blob: cf02282f54d88daa45b114f8ea8d6c8fa75215d3 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Fetch and Deploy Cuttlefish images to specified GCE instance.
from cmdexec import Target
class ConfigAction(object):
"""This class configures remote instance.
def __init__(self):
def configure(parser):
"""Set up command line argument parser."""
parser.add_argument('-i', '--instance', type=str, required=True,
help='IP address of GCE instance.')
parser.add_argument('--instance_folder', type=str, required=False,
help='Folder on the remote machine where images should be deployed.')
def execute(self, args):
"""Configure remote instance."""
ssh_tgt = Target.for_remote_host(args.instance)
# Configure current user to allow them to use libvirt.
ssh_tgt.execute('sudo usermod -a -G libvirt ${USER}')
ssh_tgt.execute_no_wait('newgrp libvirt')
# Give user and libvirt access rights to specified folder.
# Remote directory appears as 'no access rights' except for included
# users.
ssh_tgt.execute('sudo mkdir -p %s' % args.instance_folder)
ssh_tgt.execute('sudo chmod ugo= %s' % args.instance_folder)
ssh_tgt.execute('sudo setfacl -m g:libvirt:rwx %s' % args.instance_folder)
ssh_tgt.execute('sudo setfacl -m u:libvirt-qemu:rwx %s' % args.instance_folder)
# Configure libvirt to allow qemu to connect to our sockets.
ssh_tgt.execute('sudo sed -i\'\' \''
's/[#\\s]*security_driver = ".*"\\s*$/security_driver = "none"/g'
'\' /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf')
# Disallow libvirt from altering file permissions.
ssh_tgt.execute('sudo sed -i\'\' \''
's/[#\\s]*dynamic_ownership = .*\\s*$/dynamic_ownership = 0/g'
'\' /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf')
ssh_tgt.execute('sudo service libvirtd restart')
ssh_tgt.execute('virsh net-create /usr/share/cuttlefish-common/network-abr0.xml')