blob: b7069bbbcc1f5eebfdd5aee89879cdbb93194313 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <iostream>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <android-base/file.h>
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include "common/libs/utils/contains.h"
#include "common/libs/utils/subprocess.h"
#include "host/commands/cvd/client.h"
#include "host/commands/cvd/common_utils.h"
#include "host/commands/cvd/fetch/fetch_cvd.h"
#include "host/commands/cvd/flag.h"
#include "host/commands/cvd/frontline_parser.h"
#include "host/commands/cvd/handle_reset.h"
#include "host/commands/cvd/reset_client_utils.h"
#include "host/commands/cvd/run_server.h"
#include "host/commands/cvd/server_constants.h"
#include "host/libs/config/host_tools_version.h"
namespace cuttlefish {
namespace {
Result<FlagCollection> CvdFlags() {
FlagCollection cvd_flags;
cvd_flags.EnrollFlag(CvdFlag<bool>("clean", false));
cvd_flags.EnrollFlag(CvdFlag<bool>("help", false));
return cvd_flags;
Result<bool> FilterDriverHelpOptions(const FlagCollection& cvd_flags,
cvd_common::Args& cvd_args) {
auto help_flag = CF_EXPECT(cvd_flags.GetFlag("help"));
bool is_help = CF_EXPECT(help_flag.CalculateFlag<bool>(cvd_args));
return is_help;
Result<android::base::LogSeverity> FilterVerbosityOption(
const FlagCollection& cvd_flags, cvd_common::Args& cvd_args) {
auto verbosity_flag = CF_EXPECT(cvd_flags.GetFlag("verbosity"));
std::optional<std::string> min_verbosity =
if (!min_verbosity) {
return android::base::GetMinimumLogSeverity();
return CF_EXPECT(EncodeVerbosity(*min_verbosity));
cvd_common::Args AllArgs(const std::string& prog_path,
const cvd_common::Args& cvd_args,
const std::optional<std::string>& subcmd,
const cvd_common::Args& subcmd_args) {
std::vector<std::string> all_args;
all_args.insert(all_args.end(), cvd_args.begin(), cvd_args.end());
if (subcmd) {
all_args.insert(all_args.end(), subcmd_args.begin(), subcmd_args.end());
return all_args;
struct ClientCommandCheckResult {
bool was_client_command_;
cvd_common::Args new_all_args;
Result<ClientCommandCheckResult> HandleClientCommands(
CvdClient& client, const cvd_common::Args& all_args) {
ClientCommandCheckResult output;
std::vector<std::string> client_internal_commands{"kill-server",
"server-kill", "reset"};
FlagCollection cvd_flags = CF_EXPECT(CvdFlags());
FrontlineParser::ParserParam client_param{
.server_supported_subcmds = std::vector<std::string>{},
.internal_cmds = client_internal_commands,
.all_args = all_args,
.cvd_flags = cvd_flags};
auto client_parser_result = FrontlineParser::Parse(client_param);
if (!client_parser_result.ok()) {
return ClientCommandCheckResult{.was_client_command_ = false,
.new_all_args = all_args};
auto client_parser = std::move(*client_parser_result);
CF_EXPECT(client_parser != nullptr);
auto cvd_args = client_parser->CvdArgs();
auto is_help = CF_EXPECT(FilterDriverHelpOptions(cvd_flags, cvd_args));
const auto verbosity = CF_EXPECT(FilterVerbosityOption(cvd_flags, cvd_args));
output.new_all_args =
AllArgs(client_parser->ProgPath(), cvd_args, client_parser->SubCmd(),
output.was_client_command_ = (!is_help && client_parser->SubCmd());
if (!output.was_client_command_) {
// could be simply "cvd"
output.new_all_args = cvd_common::Args{"cvd", "help"};
return output;
// Special case for `cvd kill-server`, handled by directly
// stopping the cvd_server.
