blob: 54cf159ec5736da741b0c4a26454241499817b85 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <GceFrameBuffer.h>
#include <vector>
#include <array>
#include <utility>
#include <cstdint>
#undef D
#define D(...) ALOGD(__VA_ARGS__)
#define D(...) ((void)0)
namespace avd {
namespace vnc {
// TODO(haining) when the hwcomposer gives a sequence number type, use that
// instead. It might just work to replace this class with a type alias
// using StripeSeqNumber = whatever_the_hwcomposer_uses;
class StripeSeqNumber {
StripeSeqNumber() = default;
explicit StripeSeqNumber(std::uint64_t t) : t_{t} {}
bool operator<(const StripeSeqNumber& other) const {
return t_ < other.t_;
bool operator<=(const StripeSeqNumber& other) const {
return t_ <= other.t_;
std::uint64_t t_{};
using Message = std::vector<std::uint8_t>;
constexpr int32_t kJpegMaxQualityEncoding = -23;
constexpr int32_t kJpegMinQualityEncoding = -32;
enum class ScreenOrientation { Portrait, Landscape };
constexpr int kNumOrientations = 2;
struct Stripe {
int index = -1;
std::uint64_t frame_id{};
std::uint16_t x{};
std::uint16_t y{};
std::uint16_t width{};
std::uint16_t height{};
Message raw_data{};
Message jpeg_data{};
StripeSeqNumber seq_number{};
ScreenOrientation orientation{};
inline constexpr int BytesPerPixel() {
return sizeof(GceFrameBuffer::Pixel);
// The width of the screen regardless of orientation. Does not change.
inline int ActualScreenWidth() {
return GceFrameBuffer::getInstance().x_res();
// The height of the screen regardless of orientation. Does not change.
inline int ActualScreenHeight() {
return GceFrameBuffer::getInstance().y_res();
inline int ScreenSizeInBytes() {
return ActualScreenWidth() * ActualScreenHeight() * BytesPerPixel();
} // namespace vnc
} // namespace avd