
-    "${dest_project_flag[@]}" \
+    "${PZ[@]}" \
     --machine-type=n1-standard-16 \
     --image-family="${FLAGS_source_image_family}" \
     --image-project="${FLAGS_source_image_project}" \
     --boot-disk-size=200GiB \
-  wait_for_instance "${dest_project_flag[@]}" "${FLAGS_build_instance}"
+  wait_for_instance "${PZ[@]}" "${FLAGS_build_instance}"
   # Ubuntu tends to mount the wrong disk as root, so help it by waiting until
   # it has booted before giving it access to the clean image disk
   gcloud compute instances attach-disk \
-      "${dest_project_flag[@]}" \
+      "${PZ[@]}" \
       "${FLAGS_build_instance}" --disk="${FLAGS_dest_image}"
   # beta for the --internal-ip flag that may be passed via SSH_FLAGS
-  gcloud beta compute scp "${SSH_FLAGS[@]}" "${dest_project_flag[@]}" \
+  gcloud beta compute scp "${SSH_FLAGS[@]}" "${PZ[@]}" \
     "${source_files[@]}" \
   gcloud compute ssh "${SSH_FLAGS[@]}" \
-    "${dest_project_flag[@]}" "${FLAGS_build_instance}" -- \
+    "${PZ[@]}" "${FLAGS_build_instance}" -- \
   gcloud compute instances delete -q \
-    "${dest_project_flag[@]}" "${FLAGS_build_instance}"
-  gcloud compute images create "${dest_project_flag[@]}" \
+    "${PZ[@]}" "${FLAGS_build_instance}"
+  gcloud compute images create \
+    --project="${FLAGS_build_project}" \
     --source-disk="${FLAGS_dest_image}" \
+    --source-disk-zone="${FLAGS_build_zone}" \
     --licenses= \
     "${dest_family_flag[@]}" \
-  gcloud compute disks delete -q "${dest_project_flag[@]}" \
+  gcloud compute disks delete -q "${PZ[@]}" \
   if [[ -n "${FLAGS_launch_instance}" ]]; then
-    gcloud compute instances create "${dest_project_flag[@]}" \
+    gcloud compute instances create "${PZ[@]}" \
+      --image-project="${FLAGS_build_project}" \
       --image="${FLAGS_dest_image}" \
       --machine-type=n1-standard-4 \
       --scopes storage-ro \
+  cat <<EOF
+    echo Test and if this looks good, consider releasing it via:
+    gcloud compute images create \
+      --project="${FLAGS_dest_project}" \
+      --source-image="${FLAGS_dest_image}" \
+      --source-image-project="${FLAGS_build_project}" \
+      "${dest_family_flag[@]}" \
+      "${FLAGS_dest_image}"