std::vector<std::string> kill_server_cmds{"kill-server", "server-kill"};
std::string subcmd = client_parser->SubCmd().value_or("");
if (Contains(kill_server_cmds, subcmd)) {
return output;
CF_EXPECT_EQ(subcmd, "reset", "unsupported subcmd: " << subcmd);
CF_EXPECT(HandleReset(client, client_parser->SubCmdArgs()));
return output;
enum class VersionCommandReport : std::uint32_t {
Result<VersionCommandReport> HandleVersionCommand(
CvdClient& client, const cvd_common::Args& all_args) {
std::vector<std::string> version_command{"version"};
FlagCollection cvd_flags = CF_EXPECT(CvdFlags());
FrontlineParser::ParserParam version_param{
.server_supported_subcmds = std::vector<std::string>{},
.internal_cmds = version_command,
.all_args = all_args,
.cvd_flags = cvd_flags};
auto version_parser_result = FrontlineParser::Parse(version_param);
if (!version_parser_result.ok()) {
return VersionCommandReport::kNonVersion;
auto version_parser = std::move(*version_parser_result);
CF_EXPECT(version_parser != nullptr);
const auto subcmd = version_parser->SubCmd().value_or("");
CF_EXPECT(subcmd == "version" || subcmd.empty(),
"subcmd is expected to be \"version\" or empty but is " << subcmd);
if (subcmd == "version") {
auto version_msg = CF_EXPECT(client.HandleVersion());
std::cout << version_msg;
return VersionCommandReport::kVersion;
return VersionCommandReport::kNonVersion;
* Terminates a cvd server listening on "cvd_server"
* So far, the server processes across users were listing on the "cvd_server"
* socket. And, so far, we had one user. Now, we have multiple users. Each
* server listens to cvd_server_<uid>. The thing is if there is a server process
* started out of an old executable it will be listening to "cvd_server," and
* thus we should kill the server process first.
Result<void> KillOldServer() {
CvdClient client_to_old_server(android::base::INFO, "cvd_server");
auto result = client_to_old_server.StopCvdServer(/*clear=*/true);
if (!result.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Old server listening on \"cvd_server\" socket "
<< "must be killed first but failed to terminate it.";
LOG(ERROR) << "Perhaps, try cvd reset -y";
CF_EXPECT(result.ok(), result.error().Trace());
return {};
Result<void> CvdMain(int argc, char** argv, char** envp) {
android::base::InitLogging(argv, android::base::StderrLogger);
cvd_common::Args all_args = ArgsToVec(argc, argv);
auto env = EnvpToMap(envp);
if (android::base::Basename(all_args[0]) == "fetch_cvd") {
CF_EXPECT(FetchCvdMain(argc, argv));
return {};
CvdClient client(android::base::INFO);
// TODO(b/206893146): Make this decision inside the server.
if (android::base::Basename(all_args[0]) == "acloud") {
return client.HandleAcloud(all_args, env);
if (IsServerModeExpected(all_args[0])) {
auto parsed = CF_EXPECT(ParseIfServer(all_args));
return RunServer(
{.internal_server_fd = parsed.internal_server_fd,
.carryover_client_fd = parsed.carryover_client_fd,
.memory_carryover_fd = parsed.memory_carryover_fd,
.carryover_stderr_fd = parsed.carryover_stderr_fd,
.verbosity_level = parsed.verbosity_level,
.acloud_translator_optout = parsed.acloud_translator_optout});
CF_EXPECT_EQ(android::base::Basename(all_args[0]), "cvd");
// TODO(kwstephenkim): --help should be handled here.
// And, the FrontlineParser takes any positional argument as
// a valid subcommand.
auto [was_client_command, new_all_args] =
CF_EXPECT(HandleClientCommands(client, all_args));
if (was_client_command) {
return {};
* For now, the parser needs a running server. The parser will
* be moved to the server side, and then it won't.
"Unable to ensure cvd_server is running.");
auto version_command_handle_report =
CF_EXPECT(HandleVersionCommand(client, new_all_args));
if (version_command_handle_report == VersionCommandReport::kVersion) {
return {};
const cvd_common::Args new_cmd_args{"cvd", "process"};
const cvd_common::Args new_selector_args{new_all_args.begin(),
// TODO(schuffelen): Deduplicate when calls to setenv are removed.
CF_EXPECT(client.HandleCommand(new_cmd_args, env, new_selector_args));
return {};
} // namespace
} // namespace cuttlefish
int main(int argc, char** argv, char** envp) {
auto result = cuttlefish::CvdMain(argc, argv, envp);
if (result.ok()) {
return 0;
} else {
std::cerr << result.error().Trace() << std::endl;
return -1;